Exemple #1
def check_CP():
    data = loadCP()
    if data['hesh'] == '1':
        H = SHA.sha256(data['message'])
    elif data['hesh'] == '2':
        H = SHA.sha512(data['message'])
    elif data['hesh'] == '3':
        H = stibog.Main(data['message'], 256)
    elif data['hesh'] == '4':
        H = stibog.Main(data['message'], 512)
    R_test = (int(
        fun.obrat(pow(data['U'] * data['L'], data['L'], data['p']), data['p']))
              * pow(data['a'], data['S'], data['p'])) % data['p']
    kon = data['message'] + str(R_test) + str(data['U'])
    if data['hesh'] == '1':
        E_test = SHA.sha256(kon)
    elif data['hesh'] == '2':
        E_test = SHA.sha512(kon)
    elif data['hesh'] == '3':
        E_test = Stibog.Main(kon, 256)
    elif data['hesh'] == '4':
        E_test = Stibog.Main(kon, 512)

    if data['E'] == E_test:
Exemple #2
def FBI_OPEN_UP():
    cp_list = []
    with open("ЦП.txt", "r") as prifile:
        gamma, delta = (prifile.read().split())
    with open("Cp_Document.txt", "r") as pubfile:
        cp_list = pubfile.read().split('\n')
    hm = cp_list[1]
    alpha, beta, p = cp_list[3].split()
    mes = cp_list[13]
    alpha, beta, p, gamma, delta = int(alpha), int(beta), int(p), int(
        gamma), int(delta)
    if PKCS_7[1] == hm:
        hesh = int(SHA.sha256(mes), base=16)
    elif PKCS_7[1] == hm:
        hesh = int(SHA.sha512(mes), base=16)
    elif PKCS_7[1] == hm:
        hesh = int(STR.Stribog(mes, 256), base=16)
    elif PKCS_7[1] == hm:
        hesh = int(STR.Stribog(mes, 512), base=16)
        pow(beta, gamma, p) * pow(gamma, delta, p) % p, '==',
        pow(alpha, hesh, p))
    if pow(beta, gamma, p) * pow(gamma, delta, p) % p == pow(alpha, hesh, p):
Exemple #3
def hesh_message(message: str, type_hesh: int):
    if type_hesh == 1:
        H = SHA.sha256(message)
    elif type_hesh == 2:
        H = SHA.sha512(message)
    elif type_hesh == 3:
        H = Stribog.Stribog(message, 256)
    elif type_hesh == 4:
        H = Stribog.Stribog(message, 512)
        H = '0'
    return H
Exemple #4
def hesh_choose(message, type):
    if type == '1':
        H = SHA.sha256(message)
        return H
    elif type == '2':
        H = SHA.sha512(message)
        return H
    elif type == '3':
        H = Stibog.Main(message, 256)
        return H
    elif type == '4':
        H = Stibog.Main(message, 512)
        return H
        return 0
Exemple #5
def LEAD_3(p, q, a, R_l: list, M, U, type):
    T = random.randint(2, q - 1)
    R_lead = pow(a, T, p)
    R = 1
    for i in range(len(R_l)):
        R = R * R_l[i]
    R = R_lead * (R % p)
    E = M + str(R) + str(U)
    if type == '1':
        E = SHA.sha256(E)
        return E, T  # Лидер отправляет каждому пользователю E, лидер T не передаёт, но тут передаёт
    elif type == '2':
        E = SHA.sha512(E)
        return E, T
    elif type == '3':
        E = Stibog.Main(E, 256)
        return E, T
    elif type == '4':
        E = Stibog.Main(E, 512)
        return E, T
Exemple #6
def FBI_OPEN_UP():
    flag = True
    PKCS_7 = ""
    sor = ""
    while flag:
        task = input("Pleas enter file with cp with .txt\n>> ")
            with open(task, "r") as cp_file:
                PKCS_7 = cp_file.read().split("\n")
            with open("ЦП.txt", "r") as cp_file:
                sor = cp_file.read()
                flag = False
        except FileNotFoundError:
            print("cant find file, please try new name write\n")
    mes = PKCS_7[13]
    s = int(PKCS_7[10], 16)
    e = PKCS_7[3].split()
    n = e[1]
    e = e[0]
    if PKCS_7[1] == "SHA256":
        hm = SHA.sha256(mes)
    elif PKCS_7[1] == "SHA512":
        hm = SHA.sha512(mes)
    elif PKCS_7[1] == "STR256":
        hm = STR.Stribog(mes, 256)
    elif PKCS_7[1] == "STR512":
        hm = STR.Stribog(mes, 512)
    hmshtrix = pow(s, int(e), int(n))
    print("\nResult - " + "None\n" + "Algorithm hash - " + PKCS_7[2] +
          "\nAlgoritm CP - " + PKCS_7[9] + "\nAuthor - " + PKCS_7[6] +
          "\nTime create CP - " + PKCS_7[11] + "\n")
    print("ЦП = " + str(sor))
    print("Cp_s = " + str(s))
    # print("NC = "+str(hex(int(hmshtrix))))
    print("NC = " + str(int(hmshtrix)))
Exemple #7
         with open("publick.txt", "r") as pub_k:
             Bi = pub_k.read().split("\n")
             n = Bi[1]
             Bi = Bi[0].split()
             PKCS_7[3] = str(n)
     except FileNotFoundError:
         print("Need generate keys. Please, do it and try later\n")
     print("\nstart cp\priv")
     cp = Cp(Bi,n,Ai,mes)
     PKCS_7[6] = input("Enter you Name and Fname pleas ( Name Fname)\n>> ")
     SignVal = hex(int(cp))
     PKCS_7[10] = SignVal[2:]
     PKCS_7[11] = date.today()
     if PKCS_7[1] == "SHA256":
         PKCS_7[12] = SHA.sha256(mes + cp)
     elif PKCS_7[1] == "SHA512":
         PKCS_7[12] = SHA.sha512(mes + cp)
     elif PKCS_7[1] == "STR256":
         PKCS_7[12] = STR.Stribog(mes + cp, 256)
     elif PKCS_7[1] == "STR512":
         PKCS_7[12] = STR.Stribog(mes + cp, 512)
     with open("Cp_Document.txt", "w") as doc:
         for i in PKCS_7:
             stri = ""
             stri = stri + str(i) + "\n"
 elif point == "4":
 elif point == "5":