Exemple #1
## Initialize
OMopt = np.zeros((len(PE), len(N)))  # optimal omega array
P = np.zeros((len(PE), 2))  # fitting poly. coeff. for OMopt
Ni = np.round(np.logspace(1, 4, 100))  # cell-number vector for tendency curves
TC = np.zeros((len(PE), len(Ni)))  # tendency curves for OMopt-results

## Compute optimal omega_SOR for coarse grids
for i in range(0, len(PE)):
    for j in range(0, len(N)):
        n = N[j]

        # sparse system matrix
        A, _ = FVConvDiff2D.preprocess(n, L, PE[i], problem, FVSCHEME[i])

        # obtain iteration matrix for Jacobi method
        _, _, _, _, G = SIMPy.solve(A, np.ones(n**2), "jacobi", 1, 0, 1,
                                    np.ones(n**2), True)

        evals_large, _ = eigs(G, 6, which='LM')  # 6 largest eigenvalues
        srGJ = np.max(evals_large)  # magnitude of largest is spectral radius
        OMopt[i, j] = 2. / (1 + np.sqrt(1 - srGJ**2))  # theoretical optimal

## Fit omega_opt(n) = c1/(1+c2*sin(pi/n)) using weighted-least-squares polyfit
Ne = np.hstack([N, Nasymp])  # add large number of cells to N
# add corresponding ~2 to OMopt
OMopte = np.hstack([OMopt, Oasymp * np.ones((len(PE), 1))])
w = Ne  # weight factors for polyfit

legendStrArray = []  # empty array of strings for the plot legend
for i in range(0, len(PE)):
    fitX = -OMopte[i, :] * np.sin(np.pi / Ne)  # "x" in linear relation
    fitY = OMopte[i, :]  # "y" in linear relation
Exemple #2
OMopt = np.zeros((len(PE), len(N)))  # optimal omega array
P = np.zeros((len(PE), 2))  # fitting poly. coeff. for OMopt
Ni = np.round(np.logspace(1, 4, 100))  # cell-number vector for tendency curves
TC = np.zeros((len(PE), len(Ni)))  # tendency curves for OMopt-results

## Compute optimal omega_SOR for coarse grids
for i in range(0, len(PE)):
    for j in range(0, len(N)):
        n = N[j]

        # sparse system matrix
        A, _ = FVConvDiff2D.preprocess(n, L, PE[i], problem, FVSCHEME[i])
        # obtain iteration matrix for Jacobi method
        _, _, _, _, G = SIMPy.solve(
            A, np.ones(n**2), "jacobi",
            1, 0, 1, np.ones(n**2), True)

        evals_large, _ = eigs(G, 6, which='LM')  # 6 largest eigenvalues
        srGJ = np.max(evals_large)  # magnitude of largest is spectral radius
        OMopt[i, j] = 2. / (1 + np.sqrt(1 - srGJ**2))  # theoretical optimal

## Fit omega_opt(n) = c1/(1+c2*sin(pi/n)) using weighted-least-squares polyfit
Ne = np.hstack([N, Nasymp])  # add large number of cells to N
# add corresponding ~2 to OMopt
OMopte = np.hstack([OMopt, Oasymp*np.ones((len(PE), 1))])
w = Ne  # weight factors for polyfit

legendStrArray = []  # empty array of strings for the plot legend
for i in range(0, len(PE)):
    fitX = -OMopte[i, :] * np.sin(np.pi / Ne)  # "x" in linear relation
Exemple #3
tol = 1e-4  # tolerance for solution
imax = 1000  # max number of iterations
method = "SOR"  # SIM method
omega = 1.2  # factor for SOR
x = np.zeros(N)  # starting guess for solution
z = np.linspace(0, 1, N)  # generate grid

# Assemble tri-diagonal system matrix for CDS operator
data = np.zeros((3, N))
data[0, 0:N-1] = 1  # super diagonal
data[1, :] = -2  # diagonal
data[2, 1:N] = 1  # sub diagonal
offsets = np.array([-1, 0, 1])
A = sp.spdiags(data, offsets, N, N, format="csc")

# Assemble source vector
b = np.zeros(N)
b[1:N] = -8/(N-1) ^ 2

u1 = spsolve(A, b)  # direct solution
u2, _, iter, _, G = SIMPy.solve(A, b,
            "sor", 500, 1e-4, 1, np.ones(N), False)  # iterative solution

## Plotting
plt.plot(u1, z, '--o', linewidth=2, label="direct solution")
plt.plot(u2, z, '--o', linewidth=2, label="iterative solution")

Exemple #4
imax = 1000  # max number of iterations
method = "SOR"  # SIM method
omega = 1.2  # factor for SOR
x = np.zeros(N)  # starting guess for solution
z = np.linspace(0, 1, N)  # generate grid

# Assemble tri-diagonal system matrix for CDS operator
data = np.zeros((3, N))
data[0, 0:N - 1] = 1  # super diagonal
data[1, :] = -2  # diagonal
data[2, 1:N] = 1  # sub diagonal
offsets = np.array([-1, 0, 1])
A = sp.spdiags(data, offsets, N, N, format="csc")

# Assemble source vector
b = np.zeros(N)
b[1:N] = -8 / (N - 1) ^ 2

u1 = spsolve(A, b)  # direct solution
u2, _, iter, _, G = SIMPy.solve(A, b, "sor", 500, 1e-4, 1, np.ones(N),
                                False)  # iterative solution

## Plotting
plt.plot(u1, z, '--o', linewidth=2, label="direct solution")
plt.plot(u2, z, '--o', linewidth=2, label="iterative solution")
