def writeToFile(self, outfile): """write svg image to file. """ self.finalizePlot() self.mRoot = SVGdraw.drawing() self.mDraw = SVGdraw.svg( (0, 0, self.mPageWidth, self.mPageHeight ) , "100%", "100%" ) kk = self.mElements.keys() kk.sort() kk.reverse() for k in kk: for e in self.mElements[k]: self.mDraw.addElement( e ) self.mRoot.setSVG(self.mDraw) tfile = tempfile.mktemp() self.mRoot.toXml( tfile ) lines = open(tfile,"r").readlines() outfile.write(string.join(lines,"")) outfile.write("\n") os.remove(tfile)
def errorsvg(msg): s=SVGdraw.svg(width='5cm', height='1cm') s.addElement(SVGdraw.text(0,0,msg)) d=SVGdraw.drawing() d.svg=s print d.toXml() return s
def errorsvg(msg): s = SVGdraw.svg(width='5cm', height='1cm') s.addElement(SVGdraw.text(0, 0, msg)) d = SVGdraw.drawing() d.svg = s print d.toXml() return s
def writeToFile(self, outfile): """write svg image to file. """ self.finalizePlot() kk = self.mElements.keys() kk.sort() kk.reverse() ## make sure the image size is ok min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = 0, 0, 0, 0 for k in kk: for e in self.mElements[k]: for x in ('x', 'x2', 'x1'): if x in e.attributes: v = e.attributes[x] min_x = min(min_x, v ) max_x = max(max_x, v ) for y in ('y', 'y2', 'y1'): if y in e.attributes: v = e.attributes[y] min_y = min(min_y, v ) max_y = max(max_y, v ) min_x, min_y = int(math.floor(min_x)), int(math.floor(min_y)) max_x, max_y = int(math.floor(max_x)), int(math.floor(max_y)) for k in kk: for e in self.mElements[k]: for x in ('x', 'x2', 'x1'): if x in e.attributes: e.attributes[x] -= min_x for x in ('y', 'y2', 'y1'): if y in e.attributes: e.attributes[y] -= min_y ## now add all the elements self.mRoot = SVGdraw.drawing() self.mDraw = SVGdraw.svg( (0, 0, self.mPageWidth - min_x, self.mPageHeight - min_y ) , "100%", "100%" ) for k in kk: for e in self.mElements[k]: self.mDraw.addElement( e ) self.mRoot.setSVG(self.mDraw) tfile = tempfile.mktemp() self.mRoot.toXml( tfile ) lines = open(tfile,"r").readlines() outfile.write(string.join(lines,"")) outfile.write("\n") os.remove(tfile)
def save(self, filename=None): document = SVGdraw.drawing() width = str(self.width) + self.units height = str(self.height) + self.units canvas = SVGdraw.svg(None, width, height) self.makeGrid(canvas) document.setSVG(canvas) if filename: document.toXml(filename) else: return document.toXml()
def save(self, filename=None): document = SVGdraw.drawing() width = str(self.width) + self.units height = str(self.height) + self.units canvas = SVGdraw.svg(None, width, height) canvas.addElement(SVGdraw.description(self.description)) self.makeGrid(canvas) document.setSVG(canvas) if filename: document.toXml(filename) else: return document.toXml()
def plot(self, filename, segments, workspace, samples): nlines = 2 + len(samples) height = nlines * self.linewidth * self.linespace width = workspace.max() print(height, width) root = SVGdraw.drawing() canvas = SVGdraw.svg((0, 0, width, heigh), "100%", "100%") root.setSVG(canvas) root.toXml(filename)
def plot(self, filename, segments, workspace, samples ): nlines = 2 + len(samples) height = nlines * self.linewidth * self.linespace width = workspace.max() print height, width root = SVGdraw.drawing() canvas = SVGdraw.svg( (0, 0, width, heigh), "100%", "100%") root.setSVG( canvas ) root.toXml( filename )
def toSVG(self): #modification du maximum en X : depend du nombre d'element global XMAX XMAX = len(self.infos)*(BAR_THICKNESS+SPACE) # creation du document doc=SVGdraw.drawing() svg=SVGdraw.svg(None, '100%','100%') # creation des patterns pour les axes et la grille axeX = SVGdraw.pattern(id="axeX",width="20",height="10",patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse") axeX.addElement(SVGdraw.path("M 0 0, L 0 10","none","black","0.25")) axeX.addElement(SVGdraw.path("M 10 10, V 5","none","lightgray","0.25")) axeY = SVGdraw.pattern(id="axeY",width="10",height="20",patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse") axeY.addElement(SVGdraw.path("M 0 0, L 10 0","none","black","0.25")) axeY.addElement(SVGdraw.path("M 5 10, L 10 10","none","lightgray","0.25")) grid = SVGdraw.pattern(id="grid",width="10",height="10",patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse") grid.addElement(SVGdraw.path("M 0 0, L 10 0, L 10 10,L 0 10, L 0 0","none","lightgray","0.25")) defs=SVGdraw.defs() defs.addElement(axeX) defs.addElement(axeY) defs.addElement(grid) svg.addElement(defs)"translate(130,130) scale(1,-1)") # dessin de la grille de fond group.addElement(SVGdraw.rect(0,0,XMAX,YMAX,"url(#grid)","lightgray","0.25")) # dessin des axes group.addElement(SVGdraw.rect(0,-10,XMAX,10,"url(#axeX)")) group.addElement(SVGdraw.rect(-10,0,10,YMAX,"url(#axeY)")) group.addElement(SVGdraw.line(0,0,XMAX,0,"black",1)) group.addElement(SVGdraw.line(0,0,0,YMAX,"black",1)) # dessin des fleches des axes group.addElement(SVGdraw.polygon([[-3,YMAX],[3,YMAX],[0,YMAX+10]], "black","white")) group.addElement(SVGdraw.polygon([[XMAX,-3],[XMAX,3],[XMAX+10,0]], "black","white"))"scale(1,-1)") # graduations for y in range(0,YMAX+STEP,STEP): textgroup.addElement(SVGdraw.text(-STEP,y, str(y), 8, text_anchor="middle", transform="translate(0,%d)"%(-y*2))) textgroup.addElement(SVGdraw.text(0,YMAX+SPACE, r"%", 8, transform="translate(0,%d)"%(-(YMAX+SPACE)*2))) # ajout de la legende principale legendText = "Repertoire %s - taille %.02f ko"%(self.rootName,float(self.totalSize/1024.0)) textgroup.addElement(SVGdraw.text(XMAX,YMAX+3*SPACE, legendText,12, "verdana", text_anchor="end", fill="darkblue",transform="translate(0,%d)"%(-(YMAX+3*SPACE)*2))) group.addElement(textgroup) # tri des elements selon la taille occupee self.infos.sort(self.tupleCmp) xincr=0 #self.infos for (name,size) in self.infos: # calcul du pourcentage de place occupe pourcent = (100.0*float(size))/float(self.totalSize) height=int(pourcent*YMAX/100); # insertion du texte de l'emplacement sur le disque et de la taille occupee en Ko legendText = "%s (%### ###.02f ko)"%(name,float(size/1024.0)) legend = SVGdraw.text(xincr+BAR_THICKNESS/2, -10,legendText,8,"verdana",text_anchor="begin",fill="blue") legend.attributes["transform"]="scale(1,-1) translate(0,20) rotate(45,%d,-10)"%(xincr+BAR_THICKNESS/2) group.addElement(legend) #insertion de la barre representant le pourcentage group.addElement(SVGdraw.rect(xincr,0,BAR_THICKNESS, height,"green","black",opacity=0.5)) #insertion de la taille en pourcentage a gauche de la barre pourcentText=SVGdraw.text(xincr+BAR_THICKNESS/2, height+SPACE,"%02.01f%% "%pourcent,6, "arial", text_anchor="middle", fill="black") pourcentText.attributes["transform"]="scale(1,-1) translate(0,-%d)"%((height+SPACE)*2) group.addElement(pourcentText) # augmentation du l'abscisse en X xincr = xincr+BAR_THICKNESS+SPACE svg.addElement(group) doc.setSVG(svg) doc.toXml(self.svgURL)
def save(self, filename): """Save the revision tree in a file""" d = SVG.drawing() d.setSVG(self._svg) d.toXml(filename)
def format(self): d = SVGdraw.drawing() d.setSVG( return d.toXml()
def out2file(knot, filename, *args, **kwargs): f = open(filename, "w") d = SVGdraw.drawing() d.svg = knot.svgout(*args, **kwargs) f.write(d.toXml()) f.close
if opts.has_key("-r") or opts.has_key("--radius"): rad = float(opts.get("-r") or opts["--radius"]) if opts.has_key("--circle-scale"): circscale = float(opts['--circle-scale']) else: rad = None if opts.has_key("-k") or opts.has_key("--knot-only"): # Don't output the svg, just the knot. print str(k) exit(0) s = k.svgout( crossings=not (opts.has_key('-n') or opts.has_key('--nocrossings')), coloriter=citer, circradius=rad, circscale=circscale) d = SVGdraw.drawing() d.svg = s print d.toXml() # An irregular one I found experimenting: # [(1,1),(2,4),(3,1),(4,16),(5,1),(6,10),(6,4),(7,1),(9,9),(9,1),(10,4),(11,1),(13,9),(13,1),(15,1),(16,8),(17,1),(19,1),(21,11),(21,7),(21,1),(22,4),(23,1),(25,1),(26,4),(27,1),(28,16),(28,12),(29,1),(30,6),(30,4),(31,1)] # (16 wide, but make sure it's tall enough!) # An interesting conundrum: # [(0,2),(0,0),(4,2),(4,0),(5,17),(5,13),(5,9),(5,5),(8,2),(8,0),(11,17),(11,13),(11,9),(11,5),(12,2),(12,0)] # Irregular bottom. Length of bottom != wrap zone (I think). Says it's # not tyable, but is it? If I set the xmodulus to 16 by hand, it's fine; # generates an SVG and all, tyable in 4 strands. But as it is, the program # sets the xmodulus to 14. # XXXXX But its svg file looks like it has bad crossings!
def out2file(knot, filename, *args, **kwargs): f=open(filename,"w") d=SVGdraw.drawing() d.svg=knot.svgout(*args,**kwargs) f.write(d.toXml()) f.close
citer=citergen() circscale=1 if opts.has_key("-r") or opts.has_key("--radius"): rad=float(opts.get("-r") or opts["--radius"]) if opts.has_key("--circle-scale"): circscale=float(opts['--circle-scale']) else: rad=None if opts.has_key("-k") or opts.has_key("--knot-only"): # Don't output the svg, just the knot. print str(k) exit(0) s=k.svgout(crossings=not (opts.has_key('-n') or opts.has_key('--nocrossings')), coloriter=citer,circradius=rad,circscale=circscale) d=SVGdraw.drawing() d.svg=s print d.toXml() # An irregular one I found experimenting: # [(1,1),(2,4),(3,1),(4,16),(5,1),(6,10),(6,4),(7,1),(9,9),(9,1),(10,4),(11,1),(13,9),(13,1),(15,1),(16,8),(17,1),(19,1),(21,11),(21,7),(21,1),(22,4),(23,1),(25,1),(26,4),(27,1),(28,16),(28,12),(29,1),(30,6),(30,4),(31,1)] # (16 wide, but make sure it's tall enough!) # An interesting conundrum: # [(0,2),(0,0),(4,2),(4,0),(5,17),(5,13),(5,9),(5,5),(8,2),(8,0),(11,17),(11,13),(11,9),(11,5),(12,2),(12,0)] # Irregular bottom. Length of bottom != wrap zone (I think). Says it's # not tyable, but is it? If I set the xmodulus to 16 by hand, it's fine; # generates an SVG and all, tyable in 4 strands. But as it is, the program # sets the xmodulus to 14. # XXXXX But its svg file looks like it has bad crossings!