Exemple #1
def create_snake():
    segments = [
        Segment(SEG_SIZE, SEG_SIZE),
        Segment(SEG_SIZE * 2, SEG_SIZE),
        Segment(SEG_SIZE * 3, SEG_SIZE)
    return Snake(segments)
    def get_form(self):
        from random import randint
        #simulated morphological alternations
        #chance of a feature being "left off" due to context/use (inflectional/derivational)
        #morphable_features = ["stop", "voiced", "fricative", "spread"]
        onset = self.onset
        nuc = self.nucleus
        coda = self.coda

        morph_chance = 75  # 75% chance for each feature to be included

        ofl = [
            f for f in onset.features
            if ((randint(0, 99) < morph_chance) or f is "null")
        cfl = [
            f for f in coda.features
            if ((randint(0, 99) < morph_chance) or f is "null")
        onset_cc = Segment.Segment(onset.name, ofl, onset.symbol)
        coda_cc = Segment.Segment(coda.name, cfl, coda.symbol)

        form = Word(onset_cc, nuc, coda_cc, self.percept, self.noise)

        return form
def SegmentImage(image, filledImage, contours):
    #Create a list for all the segments found in the image
    segments = list()
    #Create a collective image that has all segments
    imagecollective = np.zeros((image.shape[0], image.shape[1]))
    imagecollective[:, :] = 0.5
    #Segment every contour
    for contour in contours:
        #Create new segment
        segment = Segment()
        #Get aspect ratio
        segment.BoundingBox = BoundingBox(np.min(contour[:, 1]),
                                          np.max(contour[:, 1]),
                                          np.min(contour[:, 0]),
                                          np.max(contour[:, 0]))
        #Create the segment image (will be replaced with segment class)
        #Copy the segment from the contour we have to the segment
        rr, cc = polygon(contour[:, 0], contour[:, 1], image.shape)
        rr = rr.astype(int)
        cc = cc.astype(int)
        segment.Image[rr - segment.BoundingBox.miny,
                      cc - segment.BoundingBox.minx] = image[rr, cc]
        segment.FilledImage[rr - segment.BoundingBox.miny,
                            cc - segment.BoundingBox.minx] = filledImage[rr,
        imagecollective[rr, cc] = image[rr, cc]
    return imagecollective, segments
    def __init__(self, segments, zeroConfig):
        if len(segments) != len(zeroConfig):
            raise ValueError(
                'length of segment list and zero configuration list is not equal'
        self.numSegs = len(segments)  #The number of segments in this robot
        self.focusedJoint = 0  #The joint in focus for manipulation
        self.segmentList = segments  #The list of segments that make up the robot
        self.p0T = np.matrix(
            [[0], [0], [0]])  #the position of the end effector of the robot
        self.r0T = sa.eye(3)  #The orientation of the end effector of the robot
        self.Q = []  #The array of angles of the robot
        self.P = []  #The array containing the positions of each position
        self.numJoints = -1  #The number of joints tha can be manipulated

        #Dictionary that carries a key and matches it to the appropriate joint
        self.keyToJoint = {}

        #Add origin to the position list
        for i in range(
                0, len(segments)
        ):  #loop performs foward kinematics to find the p0T and r0T
            if segments[i].getSegmentType(
            ) == 1:  #if segment is prismatic perform translational motion
                self.p0T = self.p0T + np.dot(
                    self.r0T, zeroConfig[i] * segments[i].getLength())
                self.p0T = self.p0T + np.dot(self.r0T, segments[i].getLength())
                self.r0T = np.dot(
                    self.r0T, sa.rot(segments[i].getUnitVector(),

            self.P.append(self.p0T)  #add new position to positions list
            self.Q.append(zeroConfig[i])  #add joint angle to angles list
            #If the joint is not the first or last joint, add the joint types of it's adjacent
            #joints to the segment object
            if i != 0 and i != len(segments) - 1:
                segments[i].adjacentJoints(segments[i - 1].getSegmentType(),
                                           segments[i + 1].getSegmentType())
            #Other wise, mark that the joint is the last or first joint with a -1
            elif i == 0:
                                           segments[i + 1].getSegmentType())
            elif i == len(segments) - 1:
                segments[i].adjacentJoints(segments[i - 1].getSegmentType(),

            if segments[i].getSegmentType() == 0 or segments[i].getSegmentType(
            ) == 1:
                self.numJoints += 1
                self.keyToJoint[self.numJoints] = i

        ####################### Draw Plot
        #Creates figure for program to put things on
        self.fig = plt.figure()

Exemple #5
def data_process(original_filepath, start_time, end_time):
    # 1. 过滤广告
    #   original_filepath (str) 为加载的全部微博数据文件路径
    #   filtered_blog_file (str) 为过滤后的微博数据文件路径
    RemoveAd.remove_advertising(original_filepath, filtered_blog_file)

    # 2. 将过滤后的文件分割为2个文件: 历史数据文件, 当前查询时间段的数据文件
    #   filtered_blog_file (str) 为过滤后的微博数据文件路径
    #   start_time (str) 为开始时间, 格式为: YYYYMMDD
    #   end_time (str) 为结束时间, 格式为YYYYMMDD
    #   history_blog_file (str) 历史数据文件路径
    #   current_blog_file (str) 当前查询时间段的数据文件路径
    cutAndTransform.cut_original_file(filtered_blog_file, start_time, end_time,
                                      history_blog_file, current_blog_file)

    # 3. 分词: 将历史时间微博和当前时间微博进行分词及去除表情词、URL链接、停顿词等
    #   history_blog_file (str) 历史数据文件路径
    #   current_blog_file (str) 当前查询时间段的数据文件路径
    #   segment_history_blog_file (str) 历史时间分词后的微博文件路径
    #   segment_current_blog_file (str) 当前时间分词后的微博文件路径
    Segment.word_segmentation(history_blog_file, segment_history_blog_file)
    Segment.word_segmentation(current_blog_file, segment_current_blog_file)

    # 4. 将当前查询时间段的数据文件微博按窗口读入内存 origin_blogdata (用于热点事件的原始微博查询)
    #   current_blog_file (str) 当前查询时间段的数据文件路径
    #   origin_blogdata (二维列表) 当前时间段原始微博数据 (每一维是一个窗口时间内的原始微博) [['微博1','微博2',...],...]
    origin_blogdata = cutAndTransform.transform_data(current_blog_file)

    # 5. 分词后的历史时间微博和当前时间微博加载进内存 (用于敏感词发现)
    #   segment_history_blog_file (str) 历史时间分词后的微博文件路径
    #   segment_current_blog_file (str) 当前时间分词后的微博文件路径
    #   history_blogdata (二维列表): 历史微博数据 (每一维是一个窗口时间内已分词的全部微博) [['微博1','微博2',...],...]
    #   current_blogdata (二维列表): 当前时间段微博数据 (每一维是一个窗口时间内已分词的全部微博) [['微博1','微博2',...],...]
    history_blogdata = cutAndTransform.transform_data(
    current_blogdata = cutAndTransform.transform_data(

    # 6. 删除中间过程文件
    if os.path.exists(filtered_blog_file):
    if os.path.exists(history_blog_file):
    if os.path.exists(current_blog_file):
    if os.path.exists(segment_history_blog_file):
    if os.path.exists(segment_current_blog_file):

    return history_blogdata, current_blogdata, origin_blogdata
Exemple #6
    def findNoisesegments(self, dirName):
        ''' dirName got manually annotated GT.data
        Generates auto segments by running wavelet detection
        Find noise segments by diff of auto segments and GT.data
        :returns noise segments [[filename, seg, label], ...]
        manSegNum = 0
        noiseSegments = []
        # Generate GT files from annotations in dir1
        print('Generating GT...')
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirName):
            for file in files:
                wavFile = os.path.join(root, file)
                if file.lower().endswith('.wav') and os.stat(
                        wavFile).st_size != 0 and file + '.data' in files:
                    segments = Segment.SegmentList()
                    segments.parseJSON(wavFile + '.data')
                    sppSegments = segments.getSpecies(self.species)
                    manSegNum += len(sppSegments)

                    # Currently, we ignore call types here and just
                    # look for all calls for the target species.
                    segments.exportGT(wavFile, self.species, resolution=1.0)
        if manSegNum == 0:
            print("ERROR: no segments for species %s found" % self.species)

        ws = WaveletSegment.WaveletSegment(self.filter, 'dmey2')
        autoSegments = ws.waveletSegment_cnn(
            dirName, self.filter)  # [(filename, [segments]), ...]

        #  now the diff between segment and autoSegments
        print("autoSeg", autoSegments)
        for item in autoSegments:
            wavFile = item[0]
            if os.stat(wavFile).st_size != 0:
                sppSegments = []
                if os.path.isfile(wavFile + '.data'):
                    segments = Segment.SegmentList()
                    segments.parseJSON(wavFile + '.data')
                    sppSegments = [
                        segments[i] for i in segments.getSpecies(self.species)
                for segAuto in item[1]:
                    overlappedwithGT = False
                    for segGT in sppSegments:
                        if self.Overlap(segGT, segAuto):
                            overlappedwithGT = True
                    if not overlappedwithGT:
                            [wavFile, segAuto,
        return noiseSegments
def MergeHalfCircles(circles):
    newCirclesList = list()
    merged = np.zeros(len(circles))
    for i in range(len(circles)):
        if (merged[i] == 1):
        c1 = circles[i]
        c2 = None
        for j in range(len(circles)):
            if (i == j or merged[j]):
            if (abs(c1.BoundingBox.miny - circles[j].BoundingBox.miny) <
                    and abs(c1.BoundingBox.maxy - circles[j].BoundingBox.maxy)
                    < circlesMergeThreshold and
                (abs(c1.BoundingBox.minx - circles[j].BoundingBox.maxx) <
                 circlesMergeThreshold * 10
                 or abs(c1.BoundingBox.maxx - circles[j].BoundingBox.minx) <
                 circlesMergeThreshold * 10)):
                c2 = circles[j]
                merged[j] = 1
        if (c2 != None and c1.BoundingBox.minx > c2.BoundingBox.minx):
            c1, c2 = c2, c1
        width = c1.Image.shape[1]
        height = c1.Image.shape[0]
        if (c2 != None):
            width = max(width, c2.Image.shape[1])
            height = max(height, c2.Image.shape[0])
        #Resize img1
        tmp = np.copy(c1.Image)
        c1.Image = np.zeros((height, width))
        c1.Image[:tmp.shape[0], :tmp.shape[1]] = tmp[:, :]
        if (c2 != None):
            #Resize img2
            tmp = np.copy(c2.Image)
            c2.Image = np.zeros((height, width))
            c2.Image[:tmp.shape[0], :tmp.shape[1]] = tmp[:, :]
            newCircle = np.concatenate((c1.Image, c2.Image), axis=1)
            segment = Segment()
            segment.BoundingBox = c1.BoundingBox
            segment.Image = newCircle
            merged[i] = 1
    for circle in newCirclesList:
        contours = find_contours(circle.Image, 0.9)
        circle.FilledImage = FillPolygon(circle.Image, contours)
    return newCirclesList
Exemple #8
    def getRandomPoint(poly: 'Polygon', lower: int) -> 'Point':
        mostLeftPoint = poly.listOfEdges[0].start
        for edge in poly.listOfEdges:
            if mostLeftPoint > edge.start:
                mostLeftPoint = edge.start
            if mostLeftPoint > edge.end:
                mostLeftPoint = edge.end
        mostRightPoint = poly.listOfEdges[0].start
        for edge in poly.listOfEdges:
            if mostRightPoint < edge.start:
                mostRightPoint = edge.start
            if mostRightPoint < edge.end:
                mostRightPoint = edge.end

        mostUpPoint = poly.listOfEdges[0].start
        for edge in poly.listOfEdges:
            if mostUpPoint.y > edge.start.y:
                mostUpPoint = edge.start
            if mostUpPoint.y > edge.end.y:
                mostUpPoint = edge.end

        mostDownPoint = poly.listOfEdges[0].start
        for edge in poly.listOfEdges:
            if mostDownPoint.y < edge.start.y:
                mostDownPoint = edge.start
            if mostDownPoint.y < edge.end.y:
                mostDownPoint = edge.end

        randomx = random.uniform(mostLeftPoint.x, mostRightPoint.x)
        randomy = random.uniform(mostDownPoint.y, mostUpPoint.y)
        randomPoint = Point(randomx, randomy, lower)
        segment = Segment(Point(mostLeftPoint.x - 1, mostUpPoint.y),

        counter = 0
        for edge in poly.listOfEdges:
            if Segment.doIntersect(segment, edge):
                counter += 1

        while not counter % 2:
            randomx = random.uniform(mostLeftPoint.x, mostRightPoint.x)
            randomy = random.uniform(mostDownPoint.y, mostUpPoint.y)
            randomPoint = Point(randomx, randomy, lower)
            segment = Segment(Point(mostLeftPoint.x - 1, mostUpPoint.y),
            counter = 0
            for edge in poly.listOfEdges:
                if Segment.doIntersect(segment, edge):
                    counter += 1
        return randomPoint
	def __init__(self,name,x,y,direction,playerType):

		head = pyglet.image.load('head.png')
		head.width = 36
		head.height = 36
		head.anchor_x = 18
		head.anchor_y = 18

		self.playerType = playerType
		self.playerName = name
		self.length = 7
		self.direction = direction
		self.positionX = x
		self.positionY = y
		self.squaresoccupied = list()
		self.score = 0
		self.moveQueue = list()

		self.segments = list()
		self.segBatch = pyglet.graphics.Batch()
		self.snakeSprite = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(head)

		for i in range(self.length):

		for element in self.segments:
			element.segmentSprite.batch = self.segBatch
    def waveletSegment(self, filtnum, wpmode="new"):
        """ Main analysis wrapper (segmentation in batch mode).
            Also do species-specific post-processing.
            Reads data pre-loaded onto self.WF.tree by self.readBatch.
            1. filtnum: index of the current filter in self.spInfo (which is a list of filters...)
            2. wpmode: old/new/aa to indicate no/partial/full antialias
            Returns: list of lists of segments found (over each subfilter)-->[[sub-filter1 segments], [sub-filter2 segments]]
        opst = time.time()

        # No resampling here. Will read nodes from self.spInfo, which may already be adjusted

        ### find segments with each subfilter separately
        detected_allsubf = []
        for subfilter in self.spInfo[filtnum]["Filters"]:
            print("Identifying calls using subfilter", subfilter["calltype"])
            goodnodes = subfilter['WaveletParams']["nodes"]

            detected = self.detectCalls(self.WF, nodelist=goodnodes, subfilter=subfilter, rf=True, aa=wpmode!="old")

            # merge neighbours in order to convert the detections into segments
            # note: detected np[0 1 1 1] becomes [[1,3]]
            segmenter = Segment.Segmenter()
            detected = segmenter.convert01(detected)
            detected = segmenter.joinGaps(detected, maxgap=0)
        print("Wavelet segmenting completed in", time.time() - opst)
        return detected_allsubf
Exemple #11
    def deserialize(self, data):
        # TODO Add validation
        self.x_0 = data.get('x_0')
        self.y_0 = data.get('y_0')
        self.vx = data.get('vx')
        self.vy = data.get('vy')
        self.count = data.get('count')

        m_l = data.get('mirrors')
        if m_l:
            mrs = []
            for m_data in m_l:
                mir = Mirror.Mirror(0, 0, 0, 0, 'flat', 0)
            self.mirrors = mrs
        m_data = data.get('last_mirror')
        if m_data is not None:
            mir = Mirror.Mirror(0, 0, 0, 0, 'flat', 0)
            self.last_mirror = mir
            self.last_mirror = None

        s_l = data.get('segment_list')
        segments = []
        for s in s_l:
            seg = Segment.Segment(0, 0, 0, 0)
        self.segment_list = segments
Exemple #12
    def findCTsegments(self, dirName, calltypei):
        ''' dirName got reviewed.data or manual.data
            Find calltype segments
            :returns ct segments [[filename, seg, label], ...]

        calltypeSegments = []
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirName):
            for file in files:
                wavFile = os.path.join(root, file)
                if file.lower().endswith('.wav') and file + '.data' in files:
                    segments = Segment.SegmentList()
                    segments.parseJSON(wavFile + '.data')
                    if len(self.calltypes) == 1:
                        ctSegments = segments.getSpecies(self.species)
                        ctSegments = segments.getCalltype(
                            self.species, self.calltypes[calltypei])
                    for indx in ctSegments:
                        seg = segments[indx]
                        # skip uncertain segments
                        cert = [
                            if lab["species"] == self.species else 100
                            for lab in seg[4]
                        if cert:
                            mincert = min(cert)
                            if mincert == 100:
                                    [wavFile, seg[:2], calltypei])

        return calltypeSegments
Exemple #13
def getInput():
    segArr = Segment.listSegments()
    inp = int(
        input("\n Lider Tablosunu Görmek İstediğiniz Segmenti Seçiniz: "))
    print("\n", segArr[inp].name, " Lider Tablosu")
    atheleteArr = getBoard(str(segArr[inp].id), segArr[inp].distance)
    athName = input(" \n Atlet ismi giriniz: ")
    print("\n Bu tabloda ", counterAthelete(athName, atheleteArr), " kez var.")
Exemple #14
 def recalculate(self):
     self.p0T = np.matrix([[0],[0],[0]])
     #The orientation of the end effector of the robot
     self.r0T = sa.eye(3)
     #The array containing the positions of each position
     self.P = []
     #Add origin to the position list
     for i in range(0,len(self.segmentList)):#loop performs foward kinematics to find the p0T and r0T
         if self.segmentList[i].getSegmentType() == 1:
             self.p0T = self.p0T + np.dot(self.r0T,self.Q[i]*self.segmentList[i].getLength())
             self.r0T = np.dot(self.r0T, sa.eye(3))
             self.p0T = self.p0T + np.dot(self.r0T,self.segmentList[i].getLength())
             self.r0T = np.dot(self.r0T, sa.rot(self.segmentList[i].getUnitVector(),self.Q[i]))   
         self.P.append(self.p0T) #add new position to positions list
Exemple #15
    def findAllsegments(self, dirName):
        ''' dirName got manually annotated GT.data
        Generates noise segments as the complement to GT segments
        (i.e. every not marked second is used as noise)
        :returns noise segments [[filename, seg, label], ...]
        manSegNum = 0
        noiseSegments = []
        segmenter = Segment.Segmenter()
        print('Generating GT...')
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirName):
            for file in files:
                wavFile = os.path.join(root, file)
                if file.lower().endswith('.wav') and os.stat(
                        wavFile).st_size != 0 and file + '.data' in files:
                    # Generate GT files from annotations in dir1
                    segments = Segment.SegmentList()
                    segments.parseJSON(wavFile + '.data')
                    sppSegments = segments.getSpecies(self.species)
                    manSegNum += len(sppSegments)

                    # Currently, we ignore call types here and just
                    # look for all calls for the target species.
                    segments.exportGT(wavFile, self.species, resolution=1.0)

                    print('Determining noise...')
                    autoseg = Segment.SegmentList()
                    for sec in range(
                            math.floor(segments.metadata["Duration"]) - 1):
                        autoseg.addSegment([sec, sec + 1, 0, 0, []])
                    autoSegments = segmenter.joinGaps(autoseg, maxgap=0)

                    print("autoSeg, file", wavFile, autoSegments)
                    for segAuto in autoSegments:
                            [wavFile, segAuto,

        if manSegNum == 0:
            print("ERROR: no segments for species %s found" % self.species)

        return noiseSegments
Exemple #16
def imagecheck(path):
    result = imageprepare("/home/sam/Downloads/imageprepare/tmp")
    x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 784])
    xs = tf.reshape(x, [len(result), 28, 28, 1])
    y = LeNet_inference.inference(xs, False, None)
    variable_averages = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(
    variable_to_restore = variable_averages.variables_to_restore()
    saver = tf.train.Saver(variable_to_restore)
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        prediction = tf.argmax(y, 1)
        predint = prediction.eval(feed_dict={x: result}, session=sess)
    result = connect(predint)
    return result
	def setSegments(self):
		See the documentation for setSquares(). It works similarly, except handles the segments
		of the snake for drawing in pyglet. Also specifies the batches of the snake.

		if len(self.segments) > self.length:

		for element in self.segments:
			element.segmentSprite.batch = self.segBatch
def DetectNoteheads(notesAndConnectedSegments):
    newList = list()
    newSegmentsList = list()
    for seg in notesAndConnectedSegments:
        image = np.copy(seg.Image)
        tmpImg = np.copy(image[1:-2, 1:-2])
        ones = np.sum(image[5:-5, 5:-5] == 1)
        zeros = np.sum(image[5:-5, 5:-5] == 0)

        if (ones > 0 and zeros / ones > 1.2):
            image = ndimage.binary_fill_holes(image).astype(int)
            image = binary_erosion(image, selement)
            image = binary_erosion(image, selement)
            image = binary_erosion(image, selement2)

            newSeg = Segment(seg)
            newSeg.Image = image
            newSeg.BoundingBox = seg.BoundingBox
    return newSegmentsList, newList
def calculateRectangle(coor, h):
    w = 0.5  #width of rectangle
    t = 0.15  #height/2
    c1 = h * w  #vector of rectangular prism and negative vector
    c2 = -h * w
    #The following calculates the 8 corners of the rectangular prism
    p0 = perpendicularVector(h) * t + c1
    p2 = sa.rot(h, np.pi) * p0
    p1 = sa.rot(h, np.pi / 2) * p0
    p3 = sa.rot(h, -np.pi / 2) * p0
    #Move points relative to coordinate of joint
    p0 += coor
    p1 += coor
    p2 += coor
    p3 += coor
    #repeats for other side of rectangular prism
    p4 = perpendicularVector(h) * t + c2
    p6 = sa.rot(h, np.pi) * p4
    p5 = sa.rot(h, np.pi / 2) * p4
    p7 = sa.rot(h, -np.pi / 2) * p4
    p4 += coor
    p5 += coor
    p6 += coor
    p7 += coor
    #returns array of 3D points.
    points = np.array([p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7])
    return points
Exemple #20
    def findCTsegments(self, datafile, calltypei):
        calltypeSegments = []
        species = self.currfilt["species"]
        segments = Segment.SegmentList()
        if len(self.calltypes) == 1:
            ctSegments = segments.getSpecies(species)
            ctSegments = segments.getCalltype(species,
        calltypeSegments = [segments[indx][:2] for indx in ctSegments]

        return calltypeSegments
Exemple #21
 def prepare_song(self, song_name):
     with open(song_name.replace(".wav", "") + '.json') as f:
         data = json.load(f)
     song_useable_segments = []
     for segment in data:
         if segment['useable']:
     for segment in song_useable_segments:
     song_segment = song_useable_segments[0]
     song_time_per_chord = song_segment.average_time_per_beat
     return song_segment, song_time_per_chord
Exemple #22
 def makeSegments(self,
     """ Adds segments to self.segments """
     if self.method == "Click":
         # Batmode: segmentsNew should be already prepared as: [x1, x2, labels]
         y1 = 0
         y2 = 0
         if len(segmentsNew) != 3:
             print("Warning: segment format does not match bat mode")
         segment = Segment.Segment(
             [segmentsNew[0], segmentsNew[1], y1, y2, segmentsNew[2]])
     elif subfilter is not None:
         # for wavelet segments: (same as self.species!="Any sound")
         y1 = subfilter["FreqRange"][0]
         y2 = min(subfilter["FreqRange"][1], self.sampleRate // 2)
         for s in segmentsNew:
             segment = Segment.Segment([
                 s[0][0], s[0][1], y1, y2,
                     "species": species,
                     "certainty": s[1],
                     "filter": filtName,
                     "calltype": subfilter["calltype"]
         # for generic all-species segments:
         y1 = 0
         y2 = 0
         species = "Don't Know"
         cert = 0.0
         self.segments.addBasicSegments(segmentsNew, [y1, y2],
Exemple #23
    def findCTsegments(self, file, calltypei):
        calltypeSegments = []
        if file.lower().endswith('.wav') and os.path.isfile(file + '.tmpdata'):
            segments = Segment.SegmentList()
            segments.parseJSON(file + '.tmpdata')
            if len(self.calltypes) == 1:
                ctSegments = segments.getSpecies(self.species)
                ctSegments = segments.getCalltype(self.species, self.calltypes[calltypei])
            for indx in ctSegments:
                seg = segments[indx]

        return calltypeSegments
def main():
    ################# Robot Stuff #####################
    #Declare the segments the robot arm will contain
    #Can have more than this many segments.
    s1 = sg.Segment(1,0)
    s2 = sg.Segment(1,0)
    s3 = sg.Segment(1,0)
    #Place segments into a list, this list is used to initialize the robot arm
    segments = [s1,s2,s3]
    #Declare the angle configurations of the arm.
    angleConfig = [0,0,0]
    ################ Canvas Stuff ####################
    #configure height and width for canvas
    wid = 640
    hei = 480
    scale = 50
    master = Tk()
    master.title = "ArmSim"
    vas = Canvas(master,width = wid, height = hei)
    #Canvas does not respond to keyboard commands if it is not focused on
    #So this important
    r1 = ra.RobotArm(segments,angleConfig,vas)
Exemple #25
    def calc_ray_step(self, mirrors):
        inters_mirrors = []
        for mirror in mirrors:
            if mirror is not self.last_mirror:
                prs, x, y = intersect(self.x_0, self.y_0,
                                      self.x_0 + self.vx * 1000,
                                      self.y_0 + self.vy * 1000, mirror.x1,
                                      mirror.y1, mirror.x2, mirror.y2)
                if prs:
                    # ищем ближайшее зеркало
                    distance = math.sqrt((self.x_0 - x)**2 + (self.y_0 - y)**2)
                    if distance >= EPS:
                        inters_mirrors.append((distance, mirror, x, y))
                        inters_mirrors.sort(key=lambda s: s[0])
        curr_mirror = inters_mirrors[0] if inters_mirrors and inters_mirrors[
            0][1] is not self.last_mirror else None
        if curr_mirror and self.count > 0:
            x, y = curr_mirror[2], curr_mirror[3]
            ray = Segment.Segment(self.x_0, self.y_0, x, y)
            ai_x, ai_y = reflect(self.x_0, self.y_0, x, y, curr_mirror[1])

            if self.win_circle:
                # нужно посчитать, попадает ли луч в круг.
                a = (y - self.y_0)
                b = (self.x_0 - x)
                ln_w = a * a + b * b
                c_new = self.y_0 * x - self.x_0 * y + a * self.win_circle[
                    0] + b * self.win_circle[1]

                x_w = -(a * c_new) / ln_w
                y_w = -(b * c_new) / ln_w
                ln_r = math.sqrt(x_w * x_w + y_w * y_w)
                if ln_r < self.win_circle[2]:
                    print('Вы победили за ' +
                          str(self.base_count - self.count) + ' шагов(-а)')
                    return True
            self.vx = ai_x
            self.vy = ai_y
            self.x_0 = x
            self.y_0 = y
            self.last_mirror = curr_mirror[1]
        self.count -= 1
        return False
Exemple #26
def analyse(request):
    model = word2vec.Word2Vec.load('../others/弹幕.model')
    danmus = request.POST.get("danmus", 0)
    w = ''
    d = Segment.Chinese_Word_Segmentation(
        time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime()), danmus)
    for word in d:
        w += word[0] + ' '
    with open('danmuall.txt', 'w') as f:
        f.write(' '.join(jieba.cut(danmus, cut_all=False)))
    sentences = word2vec.Text8Corpus(r'danmuall.txt')
    # model = word2vec.Word2Vec(sentences, size=10, hs=1, min_count=2, window=5)
    return HttpResponse(w + '!@##$$$%%%^^^&&&***(((*&)^' +
Exemple #27
    def drawSingle(self):
        xs = self.ui.spin_box_xs.value()
        ys = self.ui.spin_box_ys.value()
        xe = self.ui.spin_box_xe.value()
        ye = self.ui.spin_box_ye.value()

        self.singleAlgorithm = self.getAlg(

        if QPoint(xs, ys) != QPoint(xe, ye):
            drawableObject = Segment(xs, ys, xe, ye, self.singleAlgorithm,
            self.newWindow = Drawing(drawableObject)
            self.__showErrorMessage("Начало и конец отрезка совпадают!")
Exemple #28
    def generateFlight(poly: 'Polygon', lower: int, upper: int, flightType: str, closeRange: int) -> 'Flight':
        if flightType == "external":
            randomEdgeEnter = random.randint(0, len(poly.listOfEdges) - 1)
            randomEdgeExit = random.randint(0, len(poly.listOfEdges) - 1)

            enterPoint = poly.listOfEdges[randomEdgeEnter].getRandomPoint(poly.lowerLimit, poly.upperLimit, flightType)
            exitPoint = poly.listOfEdges[randomEdgeExit].getRandomPoint(poly.lowerLimit, poly.upperLimit, flightType)

            v = random.randint(lower, upper)
            return Flight(enterPoint, exitPoint, v, flightType, [Segment(enterPoint, exitPoint)], closeRange)
        elif flightType == "internal":
            randomEnterPoint = Polygon.getRandomPoint(poly, poly.lowerLimit)
            randomExitPoint = Polygon.getRandomPoint(poly, poly.lowerLimit)
            randomPoint1 = Polygon.getRandomPointHigher(poly, poly.lowerLimit, poly.upperLimit)
            randomPoint2 = Polygon.getRandomPointSameHeight(poly, randomPoint1)
            segment1 = Segment(randomEnterPoint, randomPoint1)
            segment2 = Segment(randomPoint1, randomPoint2)
            segment3 = Segment(randomPoint2, randomExitPoint)

            v = random.randint(lower, upper)
            return Flight(randomEnterPoint, randomPoint1, v, "internal", [segment1, segment2, segment3], closeRange)
        elif flightType == "half-internal":
            randNum = random.randint(1, 2)
            if randNum == 1:
                # ulazi i silazi
                randomEdgeEnter = random.randint(0, len(poly.listOfEdges) - 1)
                enterPoint = poly.listOfEdges[randomEdgeEnter].getRandomPoint(poly.lowerLimit, poly.upperLimit, flightType)
                randomHeight = random.uniform(poly.lowerLimit, poly.upperLimit)
                randomPoint = Polygon.getRandomPoint(poly, randomHeight)
                exitPoint = Polygon.getRandomPoint(poly, poly.lowerLimit)
                segment1 = Segment(enterPoint, randomPoint)
                segment2 = Segment(randomPoint, exitPoint)
                v = random.randint(lower, upper)
                return Flight(enterPoint, randomPoint, v, "half-internal", [segment1, segment2], closeRange)
                # penje se i izlazi
                enterPoint = Polygon.getRandomPoint(poly, poly.lowerLimit)
                randomHeight = random.uniform(poly.lowerLimit, poly.upperLimit)
                randomPoint = Polygon.getRandomPoint(poly, randomHeight)
                exitPoint = Polygon.getRandomPoint(poly, poly.lowerLimit)
                segment1 = Segment(enterPoint, randomPoint)
                segment2 = Segment(randomPoint, exitPoint)
                v = random.randint(lower, upper)
                return Flight(enterPoint, randomPoint, v, "half-internal", [segment1, segment2], closeRange)
Exemple #29
    def handleLine(self, line, fileName="", index=0):
        """This function sends a line to translation to assembly based on if its a
        pop, push or arithmetic command"""
        lineEdit = line.replace("\n", "").rstrip()
        lineSplit = lineEdit.split(" ")
        if len(lineSplit) == 3:
            if lineSplit[0] == "function":
                lineObject = FD.FunctionDecl(lineSplit[1], lineSplit[2])
                self.funcName = lineSplit[1] + "$"

            elif lineSplit[0] == "call":
                lineObject = FC.FunctionCall(index, self.funcName, lineSplit[1], lineSplit[2])
                lineObject = S.Segment(line, lineSplit[0], lineSplit[1], lineSplit[2],
        elif self.isArithmetic(line):  # Arithmetic
            lineObject = A.Arithmetic(line, lineSplit[0], index, self.funcName)
        elif ("goto" in line) or ("label" in line):
            lineObject = C.Conditionals(line, self.funcName)
        elif "return" in line:
            lineObject = FD.FunctionDecl()
        return "//" + line + "\n" + lineObject.writeLine()
Exemple #30
    def isInPoly(self, point: 'Point') -> bool:
        mostLeftPoint = self.listOfEdges[0].start
        for edge in self.listOfEdges:
            if mostLeftPoint > edge.start:
                mostLeftPoint = edge.start
            if mostLeftPoint > edge.end:
                mostLeftPoint = edge.end

        mostUpPoint = self.listOfEdges[0].start
        for edge in self.listOfEdges:
            if mostUpPoint.y > edge.start.y:
                mostUpPoint = edge.start
            if mostUpPoint.y > edge.end.y:
                mostUpPoint = edge.end

        segment = Segment(Point(mostLeftPoint.x - 1, mostUpPoint.y), point)

        counter = 0
        for edge in self.listOfEdges:
            if Segment.doIntersect(segment, edge):
                counter += 1

        return counter % 2
Exemple #31
	def interpolate(self, m, xform, **kw):
		"""Interpolate to new conformation 'm'."""

		# Get all the options
		if kw.has_key("method"):
			self.method = kw["method"]
		if kw.has_key("rate"):
			self.rate = kw["rate"]
		if kw.has_key("frames"):
			self.frames = kw["frames"]
		if kw.has_key("cartesian"):
			self.cartesian = kw["cartesian"]
		if kw.has_key("minimize"):
			self.minimize = kw["minimize"]
		if kw.has_key("steps"):
			self.steps = kw["steps"]
		if self.minimize:
			self.callback = self.minimizeCallback
			self.callback = self.interpolateCallback

		# Find matching set of residues.  First try for
		# one-to-one residue match, and, if that fails,
		# then finding a common set of residues.
		import Segment
		sm = self.mol
			results = Segment.segmentHingeExact(sm, m)
		except ValueError:
			results = Segment.segmentHingeApproximate(sm, m)
		segments, atomMap, unusedResidues, unusedAtoms = results
		for r in unusedResidues:
		for a in unusedAtoms:
		if unusedResidues or unusedAtoms:
			from chimera import Sequence
			if self.minimize:
				from chimera.baseDialog import AskYesNoDialog
				from chimera.tkgui import app
				d = AskYesNoDialog(
					"Cannot minimize with non-identical models.\n"
					"Continue without minimization?",
				if d.run(app) != "yes":
					raise ValueError("terminated at user request")
				self.minimize = False
				self.callback = self.interpolateCallback

		# Interpolate between last conformation in trajectory
		# and new conformations
		sm.activeCoordSet = sm.coordSets[max(sm.coordSets.keys())]
		from Interpolate import interpolate
		import chimera
		combinedXform = chimera.Xform(self.inverseXform)
		interpolate(sm, combinedXform,
				segments, atomMap, self.method,
				self.rate, self.frames,
				self.cartesian, self.callback)
Exemple #32
                correct += 1.0
                wrong += 1.0
        print "Correctness:" + str(100*correct/(correct+wrong)) + "%"
        print "Wrong number:" + str(wrong)
        pred = []
        for sli in slices:
            if cf == "SVM":

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #im = Image.open(os.curdir + os.sep + "43192.png")
    #clf = SVC()
    #knn = KNN()
    #cf = raw_input("Choose SVM or KNN as classifier:")
    im = Image.open("Test.png")
    #ans = Segment.shotgun(im,True)
    Correctness("SVM",False)  # (cf,True,ans)
Exemple #33
''' Main Process


import os
from PIL import Image
import imtools
import Denoise,Segment,Recognition
if __name__ == '__main__':
    isRecog = True
    s_dir = os.curdir + os.sep + "Sample"
    img_list = imtools.get_imlist(s_dir)
    cf = raw_input("Choose SVM or KNN as classifier:")
    for pic in img_list:
        pre = Image.open(pic)
        pre = Denoise.refine(pre)
        seg = Segment.shotgun(pre,True)   
        Recognition.Correctness(cf,isRecog,seg)  # (cf,True,ans)
Exemple #34
    def __init__(self, scid, seglist, all_data, fixation_data, event_data = None, Segments = None, aoilist = None,
                  prune_length= None, require_valid = True, auto_partition = False, rest_pupil_size = 0, export_pupilinfo = False):
            scid: A string containing the id of the Scene.
            seglist: a list of tuples of the form (segid, start, end) defining the segments
            *Note: this method of defining segments is implemented to make batch processing of
            files defining segments easier
            all_data: a list of "Datapoint"s which make up this Scene.
            fixation_data: a list of "Fixation"s which make up this Scene.
            Segments: a list of "Segment"s which belong to this Scene.
            aoilist: If not None, a list of "AOI"s.
            prune_length: If not None, an integer that specifies the time 
                interval (in ms) from the begining of each Segment of this Scene
                which samples are considered in calculations.  This can be used if, 
                for example, you only wish to consider data in the first 
                1000 ms of each Segment. In this case (prune_length = 1000),
                all data beyond the first 1000ms of the start of the "Segment"s
                will be disregarded.
            require_valid: a boolean determining whether invalid "Segment"s
                will be ignored when calculating the features or not. default = True 
            auto_partition_low_quality_segments: a boolean flag determining whether
                EMDAT should automatically split the "Segment"s which have low sample quality
                into two new ssub "Segment"s discarding the largest invalid sample gap in 
                the "Segment". default = False
            rest_pupil_size: rest pupil size for the current scene
            a Scene object
        def partition_segment(new_seg, seg_start, seg_end, rest_pupil_size, export_pupilinfo):
            """ A helper method for splitting a Segment object into new Segments and removing gaps of invalid samples
            One way to deal with a low quality Segment is to find the gaps of invalid samples within its "Datapoint"s and 
            splitting the Segment into two Segments one from the beginnning of the Segment to the gap and another from after
            the gap to the end of the Segment. This can be done multiple times resulting multiple "Segment"s with higher
            quality. For example if a Segment S1 started at s1 and ended at e1 and had two invalid gaps between gs1-ge1 and 
            gs2-ge2 milliseconds, this method will generate the following three segments
                SS1: starting at s1 and ending at gs1
                SS2: starting at ge1 and ending at gs2
                SS3: starting at ge2 and ending at e1
                new_seg: The Segment that is being split
                seg_start: An integer showing the start time of the segment in milliseconds
                seg_end: An integer showing the end time of the segment in milliseconds 
                rest_pupil_size: rest pupil size for the current scene
                subsegments: a list of newly generated "Segment"s
                samp_inds: a list of tuples of the form (start, end) that detrmines the index of the start and end of each 
                    new Segment in the old Segment's all_data field
                fix_inds: a list of tuples of the form (start, end) that detrmines the index of the start and end of each 
                    new Segment in the old Segment's fixation_data field
            timegaps = new_seg.getgaps()
            subsegments = []
            samp_inds = []
            fix_inds = []
            event_inds = []
            last_samp_idx = 0
            last_fix_idx = 0
            last_event_idx = 0
            sub_seg_time_start = seg_start
            for timebounds in timegaps:
                sub_seg_time_end = timebounds[0] #end of this sub_seg is start of this gap
                last_samp_idx, all_start,all_end = get_chunk(all_data, last_samp_idx, sub_seg_time_start, sub_seg_time_end)
                last_fix_idx, fix_start, fix_end = get_chunk(fixation_data, last_fix_idx, sub_seg_time_start, sub_seg_time_end)
                if event_data != None:
                    last_event_idx, event_start, event_end = get_chunk(event_data, last_event_idx, sub_seg_time_start, sub_seg_time_end)
                sub_seg_time_start = timebounds[1] #beginning of the next sub_seg is end of this gap
                if fix_end - fix_start>0:
                        if event_data != None:
                            new_sub_seg = Segment(segid+"_"+str(sub_segid), all_data[all_start:all_end], fixation_data[fix_start:fix_end], 
                                      event_data=event_data[event_start:event_end], aois=aoilist, prune_length=prune_length, rest_pupil_size = rest_pupil_size, export_pupilinfo = export_pupilinfo)
                            new_sub_seg = Segment(segid+"_"+str(sub_segid), all_data[all_start:all_end], fixation_data[fix_start:fix_end], 
                                      event_data=None, aois=aoilist, prune_length=prune_length, rest_pupil_size = rest_pupil_size, export_pupilinfo = export_pupilinfo)
                    except  Exception as e:
                        if params.DEBUG:
                fix_inds.append((fix_start, fix_end))
                if event_data != None:
                    event_inds.append((event_start, event_end))
                sub_segid +=1
            # handling the last sub_seg
            sub_seg_time_end = seg_end #end of last sub_seg is the end of seg
            last_samp_idx, all_start,all_end = get_chunk(all_data, last_samp_idx, sub_seg_time_start, sub_seg_time_end)
            last_fix_idx, fix_start, fix_end = get_chunk(fixation_data, last_fix_idx, sub_seg_time_start, sub_seg_time_end)
            if event_data != None:
                last_event_idx, event_start, event_end = get_chunk(event_data, last_event_idx, sub_seg_time_start, sub_seg_time_end)
            if fix_end - fix_start>0: #add the last sub_seg
                    if event_data != None:
                        new_sub_seg = Segment(segid+"_"+str(sub_segid), all_data[all_start:all_end], fixation_data[fix_start:fix_end], 
                                      event_data=event_data[event_start:event_end], aois=aoilist, prune_length=prune_length, rest_pupil_size = rest_pupil_size, export_pupilinfo = export_pupilinfo)
                        new_sub_seg = Segment(segid+"_"+str(sub_segid), all_data[all_start:all_end], fixation_data[fix_start:fix_end], 
                                      event_data=None, aois=aoilist, prune_length=prune_length, rest_pupil_size = rest_pupil_size, export_pupilinfo = export_pupilinfo)
                except  Exception as e:
                    if params.DEBUG:
                        new_sub_seg = None
                if new_sub_seg != None:
                    fix_inds.append((fix_start, fix_end))
                    if event_data != None:
                        event_inds.append((event_start, event_end))
            #end of handling the last sub_seg
            return subsegments, samp_inds, fix_inds, event_inds
        if len(all_data)<=0:
            raise Exception('A scene with no sample data!')
        if Segments == None:
            self.segments = []
#            print "seglist",seglist
            for (segid, start, end) in seglist:
                print "segid, start, end:",segid, start, end
                if prune_length != None:
				    end = min(end, start+prune_length)
                _, all_start, all_end = get_chunk(all_data, 0, start, end)
                _, fix_start, fix_end = get_chunk(fixation_data, 0, start, end)
                if event_data != None:
                    _, event_start, event_end = get_chunk(event_data, 0, start, end)
                if fix_end - fix_start>0:
                        if event_data != None:
                            new_seg = Segment(segid, all_data[all_start:all_end], fixation_data[fix_start:fix_end], 
							        event_data=event_data[event_start:event_end], aois=aoilist, prune_length=prune_length, rest_pupil_size = rest_pupil_size, export_pupilinfo = export_pupilinfo)
                            new_seg = Segment(segid, all_data[all_start:all_end], fixation_data[fix_start:fix_end], 
							        event_data=None, aois=aoilist, prune_length=prune_length, rest_pupil_size = rest_pupil_size, export_pupilinfo = export_pupilinfo)
                    except  Exception as e:
                        if params.DEBUG:
                if (new_seg.largest_data_gap > params.MAX_SEG_TIMEGAP) and auto_partition: #low quality segment that needs to be partitioned!
                    new_segs, samp_inds, fix_inds, event_inds = partition_segment(new_seg, start, end, rest_pupil_size, export_pupilinfo=export_pupilinfo) 
                    if event_data != None:
                        for nseg,samp,fix,eve in zip(new_segs, samp_inds, fix_inds, event_inds):
                            if nseg.length > params.MINSEGSIZE:
                        for nseg,samp,fix in zip(new_segs, samp_inds, fix_inds):
                            if nseg.length > params.MINSEGSIZE:
                else:   #good quality segment OR no auto_partition
                    if event_data != None:
            self.segments = Segments #segments are already generated
        self.require_valid_Segments = require_valid
        if require_valid:   #filter out the invalid Segments
            segments = filter(lambda x:x.is_valid,self.segments)
            segments = self.segments
        if len(segments)==0:
            raise Exception('no segments in scene %s!' %(scid))
        fixationlist = []
        eventlist = []
        sample_list = []
        totalfixations = 0
        firstsegtime = float('infinity')
        firstseg = None 
        for seg in segments:
            sample_st,sample_end,fix_start,fix_end,event_st,event_end = seg.get_indices()
            if params.DEBUG:
                print "sample_st,sample_end,fix_start,fix_end",sample_st,sample_end,fix_start,fix_end,event_st,event_end
            totalfixations += len(fixationlist[-1])
            if event_data != None:
                totalevents = len(eventlist[-1])
            if seg.start < firstsegtime:
                firstsegtime = seg.start
                firstseg = seg
        self.firstseg = firstseg
        self.scid = scid
        self.features = {}
        self.largest_data_gap = maxfeat(self.segments,'largest_data_gap')   #self.segments is used to calculate validity of the scenes instead of segments which is only valid segments
        self.proportion_valid = weightedmeanfeat(self.segments,'numsamples','proportion_valid') #self.segments is used to calculate validity of the scenes instead of segments which is only valid segments
        self.proportion_valid_fix = weightedmeanfeat(self.segments,'numsamples','proportion_valid_fix') #self.segments is used to calculate validity of the scenes instead of segments which is only valid segments
        self.validity1 = self.calc_validity1()
        self.validity2 = self.calc_validity2()
        self.validity3 = self.calc_validity3()
        self.is_valid = self.get_validity()

        self.length = sumfeat(segments,'length')
        if self.length == 0:
            raise Exception('Zero length segments!')
        self.features['numsegments'] = len(segments)
        self.features['length'] = self.length
        self.start = minfeat(segments,'start')
        self.numfixations = sumfeat(segments,'numfixations')
        self.end = maxfeat(segments,'end')
        self.numsamples = sumfeat(segments, 'numsamples')
        self.features['numsamples'] = self.numsamples
        self.numfixations = sumfeat(segments, 'numfixations')
        self.features['numfixations'] = self.numfixations
        if prune_length == None:
            if self.numfixations != totalfixations:
                raise Exception('error in fixation count for scene:'+self.scid)
            #warn ('error in fixation count for scene:'+self.scid)
        self.features['fixationrate'] = float(self.numfixations) / self.length
        if self.numfixations > 0:
            self.features['meanfixationduration'] = weightedmeanfeat(segments,'numfixations',"features['meanfixationduration']")
            self.features['stddevfixationduration'] = stddev(map(lambda x: float(x.fixationduration), reduce(lambda x,y: x+y ,fixationlist)))##
            self.features['sumfixationduration'] = sumfeat(segments, "features['sumfixationduration']")
            self.features['fixationrate'] = float(self.numfixations)/self.length
            distances = self.calc_distances(fixationlist)
            abs_angles = self.calc_abs_angles(fixationlist)
            rel_angles = self.calc_rel_angles(fixationlist)
            self.features['meanfixationduration'] = 0
            self.features['stddevfixationduration'] = 0
            self.features['sumfixationduration'] = 0
            self.features['fixationrate'] = 0
            distances = []
        if len(distances) > 0:
            self.features['meanpathdistance'] = mean(distances)
            self.features['sumpathdistance'] = sum(distances)
            self.features['stddevpathdistance'] = stddev(distances)
            self.features['eyemovementvelocity'] = self.features['sumpathdistance']/self.length
            self.features['sumabspathangles'] = sum(abs_angles)
            self.features['meanabspathangles'] = mean(abs_angles)
            self.features['abspathanglesrate'] = sum(abs_angles)/self.length
            self.features['stddevabspathangles'] = stddev(abs_angles)
            self.features['sumrelpathangles'] = sum(rel_angles)
            self.features['relpathanglesrate'] = sum(rel_angles)/self.length
            self.features['meanrelpathangles'] = mean(rel_angles)
            self.features['stddevrelpathangles'] = stddev(rel_angles)
            self.features['meanpathdistance'] = 0
            self.features['sumpathdistance'] = 0
            self.features['stddevpathdistance'] = 0
            self.features['eyemovementvelocity'] = 0
            self.features['sumabspathangles'] = 0
            self.features['abspathanglesrate'] = 0
            self.features['meanabspathangles']= 0
            self.features['stddevabspathangles']= 0
            self.features['sumrelpathangles'] = 0
            self.features['relpathanglesrate'] = 0
            self.features['meanrelpathangles']= 0
            self.features['stddevrelpathangles'] = 0
        """ calculate pupil dilation features (no rest pupil size adjustments yet)""" 
        self.numpupilsizes = sumfeat(segments,'numpupilsizes')
        self.adjvalidpupilsizes = mergevalues(segments, 'adjvalidpupilsizes')
        if self.numpupilsizes > 0: # check if scene has any pupil data
            if export_pupilinfo:
                self.pupilinfo_for_export = mergevalues(segments, 'pupilinfo_for_export') 
            self.features['meanpupilsize'] = weightedmeanfeat(segments, 'numpupilsizes', "features['meanpupilsize']")
            self.features['stddevpupilsize'] = stddev(self.adjvalidpupilsizes)
            self.features['maxpupilsize'] = maxfeat(segments, "features['maxpupilsize']")
            self.features['minpupilsize'] = minfeat(segments, "features['minpupilsize']")
            self.features['startpupilsize'] = segments[0].features['startpupilsize']
            self.features['endpupilsize'] = segments[-1].features['endpupilsize']
            self.pupilinfo_for_export = [] 
            self.features['meanpupilsize'] = 0
            self.features['stddevpupilsize'] = 0
            self.features['maxpupilsize'] = 0
            self.features['minpupilsize'] = 0
            self.features['startpupilsize'] = 0
            self.features['endpupilsize'] = 0
        """end """

        self.numdistances = sumfeat(segments,'numdistances') #Distance
        self.distances_from_screen = mergevalues(segments, 'distances_from_screen')
        if self.numdistances > 0: # check if scene has any pupil data
            self.features['meandistance'] = weightedmeanfeat(segments, 'numdistances', "features['meandistance']")
            self.features['stddevdistance'] = stddev(self.distances_from_screen)
            self.features['maxdistance'] = maxfeat(segments, "features['maxdistance']")
            self.features['mindistance'] = minfeat(segments, "features['mindistance']")
            self.features['startdistance'] = segments[0].features['startdistance']
            self.features['enddistance'] = segments[-1].features['enddistance']
            self.features['meandistance'] = 0
            self.features['stddevdistance'] = 0
            self.features['maxdistance'] = 0
            self.features['mindistance'] = 0
            self.features['startdistance'] = 0
            self.features['enddistance'] = 0
        """end """

        if event_data != None:
            self.features['numevents'] = sumfeat(segments,'numevents')
            self.features['numleftclic'] = sumfeat(segments,"features['numleftclic']")
            self.features['numrightclic'] = sumfeat(segments, "features['numrightclic']")
            self.features['numdoubleclic'] = sumfeat(segments, "features['numdoubleclic']")
            self.features['numkeypressed'] = sumfeat(segments, "features['numkeypressed']")
            self.features['leftclicrate'] = float(self.features['numleftclic'])/self.length
            self.features['rightclicrate'] = float(self.features['numrightclic'])/self.length
            self.features['doubleclicrate'] = float(self.features['numdoubleclic'])/self.length
            self.features['keypressedrate'] = float(self.features['numkeypressed'])/self.length
            self.features['timetofirstleftclic'] = segments[0].features['timetofirstleftclic']
            self.features['timetofirstrightclic'] = segments[0].features['timetofirstrightclic']
            self.features['timetofirstdoubleclic'] = segments[0].features['timetofirstdoubleclic']
            self.features['timetofirstkeypressed'] = segments[0].features['timetofirstkeypressed']
            self.features['numevents'] = 0
            self.features['numleftclic'] = 0
            self.features['numrightclic'] = 0
            self.features['numdoubleclic'] = 0
            self.features['numkeypressed'] = 0
            self.features['leftclicrate'] = 0
            self.features['rightclicrate'] = 0
            self.features['doubleclicrate'] = 0
            self.features['keypressedrate'] = 0
            self.features['timetofirstleftclic'] = -1
            self.features['timetofirstrightclic'] = -1
            self.features['timetofirstdoubleclic'] = -1
            self.features['timetofirstkeypressed'] = -1
        """end """

        self.has_aois = False
        if aoilist:
            self.set_aois(segments, aoilist)
        self.features['aoisequence'] = self.merge_aoisequences(segments)
Exemple #35
 def drawChildren(self):
     for c in self.children:
         s = Segment(self.window, self.state.copy(), c.state.copy())
Exemple #36
    def __init__(self, scid, seglist, all_data, fixation_data, Segments = None, aoilist = None, prune_length= None, require_valid = True, auto_partition = False):

        @type scid: str
        @param scid: The id of the scene.
        @type segements: List of Segment.Segement
        @param scid: The segments belonging to this scene
        @type all_data: array of L{Datapoints<Datapoint.Datapoint>}
        @param all_data: The datapoints which make up this Trial.
        @type fixation_data: array of L{Fixations<Datapoint.Fixation>}
        @param fixation_data: The fixations which make up this Trial.
        @type aois: array of L{AOIs<AOI.AOI>}
        @param aois: The AOIs relevant to this trial
        @type prune_length: int
        def partition_segement(new_seg, seg_start,seg_end):
            timegaps = new_seg.getgaps()
            subsegments = []
            samp_inds = []
            fix_inds = []
            last_samp_idx = 0
            last_fix_idx = 0
            sub_seg_time_start = seg_start
            for timebounds in timegaps:
                sub_seg_time_end = timebounds[0] #end of this sub_seg is start of this gap
                last_samp_idx, all_start,all_end = get_chunk(all_data, last_samp_idx, sub_seg_time_start, sub_seg_time_end)
                last_fix_idx, fix_start, fix_end = get_chunk(fixation_data, last_fix_idx, sub_seg_time_start, sub_seg_time_end)
                sub_seg_time_start = timebounds[1] #beginning of the next sub_seg is end of this gap
                if fix_end - fix_start>0:
                    new_sub_seg = Segment(segid, all_data[all_start:all_end],
                                      fixation_data[fix_start:fix_end], aois=aoilist, prune_length=prune_length)
                fix_inds.append((fix_start, fix_end))
                sub_segid +=1
            # handling the last sub_seg
            sub_seg_time_end = seg_end #end of last sub_seg is the end of seg
            last_samp_idx, all_start,all_end = get_chunk(all_data, last_samp_idx, sub_seg_time_start, sub_seg_time_end)
            last_fix_idx, fix_start, fix_end = get_chunk(fixation_data, last_fix_idx, sub_seg_time_start, sub_seg_time_end)
            if fix_end - fix_start>0: #add the last sub_seg
                new_sub_seg = Segment(segid, all_data[all_start:all_end],
                                  fixation_data[fix_start:fix_end], aois=aoilist, prune_length=prune_length)
                fix_inds.append((fix_start, fix_end))
            #end of handling the last sub_seg
            return subsegments, samp_inds, fix_inds
        if len(all_data)<=0:
            raise Exception('A scene with no sample data!')
        if Segments == None:
            self.segments = []
#            print "seglist",seglist
            for (segid, start, end) in seglist:
                print "segid, start, end:",segid, start, end
                _, all_start, all_end = get_chunk(all_data, 0, start, end)
                _, fix_start, fix_end = get_chunk(fixation_data, 0, start, end)
                if fix_end - fix_start>0:
                    new_seg = Segment(segid, all_data[all_start:all_end],
                                      fixation_data[fix_start:fix_end], aois=aoilist, prune_length=prune_length)
                if (new_seg.largest_data_gap > params.MAX_SEG_TIMEGAP) and auto_partition: #low quality segment that needs to be partitioned!
                    new_segs, samp_inds, fix_inds = partition_segement(new_seg, start, end) 
                    for nseg,samp,fix in zip(new_segs, samp_inds, fix_inds):
                else:   #good quality segment OR no auto_partition
            self.segments = Segments #segments are already generated
        if require_valid:
            segments = filter(lambda x:x.is_valid,self.segments)
            segments = self.segments
        if len(segments)==0:
            raise Exception('no segments in scene %s!' %(scid))
        fixationlist = []
        sample_list = []
        totalfixations = 0
        firstsegtime = float('infinity')
        firstseg = None 
        for seg in segments:
            sample_st,sample_end,fix_start,fix_end = seg.get_indices()
            if params.DEBUG:
                print "sample_st,sample_end,fix_start,fix_end",sample_st,sample_end,fix_start,fix_end
            totalfixations += len(fixationlist[-1])
            if seg.start < firstsegtime:
                firstsegtime = seg.start
                firstseg = seg
        self.firstseg = firstseg
        self.scid = scid
        self.features = {}
        self.largest_data_gap = maxfeat(self.segments,'largest_data_gap')   #self.segments is used to calculate validity of the scenes instead of segments which is only valid segments
        self.proportion_valid = weightedmeanfeat(self.segments,'numsamples','proportion_valid') #self.segments is used to calculate validity of the scenes instead of segments which is only valid segments
        self.proportion_valid_fix = weightedmeanfeat(self.segments,'numsamples','proportion_valid_fix') #self.segments is used to calculate validity of the scenes instead of segments which is only valid segments
        self.validity1 = self.calc_validity1()
        self.validity2 = self.calc_validity2()
        self.validity3 = self.calc_validity3()
        self.is_valid = self.get_validity()

        self.length = sumfeat(segments,'length')
        if self.length == 0:
            raise Exception('Zero length segments!')
        self.features['numsegments'] = len(segments)
        self.features['length'] = self.length
        self.start = minfeat(segments,'start')
        self.numfixations = sumfeat(segments,'numfixations')
        self.end = maxfeat(segments,'end')
        self.numsamples = sumfeat(segments, 'numsamples')
        self.features['numsamples'] = self.numsamples
        self.numfixations = sumfeat(segments, 'numfixations')
        self.features['numfixations'] = self.numfixations
        if self.numfixations != totalfixations:
            raise Exception('error in fixation count for scene:'+self.scid)
            #warn ('error in fixation count for scene:'+self.scid)
        self.features['fixationrate'] = float(self.numfixations) / self.length
        if self.numfixations > 0:
            self.features['meanfixationduration'] = weightedmeanfeat(segments,'numfixations',"features['meanfixationduration']")
            self.features['stddevfixationduration'] = stddev(map(lambda x: float(x.fixationduration), reduce(lambda x,y: x+y ,fixationlist)))##
            self.features['sumfixationduration'] = sumfeat(segments, "features['sumfixationduration']")
            self.features['fixationrate'] = float(self.numfixations)/self.length
            distances = self.calc_distances(fixationlist)
            abs_angles = self.calc_abs_angles(fixationlist)
            rel_angles = self.calc_rel_angles(fixationlist)
            self.features['meanfixationduration'] = 0
            self.features['stddevfixationduration'] = 0
            self.features['sumfixationduration'] = 0
            self.features['fixationrate'] = 0
            distances = []
        if len(distances) > 0:
            self.features['meanpathdistance'] = mean(distances)
            self.features['sumpathdistance'] = sum(distances)
            self.features['stddevpathdistance'] = stddev(distances)
            self.features['sumabspathangles'] = sum(abs_angles)
            self.features['meanabspathangles'] = mean(abs_angles)
            self.features['stddevabspathangles'] = stddev(abs_angles)
            self.features['sumrelpathangles'] = sum(rel_angles)
            self.features['meanrelpathangles'] = mean(rel_angles)
            self.features['stddevrelpathangles'] = stddev(rel_angles)
            self.features['meanpathdistance'] = 0
            self.features['sumpathdistance'] = 0
            self.features['stddevpathdistance'] = 0
            self.features['sumabspathangles'] = 0
            self.features['meanabspathangles']= 0
            self.features['stddevabspathangles']= 0
            self.features['sumrelpathangles'] = 0
            self.features['meanrelpathangles']= 0
            self.features['stddevrelpathangles'] = 0
        self.has_aois = False
        if aoilist:
            self.set_aois(segments, aoilist,fixationlist)