Exemple #1
    def _get_table_data(request, context):
        Echo the input table.
        :param request:
        :param context:
        logging.info('Entering {} TimeStamp: {}' .format(function_name, datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f")))
        url = config.get(q_function_name, 'url')
        logging.debug("Rest Url is set to {}" .format(url))
        bCache= config.get(q_function_name, 'cache')
        logging.debug("Caching is set to {}" .format(bCache))
        if (bCache.lower() =="true"):
            logging.info("Caching ****Enabled*** for {}" .format(q_function_name))
            logging.info("Caching ****Disabled**** for {}" .format(q_function_name))
            md = (('qlik-cache', 'no-store'),)

        #'Get The Table Name'
        for request_rows in request:
            response_rows = []
        temp = MessageToDict(request_rows) 
        table_name = temp["rows"][0]["duals"][0]["strData"]
        logging.debug("Table Name : {}" .format(table_name))
        #'Get The JSON Key And Values for Table'
        table_id  = precog.get_table_id(table_name, url)
        #try catch to catch bad url and kick out if resp is not 2000
        logging.debug('Input Table Name: {} Table ID: {}' .format(table_name, table_id[0]))
        create_token_tuple = precog.create_token(url,table_id[0])
        new_token = create_token_tuple[0]
        new_secret = create_token_tuple[1]
        response = create_token_tuple[2]
        result = precog.get_result_csv(url, new_secret)
        output_str = result[1]
        parsed_csv = precog.convert_csv(result[1])
        resp_clean = precog.cleanup_token(new_token, table_id[0], url)
        bundledRows = SSE.BundledRows()

        yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=resp_clean)
Exemple #2
    def _sum_of_column(request):
        Summarize the column sent as a parameter. Aggregation function.
        :param request: an iterable sequence of RowData
        :return: int, sum if column
        params = []

        # Iterate over bundled rows
        for request_rows in request:
            # Iterating over rows
            for row in request_rows.rows:
                # Retrieve numerical value of parameter and append to the params variable
                # Length of param is 1 since one column is received, the [0] collects the first value in the list
                param = [d.numData for d in row.duals][0]

        # Sum all rows collected the the params variable
        result = sum(params)

        # Create an iterable of dual with numerical value
        duals = iter([SSE.Dual(numData=result)])

        # Yield the row data constructed
        yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=[SSE.Row(duals=duals)])
Exemple #3
 def _ws_single(request, context):
      Single Row Processing for Websockets
     :param request: iterable sequence of bundled rows
     :return: the same iterable sequence as received
     logging.info('Entering {} TimeStamp: {}' .format(function_name, datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f")))
     #Start by Gathering Environmental Varaiable
     host = socket.gethostname()
     ip_addr = socket.gethostbyname(host)
     ws_url = config.get(q_function_name, 'ws_url')
     token = config.get(q_function_name, 'token')
     user_name= config.get(q_function_name, 'username')
     ws_route= config.get(q_function_name, 'ws_route')
     bCache= config.get(q_function_name, 'cache')
     logging.debug('Pringint Route for WS {}' .format(ws_route))
     logging.debug("Caching is set to {}" .format(bCache))
     if (bCache.lower()=="true"):
         logging.info("Caching ****Enabled*** for {}" .format(q_function_name))
         logging.info("Caching ****Disabled**** for {}" .format(q_function_name))
         md = (('qlik-cache', 'no-store'),)
     #In Future we will use the Token for Liencensing and Throttling
     #Currently we are using Comblination of host+ipaddr+username for Client Identification
     ws_url = ws_url + host +'_'+ ip_addr+'_'+ user_name+'_'
     logging.debug('Websocket URL : {}' .format(ws_url))
     ws = create_connection(ws_url)
     response_rows = []
     for request_rows in request:
         # Iterate over rows
         # Default code
         for row in request_rows.rows:
             # Retrieve string value of parameter and append to the params variable
             # Length of param is 1 since one column is received, the [0] collects the first value in the list
             param = [d.strData for d in row.duals][0]
             result = ''
             if (len(param) ==0):
                 logging.debug('Parameters are Empty')
                 result = 'Error'
                 payload = '{"action":"'+ ws_route +'","data":"' + param + '"}'
                 logging.debug('Showing Payload: {}'.format(payload))
                 #logging.info('Show  Payload Response: {}'.format(resp.text))
                 resp =  json.loads(ws.recv())
                 result = resp['result']
                 logging.debug('Show  Result: {}'.format(result))
             # Create an iterable of dual with the result
             duals = iter([SSE.Dual(strData=result)])
             # Yield the row data as bundled rows
     yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=response_rows)
     logging.info('Exiting {} TimeStamp: {}' .format(function_name, datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f")))
Exemple #4
    def evaluate(context, script, ret_type, params=[]):
        Evaluates a script with given parameters.
        :param context: the context sent from client
        :param script:  script to evaluate
        :param ret_type: return data type
        :param params: params to evaluate. Default: []
        :return: a RowData of string dual
        if ret_type == ReturnType.String:
            # Evaluate script
            result = eval(script, {'args': params})
            # Transform the result to an iterable of Dual data with a string value
            duals = iter([SSE.Dual(strData=result)])

            # Create row data out of duals
            return SSE.BundledRows(rows=[SSE.Row(duals=duals)])
            # This plugin does not support other return types than string
            # Make sure the error handling, including logging, works as intended in the client
            msg = 'Return type {} is not supported in this plugin.'.format(
            # Raise error on the plugin-side
            raise grpc.RpcError(grpc.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED, msg)
    def _translate(request, context):
        translationsList = []

        # Iterate over bundled rows
        for request_rows in request:
            # Iterate over rows
            for row in request_rows.rows:
                # grab the text
                text = [d.strData for d in row.duals][0]

                # grab the source
                src = [d.strData for d in row.duals][1]

                # grab the destination
                dest = [d.strData for d in row.duals][2]


            translator = Translator()
            translations = translator.translate(translationsList,

        resultList = [i.text for i in translations]
        logging.info('Records translated: ' + str(len(resultList)))

        # Create an iterable of dual with the result
        duals = iter([[SSE.Dual(strData=d)] for d in resultList])

        # Yield the row data as bundled rows
        yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=[SSE.Row(duals=d) for d in duals])
    def _get_sql(request):
        GetSQL function, tensor
        # Iterate over bundled rows
        for request_rows in request:
            response_rows = []
            # Iterating over rows
            for row in request_rows.rows:
                # Retrieve numerical value of parameter and append to the params variable
                # Length of param is 1 since one column is received, the [0] collects the first value in the list
                param = [d.strData for d in row.duals][0]

                # This is pretty costly.. remove it when you see SQL generating normally

                # Execute SQL command
                results = cursor.fetchall()
                results = results[0][0]
                # Create an iterable of dual with numerical value
                duals = iter([SSE.Dual(numData=results)])

            # Yield the row data constructed
            yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=response_rows)
    def _no_cache(request, context):
        Cache disabled. Add the datetime stamp to the end of each string value.
        :param request:
        :param context: used for disabling the cache in the header.
        :return: string
        # Disable caching.
        md = (('qlik-cache', 'no-store'),)

        # Iterate over bundled rows
        for request_rows in request:
            # Iterate over rows
            for row in request_rows.rows:
                # Retrieve string value of parameter and append to the params variable
                # Length of param is 1 since one column is received, the [0] collects the first value in the list
                param = [d.strData for d in row.duals][0]

                # Join with current timedate stamp
                result = param + ' ' + datetime.now().isoformat()
                # Create an iterable of dual with the result
                duals = iter([SSE.Dual(strData=result)])

                # Yield the row data as bundled rows
                yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=[SSE.Row(duals=duals)])
    def _hello_world_aggr(request, context):
        Aggregates the parameters to a single comma separated string.
        :param request: iterable sequence of bundled rows
        :return: string
        params = []

        # Iterate over bundled rows
        for request_rows in request:
            # Iterate over rows
            for row in request_rows.rows:
                # Retrieve string value of parameter and append to the params variable
                # Length of param is 1 since one column is received, the [0] collects the first value in the list
                param = [d.strData for d in row.duals][0]

        # Aggregate parameters to a single string
        result = ', '.join(params)

        # Create an iterable of dual with the result
        duals = iter([SSE.Dual(strData=result)])

        # Yield the row data as bundled rows
        yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=[SSE.Row(duals=duals)])
Exemple #9
    def _max_of_columns_2(request, context):
        Find max of each column. This is a table function.
        :param request: an iterable sequence of RowData
        :param context:
        :return: a table with numerical values, two columns and one row

        result = [_MINFLOAT] * 2

        # Iterate over bundled rows
        for request_rows in request:
            # Iterating over rows
            for row in request_rows.rows:
                # Retrieve the numerical value of each parameter
                # and update the result variable if it's higher than the previously saved value
                for i in range(0, len(row.duals)):
                    result[i] = max(result[i], row.duals[i].numData)

        # Create an iterable of dual with numerical value
        duals = iter([SSE.Dual(numData=r) for r in result])

        # Set and send Table header
        table = SSE.TableDescription(name='MaxOfColumns', numberOfRows=1)
        table.fields.add(name='Max1', dataType=SSE.NUMERIC)
        table.fields.add(name='Max2', dataType=SSE.NUMERIC)
        md = (('qlik-tabledescription-bin', table.SerializeToString()), )

        # Yield the row data constructed
        yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=[SSE.Row(duals=duals)])
Exemple #10
    def _instructors(request, context):
        Rest using single variable
        logging.info('Entering {} TimeStamp: {}'.format(
        url = config.get(q_function_name, 'url')
        logging.debug("Rest Url is set to {}".format(url))
        bCache = config.get(q_function_name, 'cache')
        logging.debug("Caching is set to {}".format(bCache))
        if (bCache.lower() == "true"):
                "Caching ****Enabled*** for {}".format(q_function_name))
                "Caching ****Disabled**** for {}".format(q_function_name))
            md = (('qlik-cache', 'no-store'), )

        instructors = peloton.get_instructors(url)
        for request_rows in request:
            response_rows = []
            for row in request_rows.rows:
        yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=response_rows)

        logging.info('Exiting {} TimeStamp: {}'.format(
    def test_evaluatescript(self):
        Test EvaluateScript HelloWorld.

        This test calls the EvaluateScript function with the
        script 'str1 + str2' and two strings as parameters,
        effectively concatenating the two input strings.
        params = to_string_parameters('str1', 'str2')

        header = SSE.ScriptRequestHeader(script='args[0] + args[1]',

        duals = strings_to_duals('Hello', 'World')
        rows = duals_to_rows(duals)

        # Trailing commas to make iterable sequences of tuples.
        bundled_rows = (SSE.BundledRows(rows=rows)),
        metadata = (('qlik-scriptrequestheader-bin',
                     header.SerializeToString()), )

        result = self.stub.EvaluateScript(request_iterator=iter(bundled_rows),

        for bundled_row in result:
            for row in bundled_row.rows:
                for dual in row.duals:
                    assert dual.strData == 'HelloWorld'
    def test_executefunction(self):
        Test ExecuteFunction HelloWorld.

        This tests calls the ExecuteFunction function, with an
        id corresponding to the HelloWorld plugin function.

        header = SSE.FunctionRequestHeader(functionId=HELLO_WORLD_ID,

        duals = strings_to_duals('Hello World!')
        rows = duals_to_rows(duals)

        # Trailing commas to make iterable sequences of tuples.
        bundled_rows = (SSE.BundledRows(rows=rows)),
        metadata = (('qlik-functionrequestheader-bin',
                     header.SerializeToString()), )

        result = self.stub.ExecuteFunction(request_iterator=iter(bundled_rows),

        for bundled_row in result:
            for row in bundled_row.rows:
                for dual in row.duals:
                    assert dual.strData == 'Hello World!'
Exemple #13
    def _sum_of_rows(request):
        Summarize two parameters row wise. Tensor function.
        :param request: an iterable sequence of RowData
        :return: the same iterable sequence of row data as received
        # Iterate over bundled rows
        for request_rows in request:
            response_rows = []
            # Iterating over rows
            for row in request_rows.rows:
                # Retrieve the numerical value of the parameters
                # Two columns are sent from the client, hence the length of params will be 2
                params = [d.numData for d in row.duals]

                # Sum over each row
                result = sum(params)

                # Create an iterable of Dual with a numerical value
                duals = iter([SSE.Dual(numData=result)])

                # Append the row data constructed to response_rows

            # Yield Row data as Bundled rows
            yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=response_rows)
    def test_evaluatescript(self):
        Test EvaluateScript ColumnOperations.

        This test calls the EvaluateScript function with the
        script 'num1 + num2' and two numbers as parameters,
        effectively summarizing the two input numbers.
        params = to_numeric_parameters('num1', 'num2')

        header = SSE.ScriptRequestHeader(script='args[0] + args[1]',

        duals = numbers_to_duals(42, 42)
        rows = duals_to_rows(duals)

        # Trailing commas to make iterable sequences of tuples.
        bundled_rows = (SSE.BundledRows(rows=rows)),
        metadata = (('qlik-scriptrequestheader-bin', header.SerializeToString()), )

        result = self.stub.EvaluateScript(request_iterator=iter(bundled_rows), metadata=metadata)

        for bundled_row in result:
            for row in bundled_row.rows:
                for dual in row.duals:
                    assert dual.numData == 84
Exemple #15
 def _prophet_seasonality(request, context):
     Provide the seasonality component of the Prophet timeseries forecast. Scalar function.
     :param request: an iterable sequence of RowData
     :param context: not used for now
     :return: the forecasted value for each row
     :Qlik expression example:
     :<AAI Connection Name>.Prophet_Seasonality(Month, $(vConcatSeries), $(vHolidays), 'seasonality=yearly, freq=MS, debug=true')
     :The fourth argument in the Qlik expression is a string of parameters. 
     :This should take the form of a comma separated string:
     :e.g 'seasonality=yearly, freq=MS, debug=true' or 'seasonality=weekly, freq=D'
     :Parameters accepted for the Prophet() function are: cap, floor, changepoint_prior_scale, interval_width, 
     :lower_window, upper_window 
     :Parameters accepted for the make_future_dataframe() function are: freq
     :For more information on these parameters go here: https://facebook.github.io/prophet/docs/quick_start.html
     :Additional parameters used are: return, take_log, debug
     :cap = 1000 : A logistic growth model can be defined using cap and floor. Values should be double or integer
     :changepoint_prior_scale = 0.05 : Decrease if the trend changes are being overfit, increase for underfit
     :interval_width = 0.08 : Set the width of the uncertainty intervals
     :lower_window = -1 : Only used with holidays. Extend the holiday by certain no. of days prior to the date.
     :upper_window = 1 : Only used with holidays. Extend the holiday by certain no. of days after the date.
     :freq = MS : The frequency of the time series. e.g. MS for Month Start. See the possible options here:
     :          : http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/timeseries.html#offset-aliases
     :return = yhat : Any of the options in the forecast result. You can see these options with debug=true 
     :              : yhat, yhat_upper, yhat_lower : Forecast, upper and lower limits
     :              : y_then_yhat, y_then_yhat_upper, y_then_yhat_lower : Return forecast only for forecast periods
     :              : trend, trend_upper, trend_lower : Trend component of the timeseries
     :              : seasonal, seasonal_upper, seasonal_lower: Seasonal component of the timeseries 
     :take_log = false : Apply logarithm to the values before the forecast. Default is true
     :debug = true : Print exexution information to the terminal and logs in ..\logs\Prophet Log <n>.txt
     # Get a list from the generator object so that it can be iterated over multiple times
     request_list = [request_rows for request_rows in request]
     # Create an instance of the ProphetForQlik class
     # This will take the request data from Qlik and prepare it for forecasting
     predictor = ProphetForQlik.init_seasonality(request_list)
     # Calculate the forecast and store in a Pandas series
     forecast = predictor.predict()
     # Values in the series are converted to type SSE.Dual
     response_rows = forecast.apply(lambda result: iter([SSE.Dual(numData=result)]))
     # Values in the series are converted to type SSE.Row
     # The series is then converted to a list
     response_rows = response_rows.apply(lambda duals: SSE.Row(duals=duals)).tolist()        
     # Iterate over bundled rows
     for request_rows in request_list:
         # Yield Row data as Bundled rows
         yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=response_rows)  
Exemple #16
    def _misc(request, context):
        Execute functions that provide common data science capabilities for Qlik.
        :param request: an iterable sequence of RowData
        :param context:
        :return: Refer to comments below as the response depends on the function called
        # Get a list from the generator object so that it can be iterated over multiple times
        request_list = [request_rows for request_rows in request]
        # Get the function id from the header to determine the variant being called
        function = ExtensionService._get_function_id(context)
        # Create an instance of the CommonFunction class
        handle = CommonFunction(request_list, context)
        # Call the function based on the mapping in functions.json
        # The if conditions are grouped based on similar output structure
        if function == 33:    
            # Get entities from the default model
            response = handle.association_rules()
            # return six columns: 'rule', 'rule_lhs', 'rule_rhs', 'support', 'confidence', 'lift'
            dtypes = ["str", "str", "str", "num", "num", "num"]
        elif function == 43:
            # Provide predictions in a chart expression based on an existing model
            response = handle.predict(load_script=False)
            # Return predictions
            dtypes = ["str"]
        elif function == 44:
            # Provide predictions in the load script based on an existing model
            response = handle.predict(load_script=True)
            # Return the model name, keys and predictions
            dtypes = ["str", "str", "str"]
        elif function == 45:
            # Get a string that can be evaluated to get the features expression for the predict function
            response = handle.get_features_expression()
            # Return the feature expression
            dtypes = ["str"]

        # Get the response as SSE.Rows
        response_rows = utils.get_response_rows(response.values.tolist(), dtypes) 

        # Get the number of bundles in the request
        num_request_bundles = len(request_list)

        # Get the number of rows in the response
        num_rows = len(response_rows) 

        # Calculate the number of rows to send per bundle
        if num_rows >= num_request_bundles:
            rows_per_bundle = num_rows//num_request_bundles
            rows_per_bundle = num_rows

        # Stream response as BundledRows
        for i in range(0, num_rows, rows_per_bundle):
            # Yield Row data as Bundled rows
            yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=response_rows[i : i + rows_per_bundle])
Exemple #17
    def _geocode(request, context):
        api_selection = None
        coordinateList = []

        # Iterate over bundled rows
        for request_rows in request:

            # Iterate over rows
            for row in request_rows.rows:

                # The first strData is the coordinate
                data = [d.strData for d in row.duals][0]

                # Grab selected API
                # Possible choices are: Google, Open Street, GeocoderDotUS
                if not api_selection:
                    api_selection = [d.strData for d in row.duals][1]

                    if 'google' in api_selection.lower():
                        geolocator = GoogleV3(
                    elif 'open street' in api_selection.lower():
                        geolocator = Nominatim(scheme='http')
                    elif 'geocoderdotus' in api_selection.lower():
                        geolocator = GeocoderDotUS()
                        geolocator = Nominatim()

                # geocode
                for i in range(2):
                        location = geolocator.geocode(data, timeout=2)
                    except geopy.exc.GeocoderTimedOut:
                    except geopy.exc.GeocoderQueryError:
                    except urllib.error.HTTPError:

                    latitude = location.latitude
                except AttributeError:
                    latitude = 'Unavailable'
                    longitude = location.longitude
                except AttributeError:
                    longitude = 'Unavailable'

                coordinates = '[' + str(longitude) + ', ' + str(latitude) + ']'


        # Create an iterable of dual with the result
        duals = iter([[SSE.Dual(strData=c)] for c in coordinateList])

        # Yield the row data as bundled rows
        yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=[SSE.Row(duals=d) for d in duals])
Exemple #18
    def _evaluate(request):
        Summarize the column sent as a parameter. Aggregation function.
        :param request: an iterable sequence of RowData
        :return: int, sum if column
        params = []
        logging.info('_evaluate request {}'.format(request))


        # Iterate over bundled rows
        for request_rows in request:
            # Iterating over rows
            logging.info('_evaluate request_rows {}'.format(request_rows.rows))
            for row in request_rows.rows:
                # Retrieve numerical value of parameter and append to the params variable
                # Length of param is 1 since one column is received, the [0] collects the first value in the list
                param = [d.numData for d in row.duals]
                logging.info('_evaluate row {}'.format(param))


        dir_path = os.path.dirname(
            os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "\\kmeans_iris"
        #results = h2o.load_model("C:/Users/daniel/Documents/Qlik Advanced Analytics/Examples/Python/H2O/kmeans_iris")
        results = h2o.load_model(dir_path)
        newData = h2o.H2OFrame(params)

        predictedNew = results.predict(newData)
        predicted_as_list = h2o.as_list(predictedNew, use_pandas=False)


        response_rows = []

        for result in predicted_as_list:
            # Create an iterable of Dual with a numerical value
            duals = iter([SSE.Dual(numData=int(result[0]))])
            # Append the row data constructed to response_rows

        logging.info('_evaluate params {}'.format(params))
            '_evaluate predicted_as_list {}'.format(predicted_as_list))
        # Sum all rows collected the the params variable
        #result = sum(params[0])

        # Create an iterable of dual with numerical value
        #duals = iter([SSE.Dual(numData=result)])

        # Yield the row data constructed
        yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=response_rows)
Exemple #19
    def _cluster(request, context):
        Look for clusters within a dimension using the given features. Scalar function.
        Three variants are implemented:
        :0: one dimension and a string of numeric features.
        :1: two dimensions and one measure. This will only work when used in the Qlik load script.
        :2: one dimension, the latitude and longitude.
        :param request: an iterable sequence of RowData
        :param context:
        :return: the clustering classification for each row
        :Qlik expression examples:
        :<AAI Connection Name>.Cluster(dimension, sum(value1) & ';' & sum(value2), 'scaler=standard')
        # Get a list from the generator object so that it can be iterated over multiple times
        request_list = [request_rows for request_rows in request]

        # Get the function id from the header to determine the variant being called
        function = ExtensionService._get_function_id(context)

        if function == 0:
            # The standard variant takes in one dimension and a string of semi-colon separated features.
            variant = "standard"
        elif function == 1:
            # In the second variant features for clustering are produced by pivoting the measure for the second dimension.
            variant = "two_dims"
        elif function == 2:
            # The third variant if for finding clusters in geospatial coordinates.
            variant = "lat_long"

        # Create an instance of the HDBSCANForQlik class
        # This will take the request data from Qlik and prepare it for clustering
        clusterer = HDBSCANForQlik(request_list, context, variant=variant)

        # Calculate the clusters and store in a Pandas series (or DataFrame in the case of a load script call)
        clusters = clusterer.scan()

        # Check if the response is a DataFrame.
        # This occurs when the load_script=true argument is passed in the Qlik expression.
        response_is_df = isinstance(clusters, pd.DataFrame)

        # Convert the response to a list of rows
        clusters = clusters.values.tolist()

        # We convert values to type SSE.Dual, and group columns into a iterable
        if response_is_df:
            response_rows = [
                      SSE.Dual(numData=row[1])]) for row in clusters
            response_rows = [iter([SSE.Dual(numData=row)]) for row in clusters]

        # Values are then structured as SSE.Rows
        response_rows = [SSE.Row(duals=duals) for duals in response_rows]

        # Yield Row data as Bundled rows
        yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=response_rows)
Exemple #20
    def _spacy(request, context):
        Execute functions for the spaCy natural language processing library.
        :param request: an iterable sequence of RowData
        :param context:
        :return: Refer to comments below as the response depends on the function called
        # Get a list from the generator object so that it can be iterated over multiple times
        request_list = [request_rows for request_rows in request]

        # Get the function id from the header to determine the variant being called
        function = ExtensionService._get_function_id(context)

        # Create an instance of the SpaCyForQlik class
        model = SpaCyForQlik(request_list, context)

        # Call the function based on the mapping in functions.json
        # The if conditions are grouped based on similar output structure
        if function in (30, 31):
            if function == 30:
                # Get entities from the default model
                response = model.get_entities()
            elif function == 31:
                # Get entities from a named model
                response = model.get_entities(default=False)

            # return six columns: key, entity, start, end, type, description
            dtypes = ["str", "str", "num", "num", "str", "str"]

        elif function == 32:
            # Retrain a model by supplying texts and labeled entities
            response = model.retrain()

            # return four columns: model_name, subset, metric, value
            dtypes = ["str", "str", "str", "num"]

        # Get the response as SSE.Rows
        response_rows = utils.get_response_rows(response.values.tolist(),

        # Get the number of rows in the request
        num_request_bundles = len(request_list)

        # Get the number of rows in the response
        num_rows = len(response_rows)

        # Calculate the number of rows to send per bundle
        if num_rows >= num_request_bundles:
            rows_per_bundle = len(response_rows) // len(request_list)
            rows_per_bundle = num_rows

        # Stream response as BundledRows
        for i in range(0, len(response_rows), rows_per_bundle):
            # Yield Row data as Bundled rows
            yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=response_rows[i:i + rows_per_bundle])
    def _getField(request, context):
        Mirrors the input and sends back the same data.
        :param request: iterable sequence of bundled rows
        :return: the same iterable sequence as received
        mytime = datetime.utcnow()
        params = []

        csvrows = []

        logging.debug("Request: " + str(request) + "\n")


        #Not optimal but will need to fix later.
        global qpiData
        global qpiObsfData
        global qpiAccess

        for request_rows in request:
            logging.debug("Request rows: " + str(request_rows) + "\n")
            response_rows = []

            for row in request_rows.rows:

                # Retrieve string value of parameter and append to the params variable
                params = [d.strData for d in row.duals]

                #Retrieve the requested value from the loaded data here...
                    if params[2] in qpiAccess:
                        returnValue = str(qpiData[params[1]][params[0]])

                        csvrows.append([mytime,params[1],params[2],'Field: ' + params[0] + ' - ' + params[3]])

                        #Added threading from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39440015/how-to-do-simple-async-calls-in-python
                        #    needs to be thoroughly tested on LARGE data volumes
                        with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) as executor:
                        # User is not allowed to see real data, returning obfuscated data and no need to log access.
                        returnValue = str(qpiObfuscated[params[1]][params[0]])

                    returnValue = 'Can not retrieve requested data, see log file.'#
                    logging.error('Error in retrieving data\nNo data exists for ID: ' + params[1] + ' Field: ' + params[0] + ' for User: '******' Comment: ' + params[3])

                # Create an iterable of dual with the result
                duals = iter([SSE.Dual(strData=returnValue)])


        yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=response_rows)
Exemple #22
    def _linearRegression(request, context):
        # clear the log for ARIMA details
        ##        f = open(logger,'w')
        ##        f.write('New function call\n')

        # instantiate a list for measure data
        dataList = []

        for request_rows in request:
            # iterate over each request row (contains rows, duals, numData)
            ##            f.write('Request Rows: ' + str(request_rows) + '\n')

            # pull duals from each row, and the numData from duals
            for row in request_rows.rows:
                # the first numData contains the measure data
                data = [d.numData for d in row.duals][0]

                # try to convert number to float
                except ValueError:
                    data = 0

                # append each data point to a list and log it

##                f.write('Row: ' + str(data) + '\n')

# grab the length of the data list and convert
        X_len = len(dataList)
        X = np.asarray(range(X_len))

        # convert the data into an array
        Y = np.asarray(dataList)

        # fit linear regression model
        mdl = LinearRegression().fit(X.reshape(-1, 1), Y)

        # grab m and b from y = mx + b
        m = mdl.coef_[0]
        b = mdl.intercept_

        # calculate regression line points
        regressionResults = []
        gen = (i for i in range(X_len))

        for i in gen:
            y = m * i + b

        # Create an iterable of dual with the result
        duals = iter([[SSE.Dual(numData=d)] for d in regressionResults])

        # Yield the row data as bundled rows
        yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=[SSE.Row(duals=d) for d in duals])
 def _echo_table(request, context):
     Echo the input table.
     :param request:
     :param context:
     for request_rows in request:
         response_rows = []
         for row in request_rows.rows:
         yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=response_rows)
 def _rest_single(request, context):
     Rest using single variable
     logging.info('Entering {} TimeStamp: {}'.format(
     url = config.get(q_function_name, 'url')
     logging.debug("Rest Url is set to {}".format(url))
     bCache = config.get(q_function_name, 'cache')
     logging.debug("Caching is set to {}".format(bCache))
     if (bCache.lower() == "true"):
             "Caching ****Enabled*** for {}".format(q_function_name))
             "Caching ****Disabled**** for {}".format(q_function_name))
         md = (('qlik-cache', 'no-store'), )
     response_rows = []
     request_counter = 1
     for request_rows in request:
         logging.debug('Printing Request Rows - Request Counter {}'.format(
         request_counter = request_counter + 1
         for row in request_rows.rows:
             # Retrieve string value of parameter and append to the params variable
             # Length of param is 1 since one column is received, the [0] collects the first value in the list
             param = [d.strData for d in row.duals][0]
             # Join with current timedate stamp
             if (len(param) == 0):
                     'Exiting {} TimeStamp: {} due to Data being Empty '.
                 payload = '{"data":"' + param + '"}'
                 logging.debug('Showing Payload: {}'.format(payload))
                 resp = requests.post(url, data=payload)
                 logging.debug('Show Payload Response as Text: {}'.format(
                 result = resp.text
                 result = result.replace('"', '')
                 result = result.strip()
                 logging.debug('Show  Result: {}'.format(result))
                 # Create an iterable of dual with the result
                 duals = iter([SSE.Dual(strData=result)])
             # Yield the row data as bundled rows
     yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=response_rows)
     logging.info('Exiting {} TimeStamp: {}'.format(
    def _translateScript(request, context):

        idNumList = []
        translationsList = []

        # Iterate over bundled rows
        for request_rows in request:
            # Iterate over rows
            for row in request_rows.rows:
                # grab the text
                text = [d.strData for d in row.duals][0]

                # grab the id
                idNum = [d.numData for d in row.duals][1]

                # grab the source
                src = [d.strData for d in row.duals][2]

                # grab the destination
                dest = [d.strData for d in row.duals][3]


            translator = Translator()
            translations = translator.translate(translationsList,

        resultList = [i.text for i in translations]
        logging.info('Records translated: ' + str(len(resultList)))

        # Create an iterable of dual with the result
        dualsList = []
        dualsList.append([SSE.Dual(numData=d) for d in idNumList])
        dualsList.append([SSE.Dual(strData=d) for d in resultList])

        response_rows = []
        for i in range(len(idNumList)):
            duals = [dualsList[z][i] for z in range(len(dualsList))]

        # Set and send Table header
        table = SSE.TableDescription(name='Translations')
        md = (('qlik-tabledescription-bin', table.SerializeToString()), )

        yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=response_rows)
    def _rest_30(request, context):
        Aggregates the parameters to a single comma separated string.


        logging.info('Entering {} TimeStamp: {}'.format(
        url = config.get(q_function_name, 'url')
        bCache = config.get(q_function_name, 'cache')
        logging.debug("Caching is set to {}".format(bCache))
        if (bCache.lower() == "true"):
                "Caching ****Enabled*** for {}".format(q_function_name))
                "Caching ****Disabled**** for {}".format(q_function_name))
            md = (('qlik-cache', 'no-store'), )
        # Iterate over bundled rows
        response_rows = []
        for request_rows in request:
            # Iterate over rows
            for row in request_rows.rows:
                # Retrieve string value of parameter and append to the params variable
                # Length of param is 1 since one column is received, the [0] collects the first value in the list
                param = [d.strData for d in row.duals]
                if (len(param) == 0):
                    logging.debug('Parameters are Empty')
                    result = 'Error'
                #logging.info('Showing Payload: {}'.format(param))
                # Aggregate parameters to a single string
                # Join payload via =','.join(param)
                    payload = '{"data":"' + (','.join(param)) + '"}'
                    logging.debug('Showing Payload: {}'.format(payload))
                    resp = requests.post(url, data=payload)
                    logging.debug('Show  Payload Response: {}'.format(
                    result = resp.text
                    result = result.replace('"', '')
                    result = result.strip()
                    logging.debug('Show  Result: {}'.format(result))
                    # Create an iterable of dual with the result
                    duals = iter([SSE.Dual(strData=result)])
        # Yield the row data as bundled rows
        yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=response_rows)
        logging.info('Exiting Predict  v2 TimeStamp: {}'.format(
Exemple #27
    def _getPDFTable(request, context):
        Mirrors the input and sends back the same data.
        :param request: iterable sequence of bundled rows
        :return: the same iterable sequence as received
        # empty parameters
        extraction_method = None
        path = None
        template = None
        for request_rows in request:
            # pull duals from each row, and the numData from duals
            for row in request_rows.rows:
                if extraction_method is None:
                    extraction_method = [d.strData for d in row.duals][0]
                if path is None:
                    path = [d.strData for d in row.duals][1]
                if template is None:
                    template = [d.strData for d in row.duals][2]
        # read PDF with template
        if extraction_method == 'stream':
            df_list = read_pdf_with_template(path, template, stream=True)
            df_list = read_pdf_with_template(path, template, lattice=True)
        final_df = pd.DataFrame()
        count = 1
        for df in df_list:
            df['tableID'] = str(count)
            final_df = pd.concat([final_df, df], axis=0, ignore_index=True)
            count = count + 1
        columns = final_df.columns

        # iterate through df columns and format as SSE duals
        dualsList = []
        for col in columns:
            tmpList = final_df[col].tolist()
                SSE.Dual(strData=d) if type(d) is str else SSE.Dual(numData=d)
                for d in tmpList

        # create response rows
        response_rows = []
        for i in range(len(tmpList)):
            duals = [dualsList[z][i] for z in range(len(dualsList))]

        # return response
        yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=response_rows)
Exemple #28
    def _SomaLinha(request):
        params = []
        for request_rows in request:
            for row in request_rows.rows:
                p1 = [d.numData for d in row.duals][0]
                p2 = [d.numData for d in row.duals][1]
                p3 = [d.numData for d in row.duals][2]

        result = sum(params)
        print('Variaveis: ', params, ' Soma é: ', result)
        duals = iter([SSE.Dual(numData=result)])
        yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=[SSE.Row(duals=duals)])
    def _predictPlayByPlay(request, context):
        df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[
            'quarter', 'seconds_elapsed', 'offense_team', 'yardline', 'down',
            'yards_to_go', 'home_team', 'away_team', 'curr_home_score',

        # Iterate over bundled rows
        i = -1
        for request_rows in request:
            # Iterate over rows
            for row in request_rows.rows:
                i += 1

                modelName = [d.strData for d in row.duals][0]
                gameId = [d.strData for d in row.duals][1]
                quarter = [d.strData for d in row.duals][2]
                seconds_elapsed = [d.strData for d in row.duals][3]
                offense_team = [d.strData for d in row.duals][4]
                yardline = [d.strData for d in row.duals][5]
                down = [d.strData for d in row.duals][6]
                yards_to_go = [d.strData for d in row.duals][7]
                home_team = [d.strData for d in row.duals][8]
                away_team = [d.strData for d in row.duals][9]
                curr_home_score = [d.strData for d in row.duals][10]
                curr_away_score = [d.strData for d in row.duals][11]

                df.loc[i] = [
                    int(seconds_elapsed), offense_team,
                    int(yards_to_go), home_team, away_team,


        model = p.load(open('models\\' + modelName, 'rb'), encoding='latin1')

        wp = list(model.predict_wp(df))

        # Create an iterable of dual with the result
        duals = iter([[SSE.Dual(numData=d)] for d in wp])

        # Yield the row data as bundled rows
        yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=[SSE.Row(duals=d) for d in duals])
    def _encrypt(request, context):
        Mirrors the input and sends back the same data.
        :param request: iterable sequence of bundled rows
        :return: the same iterable sequence as received
        for request_rows in request:
            # Iterate over rows
            for row in request_rows.rows:
                #Encrypt the first parameter here...
                encryptedValue = cipher.encrypt(str.encode([d.strData for d in row.duals][0]))

                # Create an iterable of dual with the result
                duals = iter([SSE.Dual(strData=encryptedValue)])

        yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=[SSE.Row(duals=duals)])