def joinGame(ip): print("attempting to join " + ip) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) addr = (ip, 9999) s.connect(addr) s.sendto(player_name.encode('ascii'), addr) print("joined") new_server = (s.recv(1024).decode(), 9998) s.close() root.destroy() print("root destroyed"), player_name)
def start_game(): port = 9998 valid_host = False while not valid_host: try: testsocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) testsocket.bind((host, port)) testsocket.close() valid_host = True except: valid_host = False port += 1 addr = (host, port) for client in clients: packet = pickle.dumps((True, addr)) client[0].sendto(packet, client[2]) t_become_server = threading.Thread(target=SimpleServer.serve, args=(len(clients) + 1, addr)) t_become_server.start() server_socket.close() serversocket.close(), servername)
def main(args): tmp_dir = args[0] get_category.init_reverse_index() food_categories = getFoodCatList() pred_categories = get_category.pred_categories get_category.extend_categories(food_categories) get_category.extend_categories(['cnts']) print get_category.c_stems print get_category.compl_pred_cats print get_category.additional_categories log = logging.getLogger() log.setLevel('INFO') logging.basicConfig(filename='tweet_proc.log',level=logging.DEBUG) node = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) sc = SimpleClient() sc.connect([node]) if len(args) > 1 and args[1]=="True": if(args[2]=="True"): sc.drop_schema('tweet_collector') # drop_col_fam.. sc.extended_schema(food_categories, pred_categories) sc.create_index(food_categories) sc.use_keyspace('tweet_collector') proc_mon = ProcessManager() proc_mon.set_dir(tmp_dir) for i in range(TOTAL_THREADS): proc_thread = TweetProcessor(proc_mon) proc_thread.set_client(sc) proc_mon.start()
def LoginClient(username, s): global joined global play global name name = username play = None joined = True print("In clientJoined") def displayMessage(image): OK_COORDS = (650, 650) clickedOK = False while not clickedOK: curr_x, curr_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() curr_x *= xScale curr_y *= yScale over_ok = OK_COORDS[0] <= curr_x <= OK_COORDS[ 0] + 200 and OK_COORDS[1] <= curr_y <= OK_COORDS[1] + 100 for event in pygame.event.get(): if over_ok and event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: clickedOK = True # Blit the stuffs onto the screen LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE.blit(BLACK_BACKGROUND, (100, 100)) LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE.blit(LOGIN_BACKGROUND, (0, 0)) LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE.blit(SERVER_FONT.render(name, 1, (0, 0, 0)), (285, Y_POS)) LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE.blit(DOWN_ARROW, (arrow_x_pos, down_arrow_y_pos)) LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE.blit(UP_ARROW, (arrow_x_pos, up_arrow_y_pos)) if x_back_button <= curr_x <= x_back_button + 75 and y_back_button <= curr_y <= y_back_button + 50: LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE.blit(BACK_BUTTON_PRESSED, (x_back_button, y_back_button)) else: LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE.blit(BACK_BUTTON_UNPRESSED, (x_back_button, y_back_button)) LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE.blit(image, (280, 0)) LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE.blit(OK_LIT if over_ok else OK_UNLIT, OK_COORDS) newSurface = pygame.transform.scale( LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE, (screenInfo.current_w, screenInfo.current_h), window) pygame.display.update() def displayPlayers(x_panel_position, y_panel_position, y_offset): tempPlayers = copy.copy(l_players) for player in tempPlayers: LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE.blit( SERVER_BAR, (x_panel_position, y_panel_position + y_offset)) # display the name of the player LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE.blit( SERVER_FONT.render(player, True, (0, 0, 0)), (x_panel_position + 50, y_panel_position + 25 + y_offset)) y_panel_position += 100 def getPlayers(): global name global l_players global play global newServer while True: try: packet = s.recv(8192) info = pickle.loads(packet) print("length of info: " + str(len(info))) if info[0]: newServer = (info[1]) s.close() play = "play" return else: if info[2] == "boot" or info[2] == "full": s.close() #print("Got booted") play = info[2] print("info is: " + str(info[2])) return else: if len(l_players) > 0: del l_players[:] l_players = copy.copy(info[1]) l_players.insert(0, info[2]) if len(info) == 4: name = info[3] except: print("Server died") play = "crashed" return # Initialize pygame pygame.init() # Graphics Constants IMAGE_FILE_PATH = "ImageFiles\\" OK_UNLIT = pygame.image.load(IMAGE_FILE_PATH + "OK.png") OK_LIT = pygame.image.load(IMAGE_FILE_PATH + "OKLit.png") LOGIN_BACKGROUND = pygame.image.load( IMAGE_FILE_PATH + "waiting_background.png").convert_alpha() BLACK_BACKGROUND = pygame.image.load( IMAGE_FILE_PATH + "client_login_background2.png").convert_alpha() SERVER_BAR = pygame.image.load(IMAGE_FILE_PATH + "Server.png").convert_alpha() UP_ARROW = pygame.image.load(IMAGE_FILE_PATH + "downArrow.png").convert_alpha() BACK_BUTTON_UNPRESSED = pygame.image.load( IMAGE_FILE_PATH + "back_button_unpressed.png").convert_alpha() BACK_BUTTON_PRESSED = pygame.image.load( IMAGE_FILE_PATH + "back_button_pressed.png").convert_alpha() # Declare Server Font SERVER_FONT = pygame.font.Font("OldNewspaperTypes.ttf", 35) width, height = SERVER_FONT.size("Username:"******"shifted is now false") if event.key == K_DOWN and y_offset > -y_offset_allowed and len( l_players) > 5: SERVERS_AREA = LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE.get_clip() y_offset -= 25 if event.key == K_UP and y_offset < 0 and len(l_players) > 5: SERVERS_AREA = LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE.get_clip() y_offset += 25 if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: x_mouse_position_main, y_mouse_position_main = pygame.mouse.get_pos( ) x_mouse_position_main *= xScale y_mouse_position_main *= yScale if event.button == 1: # clicked back button if x_back_button <= curr_x <= x_back_button + 75 and y_back_button <= curr_y <= y_back_button + 50: s.close() #print("Clicked back button") return False # clicked up arrow if arrow_x_pos <= x_mouse_position_main <= arrow_x_pos + 100 and up_arrow_y_pos <= y_mouse_position_main <= up_arrow_y_pos + 75 and y_offset > -y_offset_allowed and len( l_players) > 5: # only allows me to scroll once... SERVERS_AREA = LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE.get_clip() y_offset -= 25 # clicked down arrow if arrow_x_pos <= x_mouse_position_main <= arrow_x_pos + 100 and down_arrow_y_pos <= y_mouse_position_main <= down_arrow_y_pos + 75 and y_offset < 0 and len( l_players) > 5: SERVERS_AREA = LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE.get_clip() y_offset += 25 if event.button == 4 and y_offset < 0 and len(l_players) > 5: SERVERS_AREA = LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE.get_clip() y_offset += 25 if event.button == 5 and y_offset > -y_offset_allowed and len( l_players) > 5: SERVERS_AREA = LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE.get_clip() y_offset -= 25 if len(l_players) <= 5: y_offset = 0 # Blit the stuffs onto the screen LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE.blit(BLACK_BACKGROUND, (100, 100)) displayPlayers(x_panel_position, y_panel_position, y_offset) LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE.blit(LOGIN_BACKGROUND, (0, 0)) LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE.blit(SERVER_FONT.render(name, 1, (0, 0, 0)), (285, Y_POS)) LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE.blit(DOWN_ARROW, (arrow_x_pos, down_arrow_y_pos)) LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE.blit(UP_ARROW, (arrow_x_pos, up_arrow_y_pos)) if x_back_button <= curr_x <= x_back_button + 75 and y_back_button <= curr_y <= y_back_button + 50: LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE.blit(BACK_BUTTON_PRESSED, (x_back_button, y_back_button)) else: LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE.blit(BACK_BUTTON_UNPRESSED, (x_back_button, y_back_button)) if play == "play": #print("play"), name) return False elif play == "boot": print("boot") displayMessage(BOOT_MESSAGE) joined = False elif play == "full": return True elif play == "crashed": print("crashed") displayMessage(CRASH_MESSAGE) joined = False else: newSurface = pygame.transform.scale( LOGIN_TOP_SURFACE, (screenInfo.current_w, screenInfo.current_h), window) pygame.display.update() #print("Leaving clientJoined") return False
def beginGame(s): new_server = (s[0].recv(1024).decode(), 9998) s[0].close(), s[1])
import machine import utime import lbsend as lb import SimpleClient as sc import esp def logger(lgstr): f = open('log.txt', 'a+') f.write(lgstr + "\n") f.close() if machine.reset_cause() == machine.DEEPSLEEP_RESET: # logger("Deepsleep Reset Count") sData = lb.readLB() utime.sleep(1) sc.sendData(sData) utime.sleep(1) rtc = machine.RTC() rtc.irq(trigger=rtc.ALARM0, wake=machine.DEEPSLEEP) # sleep for 10 min rtc.alarm(rtc.ALARM0, 1800000) machine.deepsleep() else: # logger("Normal Reset") print('normal rest')
def main(args): tmp_dir = args[0] get_category.init_reverse_index() food_categories = getFoodCatList() pred_categories = get_category.pred_categories get_category.extend_categories(food_categories) get_category.extend_categories(['cnts']) print get_category.c_stems print get_category.compl_pred_cats print get_category.additional_categories log = logging.getLogger() log.setLevel('INFO') logging.basicConfig(filename='tweet_proc.log', level=logging.DEBUG) node = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) sc = SimpleClient() sc.connect([node]) if len(args) > 1 and args[1] == "True": if (args[2] == "True"): sc.drop_schema('tweet_collector') # drop_col_fam.. sc.extended_schema(food_categories, pred_categories) sc.create_index(food_categories) sc.use_keyspace('tweet_collector') proc_mon = ProcessManager() proc_mon.set_dir(tmp_dir) for i in range(TOTAL_THREADS): proc_thread = TweetProcessor(proc_mon) proc_thread.set_client(sc) proc_mon.start()