def readStoryFiles():
    for storyId in storyIds:
        storyFile = open(
            directoryName.replace("\\", "/") + "/" + storyId + ".story", 'r')
        story = Story()
        # Headline of the story
        headline = storyFile.readline()
        colonIndex = headline.index(":")
        story.headline = headline[colonIndex + 2:]
        # Date of the story
        date = storyFile.readline()
        colonIndex = date.index(":") = date[colonIndex + 2:]
        # Story ID of the story
        id = storyFile.readline()
        story.storyId = storyId
        # Sentences of the story
        fileContent =
        fileContent = fileContent.replace("\\", "")
        fileContent = fileContent.replace("\'s", "")
        fileContent = fileContent.replace("\'", "")
        sent_detector = load('tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle')
        story.sentences = sent_detector.tokenize(fileContent.strip())
        # Questions of the story
        story.questions = readQuestionsFile(storyId)
Exemple #2
def connect(data):
    print data
    if session.get('user') not in users:
    storyList[data["name"]] = (Story.Story(data["storyText"], data["name"],
                                           data["name"], data["storyImage"]))
    newStories = [x.__dict__ for x in list(storyList.values())]
    socketio.emit('updateStories', list(reversed(newStories)))
Exemple #3
def connect(data):
    print("New story", data)
    if data["ownerID"] not in users:
    stories[data["ownerID"]] = (Story.Story(data["storyName"], data["ownerID"],
    newStories = [x.__dict__ for x in list(stories.values())]
    socketio.emit('updateStories', list(reversed(newStories)))
Exemple #4
def readStories():
    f = open("stories.csv")
    strs = f.readlines()
    global poolMoney
    global numUsers
    for i, stry in enumerate(strs[1:]):
        temp = stry.split(",")
        if temp[0] == "":
        poolMoney += 100
        numUsers += 1
        storyList[temp[0]] = (Story.Story(temp[2], temp[0], temp[0], temp[3]))
        print storyList
        #print temp
Exemple #5
def connect():
    global poolMoney
    global stories
    newStories = [x.__dict__ for x in list(stories.values())]
    emit("updatedMoney", poolMoney)
    global timer
    emit("timerUpdate", timer)
    emit('updateStories', list(reversed(newStories)))
    allUsers = [x.getName() for x in users.values()]
    socketio.emit("newUser", allUsers)
    global thread
    with thread_lock:
        if thread is None:
            thread = socketio.start_background_task(target=timerHelper)

    if stories == {}:
        temp = User.User(name="Zeeshan", balance=500)
        users[temp.getID()] = temp
        tempS = Story.Story(
            "College books", temp.getID(), "I need to buy books for college",
        stories[temp.getID()] = tempS
Exemple #6
def main():
    ''' Make a new Brain given a list of JSON files.'''
    myBrain = load_brain([

    ''' Make a Story from this Brain. '''
    littleMermaid = Story(myBrain)

    ''' Retrieve or remove scenes. '''
    # Retrieve all scenes (as a list of Scene objects) in littleMermaid.
    # print littleMermaid.get_scenes()

    # Retrieve a scene object by its number.
    # Example: retrieve scene 2.
    # print littleMermaid.get_scene(2)

    # Retrieve certain scenes by their scene number.
    # Example: retrieve scene objects 1 and 2.
    # print littleMermaid.get_scenes_by_nums([1,2])

    # Remove a scene by its number.
    # Example: Remove scene 2.
    # littleMermaid.remove_scene(2)

    # Remove all scenes.
    # littleMermaid.remove_scenes()

    # Remove certain scenes by their scene number.
    # Example: remove scenes 1 and 3, if they exist.
    # littleMermaid.remove_scenes([1,3])

    ''' Add, remove, or retrieve assertions or StoryPoints (objects that store the assertions at distinct story time points) in a scene. '''
    # Retrieve a scene's StoryPoints.
    # Example: retrieve StoryPoint objects from scene 1.
    # print littleMermaid.get_storypoints(1)

    # Retrieve assertion objects from a given scene and StoryPoint.
    # Example: retrieve assertions from scene 1, storypoint 2.
    # print littleMermaid.get_storypoint_assertions(1,2)

    # Add a StoryPoint to a scene.
    # Example: add a storypoint to scene 1.
    #  - You can also use this command to add any assertion to the Story.
    # newAssertion = {
    #     "l": ["Eric","sailors"],
    #     "relation": "action",
    #     "r": ["pat"],
    #     "action_object": ["Grimsby"],
    #     "location":["on"],
    #     "location_object":["the back"],
    #     "location_object_owner":["Grimsby"],
    #     "with_property": ["sympathetic"],
    #     "storypoints": [
    #       {"at": 5}
    #     ],
    #     "scene":"1",
    #     "tense":"past"
    # }
    # littleMermaid.add_assertion(newAssertion)

    ''' Access, add, edit, or remove a scene setting. '''
    # Access a scene's setting.
    # Example: retrieve the setting for scene 2, if any.
    #  - This will return "" if there is no setting.
    # littleMermaid.get_setting(2)

    # Add/edit a full setting to a scene.
    # Example: add a setting to scene 3.
    #  - Parameters are sceneNum, time, place, and general_place.
    #  - Use the empty string if you don't want to list part of a setting.
    #  - You can also use this command to replace a prior setting instead of using edit_setting.
    # littleMermaid.add_setting(3, "evening", "lighthouse", "INT.")

    # Edit one part of a setting.
    # Example: change the time for scene 2.
    # littleMermaid.edit_setting(2, "time", "morning")

    # Remove a setting.
    # Example: remove scene 2's setting.
    # littleMermaid.remove_setting(2)

    ''' Find, add, edit, or remove an actor. '''
    # Retrieve all actors (as a list of Actor objects) in the story.
    # print littleMermaid.get_actors()

    # Retrieve the names of all actors in the story.
    # print littleMermaid.get_actor_names()

    # Retrieve an actor object given the actor's name or keyword.
    # print littleMermaid.get_actor("Seahorse Herald")

    # Remove a single actor from the story by their keyword or name.
    # littleMermaid.remove_actor("Grimsby")

    ''' Realize the story, or parts of the story. '''
    # Realize the entire story.
    # (Only assertions with specified scenes/storypoints will be realized.)
    print "\n* * *"
    print "* * *\n"

    # Realize a story assertion, given the story brain.
    # Example: realize the 0th assertion in Scene 1, StoryPoint 2.
    # assertion = littleMermaid.get_storypoint_assertions(1,2)[0]
    # assertion.realize(littleMermaid.brain, False)

    # Example 2: realize a custom assertion.
    # assertion2 = Assertion.Assertion({
    #     "l": ["porpoises"],
    #     "relation": "action",
    #     "r": ["swim"],
    #     "with_property":["happy"],
    #     "storypoints": [{"begin": 0, "end": 1}]
    # })
    # assertion2.realize(littleMermaid.brain, False)

    print "Process completed."
Exemple #7
def get_action_ps1():
    return '{}o{}={}[{}====>{} : '.format(Fore.RED, Fore.YELLOW,
                                          Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, Fore.WHITE,

def get_story_ps1():
    return '{0}~\'({1}@{0}),~{2} : '.format(Fore.GREEN, Fore.RED,

def clear_screen():
    unix = ['linux1', 'linux2', 'darwin']
    windows = ['win32']

    if platform in unix:
    elif platform in windows:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    world = mp.Map()
    player = p.Player()
    messages = s.Story()
    # Initiate the player into the start position of the map
    x, y, z = world.init_player()
    player.set_position(x=x, y=y, z=z)
