Exemple #1
	def create_global_symtab(self):
		symtab = Symtab()
		for (iname,obj) in self.root_ast.children():
			if (isinstance(obj, c_ast.Decl)):
#				print
#				print obj.__dict__
#				print ast_show(obj)
				if (isinstance(obj.type, c_ast.FuncDecl)):
					if (self.verbose):
						print "Ignoring funcdecl %s for now" % (obj.name)
					if (self.verbose):
						print ast_show(obj)
					symtab = self.declare_variable(obj, symtab)
			elif (isinstance(obj, c_ast.FuncDef)):
				if (self.verbose):
					print "Ignoring funcdef %s for now" % (obj.decl.name)
				print obj.__class__
		symtab.declare(PseudoSymbol("_unroll"), self.dfg(Undefined))
		return symtab
Exemple #2
    def handle_scope(self, node, scope):
        # For all buffers, insert extra variables in the scope.
        # The variables are also accessible from the buffer_info
        # on the buffer entry
        bufvars = [entry for name, entry
                   in scope.entries.iteritems()
                   if entry.type.is_buffer]
        if len(bufvars) > 0:
            bufvars.sort(key=lambda entry: entry.name)
            self.buffers_exists = True

        memviewslicevars = [entry for name, entry
                in scope.entries.iteritems()
                if entry.type.is_memoryviewslice]
        if len(memviewslicevars) > 0:
            self.buffers_exists = True

        for (name, entry) in scope.entries.iteritems():
            if name == 'memoryview' and isinstance(entry.utility_code_definition, CythonUtilityCode):
                self.using_memoryview = True

        if isinstance(node, ModuleNode) and len(bufvars) > 0:
            # for now...note that pos is wrong
            raise CompileError(node.pos, "Buffer vars not allowed in module scope")
        for entry in bufvars:
            if entry.type.dtype.is_ptr:
                raise CompileError(node.pos, "Buffers with pointer types not yet supported.")

            name = entry.name
            buftype = entry.type
            if buftype.ndim > Options.buffer_max_dims:
                raise CompileError(node.pos,
                        "Buffer ndims exceeds Options.buffer_max_dims = %d" % Options.buffer_max_dims)
            if buftype.ndim > self.max_ndim:
                self.max_ndim = buftype.ndim

            # Declare auxiliary vars
            def decvar(type, prefix):
                cname = scope.mangle(prefix, name)
                aux_var = scope.declare_var(name=None, cname=cname,
                                            type=type, pos=node.pos)
                if entry.is_arg:
                    aux_var.used = True # otherwise, NameNode will mark whether it is used

                return aux_var

            auxvars = ((PyrexTypes.c_pyx_buffer_nd_type, Naming.pybuffernd_prefix),
                       (PyrexTypes.c_pyx_buffer_type, Naming.pybufferstruct_prefix))
            pybuffernd, rcbuffer = [decvar(type, prefix) for (type, prefix) in auxvars]

            entry.buffer_aux = Symtab.BufferAux(pybuffernd, rcbuffer)

        scope.buffer_entries = bufvars
        self.scope = scope
Exemple #3
    def handle_scope(self, node, scope):
        # For all buffers, insert extra variables in the scope.
        # The variables are also accessible from the buffer_info
        # on the buffer entry
        bufvars = [entry for name, entry
                   in scope.entries.iteritems()
                   if entry.type.is_buffer]
        if len(bufvars) > 0:
            self.buffers_exists = True

        if isinstance(node, ModuleNode) and len(bufvars) > 0:
            # for now...note that pos is wrong
            raise CompileError(node.pos, "Buffer vars not allowed in module scope")
        for entry in bufvars:
            if entry.type.dtype.is_ptr:
                raise CompileError(node.pos, "Buffers with pointer types not yet supported.")

            name = entry.name
            buftype = entry.type
            if buftype.ndim > self.max_ndim:
                self.max_ndim = buftype.ndim

            # Declare auxiliary vars
            cname = scope.mangle(Naming.bufstruct_prefix, name)
            bufinfo = scope.declare_var(name="$%s" % cname, cname=cname,
                                        type=PyrexTypes.c_py_buffer_type, pos=node.pos)
            if entry.is_arg:
                bufinfo.used = True # otherwise, NameNode will mark whether it is used

            def var(prefix, idx, initval):
                cname = scope.mangle(prefix, "%d_%s" % (idx, name))
                result = scope.declare_var("$%s" % cname, PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type,
                                         node.pos, cname=cname, is_cdef=True)

                result.init = initval
                if entry.is_arg:
                    result.used = True
                return result

            stridevars = [var(Naming.bufstride_prefix, i, "0") for i in range(entry.type.ndim)]
            shapevars = [var(Naming.bufshape_prefix, i, "0") for i in range(entry.type.ndim)]
            mode = entry.type.mode
            if mode == 'full':
                suboffsetvars = [var(Naming.bufsuboffset_prefix, i, "-1") for i in range(entry.type.ndim)]
                suboffsetvars = None

            entry.buffer_aux = Symtab.BufferAux(bufinfo, stridevars, shapevars, suboffsetvars)

        scope.buffer_entries = bufvars
        self.scope = scope
Exemple #4
	def create_scope(self, param_decls, param_exprs, symtab):
		scope_symtab = Symtab(symtab, scope=set())
		if (not (len(param_decls)==len(param_exprs))):
			raise ParameterListMismatchesDeclaration(
				"declared with %d parameters; called with %d parameters" %
				(len(param_decls), len(param_exprs)))
		for parami in range(len(param_decls)):
			param_decl = param_decls[parami]
			#print "create_scope declares %s as %s" % (ast_show(param_decl, oneline=True), param_exprs[parami])
			scope_symtab = self.declare_variable(
				param_decl, scope_symtab, initial_value=param_exprs[parami])
		if (self.verbose):
			print("scope symtab is: %s" % scope_symtab)
		return scope_symtab
Exemple #5
	def transform_if(self, statement, symtab):
		# returns symtab
		cond_state = self.decode_expression_val(statement.cond, symtab)
		symtab = cond_state.symtab

			# If condition is statically evaluable. Just run one branch.
			cond_val = self.evaluate(cond_state.expr)
			if (cond_val):
				return self.transform_statement(statement.iftrue, symtab)
			elif (statement.iffalse!=None):
				return self.transform_statement(statement.iffalse, symtab)
				# no-op.
				return symtab
		except NonconstantExpression, ex:
			# If condition is dynamic. Run both branches (in dedicated scopes)
			# and make resulting storage updates conditional on the
			# dynamic condition.

			then_scope = Symtab(symtab, scope=set())
			then_symtab = self.transform_statement(
				statement.iftrue, then_scope)
			else_scope = Symtab(symtab, scope=set())
			if (statement.iffalse!=None):
				else_symtab = self.transform_statement(
					statement.iffalse, else_scope)
				else_symtab = else_scope
			#new_symtab = Symtab(symtab)	# DEAD
			new_symtab = symtab
			modified_idents = then_scope.scope.union(else_scope.scope)
			#print "If modifies %s" % modified_idents
			for key in modified_idents:
				expr = self.dfg(Conditional, cond_state.expr, then_symtab.lookup(key), else_symtab.lookup(key))
				new_symtab.assign(key, expr)
			return new_symtab
Exemple #6
	def unroll_dynamic_loop(self, cond, body_compound, symtab):
			_unroll_val = self.evaluate(symtab.lookup(PseudoSymbol("_unroll")))
		except UndefinedExpression:
			print "At line %s:" % cond.coord.line
		# build up nested conditional scopes
		working_symtab = symtab
		cond_stack = []
		scope_stack = []
		for i in range(_unroll_val):
			self.loop_msg("dyn iter %s" % i)
			cond_state = self.decode_expression_val(cond, working_symtab)
			scope = Symtab(cond_state.symtab, scope=set())
			#print "rep %d; k is: %s" % (i, self.eager_lookup(Symbol("k"), scope))
			working_symtab = self.transform_statement(body_compound, scope)

		assert(_unroll_val == len(cond_stack))

		while (len(cond_stack)>0):
			cond = cond_stack.pop()
			scope = scope_stack.pop()
			modified_idents = scope.scope
			#applied_symtab = Symtab(working_symtab)	#DEAD
			applied_symtab = working_symtab
			for ref in modified_idents:
				if (self.verbose):
					print "cond: %s" % cond
					print "iftrue: %s" % working_symtab.lookup(ref)
					print "iffalse: %s" % scope.parent.lookup(ref)
					self.dfg(Conditional, cond, working_symtab.lookup(ref), scope.parent.lookup(ref)))
			working_symtab = applied_symtab
		return working_symtab