Exemple #1
def _tar(env, name, source, **kw):
    """Core of the `Tar()`, `TarGz()` and `TarBz2()`"""
    import SCons.Util
    import platform

    target = TeXASCommon.get_auto_target(env, name, **kw)
    alias = TeXASCommon.get_auto_alias(name, 'alias', **kw)

    # Some paths are stripped from file names in the archive
    dirs2strip = TeXASCommon.get_strip_dirs(env, **kw)

    kw = _del_local_keywords(kw)
    if dirs2strip:
        kw['_dirs2strip'] = dirs2strip 
        kw['_joinpathre'] = TeXASCommon.joinpathre
        if platform.system() == 'Windows':
            t = "--transform='s:^^\\(${_joinpathre(_dirs2strip)}\\)::S'"
            t = "--transform='s:^\\(${_joinpathre(_dirs2strip)}\\)::S'"
        flags = SCons.Util.CLVar(t)
        kw['TARFLAGS'] = TeXASCommon.append_flags(env, 'TARFLAGS', flags, **kw)

    target = env.Tar(target, source, **kw)

    if alias:
        env.Alias(alias, target)
    return target
Exemple #2
def TarGz(env, name, source, **kw):
    """Create gzipped tar archive from source(s).

    This function creates gzipped TAR archive containing files listed in the
    ``source`` argument. The target file name may be fixed with the ``target``
    argument.  Otherwise, the ``out_dir``, ``name``, ``version`` and
    ``suffix`` are used to compose the target file path - the created archive
    file is ``[<out_dir>/]<name>[-<version>].tar.gz`` (``[]`` means optional
    part and ``<>`` stands for argument substitution).  The target file
    extension might be changed with the ``suffix`` argument. The function also
    auto-generates the alias for this target, so user can build the archive
    with **scons <alias>**. To change the alias, provide an alternative with
    ``alias`` argument. If you don't wish the alias to be created at all, set

    Certain leading paths can be stripped out from file names during package
    creation. These paths are provided with the ``strip_dirs`` argument.


            the SCons Environment object
            package name (string)
            source files to be included in the archive

            SCons alias for this target, if not provided the default alias
            ``<name>-tgz`` or ``<name>-<alias_suffix>`` is used,
            otherwise the alias is set to the value of this argument; to not
            create any alias set ``alias=None``
            alias suffix to be used instead of the default ``tgz`` alias suffix
            output directory, where to create the archive
            directories to strip out from the paths of files in the archive,
            for example if ``source = ["sub1/foo.txt", "sub2/bar.txt",
            "sub3/geez.txt"]`` and ``strip_dirs = ["sub1", "sub3"]``, the
            resulting archive will contain files ``foo.txt``, ``sub2/bar.txt``
            and ``geez.txt``, you may also set ``strip_dirs=True`` to strip
            out the current working directory

            suffix for the target file, by default ``.tar.gz`` is used
            target file name to use instead of the default auto-generated name
            version of the package, used to generate the name of target file
        a list of targets created (single target actually)

    kw['default_alias_suffix'] = 'tgz'
    kw['default_suffix'] = '.tar.gz'
    kw['TARFLAGS'] = TeXASCommon.append_flags(env, 'TARFLAGS', '-z', **kw)
    return _tar(env, name, source, **kw)