Exemple #1
    def dyadicProduct(self, other):
        "Returns the dyadic product with vector or tensor |other|."
	if isVector(other):
	    return TensorModule.Tensor(self.array, 1) * \
                   TensorModule.Tensor(other.array, 1)
	elif TensorModule.isTensor(other):
	    return TensorModule.Tensor(self.array, 1)*other
	    raise TypeError, "Dyadic product with non-vector"
Exemple #2
 def testProduitDoubleContracte(self):
     if not HAVE_SYMPY:
     tensDiff = (HookeOrthotropic(
         200., 100., 150., 0.4, 0.2, 0.3, 100., 100.,
             (3, 3)))) - TensorModule.Tensor(
                 N.array([[375.52155772, 200., 200.],
                          [200., 273.99165508, 400.],
                          [200., 400., 329.62447844]])))
     diff = max(N.fabs(TensorModule.flatten(tensDiff.array.tolist())))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(diff, 0., 8)
Exemple #3
def HookeIsotropicP(E, NU):
    lamda = E * NU / ((1. + NU) * (1. - 2. * NU))
    mu = E / (2. * (1. + NU))
    A = ((lamda * ones(3) + 2 * mu * eye(3)).row_join(zeros(3)))
    B = zeros(3).row_join(mu * eye(3))
    C = A.col_join(B)
    return TensorModule.Tensor(N.array(C))
Exemple #4
    def __rmul__(self, other):
	if TensorModule.isTensor(other):
	    product = other.dot(TensorModule.Tensor(self.array))
	    if product.rank == 1:
		return Vector(product.array)
		return product
	    return Vector(Numeric.multiply(self.array, other))
Exemple #5
def HookeIsotropic(E, NU):
    lamda = E * NU / ((1 + NU) * (1 - 2 * NU))
    mu = E / (2 * (1 + NU))
    C = N.resize(None, (3, 3, 3, 3))
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            for k in range(3):
                for l in range(3):
                    C[i][j][k][l] = lamda * kron(i, j) * kron(k, l) + mu * (
                        kron(i, k) * kron(j, l) + kron(i, l) * kron(j, k))
    return TensorModule.Tensor(C)
Exemple #6
 def __call__(self, *points):
     if len(points) == 1:
         points = tuple(points[0])
     value = apply(Interpolation.InterpolatingFunction.__call__,
                   (self, ) + points)
     if self.rank == 0:
         return value
     elif self.rank == 1:
         return VectorModule.Vector(value)
         return TensorModule.Tensor(value)
Exemple #7
    def __mul__(self, other):
	if isVector(other):
	    return Numeric.add.reduce(self.array*other.array)
	elif TensorModule.isTensor(other):
	    product = TensorModule.Tensor(self.array).dot(other)
	    if product.rank == 1:
		return Vector(product.array)
		return product
        elif hasattr(other, "_product_with_vector"):
            return other._product_with_vector(self)
	    return Vector(Numeric.multiply(self.array, other))
Exemple #8
    def __init__(self, *args):
	if len(args) == 1:
	    self.tensor = args[0]
	    if not TensorModule.isTensor(self.tensor):
		self.tensor = TensorModule.Tensor(self.tensor)
	elif len(args) == 2:
	    axis, angle = args
	    axis = axis.normal()
	    projector = axis.dyadicProduct(axis)
	    self.tensor = projector - \
			  Numeric.sin(angle)*TensorModule.epsilon*axis + \
	    raise TypeError, 'one or two arguments required'
Exemple #9
def Rotation(alpha, beta, gamma):
    alpha = float(alpha)
    beta = float(beta)
    gamma = float(gamma)
    Ralpha = N.resize(0., (3, 3))
    Rbeta = N.resize(0., (3, 3))
    Rgamma = N.resize(0., (3, 3))
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            Ralpha[i, j] = sympy.cos(alpha * antikron(i, 2)) * kron(
                i, j) + sympy.sin(alpha * dif(i, j, 0, 1))
        # Rbeta[i,j]=sympy.cos(-beta*antikron(i,1))*kron(i,j)+dif(i,j,2,1)*sympy.sin(-beta)*antikron(i,j)
        # Rgamma[i,j]=sympy.cos(gamma*antikron(i,0))*kron(i,j)+dif(i,j,1,0)*sympy.sin(gamma)*antikron(i,j)
    Rotation = Ralpha  # sympy.Matrix(Ralpha.tolist())*sympy.Matrix(Rbeta.tolist())*sympy.Matrix(Rgamma.tolist())
    return TensorModule.Tensor(N.array(Rotation.tolist()))
Exemple #10
def HookeOrthotropicOrienteQuelconque(E_L, E_T, E_N, NU_LT, NU_LN, NU_TN, G_LT,
                                      G_LN, G_TN, alpha, beta, gamma):
    R = Rotation(alpha, beta, gamma)
    H_Ortho = HookeOrthotropic(E_L, E_T, E_N, NU_LT, NU_LN, NU_TN, G_LT, G_LN,
    Tens = N.resize(0., (3, 3, 3, 3))
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            for k in range(3):
                for l in range(3):
                    for I in range(3):
                        for J in range(3):
                            for K in range(3):
                                for L in range(3):
                                    Tens[i][j][k][l] = Tens[i][j][k][l] + R[
                                        i, I] * R[j, J] * R[k, K] * R[
                                            l, L] * H_Ortho[I][J][K][L]
    return TensorModule.Tensor(Tens)
Exemple #11
def HookeOrthotropic(E_L, E_T, E_N, NU_LT, NU_LN, NU_TN, G_LT, G_LN, G_TN):
    E_L = float(E_L)
    E_T = float(E_T)
    E_N = float(E_N)
    NU_LT = float(NU_LT)
    NU_TN = float(NU_TN)
    NU_LN = float(NU_LN)
    G_LT = float(G_LT)
    G_TN = float(G_TN)
    G_LN = float(G_LN)
    NU_TL = (E_T / E_L) * NU_LT
    NU_NT = (E_N / E_T) * NU_TN
    NU_NL = (E_N / E_L) * NU_LN
    DELTA = (1 - NU_TN * NU_NT - NU_NL * NU_LN - NU_LT * NU_TL -
             2 * NU_TN * NU_NL * NU_LT) / (E_L * E_T * E_N)
    C_reduit = N.resize(0., (6, 6))
    C_reduit[0, 0] = (1 - NU_TN * NU_NT) / (E_T * E_N)
    C_reduit[0, 1] = (NU_TL + NU_NL * NU_TN) / (E_T * E_N)
    C_reduit[0, 2] = (NU_NL + NU_TL * NU_NT) / (E_T * E_N)
    C_reduit[1, 0] = (NU_LT + NU_LN * NU_NT) / (E_L * E_N)
    C_reduit[1, 1] = (1 - NU_NL * NU_LN) / (E_L * E_N)
    C_reduit[1, 2] = (NU_NT + NU_LT * NU_NL) / (E_L * E_N)
    C_reduit[2, 0] = (NU_LN + NU_LT * NU_TN) / (E_L * E_T)
    C_reduit[2, 1] = (NU_TN + NU_TL * NU_LN) / (E_L * E_T)
    C_reduit[2, 2] = (1 - NU_LT * NU_TL) / (E_L * E_T)
    C_reduit[3, 3] = G_LT * DELTA
    C_reduit[4, 4] = G_LN * DELTA
    C_reduit[5, 5] = G_TN * DELTA
    C_reduit = C_reduit / DELTA
    C = N.resize(0., (3, 3, 3, 3))
    I = N.array([[0, 3, 4], [3, 1, 5], [4, 5, 2]])
    K = I
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            for k in range(3):
                for l in range(3):
                    C[i][j][k][l] = C_reduit[I[i][j], K[k][l]]
    return TensorModule.Tensor(C)
Exemple #12
 def setUp(self):
     if not HAVE_SYMPY:
     self.U = TensorModule.Tensor(N.array(([X**3, Y**3, Z**3])))
Exemple #13
    def asTensor(self):
        "Returns an equivalent tensor object of rank 1."
	return TensorModule.Tensor(self.array, 1)