Exemple #1
def FireEmblem(screen):
    inGame = True
    nbSave = 0
    state = ["Title", "Scene1", 1]
    characters = []
    while inGame:
        if state[0] == "Dialogue":
            state = DialogueScene.Dialogue(screen, state[1], state[2])
        elif state[0] == "Battle":
            infosBattle = utils.loadBattle(state[1], nbSave)
            endBattle = Battle.battle(screen, infosBattle[0], infosBattle[1],
                                      infosBattle[2], infosBattle[3])
            state = endBattle[0]
            characters = endBattle[1]
            if state[0] not in ["Quit", "Title"]:
                utils.save("auto", state[0], state[1], state[2],
                           pygame.Surface((600, 600)), characters)
        elif state[0] == "Title":
            state = TitleScreen.TitleScreen(screen)
        elif state[0] == "Load":
            state = LoadMenu.loadMenu(screen)
        elif state[0] == "Save":
            state = SaveMenu.SaveMenu(screen, state[1], state[2], state[3],
                                      state[4], characters)
        elif state[0] == "Options":
            state = Options.Options(screen)
        elif state[0] == "Quit":
            inGame = False
Exemple #2
def RunningTheLoop(Loop):
    NextLocation = False
    if Loop == 'Ocean':
        NextLocation = OceanOverworld.OceanOverworldFunc(True)
        return NextLocation
    if Loop == 'Island':
        NextLocation = ExploreIsland.IslandExploration(True)
        return NextLocation
    if Loop == 'Title':
        NextLocation = TitleScreen.TitleScreen(True)
        return NextLocation
    if Loop == 'EXIT':
Exemple #3
def main():
    # Array of scenes that shall be passed to the director
    scenes = []
    # The "Director" of the game. It takes in the array of scenes and holds most of the "background" data for the game
    dire = Director(scenes)
    # The Scenes of the game. They all take the director object as an argument
    titlescr = TitleScreen(dire)
    onep = EdiblesOnePlayer(dire)
    twop = EdiblesTwoPlayer(dire)
    config = Config(dire)
    # Here the scenes are being appended to the end of the array

    # Changes/Sets the first scene of the game to be the Title Screen.
    # Starts the game loop
Exemple #4
 def create_title_screen(self):
     title_screen = TitleScreen.TitleScreen()
     title_stage = Stage(self.game_engine)
Exemple #5
import math
import pygame
import sys
import Stage1
import TitleScreen
import gameOver
pygame.display.set_caption("Team JhaneMarVhiel")
while True:
    if (newScreen=="Stage1"):

    for event in events:
        if ((event.type==pygame.QUIT)or
             and event.key==pygame.K_ESCAPE)):
    def __init__(self):
        pygame.init()  #start up pygame
        self.window = pygame.display.set_mode(
            (640, 790))  #set window size to 512, 512
        pygame.display.set_caption("Search")  #title window
        pygame.key.set_repeat(1, 80)
        import objects

        self.all_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.all_tiles = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.active_tiles = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.inventoryWindow = pygame.sprite.Group(
        )  #create a sprite group for the inventory window
        self.doors = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.active_doors = pygame.sprite.Group(
        )  #make sprite group for this room's doors that Horace can walk through
        self.inactive_doors = pygame.sprite.Group(
        )  #make sprite group for this room's doors that are closed so that they will change appearance but still be drawn (removing them
        #from self.active_doors won't actually cause them to disappear)
        self.status_bar = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.entities = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.props = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.active_props = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.active_message_boxes = pygame.sprite.Group(
        )  #sprite group to hold active message boxes
        self.active_option_boxes = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.active_enemies = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.title_screen = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.minimap_group = pygame.sprite.Group()

        self.active_ground_items = pygame.sprite.Group()

        self.message_box_active = False  #check if there are active message boxes

        self.active_battle = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.active_enemy_status_bar = pygame.sprite.Group()

        #for prop in objects.cave_plants:
        #    self.props.add(prop)

        self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()

        apple = item(
            self, 91, 91, "img/items/misc/apple_2.png", 'Apple', 2,
            'Here is an unnecessarily long description of an apple. It is entirely to test the function of the textWrapper class',
            True, 'common', 1)
        apple2 = item(self, 64, 64, "img/items/misc/apple_2.png", 'Apple', 2,
                      'Another apple', True, 'common', 1)
        apple3 = item(self, 64, 64, "img/items/misc/apple_2.png", 'Apple', 2,
                      'A third apple', True, 'common', 1)

        broken_gauntlets_statreq = {"STR": 1, "DEX": 0, "AGL": 0, "INT": 0}

        broken_cuirass_statreq = {"STR": 2, "DEX": 0, "AGL": 0, "INT": 0}

        broken_gauntlets_elembonus = {
            "LIGHT": 12,
            "DARK": 0,
            "FIRE": 0,
            "ICE": 0

        broken_cuirass_elembonus = {"LIGHT": 2, "DARK": 3, "FIRE": 0, "ICE": 0}

        broken_greaves_statreq = {"STR": 0, "DEX": 0, "AGL": 0, "INT": 0}

        broken_greaves_elembonus = {"LIGHT": 0, "DARK": 0, "FIRE": 0, "ICE": 0}

        cracked_helmet_elembonus = {
            "LIGHT": 12,
            "DARK": 0,
            "FIRE": 0,
            "ICE": 0

        cracked_helmet_statreq = {"STR": 0, "DEX": 0, "AGL": 0, "INT": 0}

        self.broken_gauntlets = Armor(self, "Broken gauntlets", 64, 64, 2,
                                      "Plate", broken_gauntlets_elembonus,
                                      broken_gauntlets_statreq, "arms",
                                      "broken", "gauntlets", 10,
                                      "A pair of broken gauntlets")

        self.broken_cuirass = Armor(self, "Broken cuirass", 64, 64, 3, "Plate",
                                    broken_cuirass_statreq, "torso", "broken",
                                    "cuirass", 6, "A broken cuirass.")

        self.broken_greaves = Armor(self, "Broken greaves", 64, 64, 2, "Plate",
                                    broken_greaves_statreq, "legs", "broken",
                                    "greaves", 8, "A pair of broken greaves.")

        self.cracked_helmet = Armor(self, "Cracked helmet", 64, 64, 3, "Plate",
                                    cracked_helmet_statreq, "head", "broken",
                                    "helmet", 8, "A cracked helmet.")

        broken_sword_statreq = {"STR": 2, "DEX": 0, "AGL": 0, "INT": 0}

        broken_sword_elembonus = {"LIGHT": 5}

        self.broken_sword = Weapon(
            self, "Broken sword", 64, 64, "Straight sword", "right", "medium",
            "piercing", 8, 8, broken_sword_elembonus, broken_sword_statreq,
            None, None, "broken_sword", 15,
            "Horace's guardsman's sword. Mostly ornamental, its blade is now broken in two by falling rubble."

        inventory = [
            apple, apple2, apple3, self.broken_gauntlets, self.broken_cuirass,
            self.broken_greaves, self.cracked_helmet, self.broken_sword
        ]  #create very basic inventory array

        self.player = Player(self, 64, 64, inventory, 50, 50, 20, 20, 3, 5, 5,
                             3, 5, None, None, None, None, None, None)

        goblin_targetable_areas = [
            "Target: head", "Target: arms", "Target: legs", "Target: torso"

        self.goblin = Enemy(self, self.player, 384, 384, 2, "Goblin", 20, 20,
                            3, None, None, None, None, "Beast", "goblin",

        self.goblin_2 = Enemy(self, self.player, 256, 384, 2, "Goblin", 20, 20,
                              3, None, None, None, None, "Beast", "goblin",

        room_1_enemies = [self.goblin, self.goblin_2]

        self.rightDoor = Door(
            self, 9, 4, "right", True, "img/tile/chasm/chasm_door_right.png",
        )  #initialize doors. There will be only four doors, each representing a cardinal direction. A room can have 1-4 doors.
        self.leftDoor = Door(self, 0, 4, "left", True,
        self.forwardDoor = Door(self, 4, 0, "forward", True,
        self.backwardDoor = Door(self, 4, 9, "backward", True,

        self.display_inventory = False  #flag to check whether the inventory window is open or not

        self.z1r1 = Room(
            self, "base", [self.backwardDoor], "img/tile/chasm/chasm_01.png",
            "img/tile/chasm/chasm_01_full.png", objects.props_z1r1,
        )  #initialize some basic rooms, each with a different background image to tell them apart.
        #enter a list of doors to represent the doors of the room.
        self.z2r2 = Room(self, "base",
                         [self.backwardDoor, self.forwardDoor, self.rightDoor],
                         objects.props_z1r2, [])
        self.z3r3 = Room(self, "base", [self.forwardDoor],
                         objects.props_z1r3, [])
        self.z4r4 = Room(self, "base", [self.leftDoor],
                         objects.props_z1r4, [])

        self.ZONE1 = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, self.z1r1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, self.z2r2, self.z4r4, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, self.z3r3, 0, 0, 0, 0]]

        self.battle = False

        self.titlescreen = TitleScreen(self, 0, 0)

        self.clock_group = pygame.sprite.Group()

        #create a 2D array of rooms to represent this zone.

        #self.currentLocation =

        #self.z1r1 = Room(self, "base", "door", "img/tile/chasm/chasm_01.png") #create a new Room object (see assets.py)
        #for x in range(0, 8):
        #    for y in range(0, 8):
        #        self.active_tiles.add(self.z1r1.tiles[x][y])
        #fill the active_tiles sprite group with the tiles from the room object

        #create some random items

        #messages = ["Yes", "No", None, None]
        #dialogBox = optionBox(self, 64, 512, self.player, messages, "Will you accept the blessing?")


        self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()

        self.prevKey = None

        self.minimap = Minimap(self, 500, 500, "minimap", self.player)
class Game(object):
    def __init__(self):
        pygame.init()  #start up pygame
        self.window = pygame.display.set_mode(
            (640, 790))  #set window size to 512, 512
        pygame.display.set_caption("Search")  #title window
        pygame.key.set_repeat(1, 80)
        import objects

        self.all_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.all_tiles = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.active_tiles = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.inventoryWindow = pygame.sprite.Group(
        )  #create a sprite group for the inventory window
        self.doors = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.active_doors = pygame.sprite.Group(
        )  #make sprite group for this room's doors that Horace can walk through
        self.inactive_doors = pygame.sprite.Group(
        )  #make sprite group for this room's doors that are closed so that they will change appearance but still be drawn (removing them
        #from self.active_doors won't actually cause them to disappear)
        self.status_bar = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.entities = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.props = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.active_props = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.active_message_boxes = pygame.sprite.Group(
        )  #sprite group to hold active message boxes
        self.active_option_boxes = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.active_enemies = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.title_screen = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.minimap_group = pygame.sprite.Group()

        self.active_ground_items = pygame.sprite.Group()

        self.message_box_active = False  #check if there are active message boxes

        self.active_battle = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.active_enemy_status_bar = pygame.sprite.Group()

        #for prop in objects.cave_plants:
        #    self.props.add(prop)

        self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()

        apple = item(
            self, 91, 91, "img/items/misc/apple_2.png", 'Apple', 2,
            'Here is an unnecessarily long description of an apple. It is entirely to test the function of the textWrapper class',
            True, 'common', 1)
        apple2 = item(self, 64, 64, "img/items/misc/apple_2.png", 'Apple', 2,
                      'Another apple', True, 'common', 1)
        apple3 = item(self, 64, 64, "img/items/misc/apple_2.png", 'Apple', 2,
                      'A third apple', True, 'common', 1)

        broken_gauntlets_statreq = {"STR": 1, "DEX": 0, "AGL": 0, "INT": 0}

        broken_cuirass_statreq = {"STR": 2, "DEX": 0, "AGL": 0, "INT": 0}

        broken_gauntlets_elembonus = {
            "LIGHT": 12,
            "DARK": 0,
            "FIRE": 0,
            "ICE": 0

        broken_cuirass_elembonus = {"LIGHT": 2, "DARK": 3, "FIRE": 0, "ICE": 0}

        broken_greaves_statreq = {"STR": 0, "DEX": 0, "AGL": 0, "INT": 0}

        broken_greaves_elembonus = {"LIGHT": 0, "DARK": 0, "FIRE": 0, "ICE": 0}

        cracked_helmet_elembonus = {
            "LIGHT": 12,
            "DARK": 0,
            "FIRE": 0,
            "ICE": 0

        cracked_helmet_statreq = {"STR": 0, "DEX": 0, "AGL": 0, "INT": 0}

        self.broken_gauntlets = Armor(self, "Broken gauntlets", 64, 64, 2,
                                      "Plate", broken_gauntlets_elembonus,
                                      broken_gauntlets_statreq, "arms",
                                      "broken", "gauntlets", 10,
                                      "A pair of broken gauntlets")

        self.broken_cuirass = Armor(self, "Broken cuirass", 64, 64, 3, "Plate",
                                    broken_cuirass_statreq, "torso", "broken",
                                    "cuirass", 6, "A broken cuirass.")

        self.broken_greaves = Armor(self, "Broken greaves", 64, 64, 2, "Plate",
                                    broken_greaves_statreq, "legs", "broken",
                                    "greaves", 8, "A pair of broken greaves.")

        self.cracked_helmet = Armor(self, "Cracked helmet", 64, 64, 3, "Plate",
                                    cracked_helmet_statreq, "head", "broken",
                                    "helmet", 8, "A cracked helmet.")

        broken_sword_statreq = {"STR": 2, "DEX": 0, "AGL": 0, "INT": 0}

        broken_sword_elembonus = {"LIGHT": 5}

        self.broken_sword = Weapon(
            self, "Broken sword", 64, 64, "Straight sword", "right", "medium",
            "piercing", 8, 8, broken_sword_elembonus, broken_sword_statreq,
            None, None, "broken_sword", 15,
            "Horace's guardsman's sword. Mostly ornamental, its blade is now broken in two by falling rubble."

        inventory = [
            apple, apple2, apple3, self.broken_gauntlets, self.broken_cuirass,
            self.broken_greaves, self.cracked_helmet, self.broken_sword
        ]  #create very basic inventory array

        self.player = Player(self, 64, 64, inventory, 50, 50, 20, 20, 3, 5, 5,
                             3, 5, None, None, None, None, None, None)

        goblin_targetable_areas = [
            "Target: head", "Target: arms", "Target: legs", "Target: torso"

        self.goblin = Enemy(self, self.player, 384, 384, 2, "Goblin", 20, 20,
                            3, None, None, None, None, "Beast", "goblin",

        self.goblin_2 = Enemy(self, self.player, 256, 384, 2, "Goblin", 20, 20,
                              3, None, None, None, None, "Beast", "goblin",

        room_1_enemies = [self.goblin, self.goblin_2]

        self.rightDoor = Door(
            self, 9, 4, "right", True, "img/tile/chasm/chasm_door_right.png",
        )  #initialize doors. There will be only four doors, each representing a cardinal direction. A room can have 1-4 doors.
        self.leftDoor = Door(self, 0, 4, "left", True,
        self.forwardDoor = Door(self, 4, 0, "forward", True,
        self.backwardDoor = Door(self, 4, 9, "backward", True,

        self.display_inventory = False  #flag to check whether the inventory window is open or not

        self.z1r1 = Room(
            self, "base", [self.backwardDoor], "img/tile/chasm/chasm_01.png",
            "img/tile/chasm/chasm_01_full.png", objects.props_z1r1,
        )  #initialize some basic rooms, each with a different background image to tell them apart.
        #enter a list of doors to represent the doors of the room.
        self.z2r2 = Room(self, "base",
                         [self.backwardDoor, self.forwardDoor, self.rightDoor],
                         objects.props_z1r2, [])
        self.z3r3 = Room(self, "base", [self.forwardDoor],
                         objects.props_z1r3, [])
        self.z4r4 = Room(self, "base", [self.leftDoor],
                         objects.props_z1r4, [])

        self.ZONE1 = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, self.z1r1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, self.z2r2, self.z4r4, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, self.z3r3, 0, 0, 0, 0]]

        self.battle = False

        self.titlescreen = TitleScreen(self, 0, 0)

        self.clock_group = pygame.sprite.Group()

        #create a 2D array of rooms to represent this zone.

        #self.currentLocation =

        #self.z1r1 = Room(self, "base", "door", "img/tile/chasm/chasm_01.png") #create a new Room object (see assets.py)
        #for x in range(0, 8):
        #    for y in range(0, 8):
        #        self.active_tiles.add(self.z1r1.tiles[x][y])
        #fill the active_tiles sprite group with the tiles from the room object

        #create some random items

        #messages = ["Yes", "No", None, None]
        #dialogBox = optionBox(self, 64, 512, self.player, messages, "Will you accept the blessing?")


        self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()

        self.prevKey = None

        self.minimap = Minimap(self, 500, 500, "minimap", self.player)

    def new(self):

        self.leftwall = pygame.image.load(
        self.rightwall = pygame.image.load(
        self.topwall = pygame.image.load(
        self.bottomwall = pygame.image.load(

        self.window.blit(self.rightwall, (576, 0))

        self.window.blit(self.topwall, (0, 0))

        self.window.blit(self.bottomwall, (0, 576))

        self.window.blit(self.leftwall, (0, 0))

        self.statusbar = statusBar(self, self.player, 0, 640)


        self.startingRoom = self.ZONE1[self.player.roomLocation[0]][
                1]]  #access the 2D array "ZONE1" above and get the room that the player starts in

        self.activeRoom = 0  #initialize the active room to 0 (will later be a room object)

        #self.z1r1 = Room(self, "base", "door", "img/tile/chasm/chasm_01.png") #create a new Room object (see assets.py)
        for x in range(0, 8):
            for y in range(0, 8):
                #fill the active_tiles sprite group with the tiles from the room object
        for door in self.startingRoom.doors:

        self.inventory = inventoryGUI(
            self, self.player, 64,
            128)  #initialize new inventoryGUI object (see assets.py)

    def titleScreen(self):
        self.title = True
        while self.title == True:

    def titleScreenDraw(self):

    def titleScreenUpdate(self):

    def run(self):  #method to run the game
        self.playing = True  #initialize "self.playing" to true
        while self.playing == True:
            #pygame.time.delay(100) #while self.playing == true, delay + run self.events()
            if self.battle == False:
                self.events()  #call the events method below
            if self.battle == False:

            self.draw()  #call the draw method below
            #if self.battle == True:
            #    self.battleEvent.add(self.active_battle)


    def titleScreenEvents(self):
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
                    self.title = False

            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
                mousePos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()


            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:

                mousePos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()

                if self.titlescreen.clickButton(mousePos) == 4:
                elif self.titlescreen.clickButton(mousePos) == 1:
                    self.title = False
                    WALK_SOUND = pygame.USEREVENT + 2
                    pygame.time.set_timer(WALK_SOUND, 5000)


    def events(self):
        WALK_SOUND = pygame.USEREVENT + 2
        for event in pygame.event.get():  #loop through events of pygame

            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                self.quit()  #if the event is "quit" run the method self.quit()

            if event.type == WALK_SOUND:
                if self.player.footstepSound == False:
                    self.player.footstepSound = True
                elif self.player.footstepSound == True:
                    self.player.footstepSound = False

            if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:

                if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
                if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT and self.player.x > 64 and self.checkPropCollisions(
                        "left") == False:
                    self.player.move(-10, 0)
                    self.prevKey = "l"
                    self.player.footstepSound = True

                if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT and self.player.x < 512 and self.checkPropCollisions(
                        "right") == False:
                    self.player.move(10, 0)
                    self.prevKey = "r"
                    self.player.footstepSound = True

                if event.key == pygame.K_UP and self.player.y > 64 and self.checkPropCollisions(
                        "up") == False:
                    self.player.move(0, -10)
                    self.prevKey = "u"
                    self.player.footstepSound = True

                if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN and self.player.y < 512 and self.checkPropCollisions(
                        "down") == False:
                    self.player.move(0, 10)
                    self.prevKey = "d"
                    self.player.footstepSound = True

                if event.key == pygame.K_e:

                    if self.display_inventory == True:
                        self.display_inventory = False
                    elif self.display_inventory == False:
                        self.display_inventory = True

                if event.key == pygame.K_d:

                if event.key == pygame.K_h:

            if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
                if self.prevKey == "l" or self.prevKey == "r" or self.prevKey == "u" or self.prevKey == "d":
                if self.player.footstepSound == False or self.player.footstepSound == True:
                    self.player.footstepSound = None

            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                mousePos = pygame.mouse.get_pos(
                )  #get position of mouse on the screen


                if (
                        self.display_inventory == True
                ):  #only process this loop if the inventory is visible on the screen
                    headRect = pygame.Rect(470, 146, 64, 64)
                    torsoRect = pygame.Rect(470, 228, 64, 64)
                    armsRect = pygame.Rect(470, 310, 64, 64)
                    legsRect = pygame.Rect(470, 392, 64, 64)
                    lWeaponRect = pygame.Rect(382, 228, 64, 64)
                    rWeaponRect = pygame.Rect(383, 310, 64, 64)

                    if self.inventory.dropButton.rect.collidepoint(
                            mousePos) == True:  #check if drop button clicked
                        print("Drop button clicked!")
                    elif self.inventory.equipButton.rect.collidepoint(
                            mousePos) == True:  #check if equip button clicked
                        print("Equip button clicked!")
                        if (self.inventory.currentEquipmentSelection == None):
                    elif self.inventory.inspectButton.rect.collidepoint(
                    ) == True:  #check if inspect button clicked
                        )  #run inventoryGUI's inspect() function

                    elif self.inventory.sellButton.rect.collidepoint(
                            mousePos) == True:  #check if sell button clicked
                        print("Sell button clicked!")
                    elif headRect.collidepoint(mousePos) == True:
                    elif torsoRect.collidepoint(mousePos) == True:
                    elif armsRect.collidepoint(mousePos) == True:
                    elif legsRect.collidepoint(mousePos) == True:
                    elif lWeaponRect.collidepoint(mousePos) == True:
                    elif rWeaponRect.collidepoint(mousePos) == True:
                    for item in self.player.inventory:
                        offsetRect = pygame.Rect((item.x + 64, item.y + 128),
                                                 (item.rect.x, item.rect.y))
                        #for each item in the player's inventory, create an offset rectangle (because the inventory window's
                        #top left point is not at the game window's (0,0)
                        if offsetRect.collidepoint(
                        ) == True:  #check if an item was clicked
                            )  #run method defined in inventoryGUI class body (see assets.py)

                if self.message_box_active == True:
                    mousePos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                    for sprite in self.active_message_boxes.sprites():
                        if sprite.okButton.rect.collidepoint(mousePos) == True:
                for optionBox in self.active_option_boxes:
                    print(optionBox.checkClicked(mousePos[0], mousePos[1]))



    def battleEvents(self):
        CLOCK_TICK = pygame.USEREVENT + 2
        #pygame.time.set_timer(CLOCK_TICK, 1000)
        ANIMATE_ENEMY = pygame.USEREVENT + 3
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == pygame.K_t:
                        1000)  #tick every second (1000 milliseconds)
                    time_elapsed = self.battleEvent.game_clock.get_time()
                    if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
                        key_up = ("UP", time_elapsed)
                    elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
                        key_down = ("DOWN", time_elapsed)
                    elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
                        key_left = ("LEFT", time_elapsed)
                    elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
                        key_right = ("RIGHT", time_elapsed)

            if event.type == CLOCK_TICK:
                print("Clock ticked!")
            if event.type == ANIMATE_ENEMY_ATTACK:
            if event.type == ANIMATE_KEYSTROKES:
                for keystroke in self.battleEvent.displayed_keystrokes:
            if event.type == ANIMATE_ENEMY:

    def quit(self):
        pygame.quit()  #quit pygame
        sys.exit()  #close (IDLE is kind of weird with this)

    def draw_grid(self):
        for x in range(0, 512,
                       64):  #every 64 pixels from 0 to 512 (window border):
            pygame.draw.line(self.window, (100, 100, 100), (x, 0), (x, 512))
            #draw a light grey line on the window from each x to the bottom of the screen
        for y in range(0, 512,
                       64):  #every 64 pixels from 0 to 512 (window border):
            pygame.draw.line(self.window, (100, 100, 100), (0, y), (512, y))
            #draw a light grey line on the window from each y to the right of the screen.

    def move_enemies(self):
        for enemy in self.active_enemies.sprites():

    def droppedItems(self, item):

        print("method run!")
        item.x = self.player.x - 20
        item.y = self.player.y + 30
        item.rect.x = item.x
        item.rect.y = item.y

    def draw(self):

        self.draw_grid()  #call the draw_grid method


            self.window)  #draw all tiles in the active_tiles group
        #group to the screen


        #draw all of the current room's props to the screen

        self.entities.draw(self.window)  #draw all entities










        pygame.display.flip()  #update the surfaces

    def callUpdateStatusBar(self, healthChange, bar):
        if bar == 1:
            if healthChange < 0:
            elif healthChange > 0:
        elif bar == 2:
            for enemy_status_bar in self.active_enemy_status_bar:
                if healthChange < 0:
                elif healthChange > 0:

    def checkPropCollisions(self, direction):
        #collides = False
        #for prop in self.active_props.sprites():
        #    if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self.player, prop) == True:
        #        collides = True

        #return collides
        collides = False

        for prop in self.active_props.sprites(
        ):  #this code works for some reason. I have no idea why. It just does.
            if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self.player, prop) == True:
                if direction == "left":
                    if prop.x < self.player.x:
                        collides = True
                elif direction == "right":
                    if prop.x > self.player.x:
                        collides = True
                elif direction == "up":
                    if prop.y < self.player.y:
                        collides = True
                elif direction == "down":
                    if prop.y > self.player.y:
                        collides = True

        return collides

    def checkItemCollisions(self):
        hasCollided = False
        itemName = None
        for item in self.active_ground_items.sprites():
            if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self.player, item) == True:
                itemName = item.name
                hasCollided = True
        if hasCollided == True:
            messages = ["Pick up", "Leave", None, None]
            mainMessage = "Pick up " + itemName + "?"
            if len(self.active_option_boxes.sprites()) < 1:
                pickUpItem = optionBox(self, 64, 448, self.player, messages,


    def checkEnemyCollisions(self):
        for enemy in self.active_enemies.sprites():
            if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self.player, enemy) == True:
                self.battle = True
                self.battleEvent = Battle(self, self.player, enemy, 0, 150)
                ANIMATE_KEYSTROKES = pygame.USEREVENT + 1
                pygame.time.set_timer(ANIMATE_KEYSTROKES, 125)
                ANIMATE_ENEMY = pygame.USEREVENT + 3
                pygame.time.set_timer(ANIMATE_ENEMY, 125)
                #ANIMATE_ENEMY_ATTACK = pygame.USEREVENT + 4
                #pygame.time.set_timer(ANIMATE_ENEMY_ATTACK, 125)

    def toggleInventoryVisibility(self):
        if self.display_inventory == True:

    def update(self):

    def checkCollisions(self):

        #for some clarification, the player's roomLocation variable is an array of the format [x, y] that is used to determine what room of the 2D array "ZONE1"
        # (or zone in general) the player is currently in. So if the player enters a door to the right of the room, we would increase y by one

        if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(
                self.player, self.rightDoor
        ) == True and self.rightDoor.status == True:  #check if the player entered a door on the right side of a room

            self.player.roomLocation[1] = self.player.roomLocation[
                1] + 1  #modify the player's roomLocation variable one space to the right


            self.switchRooms("right")  #call switchRooms function below

        elif pygame.sprite.collide_rect(
                self.player, self.leftDoor
        ) == True and self.leftDoor.status == True:  #check if the player entered a door on the left side of a room

            self.player.roomLocation[1] = self.player.roomLocation[
                1] - 1  #modify the player's roomLocation variable one space to the left


            self.switchRooms("left")  #call switchRooms function below

        elif pygame.sprite.collide_rect(
                self.player, self.forwardDoor
        ) == True and self.forwardDoor.status == True:  #check if the player entered a door that goes into a room beyond the room the player is currently in
            self.player.roomLocation[0] = self.player.roomLocation[
                0] - 1  #modify the player's roomLocation variable one space "up"


            self.switchRooms("forward")  #call switchRooms function below

        elif pygame.sprite.collide_rect(
                self.player, self.backwardDoor
        ) == True and self.backwardDoor.status == True:  #check if the player entered a door that goes into a room behind the room the player is currently in
            self.player.roomLocation[0] = self.player.roomLocation[0] + 1


            self.switchRooms("backward")  #call switchRooms function below

        elif pygame.sprite.collide_rect(
                self.rightDoor) == True and self.rightDoor.status == False:
            print("Error message")

        #for sprite in self.all_tiles.sprites():
        #    sprite.remove(self.all_tiles)
        #for x in range(0, 8):
        #  for y in range(0, 8):
        #      self.active_tiles.add(self.z2r2.tiles[x][y])

    def switchRooms(self, direction):
        self.activeRoom = self.ZONE1[self.player.roomLocation[0]][
                1]]  #since the player's roomLocation was modified in checkCollisions(), update the activeRoom
        #variable to be the room the player has just moved to

        for sprite in self.active_tiles.sprites():
            )  #remove all tiles currently in the active_tiles sprite group

        for prop in self.active_props.sprites(
        ):  #remove all of the previous room's props as well

        for enemy in self.active_enemies.sprites():

        for x in range(0, 8):
            for y in range(0, 8):
                )  #fill the now empty active_tiles sprite group with tiles from the new room the player has just moved to
                #these will be drawn almost instantly
        if direction == "right":
            self.player.x = 70  #make sure that if the player enters a door to the right, they come out on the left side of the next room
            self.player.y = 256
        elif direction == "left":
            self.player.x = 506  #make sure that if the player enters a door to the left, they come out on the right side of the next room
            self.player.y = 256
        elif direction == "forward":
            self.player.x = 256  #make sure that if the player enters a door ahead of them, they come out at the "back" (relatively speaking) of the next room
            self.player.y = 506
        elif direction == "backward":
            self.player.x = 256  #make sure that if the player enters a door that's behind them, they come out at the "front" (relatively speaking) of the next room
            self.player.y = 70
        for door in self.active_doors:
            door.status = False
            )  #remove the previous room's doors from the door sprite group so that they will (theoretically) no longer be drawn

        for door in self.activeRoom.doors:
            )  #add the next room's doors to the active_doors sprite group to be drawn
            door.status = True

        for prop in self.activeRoom.props:

        for enemy in self.activeRoom.enemies:

        self.player.background = self.activeRoom.full_background_image

    def __init__(self):
        # 284 may be where hit boxes lie
        # get pygame up and running
        # Create main window
        self.window = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH,
        # Clock for ticking, variable for time between frame draws, 
        self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
        self.time_passed = 0
        # Set main window Caption
        pygame.display.set_caption("Ghosts in a Gymnasium")
        # Create background same size as window
        self.background = pygame.image.load("data/sprites/background/bbcourt.png").convert_alpha()
        # Draw background in window
        self.window.blit(self.background, (0,0))
        # display new background
        # Creates title screen
        title_on = True
        title_screen = TitleScreen(self.window)
        # checks to see if player advanced past title screen
        while title_on:
            title_on = title_screen.display_title()
        # clear events, clear screen
        self.window.blit(self.background, (0,0))
        # Let pygame know we want to listen to just three events
        # list of key presses by player
        self.player_key_list = [] 
        # Allow for repeats, 2 ms apart

        ####### Code for Sandbox stage  #######
        in_sandbox = True
        self.sandbox_stage = Sandbox.Sandbox(self.window,self.clock)
        while in_sandbox:
            in_sandbox = self.sandbox_stage.play()
        # list of all chairs player placed
        self.chair_list = self.sandbox_stage.chair_sprites
        # Group containing all sprites
        self.sprites = pygame.sprite.OrderedUpdates() 
        # Group containing just mice
        self.mice_group = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() 
        # Group containing just Ghosts
        self.ghost_group = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates()
        self.mouse1 = Mouse("Mickey", (815,305))
        self.mouse2 = Mouse("Mike", (400,305))
        self.ghostman_a = Ghostman("Melchoir",(75,650))
        self.ghostman_b = Ghostman("Casper",(250,305))
        for c in self.chair_list:
        # blit orginal background and show
        self.window.blit(self.background, (0,0))
         # Sprite setup and construction, boolean for if we did change
        # a frame of animation
        self.updated_animation = False
        self.eating_time = 0
        # setup player,ghosts, and mice
        self.player = Player("Anthony",(1000,625))
        self.mice_array = [self.mouse1,self.mouse2]
        self.score_board = Scoreboard((600,120))
        self.did_not_feed = DidNotFeed((575,150), self.ghostman_a,self.ghostman_b)
        self.micea_dead = False
        self.miceb_dead = False
        for sprite in self.sprites:
            if sprite.image == False:
def main():
    Game = True
    titleScreen = True
    while Game:# While Loop For Game
        Title = TitleScreen()# Set Up Title Screens and Windows plus Music
        WindowWidth = 790
        WindowHeight = 450
        windowSurface = pygame.display.set_mode((WindowWidth, WindowHeight), 0, 32)
        mainClock = pygame.time.Clock()
        pygame.display.set_caption('Jurastic Measures')
        soundTitle = pygame.mixer.Sound('Music/JurassicPark.wav')
        soundGame = pygame.mixer.Sound('Music/Doomsday.wav')
        endScreenSound = pygame.mixer.Sound('Music/BIB.wav')
        while titleScreen:# Shows Title Screen until Player Presses Space then the Game Starts
            for event in pygame.event.get():
                if event.type == QUIT:
                elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
                    if event.key == K_SPACE:
                        titleScreen = False
        # Set Up Variables
        TrexX = 100
        TrexY = 260
        TricX = 600
        TricY = 260
        ground = 260
        gravity = 1
        Trex = TRexAnimate()
        Tric = TriceratopsAnimate()
        WinScreen = EndScreen()
        # Set Up BackGround Images
        ForeGround6 = pygame.image.load('LevelBackground/Foreground6.png')
        ForeGround5 = pygame.image.load('LevelBackground/Foreground5.png')
        ForeGround4 = pygame.image.load('LevelBackground/Foreground4.png')
        ForeGround3 = pygame.image.load('LevelBackground/Foreground3.png')
        ForeGround2 = pygame.image.load('LevelBackground/Foreground2.png')
        ForeGround1 = pygame.image.load('LevelBackground/Foreground.png')
        Background = pygame.image.load('LevelBackground/BorderBars.png')
        bgXSize, bgYSize = ForeGround1.get_size()
        bgX, bgY = int(-bgXSize // 4.5), 119
        bbX, bbY = 0, 0
        leftRockEdge = 55
        rightRockEdge = 65
        rightEdgePlusRockMax = 75
        bgXRightMax = -1*(bgXSize - WindowWidth)
        bgXLeftMax = 0
        bgXMove = 0
        TRANSP = (0, 0, 0, 0)
        decreasingHitBoxSizeXSize = 19
        # Set up for invisiable sprite for Trex
        Sprite1 = 'TrexImages/T-Rex.png'
        SPR1 = pygame.image.load(Sprite1).convert_alpha()
        spr1XSize, spr1YSize = SPR1.get_size()
        spr1XSizeBox = spr1XSize
        spr1XSizeBox -= decreasingHitBoxSizeXSize
        TrexSurface = pygame.Surface((spr1XSize, spr1YSize), flags=SRCALPHA, depth=32)
        # Set up for invisiable sprite for Triceratops
        Sprite2 = 'TriceratopsImages/Triceratops.png'
        SPR2 = pygame.image.load(Sprite2).convert_alpha()
        spr2XSize, spr2YSize = SPR2.get_size()
        spr2XSizeBox = spr2XSize
        spr2XSizeBox -= decreasingHitBoxSizeXSize
        TricSurface = pygame.Surface((spr2XSize, spr2YSize), flags=SRCALPHA, depth=32)
        # Set Up for animation
        LEFT = 'left'
        RIGHT = 'right'
        # Rate of movement and attack
        TrexWALKRATE = 5
        TrexSPRINTRATE = int(TrexWALKRATE * 1.6)
        TrexJumpRate = 9
        TrexJumpRateReSet = 9
        TrexHealth = 100
        TrexHealthDamageRate = 8.75
        TricWALKRATE = 3
        TricSPRINTRATE = int(TricWALKRATE * 1.6)
        TricJumpRate = 7
        TricJumpRateReSet = 7
        TricHealth = 100
        TricHealthDamageRate = 6.25
        bgXMoveRate = 2
        # Set Up For Health Bars
        TrexHealthBarX = 175
        TricHealthBarX = 525
        # Setting animation variables
        TrexDirection, TricDirection = RIGHT, LEFT
        Bite, Horn = 0, 0
        ForeGroundRightMax = ForeGroundLeftMax = touching = TrexWall = TricWall = TricRock = TrexRock = False
        TrexMoveLeft = TrexMoveRight = TrexWalking = BiteAttack = TrexJump = TrexRunning = TrexBlock = TrexDead = False
        TricMoveLeft = TricMoveRight = TricWalking = HornAttack = TricJump = TricRunning = TricBlock = TricDead = False
        TimeForFrame = 30
        TrexDeadCounter = TricDeadCounter = 0
        PlayGame = True
        TricWin = TrexWin = False
        while PlayGame:
            #Blits Background and Health Bars
            windowSurface.blit(ForeGround6, (bgX, bgY))
            windowSurface.blit(ForeGround5, (bgX, bgY))
            windowSurface.blit(ForeGround4, (bgX, bgY))
            windowSurface.blit(ForeGround3, (bgX, bgY))
            windowSurface.blit(ForeGround2, (bgX, bgY))
            windowSurface.blit(ForeGround1, (bgX, bgY))
            windowSurface.blit(Background,(bbX, bbY))
            HealthBars = HealthBar(TrexHealth, TricHealth, TrexHealthBarX, TricHealthBarX, windowSurface)
            # Sets up Health Bars for damage
            if TricHealth <= 0:
                if TricDeadCounter >= 60:
                    TrexWin = True
                    PlayGame = False
            if TrexHealth <= 0:
                if TrexDeadCounter >= 60:
                    TricWin = True
                    PlayGame = False
            for event in pygame.event.get():
                if event.type == QUIT:
                elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
                    if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
                    # Trex Movement
                    if not TrexJump and not TrexBlock and not TrexDead:
                        if event.key == K_a:
                            TrexMoveLeft = True
                            TrexMoveRight = False
                            TrexDirection = LEFT
                            TrexWalking = True
                            bgXMove = bgXMoveRate
                            touching = False
                    if not TrexJump and not TrexBlock and not TrexDead:
                        if event.key == K_d:
                            TrexMoveLeft = False
                            TrexMoveRight = True
                            TrexDirection = RIGHT
                            TrexWalking = True
                            bgXMove = -bgXMoveRate
                    if not TrexRunning and not TrexBlock and not TrexJump and not TrexDead:
                        TrexAttack = pygame.key.get_pressed()
                        if TrexAttack[K_e]:
                            if Bite == 0:
                                BiteAttack = True
                                Bite = TimeForFrame
                    if not TrexDead:
                        if event.key == K_f:
                            BiteAttack = False
                            TrexRunning = True
                            if TrexMoveLeft:
                                TrexDirection = LEFT
                            if TrexMoveRight:
                                TrexDirection = RIGHT
                    if not TrexBlock and not TrexDead:
                        TRexJump = pygame.key.get_pressed()
                        if TRexJump[K_w]:
                            TrexJump = True
                            BiteAttack = False
                    if not TrexJump and not TrexDead:
                        if event.key == K_s:
                            TrexBlock = True
                            TrexMoveLeft = False
                            TrexMoveRight = False
                            BiteAttack = False
                            TrexRunning = False
                            TrexJump = False
                    # Triceratops Movement
                    if not TricJump and not TricBlock and not TricDead:
                        if event.key == K_LEFT:
                            TricMoveLeft = True
                            TricMoveRight = False
                            TricDirection = LEFT
                            TricWalking = True
                            bgXMove = bgXMoveRate
                    if not TricJump and not TricBlock and not TricDead:
                        if event.key == K_RIGHT:
                            TricMoveLeft = False
                            TricMoveRight = True
                            TricDirection = RIGHT
                            TricWalking = True
                            bgXMove = -bgXMoveRate
                            touching = False
                    if not TricRunning and not TricBlock and not TricJump and not TricDead:
                        TRicAttack = pygame.key.get_pressed()
                        if TRicAttack[K_RCTRL]:
                            if Horn == 0:
                                HornAttack = True
                                Horn = TimeForFrame
                    if not TricDead:
                        if event.key == K_KP0:
                            HornAttack = False
                            TricRunning = True
                            if TricMoveLeft:
                                TricDirection = LEFT
                            if TricMoveRight:
                                TricDirection = RIGHT
                    if not TricBlock and not TricDead:
                        TRicJump = pygame.key.get_pressed()
                        if TRicJump[K_UP]:
                            TricJump = True
                            HornAttack = False
                    if not TricJump and not TricDead:
                        if event.key == K_DOWN:
                            TricBlock = True
                            TricMoveLeft = False
                            TricMoveRight = False
                            HornAttack = False
                            TricRunning = False
                            TricJump = False
                elif event.type == KEYUP:
                    # Trex Stop Movement
                    if not TrexMoveRight:
                        if event.key == K_a:
                            TrexMoveLeft = False
                            TrexDirection = LEFT
                            TrexWalking = False
                            bgXMove = 0
                    if not TrexMoveLeft:
                        if event.key == K_d:
                            TrexMoveRight = False
                            TrexDirection = RIGHT
                            TrexWalking = False
                            bgXMove = 0
                    if event.key == K_f:
                        TrexRunning = False
                        if TrexMoveLeft:
                            TrexDirection = LEFT
                        if TrexMoveRight:
                            TrexDirection = RIGHT
                    if event.key == K_s:
                        TrexBlock = False
                    # Triceratops Stop Movement
                    if not TricMoveRight:
                        if event.key == K_LEFT:
                            TricMoveLeft = False
                            TricDirection = LEFT
                            TricWalking = False
                            bgXMove = 0
                    if not TricMoveLeft:
                        if event.key == K_RIGHT:
                            TricMoveRight = False
                            TricDirection = RIGHT
                            TricWalking = False
                            bgXMove = 0
                    if event.key == K_KP0:
                        TricRunning = False
                        if TricMoveLeft:
                            TricDirection = LEFT
                        if TricMoveRight:
                            TricDirection = RIGHT
                    if event.key == K_DOWN:
                        TricBlock = False
            # Trex Animation
            # Trex Animation
            if TrexHealth <= 0:
                TrexDead = True
                TrexMoveLeft = False
                TrexMoveRight = False
                TrexWalking = False
                TrexRunning = False
                TrexBlock = False
                BiteAttack = False
                TrexJump = False
            if TrexMoveRight or TrexMoveLeft or BiteAttack or TrexJump or TrexBlock or TrexDead:
                if TrexWalking and(TrexMoveRight or TrexMoveLeft) and not BiteAttack and not TrexRunning and not TrexJump:
                    if TrexDirection == LEFT:
                        Trex.Animation(windowSurface, TrexX, TrexY, LEFT, True, False, False, False, False, False, False)
                    elif TrexDirection == RIGHT:
                        Trex.Animation(windowSurface, TrexX, TrexY, RIGHT, True, False, False, False, False, False, False)
                    TrexRate = TrexWALKRATE
                if BiteAttack and not TrexWalking:
                    if bgX == bgXRightMax or bgX == bgXLeftMax:
                        TrexRate = 0
                    elif touching:
                        TrexRate = 0
                        bgXMove = 0
                        TrexRate = bgXMove
                    TrexX += TrexRate
                    if TrexDirection == LEFT:
                        Trex.Animation(windowSurface, TrexX, TrexY, LEFT, False, True, False, False, False, False, False)
                        if Bite <= TimeForFrame:
                            Bite -= 1
                            if Bite == (TimeForFrame - TimeForFrame):
                                BiteAttack = False
                    elif TrexDirection == RIGHT:
                        Trex.Animation(windowSurface, TrexX, TrexY, RIGHT, False, True, False, False, False, False, False)
                        if Bite <= TimeForFrame:
                            Bite -= 1
                            if Bite == (TimeForFrame - TimeForFrame):
                                BiteAttack = False
                if TrexWalking and BiteAttack and(TrexMoveRight or TrexMoveLeft) and not TrexRunning:
                    if TrexDirection == LEFT:
                        Trex.Animation(windowSurface, TrexX, TrexY, LEFT, True, True, False, False, False, False, False)
                        if Bite <= TimeForFrame:
                            Bite -= 1
                            if Bite == (TimeForFrame - TimeForFrame):
                                BiteAttack = False
                    elif TrexDirection == RIGHT:
                        Trex.Animation(windowSurface, TrexX, TrexY, RIGHT, True, True, False, False, False, False, False)
                        if Bite <= TimeForFrame:
                            Bite -= 1
                            if Bite == (TimeForFrame - TimeForFrame):
                                BiteAttack = False
                    TrexRate = TrexWALKRATE
                if TrexRunning and(TrexMoveRight or TrexMoveLeft) and not TrexJump:
                    Bite = 0
                    if TrexDirection == LEFT:
                        Trex.Animation(windowSurface, TrexX, TrexY, LEFT, False, False, True, False, False, False, False)
                    elif TrexDirection == RIGHT:
                        Trex.Animation(windowSurface, TrexX, TrexY, RIGHT, False, False, True, False, False, False, False)
                    TrexRate = TrexSPRINTRATE
                if TrexJump:
                    Bite = 0
                    if bgX == bgXRightMax or bgX == bgXLeftMax:
                        TrexRate = 0
                    elif touching:
                        TrexRate = 0
                        bgXMove = 0
                        TrexRate = bgXMove
                    TrexX += TrexRate
                    if TrexDirection == LEFT:
                        Trex.Animation(windowSurface, TrexX, TrexY, LEFT, False, False, False, True, False, False, False)
                    elif TrexDirection == RIGHT:
                        Trex.Animation(windowSurface, TrexX, TrexY, RIGHT, False, False, False, True, False, False, False)
                    if TrexMoveLeft or TrexMoveRight:
                        if not touching:
                            if TrexRunning:
                                TrexRate = int(TrexSPRINTRATE//1.75)
                                TrexRate = int(TrexWALKRATE//1.5)
                if TrexBlock:
                    Bite = 0
                    if bgX == bgXRightMax or bgX == bgXLeftMax:
                        TrexRate = 0
                    elif touching:
                        TrexRate = 0
                        bgXMove = 0
                        TrexRate = bgXMove
                    TrexX += TrexRate
                    if TrexDirection == LEFT:
                        Trex.Animation(windowSurface, TrexX, TrexY, LEFT, False, False, False, False, True, False, False)
                    elif TrexDirection == RIGHT:
                        Trex.Animation(windowSurface, TrexX, TrexY, RIGHT, False, False, False, False, True, False, False)
                if TrexDead:
                    if bgX == bgXRightMax or bgX == bgXLeftMax:
                        TrexRate = 0
                    elif touching:
                        TrexRate = 0
                        bgXMove = 0
                        TrexRate = bgXMove
                    TrexX += TrexRate
                    if TrexDirection == LEFT:
                        Trex.Animation(windowSurface, TrexX, TrexY, LEFT, False, False, False, False, False, False, True)
                    elif TrexDirection == RIGHT:
                        Trex.Animation(windowSurface, TrexX, TrexY, RIGHT, False, False, False, False, False, False, True)
                    TrexDeadCounter += 1
                if TrexMoveLeft:
                    TrexX -= TrexRate
                if TrexMoveRight:
                    TrexX += TrexRate
                if TrexJump:
                    if TrexY <= ground:
                        TrexY = TrexY - TrexJumpRate
                        TrexJumpRate = TrexJumpRate - gravity
                        if TrexY == ground:
                            TrexJump = False
                            TrexJumpRate = TrexJumpRateReSet
                # Trex Standing
                if bgX == bgXRightMax or bgX == bgXLeftMax:
                    TrexRate = 0
                elif touching:
                    TrexRate = 0
                    bgXMove = 0
                    TrexRate = bgXMove
                TrexX += TrexRate
                if TrexDirection == LEFT:
                    Trex.Animation(windowSurface, TrexX, TrexY, LEFT, False, False, False, False, False, True, False)
                elif TrexDirection == RIGHT:
                    Trex.Animation(windowSurface, TrexX, TrexY, RIGHT, False, False, False, False, False, True, False)
            # Triceratops Animation
            if TricHealth <= 0:
                TricDead = True
                TricMoveLeft = False
                TricMoveRight = False
                TricWalking = False
                TricRunning = False
                TricBlock = False
                HornAttack = False
                TricJump = False
            if TricMoveRight or TricMoveLeft or HornAttack or TricJump or TricBlock or TricDead:
                if TricWalking and(TricMoveRight or TricMoveLeft) and not HornAttack and not TricRunning and not TricJump:
                    if TricDirection == LEFT:
                        Tric.Animation(windowSurface, TricX, TricY, LEFT, True, False, False, False, False, False, False)
                    elif TricDirection == RIGHT:
                        Tric.Animation(windowSurface, TricX, TricY, RIGHT, True, False, False, False, False, False, False)
                    TricRate = TricWALKRATE
                if HornAttack and not TricWalking:
                    if bgX == bgXRightMax or bgX == bgXLeftMax:
                        TricRate = 0
                    elif touching:
                        TricRate = 0
                        bgXMove = 0
                        TricRate = bgXMove
                    TricX += TricRate
                    if TricDirection == LEFT:
                        Tric.Animation(windowSurface, TricX, TricY, LEFT, False, True, False, False, False, False, False)
                        if Horn <= TimeForFrame:
                            Horn -= 1
                            if Horn == (TimeForFrame - TimeForFrame):
                                HornAttack = False
                    elif TricDirection == RIGHT:
                        TricX += TricRate
                        Tric.Animation(windowSurface, TricX, TricY, RIGHT, False, True, False, False, False, False, False)
                        if Horn <= TimeForFrame:
                            Horn -= 1
                            if Horn == (TimeForFrame - TimeForFrame):
                                HornAttack = False
                if HornAttack and TricWalking and (TricMoveRight or TricMoveLeft) and not TricRunning:
                    if TricDirection == LEFT:
                        Tric.Animation(windowSurface, TricX, TricY, LEFT, True, True, False, False, False, False, False)
                        if Horn <= TimeForFrame:
                            Horn -= 1
                            if Horn == (TimeForFrame - TimeForFrame):
                                HornAttack = False
                    elif TricDirection == RIGHT:
                        Tric.Animation(windowSurface, TricX, TricY, RIGHT, True, True, False, False, False, False, False)
                        if Horn <= TimeForFrame:
                            Horn -= 1
                            if Horn == (TimeForFrame - TimeForFrame):
                                HornAttack = False
                if TricRunning and(TricMoveRight or TricMoveLeft) and not TricJump:
                    Horn = 0
                    if TricDirection == LEFT:
                        Tric.Animation(windowSurface, TricX, TricY, LEFT, False, False, True, False, False, False, False)
                    elif TricDirection == RIGHT:
                        Tric.Animation(windowSurface, TricX, TricY, RIGHT, False, False, True, False, False, False, False)
                    TricRate = TricSPRINTRATE
                if TricJump:
                    Horn = 0
                    if bgX == bgXRightMax or bgX == bgXLeftMax:
                        TricRate = 0
                    elif touching:
                        TricRate = 0
                        bgXMove = 0
                        TricRate = bgXMove
                    TricX += TricRate
                    if TricDirection == LEFT:
                        Tric.Animation(windowSurface, TricX, TricY, LEFT, False, False, False, True, False, False, False)
                    elif TricDirection == RIGHT:
                        Tric.Animation(windowSurface, TricX, TricY, RIGHT, False, False, False, True, False, False, False)
                    if TricMoveLeft or TricMoveRight:
                        if not touching:
                            if TricRunning:
                                TricRate = int(TricSPRINTRATE//1.75)
                                TricRate = int(TricWALKRATE//1.5)
                if TricBlock:
                    Horn = 0
                    if bgX == bgXRightMax or bgX == bgXLeftMax:
                        TricRate = 0
                    elif touching:
                        TricRate = 0
                        bgXMove = 0
                        TricRate = bgXMove
                    TricX += TricRate
                    if TricDirection == LEFT:
                        Tric.Animation(windowSurface, TricX, TricY, LEFT, False, False, False, False, True, False, False)
                    elif TricDirection == RIGHT:
                        Tric.Animation(windowSurface, TricX, TricY, RIGHT, False, False, False, False, True, False, False)
                if TricDead:
                    if bgX == bgXRightMax or bgX == bgXLeftMax:
                        TricRate = 0
                    elif touching:
                        TricRate = 0
                        bgXMove = 0
                        TricRate = bgXMove
                    TricX += TricRate
                    if TricDirection == LEFT:
                        Tric.Animation(windowSurface, TricX, TricY, LEFT, False, False, False, False, False, False, True)
                    elif TricDirection == RIGHT:
                        Tric.Animation(windowSurface, TricX, TricY, RIGHT, False, False, False, False, False, False, True)
                    TricDeadCounter += 1
                if bgX == bgXRightMax or bgX == bgXLeftMax:
                    TricRate = 0
                elif touching:
                    TricRate = 0
                    bgXMove = 0
                    TricRate = bgXMove
                TricX += TricRate
                if TricDirection == LEFT:
                    Tric.Animation(windowSurface, TricX, TricY, LEFT, False, False, False, False, False, True, False)
                elif TricDirection == RIGHT:
                    Tric.Animation(windowSurface, TricX, TricY, RIGHT, False, False, False, False, False, True, False)
            if TricMoveLeft:
                TricX -= TricRate
            if TricMoveRight:
                TricX += TricRate
            if TricJump:
                if TricY <= ground:
                    TricY = TricY - TricJumpRate
                    TricJumpRate = TricJumpRate - gravity
                    if TricY == ground:
                        TricJump = False
                        TricJumpRate = TricJumpRateReSet
            # Trex Sprite Stuff
            spr1XPos, spr1YPos = TrexX, TrexY
            TrexSurface.blit(windowSurface, (spr1XPos, spr1YPos))
            # Tric Sprite Stuff
            spr2XPos, spr2YPos = TricX, TricY
            TrexSurface.blit(windowSurface, (spr2XPos, spr2YPos))
            # BackGroundLimits
            if TricMoveRight and TrexMoveLeft:
                if TrexWall and TricWall:
                    bgXMove = 0
            if TrexJump ^ TricJump:
                bgXMove = 0
            bgX = bgX + bgXMove
            if bgX <= bgXRightMax:
                bgX = bgXRightMax
            elif bgX <= bgXRightMax + rightEdgePlusRockMax:
                ForeGroundRightMax = True
            elif bgX >= bgXRightMax + rightEdgePlusRockMax:
                ForeGroundRightMax = False
            if bgX > bgXLeftMax:
                bgX = bgXLeftMax
            elif bgX > -leftRockEdge:
                ForeGroundLeftMax = True
            elif bgX < -leftRockEdge:
                ForeGroundLeftMax = False
            # Trex Limits
            if not ForeGroundLeftMax:
                if spr1XPos <= 0:
                    TrexX = 0
                    TrexWall = True
                    TrexWall = False
            elif TrexDirection == LEFT and TrexMoveLeft and TrexWall:
                if spr1XPos <= leftRockEdge:
                    TrexX = leftRockEdge + bgX
                    TrexRock = True
            elif TrexDirection == RIGHT:
                TrexRock = False
            elif TrexDirection == LEFT and TrexMoveLeft and TrexRock:
                if spr1XPos <= leftRockEdge + bgX:
                    TrexX = leftRockEdge + bgX
            elif TrexDirection == LEFT and TrexMoveLeft and not TrexRock:
                if spr1XPos <= leftRockEdge + bgX:
                    TrexX = leftRockEdge + bgX
                TrexWall = False
            # Tric Limits
            if not ForeGroundRightMax:
                if spr2XPos >= WindowWidth - spr2XSizeBox:
                    TricX = WindowWidth - spr2XSizeBox
                    TricWall = True
                    TricWall = False
            elif TricDirection == RIGHT and TricMoveRight and TricWall:
                if spr2XPos >= WindowWidth - spr2XSize - rightRockEdge:
                    TricX = WindowWidth - spr2XSize - rightRockEdge + (-bgXRightMax + bgX)
                    TricRock = True
            elif TricDirection == LEFT:
                TricRock = False
            elif TricDirection == RIGHT and TricMoveRight and TricRock:
                if spr2XPos >= WindowWidth - spr2XSize - rightRockEdge:
                    TricX = WindowWidth - spr2XSize - rightRockEdge + (-bgXRightMax + bgX)
            elif TricDirection == RIGHT and TricMoveRight and not TricRock:
                if spr2XPos >= WindowWidth - spr2XSize - rightRockEdge + (-bgXRightMax + bgX):
                    TricX = WindowWidth - spr2XSize - rightRockEdge + (-bgXRightMax + bgX)
                TricWall = False
            # Hit Boxes Set Up
            if spr1XPos + spr1XSizeBox >= spr2XPos:
                touching = True
            if spr2XPos >= spr1XPos + spr1XSizeBox and TricMoveRight:
                touching = False
            if touching:
                TrexX = TrexX - TrexRate
                TricX = TricX + TricRate
                bgX = bgX - bgXMove
            if touching and BiteAttack and TrexDirection == RIGHT:
                if Bite == int(TimeForFrame//1.75):
                    if TricBlock:
                        TricHealth -= int(TricHealthDamageRate//4)
                    elif TricJump:
                        if TricY <= 235:
                            TricHealth -= 0
                            TricHealth -= TricHealthDamageRate
                        TricHealth -= TricHealthDamageRate
            if touching and HornAttack and TricDirection == LEFT:
                if Horn == int(TimeForFrame//1.75):
                    if TrexBlock:
                        TrexHealth -= int(TrexHealthDamageRate//3)
                    elif TrexJump:
                        if TrexY <= 225:
                            TrexHealth -= 0
                            TrexHealth -= TrexHealthDamageRate
                        TrexHealth -= TrexHealthDamageRate
        # Set up for Win Screens
        if TrexWin or TricWin:
        while TrexWin:
            WinScreen.TrexWin(windowSurface, True)
            for event in pygame.event.get():
                if event.type == QUIT:
                elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
                    if event.key == K_SPACE:
                        titleScreen = True
                        TrexWin = False
        while TricWin:
            WinScreen.TricWin(windowSurface, True)
            for event in pygame.event.get():
                if event.type == QUIT:
                elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
                    if event.key == K_SPACE:
                        titleScreen = True
                        TricWin = False
Exemple #10
def main():
Exemple #11
import math
import pygame
import sys
import Stage1
import TitleScreen
import gameOver
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
window = pygame.display.set_mode([640, 480])
pygame.display.set_caption("Team JhaneMarVhiel")
font = pygame.font.Font("freesansbold.ttf", 32)
TitleScreen = TitleScreen.cTitleScreen()
Stage1 = Stage1.cStage1()
gameOver = gameOver.cGameOver()
CurrentScreen = TitleScreen
while True:
    newScreen = CurrentScreen.update(clock)
    if (newScreen == "Stage1"):
        CurrentScreen = Stage1
    events = pygame.event.get()

    for event in events:
        if ((event.type == pygame.QUIT) or (newScreen == "QUIT") or
            (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE)):
Exemple #12
import TitleScreen as titlescreen

if __name__ == "__main__":
    t = titlescreen.TitleScreen()