def avatarEnter(self): self.sendUpdate('createBot', [random.randrange(6)]) dna = ToonDNA() dna.newToonRandom() newToon = DistributedBotAI( newToon.b_setDNAString(dna.makeNetString()) x = (random.random()*10) + 10 y = (random.random()*10) + 10 z = 4 newToon.sendUpdate('setPos', [x, y, z])
def setupScrollInterface(self): self.dna = self.toon.getStyle() gender = self.dna.getGender() if self.swapEvent != None: self.tops = ToonDNA.getTops(gender, tailorId=self.tailorId) self.bottoms = ToonDNA.getBottoms(gender, tailorId=self.tailorId) self.gender = gender self.topChoice = -1 self.bottomChoice = -1 self.setupButtons()
def getSingingNote(toon, note, volume=1): """ Returns a track of the toon singing the requested note. note is a string in small letters. Eg - g1, a, b, c, d, e, f, g2 """ sfx = None filePath = "phase_3.5/audio/dial/" filePrefix = "tt_s_dlg_sng_" fileSuffix = ".mp3" speciesName = ToonDNA.getSpeciesName( sfx = base.loadSfx(filePath + filePrefix + speciesName + "_" + note + fileSuffix) # Need to use a Func interval since DoEmote expects a 0 duration track def playSfx(volume=1): base.playSfx(sfx, volume=volume, node=toon) def playAnim(): toon.loop('neutral') def stopAnim(): toon.setPlayRate(1, 'neutral') track = Sequence(Func(toon.showSurpriseMuzzle), Parallel(Func(playAnim), Func(playSfx, volume))) exitTrack = Sequence(Func(toon.hideSurpriseMuzzle), Func(stopAnim)) return track, 0.1, exitTrack
def setDNA(self, blob, finished, which): avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender() if avId != self.customerId: if self.customerId: self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avId=avId, issue='DistributedNPCTailorAI.setDNA customer is %s' % self.customerId) self.notify.warning('customerId: %s, but got setDNA for: %s' % (self.customerId, avId)) return testDNA = ToonDNA.ToonDNA() if not testDNA.isValidNetString(blob): self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avId=avId, issue='DistributedNPCTailorAI.setDNA: invalid dna: %s' % blob) return testDNA.makeFromNetString(blob) if self.air.doId2do.has_key(avId): av = self.air.doId2do[avId] if not self.__verifyAvatarInMyZone(av): self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avId=av.getDoId(), issue='Tried to setDNA without being in same location.') taskMgr.doMethodLater(0.1, self.sendTimeoutMovie, self.uniqueName('clearMovie')) return if not self.__checkValidDNAChange(av, testDNA): self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avId=av.getDoId(), issue="Avatar tried to modify parts of their DNA that isn't clothing!") taskMgr.doMethodLater(0.1, self.sendTimeoutMovie, self.uniqueName('clearMovie')) return if finished == 2 and which > 0: if self.freeClothes or self.air.questManager.removeClothingTicket(av, self) or av.takeMoney(self.jbCost, bUseBank=True): av.b_setDNAString(blob) if which & ClosetGlobals.SHIRT: if av.addToClothesTopsList(self.customerDNA.topTex, self.customerDNA.topTexColor, self.customerDNA.sleeveTex, self.customerDNA.sleeveTexColor) == 1: av.b_setClothesTopsList(av.getClothesTopsList()) else: self.notify.warning('NPCTailor: setDNA() - unable to save old tops - we exceeded the tops list length') if which & ClosetGlobals.SHORTS: if av.addToClothesBottomsList(self.customerDNA.botTex, self.customerDNA.botTexColor) == 1: av.b_setClothesBottomsList(av.getClothesBottomsList()) else: self.notify.warning('NPCTailor: setDNA() - unable to save old bottoms - we exceeded the bottoms list length') self.air.writeServerEvent('boughtTailorClothes', avId=avId, tailorId=self.doId, item=which, dna=self.customerDNA.makeNetString()) elif self.useJellybeans: self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avId=avId, issue='DistributedNPCTailorAI.setDNA tried to purchase with insufficient jellybeans') self.notify.warning('NPCTailor: setDNA() - client tried to purchase with insufficient jellybeans!') else: self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avId=avId, issue='DistributedNPCTailorAI.setDNA bogus clothing ticket') self.notify.warning('NPCTailor: setDNA() - client tried to purchase with bogus clothing ticket!') if self.customerDNA: av.b_setDNAString(self.customerDNA.makeNetString()) elif finished == 1: if self.customerDNA: av.b_setDNAString(self.customerDNA.makeNetString()) else: self.sendUpdate('setCustomerDNA', [avId, blob]) else: self.notify.warning('no av for avId: %d' % avId) if self.timedOut == 1 or finished == 0: return if self.busy == avId: taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('clearMovie')) self.completePurchase(avId) else: if self.busy: self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avId=avId, issue='DistributedNPCTailorAI.setDNA busy with %s' % self.busy) self.notify.warning('setDNA from unknown avId: %s busy: %s' % (avId, self.busy))
def avatarEnter(self): avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender() if not self.air.doId2do.has_key(avId): self.notify.warning('Avatar: %s not found' % avId) return av = self.air.doId2do[avId] if self.isBusy(): self.freeAvatar(avId) return flag = NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START_BROWSE if self.freeClothes: flag = NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START elif self.air.questManager.hasTailorClothingTicket(av, self): flag = NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START if flag != NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START_BROWSE and self.housingEnabled and self.isClosetAlmostFull( av): flag = NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START_NOROOM self.customerDNA = ToonDNA.ToonDNA() self.customerDNA.makeFromNetString(av.getDNAString()) self.customerId = avId av.b_setDNAString(self.customerDNA.makeNetString()) self.acceptOnce(self.air.getAvatarExitEvent(avId), self.__handleUnexpectedExit, extraArgs=[avId]) self.sendShoppingMovie(avId, flag) DistributedNPCToonBaseAI.avatarEnter(self)
def changeGlove(self, color): avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender() av = self.air.doId2do.get(avId) if av is None or not hasattr(av, 'dna'): return elif len(ToonDNA.allColorsList) <= color: self.sendUpdate('changeGloveResult', [avId, GloveNPCGlobals.INVALID_COLOR]) return elif av.dna.gloveColor == color: self.sendUpdate('changeGloveResult', [avId, GloveNPCGlobals.SAME_COLOR]) return elif av.getTotalMoney() < ToontownGlobals.GloveCost: self.sendUpdate('changeGloveResult', [avId, GloveNPCGlobals.NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY]) return av.takeMoney(ToontownGlobals.GloveCost) newDNA = ToonDNA.ToonDNA() newDNA.makeFromNetString(av.getDNAString()) newDNA.gloveColor = color taskMgr.doMethodLater( 1.0, lambda task: av.b_setDNAString(newDNA.makeNetString()), 'transform-%d' % avId) self.sendUpdate('changeGloveResult', [avId, GloveNPCGlobals.CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL])
def setDNA(self, blob, finished, which): avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender() if avId != self.customerId: if self.customerId: self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avId, 'DistributedNPCTailorAI.setDNA customer is %s' % self.customerId) self.notify.warning('customerId: %s, but got setDNA for: %s' % (self.customerId, avId)) return testDNA = ToonDNA.ToonDNA() if not testDNA.isValidNetString(blob): self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avId, 'DistributedNPCTailorAI.setDNA: invalid dna: %s' % blob) return if avId in self.air.doId2do: av = self.air.doId2do.get(avId) if finished == 2 and which > 0: if self.freeClothes or av.takeMoney(self.jbCost, bUseBank = True): av.b_setDNAString(blob) if which & ClosetGlobals.SHIRT: if av.addToClothesTopsList(self.customerDNA.topTex, self.customerDNA.topTexColor, self.customerDNA.sleeveTex, self.customerDNA.sleeveTexColor) == 1: av.b_setClothesTopsList(av.getClothesTopsList()) else: self.notify.warning('NPCTailor: setDNA() - unable to save old tops - we exceeded the tops list length') if which & ClosetGlobals.SHORTS: if av.addToClothesBottomsList(self.customerDNA.botTex, self.customerDNA.botTexColor) == 1: av.b_setClothesBottomsList(av.getClothesBottomsList()) else: self.notify.warning('NPCTailor: setDNA() - unable to save old bottoms - we exceeded the bottoms list length') self.air.writeServerEvent('boughtTailorClothes', avId, '%s|%s|%s' % (self.doId, which, self.customerDNA.asTuple())) elif self.useJellybeans: self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avId, 'DistributedNPCTailorAI.setDNA tried to purchase with insufficient jellybeans') self.notify.warning('NPCTailor: setDNA() - client tried to purchase with insufficient jellybeans!') elif self.air.questManager.hasTailorClothingTicket(av, self): self.air.questManager.removeClothingTicket(av, self) av.b_setDNAString(blob) if which & ClosetGlobals.SHIRT: if av.addToClothesTopsList(self.customerDNA.topTex, self.customerDNA.topTexColor, self.customerDNA.sleeveTex, self.customerDNA.sleeveTexColor) == 1: av.b_setClothesTopsList(av.getClothesTopsList()) else: self.notify.warning('NPCTailor: setDNA() - unable to save old tops - we exceeded the tops list length') if which & ClosetGlobals.SHORTS: if av.addToClothesBottomsList(self.customerDNA.botTex, self.customerDNA.botTexColor) == 1: av.b_setClothesBottomsList(av.getClothesBottomsList()) else: self.notify.warning('NPCTailor: setDNA() - unable to save old bottoms - we exceeded the bottoms list length') self.air.writeServerEvent('boughtTailorClothes', avId, '%s|%s|%s' % (self.doId, which, self.customerDNA.asTuple())) elif finished == 1: if self.customerDNA: av.b_setDNAString(self.customerDNA.makeNetString()) else: self.sendUpdate('setCustomerDNA', [avId, blob]) else: self.notify.warning('no av for avId: %d' % avId) if self.timedOut == 1 or finished == 0: return if self.busy == avId: taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('clearMovie')) self.completePurchase(avId) elif self.busy: self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avId, 'DistributedNPCTailorAI.setDNA busy with %s' % self.busy) self.notify.warning('setDNA from unknown avId: %s busy: %s' % (avId, self.busy))
def setupScrollInterface(self): self.dna = self.toon.getStyle() gender = self.dna.getGender() if self.swapEvent != None: self.topStyles = ToonDNA.getTopStyles(gender, tailorId=self.tailorId) self.tops = ToonDNA.getTops(gender, tailorId=self.tailorId) self.bottomStyles = ToonDNA.getBottomStyles(gender, tailorId=self.tailorId) self.bottoms = ToonDNA.getBottoms(gender, tailorId=self.tailorId) self.gender = gender self.topChoice = -1 self.topStyleChoice = -1 self.topColorChoice = -1 self.bottomChoice = -1 self.bottomStyleChoice = -1 self.bottomColorChoice = -1 self.setupButtons() return
def setupScrollInterface(self): self.dna = self.toon.getStyle() gender = self.dna.getGender() # Handle the case where we're in a shop (clothes aren't randomized, # we can't be changing gender, etc. if (self.swapEvent != None): self.tops = ToonDNA.getTops(gender, tailorId=self.tailorId) self.bottoms = ToonDNA.getBottoms(gender, tailorId=self.tailorId) self.gender = gender # We're off the wheel of choices to start with because we're # wearing clothes purchased elsewhere self.topChoice = -1 self.bottomChoice = -1 # setup the buttons self.setupButtons()
def updateToon(DNAString): dna = ToonDNA.ToonDNA() dna.makeFromNetString(convertServerDNAString(DNAString)) tt.setDNA(dna) tt.pose('neutral', 0) tt.stopLookAroundNow() tt.stopBlink() head = tt.getPart('head', '1000') head.setHpr(headAngle, pitchAngle, rollAngle)
def createNPCToonHead(self, NPCID, dimension=0.5): NPCInfo = NPCToons.NPCToonDict[NPCID] dnaList = NPCInfo[2] gender = NPCInfo[3] if dnaList == 'r': dnaList = NPCToons.getRandomDNA(NPCID, gender) dna = ToonDNA.ToonDNA() dna.newToonFromProperties(*dnaList) head = ToonHead.ToonHead() head.setupHead(dna, forGui=1) self.fitGeometry(head, fFlip=1, dimension=dimension) return head
def createNPCToonHead(self, NPCID, dimension = 0.5): # Given an NPC id create a toon head suitable for framing NPCInfo = NPCToons.NPCToonDict[NPCID] dnaList = NPCInfo[2] gender = NPCInfo[3] if dnaList == 'r': dnaList = NPCToons.getRandomDNA(NPCID, gender) dna = ToonDNA.ToonDNA() dna.newToonFromProperties(*dnaList) head = ToonHead.ToonHead() head.setupHead(dna, forGui = 1) # Insert xform with gets head to uniform size self.fitGeometry(head, fFlip = 1, dimension = dimension) return head
def doMelt(toon, volume=1): speciesName = ToonDNA.getSpeciesName( sfx = base.loadSfx('phase_3.5/audio/dial/AV_' + speciesName + '_exclaim.ogg') sfx2 = base.loadSfx('phase_5/audio/sfx/TL_quicksand.ogg') track = Sequence(Func(toon.blinkEyes), Func(toon.sadEyes), Func(, 'melt'), Wait(1), Func(base.playSfx, sfx, volume=volume, node=toon), Func(base.playSfx, sfx2, volume=volume, node=toon)) duration = toon.getDuration('melt') exitTrack = Sequence(Func(toon.normalEyes), Func(toon.blinkEyes)) return (track, duration, exitTrack)
def createNPCToonHead(self, NPCID, dimension=0.5): NPCInfo = NPCToons.NPCToonDict[NPCID] dnaList = NPCInfo[2] gender = NPCInfo[3] if dnaList == 'r': dnaList = NPCToons.getRandomDNA(NPCID, gender) dna = ToonDNA.ToonDNA() dna.newToonFromProperties(*dnaList) head = ToonHead.ToonHead() head.setupHead(dna, forGui=1) self.fitGeometry(head, fFlip=1, dimension=dimension) if NPCID == 91917: LaughingManGlobals.addHeadEffect(head, book=True) return head
def doMelt(toon, volume=1): speciesName = ToonDNA.getSpeciesName( sfx = base.loadSfx('phase_3.5/audio/dial/AV_' + speciesName + '_exclaim.ogg') sfx2 = base.loadSfx('phase_5/audio/sfx/TL_quicksand.ogg') track = Sequence( Func(toon.blinkEyes), Func(toon.sadEyes), Func(, 'melt'), Wait(1), Func(base.playSfx, sfx, volume=volume, node=toon), Func(base.playSfx, sfx2, volume=volume, node=toon) ) duration = toon.getDuration('melt') exitTrack = Sequence(Func(toon.normalEyes), Func(toon.blinkEyes)) return (track, duration, exitTrack)
def __init__(self, air): DistributedObjectUD.__init__(self, air) self.dna = ToonDNA.ToonDNA() self.clothesTopsList = [] self.clothesBottomsList = [] self.emoteAccess = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] self.fishingRod = 0 if simbase.wantPets: self.petTrickPhrases = [] if simbase.wantBingo: self.bingoCheat = False self.customMessages = [] self.mailboxContents = CatalogItemList.CatalogItemList(store = CatalogItem.Customization)
def getSingingNote(toon, note, volume = 1): sfx = None filePath = 'phase_3.5/audio/dial/' filePrefix = 'tt_s_dlg_sng_' fileSuffix = '.ogg' speciesName = ToonDNA.getSpeciesName( sfx = base.loadSfx(filePath + filePrefix + speciesName + '_' + note + fileSuffix) def playSfx(volume = 1): base.playSfx(sfx, volume=volume, node=toon) def playAnim(): toon.loop('neutral') def stopAnim(): toon.setPlayRate(1, 'neutral') track = Sequence(Func(toon.showSurpriseMuzzle), Parallel(Func(playAnim), Func(playSfx, volume))) exitTrack = Sequence(Func(toon.hideSurpriseMuzzle), Func(stopAnim)) return (track, 0.1, exitTrack)
def avatarEnter(self): avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender() # this avatar has come within range assert self.notify.debug("avatar enter " + str(avId)) if (not self.air.doId2do.has_key(avId)): self.notify.warning("Avatar: %s not found" % (avId)) return if (self.isBusy()): self.freeAvatar(avId) return # Store the original customer DNA so we can revert if a disconnect # happens av = self.air.doId2do[avId] self.customerDNA = ToonDNA.ToonDNA() self.customerDNA.makeFromNetString(av.getDNAString()) self.customerId = avId # Handle unexpected exit self.acceptOnce(self.air.getAvatarExitEvent(avId), self.__handleUnexpectedExit, extraArgs=[avId]) flag = NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START_BROWSE if self.freeClothes: flag = NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START if self.housingEnabled and self.isClosetAlmostFull(av): flag = NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START_NOROOM elif (self.air.questManager.hasTailorClothingTicket(av, self) == 1): flag = NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START if self.housingEnabled and self.isClosetAlmostFull(av): flag = NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START_NOROOM elif (self.air.questManager.hasTailorClothingTicket(av, self) == 2): flag = NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START if self.housingEnabled and self.isClosetAlmostFull(av): flag = NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START_NOROOM self.sendShoppingMovie(avId, flag) DistributedNPCToonBaseAI.avatarEnter(self)
def avatarEnter(self): avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender() if not self.air.doId2do.has_key(avId): self.notify.warning('Avatar: %s not found' % avId) return if self.isBusy(): self.freeAvatar(avId) return av = self.air.doId2do[avId] if not self.__verifyAvatarInMyZone(av): self.air.writeServerEvent( 'suspicious', avId=av.getDoId(), issue='Tried to avatarEnter without being in same location.') return self.customerDNA = ToonDNA.ToonDNA() self.customerDNA.makeFromNetString(av.getDNAString()) self.customerId = avId av.b_setDNAString(self.customerDNA.makeNetString()) self.acceptOnce(self.air.getAvatarExitEvent(avId), self.__handleUnexpectedExit, extraArgs=[avId]) if self.useJellybeans: flag = NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START_BROWSE_JBS else: flag = NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START_BROWSE if self.freeClothes: flag = NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START elif self.air.questManager.hasTailorClothingTicket(av, self): flag = NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START elif self.useJellybeans and self.hasEnoughJbs(av): flag = NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START if self.housingEnabled and self.isClosetAlmostFull(av): flag = NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START_NOROOM self.sendShoppingMovie(avId, flag) DistributedNPCToonBaseAI.avatarEnter(self)
def updateDNA(self, description): # Create dna if isinstance(description, ToonDNA.ToonDNA): dna = description else: dna = ToonDNA.ToonDNA() if (isinstance(description, types.ListType) or isinstance(description, types.TupleType)): # Assume it is a property list dna.newToonFromProperties(*description) elif isinstance(description, Datagram): # Create dna straight from datagram dna.makeFromNetString(description) elif isinstance(description, types.StringType): # Assume it is a server string description # Convert to datagram then create dna dna.makeFromNetString(self.convertServerDNAString(description)) elif isinstance(description, types.IntType): # Assume it is an NPC id npcInfo = NPCToons.NPCToonDict[description] properties = npcInfo[2] if properties == 'r': gender = npcInfo[3] properties = NPCToons.getRandomDNA(description, gender) dna.newToonFromProperties(*properties) else: if random() < 0.5: gender = 'm' else: gender = 'f' dna.newToonRandom(gender=gender) if not # New toon, need to initialize style self.setDNA(dna) else: # Just jump straight to the update function self.updateToonDNA(dna, fForce=1)
def setDNA(self, blob, finished, which): assert self.notify.debug('setDNA(): %s' % self.timedOut) avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender() if avId != self.customerId: if self.customerId: self.air.writeServerEvent( 'suspicious', avId, 'DistributedNPCTailorAI.setDNA customer is %s' % (self.customerId)) self.notify.warning("customerId: %s, but got setDNA for: %s" % (self.customerId, avId)) return # make sure the DNA is valid testDNA = ToonDNA.ToonDNA() if not testDNA.isValidNetString(blob): self.air.writeServerEvent( 'suspicious', avId, 'DistributedNPCTailorAI.setDNA: invalid dna: %s' % blob) return if (self.air.doId2do.has_key(avId)): av = self.air.doId2do[avId] if (finished == 2 and which > 0): # Make sure client was actually able to purchase if (self.air.questManager.removeClothingTicket(av, self) == 1 or self.freeClothes): assert self.notify.debug('Successful purchase') # No need to set the dna, it should already be set av.b_setDNAString(blob) # SDN: only add clothes if they have been changed (i.e. if (which & n) == 1) if which & ClosetGlobals.SHIRT: if (av.addToClothesTopsList( self.customerDNA.topTex, self.customerDNA.topTexColor, self.customerDNA.sleeveTex, self.customerDNA.sleeveTexColor) == 1): av.b_setClothesTopsList(av.getClothesTopsList()) else: self.notify.warning( 'NPCTailor: setDNA() - unable to save old tops - we exceeded the tops list length' ) if which & ClosetGlobals.SHORTS: if (av.addToClothesBottomsList( self.customerDNA.botTex, self.customerDNA.botTexColor) == 1): av.b_setClothesBottomsList( av.getClothesBottomsList()) else: self.notify.warning( 'NPCTailor: setDNA() - unable to save old bottoms - we exceeded the bottoms list length' ) self.air.writeServerEvent( 'boughtTailorClothes', avId, "%s|%s|%s" % (self.doId, which, self.customerDNA.asTuple())) else: self.air.writeServerEvent( 'suspicious', avId, 'DistributedNPCTailorAI.setDNA bogus clothing ticket') self.notify.warning( 'NPCTailor: setDNA() - client tried to purchase with bogus clothing ticket!' ) if self.customerDNA: av.b_setDNAString(self.customerDNA.makeNetString()) elif (finished == 1): # Purchase cancelled - make sure DNA gets reset, but don't # burn the clothing ticket if self.customerDNA: av.b_setDNAString(self.customerDNA.makeNetString()) else: # Warning - we are trusting the client to set their DNA here # This is a big security hole. Either the client should just send # indexes into the clothing choices or the tailor should verify #av.b_setDNAString(blob) # Don't set the avatars DNA. Instead, send a message back to the # all the clients in this zone telling them them the dna of the localToon # so they can set it themselves. self.sendUpdate("setCustomerDNA", [avId, blob]) else: self.notify.warning('no av for avId: %d' % avId) if (self.timedOut == 1 or finished == 0): return if (self.busy == avId): taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('clearMovie')) self.completePurchase(avId) elif self.busy: self.air.writeServerEvent( 'suspicious', avId, 'DistributedNPCTailorAI.setDNA busy with %s' % (self.busy)) self.notify.warning('setDNA from unknown avId: %s busy: %s' % (avId, self.busy))
def setMovie(self, mode, npcId, avId, timestamp): timeStamp = ClockDelta.globalClockDelta.localElapsedTime(timestamp) self.remain = NPCToons.CLERK_COUNTDOWN_TIME - timeStamp self.npcId = npcId self.isLocalToon = avId == base.localAvatar.doId if mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_CLEAR: return if mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_TIMEOUT: if self.lerpCameraSeq: self.lerpCameraSeq.finish() self.lerpCameraSeq = None if self.isLocalToon: self.ignore(self.purchaseDoneEvent) self.ignore(self.swapEvent) if self.popupInfo: self.popupInfo.reparentTo(hidden) if self.clothesGUI: self.clothesGUI.resetClothes(self.oldStyle) self.__handlePurchaseDone(timeout=1) self.setChatAbsolute(TTLocalizer.STOREOWNER_TOOKTOOLONG, CFSpeech | CFTimeout) self.resetTailor() elif mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START or mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START_BROWSE or mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START_NOROOM: if mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START: self.browsing = 0 self.roomAvailable = 1 elif mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START_BROWSE: self.browsing = 1 self.roomAvailable = 1 elif mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START_NOROOM: self.browsing = 0 self.roomAvailable = 0 self.av = if self.av is None: self.notify.warning('Avatar %d not found in doId' % avId) return else: self.accept(self.av.uniqueName('disable'), self.__handleUnexpectedExit) style = self.av.getStyle() self.oldStyle = ToonDNA.ToonDNA() self.oldStyle.makeFromNetString(style.makeNetString()) self.setupAvatars(self.av) if self.isLocalToon: camera.wrtReparentTo(render) self.lerpCameraSeq = camera.posQuatInterval(1, Point3(-5, 9, self.getHeight() - 0.5), Point3(-150, -2, 0), other=self, blendType='easeOut', name=self.uniqueName('lerpCamera')) self.lerpCameraSeq.start() if self.browsing == 0: if self.roomAvailable == 0: self.setChatAbsolute(TTLocalizer.STOREOWNER_NOROOM, CFSpeech | CFTimeout) else: self.setChatAbsolute(TTLocalizer.STOREOWNER_GREETING, CFSpeech | CFTimeout) else: self.setChatAbsolute(TTLocalizer.STOREOWNER_BROWSING, CFSpeech | CFTimeout) if self.isLocalToon: taskMgr.doMethodLater(3.0, self.popupPurchaseGUI, self.uniqueName('popupPurchaseGUI')) print '-----------Starting tailor interaction-----------' print 'avid: %s, gender: %s' % (self.av.doId, print 'current top = %s,%s,%s,%s and bot = %s,%s,' % (,,,,, print 'topsList = %s' % self.av.getClothesTopsList() print 'bottomsList = %s' % self.av.getClothesBottomsList() print '-------------------------------------------------' elif mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_COMPLETE: self.setChatAbsolute(TTLocalizer.STOREOWNER_GOODBYE, CFSpeech | CFTimeout) if self.av and self.isLocalToon: print '-----------ending tailor interaction-----------' print 'avid: %s, gender: %s' % (self.av.doId, print 'current top = %s,%s,%s,%s and bot = %s,%s,' % (,,,,, print 'topsList = %s' % self.av.getClothesTopsList() print 'bottomsList = %s' % self.av.getClothesBottomsList() print '-------------------------------------------------' self.resetTailor() elif mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_NO_MONEY: self.notify.warning('PURCHASE_MOVIE_NO_MONEY should not be called') self.resetTailor() return
def setMovie(self, mode, npcId, avId, timestamp): """ This is a message from the AI describing a movie between this NPC and a Toon that has approached us. """ timeStamp = ClockDelta.globalClockDelta.localElapsedTime(timestamp) self.remain = NPCToons.CLERK_COUNTDOWN_TIME - timeStamp self.npcId = npcId # See if this is the local toon self.isLocalToon = (avId == base.localAvatar.doId) assert (self.notify.debug("setMovie: %s %s %s %s" % (mode, avId, timeStamp, self.isLocalToon))) # This is an old movie in the server ram that has been cleared. # Just return and do nothing if (mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_CLEAR): assert self.notify.debug('PURCHASE_MOVIE_CLEAR') return if (mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_TIMEOUT): assert self.notify.debug('PURCHASE_MOVIE_TIMEOUT') # In case the GUI hasn't popped up yet taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('lerpCamera')) # Stop listening for the GUI if (self.isLocalToon): self.ignore(self.purchaseDoneEvent) self.ignore(self.swapEvent) # hide the popupInfo if self.popupInfo: self.popupInfo.reparentTo(hidden) # See if a button was pressed first if self.clothesGUI: self.clothesGUI.resetClothes(self.oldStyle) self.__handlePurchaseDone(timeout=1) self.setChatAbsolute(TTLocalizer.STOREOWNER_TOOKTOOLONG, CFSpeech | CFTimeout) self.resetTailor() elif (mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START or mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START_BROWSE or mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START_NOROOM): assert self.notify.debug('PURCHASE_MOVIE_START') if (mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START): self.browsing = 0 self.roomAvailable = 1 elif (mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START_BROWSE): self.browsing = 1 self.roomAvailable = 1 elif (mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START_NOROOM): self.browsing = 0 self.roomAvailable = 0 self.av = if self.av is None: self.notify.warning("Avatar %d not found in doId" % (avId)) return else: self.accept(self.av.uniqueName('disable'), self.__handleUnexpectedExit) style = self.av.getStyle() self.oldStyle = ToonDNA.ToonDNA() self.oldStyle.makeFromNetString(style.makeNetString()) self.setupAvatars(self.av) if (self.isLocalToon): camera.wrtReparentTo(render) camera.lerpPosHpr(-5, 9, self.getHeight() - 0.5, -150, -2, 0, 1, other=self, blendType="easeOut", task=self.uniqueName('lerpCamera')) if (self.browsing == 0): if (self.roomAvailable == 0): self.setChatAbsolute(TTLocalizer.STOREOWNER_NOROOM, CFSpeech | CFTimeout) else: self.setChatAbsolute(TTLocalizer.STOREOWNER_GREETING, CFSpeech | CFTimeout) else: self.setChatAbsolute(TTLocalizer.STOREOWNER_BROWSING, CFSpeech | CFTimeout) if (self.isLocalToon): taskMgr.doMethodLater(3.0, self.popupPurchaseGUI, self.uniqueName('popupPurchaseGUI')) # print out our clothes and closet information before we start print("-----------Starting tailor interaction-----------") print "avid: %s, gender: %s" % (self.av.doId, print "current top = %s,%s,%s,%s and bot = %s,%s," % (,,,,, print "topsList = %s" % self.av.getClothesTopsList() print "bottomsList = %s" % self.av.getClothesBottomsList() print("-------------------------------------------------") elif (mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_COMPLETE): assert self.notify.debug('PURCHASE_MOVIE_COMPLETE') self.setChatAbsolute(TTLocalizer.STOREOWNER_GOODBYE, CFSpeech | CFTimeout) if self.av and self.isLocalToon: # print out our clothes and closet information before we start print("-----------ending tailor interaction-----------") print "avid: %s, gender: %s" % (self.av.doId, print "current top = %s,%s,%s,%s and bot = %s,%s," % (,,,,, print "topsList = %s" % self.av.getClothesTopsList() print "bottomsList = %s" % self.av.getClothesBottomsList() print("-------------------------------------------------") self.resetTailor() elif (mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_NO_MONEY): self.notify.warning('PURCHASE_MOVIE_NO_MONEY should not be called') self.resetTailor() return
def lookAtToon(): if lookAtTarget == 'head': c,height = calcHeadBounds() else: c,height = calcBodyBounds() # Move camera there camera.setHpr(render, -180, 0, 0) camera.setPos(render, c) # Move it back to fit around the target offset = ((height/2.0)/ tan(deg2Rad((fillFactor * effectiveFOV)/2.0))) camera.setY(camera, -offset) tt = Toon() dna = ToonDNA.ToonDNA() dna.newToonRandom(gender = 'f') tt.setDNA(dna) tt.reparentTo(render) base.disableMouse() base.camLens.setFov(fov,fov) def convertServerDNAString(serverString): # Strip out blank space and take last 30 characters serverString = serverString.replace(' ', '') stringLen = 30 serverString = serverString[-stringLen:] # Create a datagram from server string dg = PyDatagram() for i in range(0,len(serverString),2):
def setMovie(self, mode, npcId, avId, timestamp): timeStamp = ClockDelta.globalClockDelta.localElapsedTime(timestamp) self.remain = NPCToons.CLERK_COUNTDOWN_TIME - timeStamp self.npcId = npcId self.isLocalToon = avId == base.localAvatar.doId if mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_CLEAR: return if mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_TIMEOUT: #taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('lerpCamera')) if self.isLocalToon: self.ignore(self.purchaseDoneEvent) self.ignore(self.swapEvent) if self.popupInfo: self.popupInfo.reparentTo(hidden) if self.clothesGUI: self.clothesGUI.resetClothes(self.oldStyle) self.__handlePurchaseDone(timeout=1) self.setChatAbsolute(TTLocalizer.STOREOWNER_TOOKTOOLONG, CFSpeech | CFTimeout) self.resetTailor() elif mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START or mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START_BROWSE or mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START_NOROOM or mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START_BROWSE_JBS: if mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START: self.browsing = 0 self.roomAvailable = 1 elif mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START_BROWSE or mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START_BROWSE_JBS: self.browsing = 1 self.roomAvailable = 1 elif mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START_NOROOM: self.browsing = 0 self.roomAvailable = 0 self.av = if self.av is None: self.notify.warning('Avatar %d not found in doId' % avId) return else: self.accept(self.av.uniqueName('disable'), self.__handleUnexpectedExit) style = self.av.getStyle() self.oldStyle = ToonDNA.ToonDNA() self.oldStyle.makeFromNetString(style.makeNetString()) self.setupAvatars(self.av) if self.isLocalToon:, 9, self.getHeight() - 0.5, -150, -2, 0, 1, other=self, blendType='easeOut', task=self.uniqueName('lerpCamera')) self.cameraWork = 2, Point3(-5, 9, self.getHeight() - 0.5), Point3(-150, -2, 0), blendType='easeOut') self.cameraWork.start() if self.browsing == 0: if self.roomAvailable == 0: self.setChatAbsolute(TTLocalizer.STOREOWNER_NOROOM, CFSpeech | CFTimeout) else: self.setChatAbsolute(TTLocalizer.STOREOWNER_GREETING, CFSpeech | CFTimeout) elif mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_START_BROWSE_JBS: self.setChatAbsolute(TTLocalizer.STOREOWNER_BROWSING_JBS, CFSpeech | CFTimeout) else: self.setChatAbsolute(TTLocalizer.STOREOWNER_BROWSING, CFSpeech | CFTimeout) if self.isLocalToon: taskMgr.doMethodLater(3.0, self.popupPurchaseGUI, self.uniqueName('popupPurchaseGUI')) elif mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_COMPLETE: self.setChatAbsolute(TTLocalizer.STOREOWNER_GOODBYE, CFSpeech | CFTimeout) self.resetTailor() elif mode == NPCToons.PURCHASE_MOVIE_NO_MONEY: self.notify.warning('PURCHASE_MOVIE_NO_MONEY should not be called') self.resetTailor() return