def child(i, step, totalimage, prefs, kind, finalData, monitor, nOutstart): Start = i*step; End = (i+1)*step; if(Start >= totalimage): return 0 if(End > totalimage): End = totalimage; for iproj in range(Start,End): nOut = nOutstart+iproj # outfilename = "%s/%s_%s.hdf" % (prefs['out']['filePath'], prefs['projection']['Prefix'], Transform.paddingZero(nOut, int(prefs['out']['numberDigit']))) dataArray = [] for i in prefs['series']: i = i -1 filename = "%s/%s%s.%s" % ( prefs['filePath'], prefs[kind]['Prefix'][0], Transform.paddingZero(int(prefs[kind]['Num'][i][iproj]), prefs['numberDigit'] ), prefs[kind]['extension'] ) im = imarray = np.array(im) dataArray.append(0) dataArray[i] = imarray[(prefs['ROIy'][i][0]-1):prefs['ROIy'][i][-1] , (prefs['ROIx'][i][0]-1):prefs['ROIx'][i][-1]] # corp the array # if prefs['slits']['shouldCorr']: #comment out for this momoent, if need corr, need to initialize in the initialize script # dataAve[iavg] = slitposcorr(dataAve[iavg], prefs, j, kind, iavg) dataArray[i], _, _, aveint = Transform.preprocess(dataArray[i], prefs, i) if prefs['vis']['intMonitor']: monitor[iproj][i]=array('d', [aveint, prefs[kind]['Num'][i][iproj], nOut]) dataResutArray, sminx, smaxx = Transform.stitching(dataArray, prefs) finalData[iproj] = dataResutArray return 1
def redraw(self, rotation_x, rotation_y): resize_width = 0 resize_height = 0 if (rotation_x + self.originalRotationX > 360): resize_width = (rotation_x + self.originalRotationX * 1.0) % 90.0 resize_width = int(resize_width * 100) Surface.__init__(self, self.get_size(), pygame.SRCALPHA) Transform.skew_surface(self.originalImage, 0, -rotation_y), (0, 0) self.blit(pygame.transform.scale(Transform.skew_surface(self.originalImage, 0, -rotation_y), (resize_width, self.get_size()[1])), (-rotation_x,0))
def transformFunc(self): import Image as i, Transform self.pic = i.Image("Resources/test.jpg") if(self.radioButton.isChecked()): self.pic.set_img(Transform.crop(self.pic.get_img(),self.spinBox_2.value(),self.spinBox_3.value())) if(self.radioButton_9.isChecked()): self.pic.set_img(Transform.rotate(self.pic.get_img(),self.spinBox.value())) if(self.radioButton_10.isChecked()): if(self.checkBox.isChecked()): self.pic.set_img(Transform.flip(self.pic.get_img(),1)) if(self.checkBox_2.isChecked()): self.pic.set_img(Transform.flip(self.pic.get_img(),2)) from scipy.misc import imsave imsave("Resources/test2.jpg",self.pic.get_img()) self.imageUpdate("Resources/test2.jpg")
def savePeakListToFile(self,filename,initialGuess,qData, numberOfChi,maskedPixelInfo,stddev): peakList = Fit.getPeakList(,qData, initialGuess,numberOfChi,stddev) # now, save to file file = open(filename,"w") file.write("# A list of diffraction peaks found.\n") file.write("# Diffraction Data: %s\n" % self.theDiffractionData.filename) file.write("# Calculated on "+time.asctime()+"\n") file.write("# Calibration data used to find peaks:\n") initialGuess.writeCommentString(file) file.write("# Q data used to find peaks:\n") file.write("# Peaks:\n") qData.writeCommentString(file) if maskedPixelInfo.doPolygonMask and maskedPixelInfo.numPolygons() > 0: file.write("# All peaks inside of polygon mask(s) were ignored.\n") file.write(maskedPixelInfo.writePolygonCommentString()) file.write("#%16s%21s%21s%21s%21s%21s%21s%21s\n" % \ ("x","y","Real Q","Fit Q","chi","width","intensity","2theta")) for peak in peakList.getMaskedPeakList(maskedPixelInfo): x,y,realQ,fitQ,chi,width = peak intensity=self.getPixelValueBilinearInterpolation(x,y) twoTheta = Transform.convertQToTwoTheta(fitQ,initialGuess) file.write("%17.10f %17.10f %17.10f %17.10f %17.10f %17.10f %17.10f %17.10f\n" % \ (x,y,realQ,fitQ,chi,width,intensity,twoTheta) ) file.close() return peakList
def addConstantQLineCakeImage(image,Q,qOrTwoThetaLower, qOrTwoThetaUpper,numQOrTwoTheta,chiLower, chiUpper,numChi,color,calibrationData,type): draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) if type == "Q": if Q < qOrTwoThetaLower or Q > qOrTwoThetaUpper: return qIndex = (numQOrTwoTheta-1)*(Q-qOrTwoThetaLower)/ \ (qOrTwoThetaUpper-qOrTwoThetaLower) draw.line( (qIndex,0)+(qIndex,numChi-1),fill=color) elif type == "2theta": twoTheta = Transform.convertQToTwoTheta(Q,calibrationData) if twoTheta < qOrTwoThetaLower or \ twoTheta > qOrTwoThetaUpper: return twoThetaIndex = (numQOrTwoTheta-1)* \ (twoTheta-qOrTwoThetaLower)/ \ (qOrTwoThetaUpper-qOrTwoThetaLower) draw.line( (twoThetaIndex,0)+(twoThetaIndex,numChi-1), fill=color) else: raise Exception("Unable to add constant Q \ lines to the cake image. The function must be passed \ for the parameter type either 'Q', or '2theta'")
def _paint_block(self, position): """ Creates vertexes for the block. Parameters ---------- position : tuple of len 3 The (x, y, z) position of the block to show. """ x, y, z = position try: block = if block.getVertex(): return vertex_data = Transform.cube_vertices(x, y, z, 0.5) texture_data = list(block.getTexture()) # create vertex list # FIXME Maybe `add_indexed()` should be used instead block.setVertex(self.batch.add(24, GL_QUADS, self._materialFactory.getMaterial(block.getMaterial()).textureGroup, ('v3f/static', vertex_data), ('t2f/static', texture_data))) #self.log.debug('Block at %s made visible' % (position,)) except Exception, e: self.log.error("Painting block at %s failed: %s" % (position, e))
def remove_block(self, position, immediate=True): """ Remove the block at the given `position`. Parameters ---------- position : tuple of len 3 The (x, y, z) position of the block to remove. immediate : bool Whether or not to immediately remove block from canvas. """ # if block is dead hide it and remove it if not transparent = self._materialFactory.getMaterial( if immediate: self.hide_block(position) self.sectors[Transform.sectorize(position, self.conf.getConfValue('sectorSize'))].remove(position) # show newly exposed blocks self.check_neighbors(position, transparent) else:
def hit_test(self, position, vector, max_distance=8): """ Line of sight search from current position. If a block is intersected it is returned, along with the block previously in the line of sight. If no block is found, return None, None. Parameters ---------- position : tuple of len 3 The (x, y, z) position to check visibility from. vector : tuple of len 3 The line of sight vector. max_distance : int How many blocks away to search for a hit. """ m = 8 x, y, z = position dx, dy, dz = vector previous = None for _ in xrange(max_distance * m): key = Transform.normalize((x, y, z)) if key != previous and return key, previous previous = key x, y, z = x + dx / m, y + dy / m, z + dz / m return None, None
def get_bbox(pc, pose=None): ''' get the bounding box for the point cloud if a pose is provided then it will find the bbox for the data aligned to that pose return: bbox array |xmin, xmax| |ymin, ymax| |zmin, zmax| ''' pts = ru.to_array(pc); if pose != None: ps = ru.to_PoseStamped(pose); ps_wrtPC = ru.transformPose(ru.get_frame_id(pc), ps); T = tr.rospose2tr(ps_wrtPC.pose); pts =, np.vstack((pts.T, np.ones(pts.shape[0])))).T; pmin = np.min(pts[:,:3], axis=0); pmax = np.max(pts[:,:3], axis=0); bbox = np.array([pmin, pmax]).T; return bbox;
def __init__(self): self.log = l.getLogger('model') self.conf = EC.EngineConfig.Instance() # A Batch is a collection of vertex lists for batched rendering. self.batch = # Mapping from sector to a list of positions inside that sector. self.sectors = {} # Simple function queue implementation. The queue is populated with # _show_block() and _hide_block() calls self.queue = deque() self._materialFactory = Materials.MaterialFactory.Instance() # all shown blocks. self.visibleWorld = {} # This defines all the blocks that are currently in the world. try: (, self.player) = Savegame.Savegame.load() # make blocks visible after loading for position in # sectorize blocks self.sectors.setdefault(Transform.sectorize(position, self.conf.getConfValue('sectorSize')), []).append(position) self.show_sector(0) except Exception, e: self.log.debug("Couldn't load a savegame. Creating new world ...") = World.World() self.player = Player.Player() self.visibleWorld = {} self._initialize()
def loadMaterials(self): """ This method crawles the ressources for diffrent materials and loads them for future use """ self.log.debug('loading materials from %s' % (self._materialPath, )) textureFactory = TF.TextureFactory.Instance() for file in os.listdir(self._materialPath): absPath = os.path.join(self._materialPath, file) """ if found new material, load metadata and textures """ if os.path.isdir(absPath): self.log.debug('material found: %s' % (file, )) # load json material definition try: defFile = open(os.path.join(absPath, "material.json"), 'r') definition = "".join(defFile.readlines()) jsonObj = json.loads(definition) except Exception, e: self.log.error("Error loading material metadata %s: %s" % (file, str(e))) # create new Material object self._materials[jsonObj['name']] = Material() # load texture try: self._materials[jsonObj['name']].name = jsonObj['name'] self._materials[jsonObj['name']].sustain = int(jsonObj['sustain']) self._materials[jsonObj['name']].clipping = bool(jsonObj['clipping']) self._materials[jsonObj['name']].transparent = bool(jsonObj['transparent']) self._materials[jsonObj['name']].texture['top'] = Transform.tex_coords( tuple(jsonObj['texture']['mapping']['top']['top']), tuple(jsonObj['texture']['mapping']['top']['bottom']), tuple(jsonObj['texture']['mapping']['top']['sides'])) self._materials[jsonObj['name']].texture['middle'] = Transform.tex_coords( tuple(jsonObj['texture']['mapping']['middle']['top']), tuple(jsonObj['texture']['mapping']['middle']['bottom']), tuple(jsonObj['texture']['mapping']['middle']['sides'])) # A TextureGroup manages an OpenGL texture. self._materials[jsonObj['name']].textureGroup = textureFactory.loadTexture( os.path.join(absPath,jsonObj['texture']['ressource'])) except Exception, e: self.log.debug("Error loading material textures: %s" % (str(e), ))
def icp(data, model, thres=.001, maxIter=1000): ''' compute icp on two point sets matrix: DxN return: qr - quaterion rotation qt - translation ''' # augment if needed if data.shape[0] == 3: data = np.vstack((data, np.ones(data.shape[1]))); if model.shape[0] == 3: model = np.vstack((model, np.ones(model.shape[1]))); # initialize registration qr = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]); qt = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]); dm = np.Inf; count = 0; # compute initial closest points di = np.arange(data.shape[1]); (imin, d) = closest_points(data, model); dk = np.sum(d[di, imin]); # loop until the change in error is below the threshold while (dm > thres and count < maxIter): # compute registration (qr, qt) = compute_registration(data, model[:,imin]); # transform data T =, tr.quat2rot(qr)); tdata =, data); # compute closest points (imin, d) = closest_points(tdata, model); dk1 = np.sum(d[di, imin]); dm = np.abs(dk1 - dk); dk = dk1; count += 1; return (qr, qt, dk);
def getWavelength(self): if['val'] == None or['fixed'] == None: return UserInputException('Cannot get the wavelength because neither the wavelength nor the energy have been set.') val = Transform.convertEnergyToWavelength(['val']) lower,upper=None,None if['lower'] != None: lower = hc/['upper'] if['upper'] != None: upper = hc/['lower'] return {'val':val,'fixed'['fixed'],'lower':lower,'upper':upper}
def draw(self, surface): self.fill((0,0,0)) self.cubeSide.update(self.rotation, 0) self.cubeSide.redraw(self.rotation, 0) print ("Equation = %s" % (-33 + int(((self.rotation * 1.0) % 90)/ 90.0 * 66))) if self.rotation <= 90: self.blit(pygame.transform.scale(Transform.skew_surface(self.originalImage, 0, -33 + int(((self.rotation * 1.0) % 90)) ), (int((self.rotation%90.0)/90*100), 100)), self.imageLocation) else: self.blit(pygame.transform.scale(Transform.skew_surface(self.originalImage, 0, -33 + int(((self.rotation * 1.0) % 90))), (100 - int((self.rotation % 90.0) / 90 * 100), 100)), self.imageLocation) if (self.rotation == 90): self.rotation = 0 self.rotation += 1 self.imageLocation = (100 - int((self.rotation % 90.0) / 90 * 100), self.imageLocation[1]) surface.blit(self, (200, 200))
def addConstantQLineDiffractionImage(image,Q,calibrationData,color): draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) polygon = [] for chi in frange(0,360,3): x,y = Transform.getXY(calibrationData,Q,chi) polygon += [x,y] draw.polygon(polygon, outline=color)
def __init__(self, size, images): Surface.__init__(self, images[0].get_size(), pygame.SRCALPHA) self.location = (0, 34) self.blit(images[0], (0, 0)) self.xChange = 100 self.rotationX = 45 self.rotationY = 33 self.surfaces = [CubeSide(images[x], images[0].get_size(), x) for x in range(6)] self.surfaces[0].blit(images[0], (0, 0)) self.surfaces[1].blit(images[1], (0, 0)) self.ORIGINAL_SURFACES = [pygame.Surface((100, 100), pygame.SRCALPHA) for _ in range(6)] self.ORIGINAL_SURFACES[0].blit(images[0], (0, 0)) self.testingSurf = Transform.skew_surface(pygame.transform.scale(self.surfaces[0], (self.xChange, 100)), 0, 33) self.testingSurf2 = Transform.skew_surface(pygame.transform.scale(self.surfaces[4], (self.xChange, 100)), 0, -33)
def __init__(self): self.cairoContext = None self.RGB = "rgb" self.HSB = "hsb" self.CMYK = "cmyk" self._colormode = self.RGB self._fillState = 1 self._lineWidth = 1 self._autoclosepath = True self._transform = Transform() self._fontsize = 10
def child(i, procs, step, totalimage, prefs, kind, j, dataAve, monitor, nOut): Start = i*step; End = (i+1)*step; if(Start >= totalimage): return 0 if(End > totalimage): End = totalimage; for iavg in range(Start, End ): filename = "%s/%s%s.%s" % ( prefs['filePath'], prefs[kind]['Prefix'][0], Transform.paddingZero(int(prefs[kind]['Num'][j][iavg]), prefs['numberDigit'] ), prefs[kind]['extension'] ) im = imarray = np.array(im) dataAve[iavg] = imarray[(prefs['ROIy'][j][0]-1):prefs['ROIy'][j][-1] , (prefs['ROIx'][j][0]-1):prefs['ROIx'][j][-1]] # corp the array # if prefs['slits']['shouldCorr']: #comment out for this momoent, if need corr, need to initialize in the initialize script # dataAve[iavg] = slitposcorr(dataAve[iavg], prefs, j, kind, iavg) # print iavg if prefs['vis']['intMonitor']: _, _, _, aveint = Transform.preprocess(dataAve[iavg], prefs, j) monitor[iavg][j] = array('d', [aveint, prefs[kind]['Num'][j][iavg], nOut]) return 1
def collide(self, position, height): """ Checks to see if the player at the given `position` and `height` is colliding with any blocks in the world. Parameters ---------- position : tuple of len 3 The (x, y, z) position to check for collisions at. height : int or float The height of the player. Returns ------- position : tuple of len 3 The new position of the player taking into account collisions. """ # How much overlap with a dimension of a surrounding block you need to # have to count as a collision. If 0, touching terrain at all counts as # a collision. If .49, you sink into the ground, as if walking through # tall grass. If >= .5, you'll fall through the ground. pad = 0.25 p = list(position) np = Transform.normalize(position) for face in Block.FACES: # check all surrounding blocks for i in xrange(3): # check each dimension independently if not face[i]: continue # How much overlap you have with this dimension. d = (p[i] - np[i]) * face[i] if d < pad: continue for dy in xrange(height): # check each height op = list(np) op[1] -= dy op[i] += face[i] if not continue # check for non resiting block (no colision) if not self._materialFactory.getMaterial( continue p[i] -= (d - pad) * face[i] if face == (0, -1, 0) or face == (0, 1, 0): # You are colliding with the ground or ceiling, so stop # falling / rising. self.dy = 0 break return tuple(p)
def createControl( name, args ): """ Creates a default control """ functArgs = {"shape":"circle", "size":1, "match":""} functArgs = dict(functArgs.items() + args.items()) #create control if(functArgs["shape"] == "circle"): ctl = circleCtl( name, functArgs["size"] ) elif(functArgs["shape"] == "arrow"): ctl = arrowCtl( name, functArgs ) elif(functArgs["shape"] == "locator"): ctl = locatorCtl( name, functArgs ) else: print "Shape not supported...\n" return 0 if cmds.objExists(functArgs["match"]): Transform.match(ctl[1],functArgs["match"],{"all":1}) #create control variable """for c in ctl: storeString(c, "control", "")""" return ctl
def setWavelength(self,val,fixed=0,lower=None,upper=None): if fixed != 0 and fixed != 1: raise UserInputException("Cannot set the wavelength because fixed must be set to 0 or 1.") if lower != None and lower >= val: raise UserInputException("Cannot set the wavelength because the lower bound on wavelength must be less then the value.") if upper != None and upper <= val: raise UserInputException("Cannot set the wavelength because the upper bound on wavelength must be greater then the value.") if val <= 0: raise UserInputException("Cannot set the wavelength because it must be a positive quantity.") val = Transform.convertWavelengthToEnergy(val) if lower != None: lower=hc/upper if upper != None: upper=hc/lower # note that a low wavelength is the same as a high energy and vice versa! = {'val':val,'fixed':fixed,'lower':upper,'upper':lower}
def draw_focused_block(self): """ Draw black edges around the block that is currently under the crosshairs. """ vector = self.get_sight_vector() block = self.model.hit_test(self._player.position, vector)[0] if block: x, y, z = block self.focusedBlock = block vertex_data = Transform.cube_vertices(x, y, z, 0.51) glColor3d(0, 0, 0) glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE), GL_QUADS, ('v3f/static', vertex_data)) glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL)
def get_blob_pose(pts): ''' computes the pose of the point cloud arr is expected to be Nx3 return Pose ''' pts = ru.to_array(pts); cent = get_centroid(pts); (x, y, z) = get_ev(pts); pose = geometry_msgs.Pose(); pose.position = geometry_msgs.Point(*cent); pose.orientation = tr.ev2rosq((x,y,z)); return pose;
def addPeaksCakeImage(image,qLower,qUpper,numQ,chiLower,chiUpper, numChi,peakList,calibrationData,color, smallestRangeQLower,smallestRangeQUpper,smallestRangeChiLower,smallestRangeChiUpper): draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) unZoomWidth = 2.5 # scale the length of the xs. For example, zoomed in to 50% means will # cause the xs to be drawn with double the length. numTimesZoomInQ = abs((smallestRangeQUpper-smallestRangeQLower)/ \ (qUpper-qLower)) numTimesZoomInChi = abs((smallestRangeChiUpper-smallestRangeChiLower)/ \ (chiUpper-chiLower)) scalingFactor = min(numTimesZoomInQ,numTimesZoomInChi) halflength = unZoomWidth*scalingFactor for x,y,qReal,qFit,chi,width in peakList: # for each peak, we want to take the true x,y value of # where the peak is on the image and figure out where # it belongs on the cake data. qTemp,chiTemp = Transform.getQChi(calibrationData,x,y) # if our chi range begins in the negative, we might have to place # our chi values in their 360 degree rotated values. Note that # getQChi always returns chi between 0 and 360 if (chiTemp-360) > chiLower and \ (chiTemp-360) < chiUpper: chiTemp -= 360 cakeX = (numQ-1)*(qTemp-qLower)/(qUpper-qLower) cakeY = (numChi-1)*(chiTemp-chiLower)/(chiUpper-chiLower) # add in new lines if they would be visible if cakeX >= 0 and cakeX < numQ and \ cakeY >= 0 and cakeY < numChi: draw.line( (cakeX-halflength,cakeY-halflength) + (cakeX+halflength,cakeY+halflength),fill=color) draw.line( (cakeX+halflength,cakeY-halflength) + (cakeX-halflength,cakeY+halflength),fill=color)
def get_chessboard_pose(img, info, ncol=5, nrow=4, squareSize=0.045, useSubPix=True, publishDetection=True, isRect=True): ''' compute the pose of the chessboard in the camera frame ''' (success, chessboard_wrtImage) = find_chessboard(img, ncol=ncol, nrow=nrow, useSubPix=useSubPix); if (len(chessboard_wrtImage) == 0): rospy.logwarn(__name__ + ': no chessboard found'); return None; if (publishDetection): chessboardCV = draw_chessboard(img, chessboard_wrtImage, ncol=ncol, nrow=nrow); chessboardMsg = cvmat2msg(chessboardCV, img.encoding, frame_id=img.header.frame_id, stamp=rospy.Time().now()); chessboardDetectionPub.publish(chessboardMsg); # compute pose chessboard_wrtBoard = cv.CreateMat(ncol*nrow, 1, cv.CV_32FC3); for i in range(ncol*nrow): chessboard_wrtBoard[i,0] = ((i % ncol) * squareSize, (i / ncol) * squareSize, 0); # get camera intrinsics (cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, projectionMatrix, rotationMatrix) = info2cvmat(info); # extrinsic outputs rot = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1) trans = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1) # find chessboard pose if isRect: distCoeffs = cv.CreateMat(1, 4, cv.CV_32FC1); distCoeffs[0,0] = 0; distCoeffs[0,1] = 0; distCoeffs[0,2] = 0; distCoeffs[0,3] = 0; cv.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2(chessboard_wrtBoard, chessboard_wrtImage, projectionMatrix[:,:3], distCoeffs, rot, trans); else: cv.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2(chessboard_wrtBoard, chessboard_wrtImage, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rot, trans); # get transform from rot, trans rot = np.asarray(rot); trans = np.asarray(trans); th = np.linalg.norm(rot); r = rot / th; R = np.cos(th)*np.eye(3) + (1 - np.cos(th))*, r.T) + np.sin(th)*np.array([[0, -r[2], r[1]], [r[2], 0, -r[0]], [-r[1], r[0], 0]]); if not isRect: Trect = tr.trans(-projectionMatrix[0,3]/cameraMatrix[0,0],-projectionMatrix[1,3]/cameraMatrix[1,1], 0) Rcam = tr.rot2tr(np.asarray(rotationMatrix)); Tmodel2cam =,,, tr.rot2tr(R)))); else: Tmodel2cam =, tr.rot2tr(R)); return ru.to_PoseStamped(Tmodel2cam, frame_id=info.header.frame_id, stamp=info.header.stamp);
def savePeakListToFile(self,filename,initialGuess,qData,numberOfChi,stddev): peakList = Fit.getPeakList(,qData, initialGuess,numberOfChi,stddev) # now, save to file file = open(filename,'w') file.write("# A list of peaks found in the diffraction image.\n") file.write("# Calculated on "+time.asctime()+"\n") file.write("# Calibration data used to find peaks:\n") initialGuess.writeCommentString(file) file.write("#\tx\ty\tRealQ\tFitQ\tchi\twidth\tintensity\t2theta\n") for peak in peakList: x,y,realQ,fitQ,chi,width = peak intensity=self.getPixelValueBilinearInterpolation(x,y) twoTheta = Transform.convertQToTwoTheta(fitQ,initialGuess) file.write("%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n" % \ (x,y,realQ,fitQ,chi,width,intensity,twoTheta) ) file.close() return peakList
def saveShapes(filePath, module, objects): """ Will store shape data in file """ # objects = self.getRegisteredObjects(module , regAttr) writeData = "" for object in objects: writeLine = object + " " # Get shape shape = Transform.getShape(object) # Get CV number cvNum = Curve.getCurveCVNumber(shape) for x in xrange(cvNum): pos = cmds.xform((object + ".cv[" + x + "]"), q=True, ws=True, t=True) writeLine += pos[0] + " " + pos[1] + " " + pos[2] + " " writeData += writeLine + "\n" FILE = open(filePath, "wb") blueprintData = FILE.write(writeData) FILE.close() print ("Saved shape data to : " + filePath)
def update(self, dt): """ This method is scheduled to be called repeatedly by the pyglet clock. Parameters ---------- dt : float The change in time since the last call. """ self.model.process_queue() sector = Transform.sectorize(self._player.position, self.conf.getConfValue('sectorSize')) if sector != self.sector: self.model.change_sectors(self.sector, sector) if self.sector is None: self.model.process_entire_queue() self.sector = sector m = 8 dt = min(dt, 0.2) for _ in xrange(m): self._update(dt / m)
def view_test(self, source, target): """ Check if plock at position has a line of sight to character. Parameters ---------- source : tuple of len 3 The (x, y, z) position to check visibility from. target :tuple of len 3 The (x, y, z) position to check visibility to. """ m = 8 x, y, z = source dx, dy, dz = target previous = None for _ in xrange(max_distance * m): key = Transform.normalize((x, y, z)) if key != previous and return key, previous previous = key x, y, z = x + dx / m, y + dy / m, z + dz / m return None, None
def compute_registration(P, X): ''' compute the registration between the two data sets Pi should correspond to Xi (distance) matrix: 4xN return: qr - quaterion rotation qt - translation ''' # compute mean uP = np.array([np.sum(P, axis=1)/P.shape[1]]); uX = np.array([np.sum(X, axis=1)/X.shape[1]]); # cross-covariance matrix cc =[:3,:], X[:3,:].T)/P.shape[1] -[:,:3].T, uX[:,:3]); A = cc - cc.T; delta = np.array([[A[1,2], A[2,0], A[0,1]]]).T; trace = np.trace(cc); t0 = np.hstack(([[trace]], delta.T)); t1 = np.hstack((delta, cc + cc.T - trace * np.eye(3))); Q = np.vstack((t0, t1)); # comute quaternion # main eigenvector of Q (U, s, Vh) = np.linalg.svd(Q); qr = Vh[0]; # compute translation R = tr.quat2rot(qr); qt = uX -,uP.T).T; return (qr, qt[0,:3]);
# - maskXRay (array) - import Converter as C import Connector as X import Generator as G import Geom as D import Transform as T surf = D.sphere((0,0,0), 0.5, 20) surf = T.rotate(surf,(0.,0.,0.),(0.,1.,0.), 90.) res = X.maskXRay__([surf]) C.convertArrays2File([res], "out.plt")
# - projectAllDirs (array) - import Geom as D import Converter as C import Generator as G import Transform as T import KCore.test as test # Structure a = D.sphere((0, 0, 0), 1., 20) a = C.initVars(a, 'F', 1) b = G.cart((1.1, -0.1, -0.1), (0.1, 0.1, 0.1), (1, 5, 5)) n = G.getNormalMap(b) n = C.center2Node(n) b = C.addVars([b, n]) b = C.initVars(b, 'F', 1) c = T.projectAllDirs([b], [a], ['sx', 'sy', 'sz']) test.testA(c, 1) # Non structure a = D.sphere((0, 0, 0), 1., 20) a = C.initVars(a, 'F', 1) b = G.cartTetra((1.1, -0.1, -0.1), (0.1, 0.1, 0.1), (1, 5, 5)) n = G.getNormalMap(b) n = C.center2Node(n) b = C.addVars([b, n]) b = C.initVars(b, 'F', 1) c = T.projectAllDirs([b], [a], ['sx', 'sy', 'sz']) test.testA(c, 2) a = C.convertArray2Tetra(a) b = G.cartTetra((1.1, -0.1, -0.1), (0.1, 0.1, 0.1), (1, 5, 5))
# - makeCartesian (array) - import Generator as G import Transform as T import Converter as C import KCore.test as test a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.),(1.,1.,1.),(10,10,10)) a = T.reorder(a, (3,2,-1)) a = T.makeCartesianXYZ(a) test.testA([a])
def TFIHalfO__(a1, a2, weight, offset=0): import Transform as T import Geom as D Nt1 = a1[2] Nt2 = a2[2] if Nt1 > Nt2: ap = a2 a2 = a1 a1 = ap Np = Nt2 Nt2 = Nt1 Nt1 = Np # le plus long est toujours Nt2 # Check P0 = (a1[1][0, 0], a1[1][1, 0], a1[1][2, 0]) P00 = (a2[1][0, 0], a2[1][1, 0], a2[1][2, 0]) if abs(P0[0] - P00[0]) > 1.e-6: a2 = T.reorder(a2, (-1, 2, 3)) elif abs(P0[1] - P00[1]) > 1.e-6: a2 = T.reorder(a2, (-1, 2, 3)) elif abs(P0[2] - P00[2]) > 1.e-6: a2 = T.reorder(a2, (-1, 2, 3)) # Round w1 = C.array('weight', Nt1, 1, 1) w1 = C.initVars(w1, 'weight', 1.) w = C.array('weight', Nt2, 1, 1) w = C.initVars(w, 'weight', 1.) w[1][0, 0:Nt2 / 2 + 1] = weight P3 = G.barycenter([a2, a1], [w, w1]) w = C.initVars(w, 'weight', 1.) w[1][0, Nt2 / 2:Nt2] = weight P4 = G.barycenter([a2, a1], [w, w1]) # Projection b = C.convertArray2Hexa(a2) b = G.close(b) PP = C.array('x,y,z', 2, 1, 1) C.setValue(PP, 0, (P3[0], P3[1], P3[2])) C.setValue(PP, 1, (P4[0], P4[1], P4[2])) PPP = T.projectOrtho(PP, [b]) PPP = PPP[1] PP3 = (PPP[0, 0], PPP[1, 0], PPP[2, 0]) PP4 = (PPP[0, 1], PPP[1, 1], PPP[2, 1]) indexPP3 = D.getNearestPointIndex(a2, PP3)[0] + offset if ((Nt1 - Nt2) / 2 - (Nt1 - Nt2) * 0.5 == 0 and (indexPP3 + 1) / 2 - (indexPP3 + 1) * 0.5 != 0): indexPP3 += 1 if ((Nt1 - Nt2) / 2 - (Nt1 - Nt2) * 0.5 != 0 and (indexPP3 + 1) / 2 - (indexPP3 + 1) * 0.5 == 0): indexPP3 += 1 #if (indexPP3 == 0): indexPP3 = 1 #elif (indexPP3 == (Nt2-1)/2): indexPP3 += -1 PP3 = (a2[1][0, indexPP3], a2[1][1, indexPP3], a2[1][2, indexPP3]) N1 = indexPP3 + 1 indexPP4 = Nt2 - N1 PP4 = (a2[1][0, indexPP4], a2[1][1, indexPP4], a2[1][2, indexPP4]) N2 = Nt2 - 2 * N1 + 2 # Straight N3 = (Nt1 - N2 + 2) / 2 ind = N3 - 1 P1 = (a1[1][0, ind], a1[1][1, ind], a1[1][2, ind]) P2 = (a1[1][0, Nt1 - ind - 1], a1[1][1, Nt1 - ind - 1], a1[1][2, Nt1 - ind - 1]) # Lines l1 = D.line(P1, P3, N=N1) l2 = D.line(P3, P4, N=N2) l3 = D.line(P4, P2, N=N1) p1 = D.line(P3, PP3, N=N3) p2 = D.line(P4, PP4, N=N3) # subzones s1 = T.subzone(a1, (1, 1, 1), (ind + 1, 1, 1)) s2 = T.subzone(a1, (ind + 1, 1, 1), (Nt1 - ind, 1, 1)) s3 = T.subzone(a1, (Nt1 - ind, 1, 1), (Nt1, 1, 1)) s4 = T.subzone(a2, (1, 1, 1), (indexPP3 + 1, 1, 1)) s5 = T.subzone(a2, (indexPP3 + 1, 1, 1), (indexPP4 + 1, 1, 1)) s6 = T.subzone(a2, (indexPP4 + 1, 1, 1), (Nt2, 1, 1)) #C.convertArrays2File([l1,l2,l3,p1,p2,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6], 'lines.plt') # TFIs m = G.TFI([l1, l2, l3, s2]) m1 = G.TFI([s1, s4, p1, l1]) m2 = G.TFI([s5, p1, p2, l2]) m3 = G.TFI([s6, p2, s3, l3]) return [m, m1, m2, m3]
# - refine (array) - import Geom as D import Transform as T import Converter as C import KCore.test as test # broken line (STRUCT) a = D.line((0,0,0), (1,0,0), N=10) b = D.line((1,0,0), (2,1,0), N=30) a = T.join([a,b]) a = D.refine(a, N=30) test.testA([a], 1) #C.convertArrays2File(a, 'out.plt') # fourche (BAR) a = D.line((0,0,0), (1,0,0), N=10) b = D.line((1,0,0), (2,1,0), N=50) c = D.line((1,0,0), (2,-1,0), N=100) A = [a,b,c] A = C.convertArray2Hexa(A) a = T.join(A) a = D.refine(a, N=50) test.testA([a], 2) #C.convertArrays2File(a, 'out.plt') # Circle (STRUCT) a =,0,0), 1, N=120) a = D.refine(a, N=120) test.testA([a], 3) #C.convertArrays2File(a, 'out.plt')
# - send (array) - import Converter as C import Generator as G import Transform as T a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (100,100,300)) C.send(a, 'localhost') for i in range(30): a = T.rotate(a, (0,0,0), (0,0,1), 10.) C.send(a, 'localhost')
# - display (array) - import Generator as G import CPlot import Transform as T a = G.cart((0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1), (18, 28, 3)) CPlot.display(a, mode='mesh') for i in range(360): a = T.rotate(a, (9, 14, 3.5), (0, 0, 1), 1.) CPlot.display(a)
# - blankIntersectingCells (array) import Converter as C import Generator as G import Transform as T import Connector as X a1 = G.cart((0., 0., 0.), (1., 1., 1.), (11, 11, 11)) a2 = T.rotate(a1, (0., 0., 0.), (0., 0., 1.), 10.) a2 = T.translate(a2, (7., 5., 5.)) A = [a1, a2] Ac = C.node2Center(A) Ac = C.initVars(Ac, 'cellN', 1.) Ac = X.blankIntersectingCells(A, Ac, tol=1.e-10) C.convertArrays2File(Ac, "out.plt")
# - getSmoothNormalMap (array) - import Converter as C import Generator as G import Transform as T a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.),(1.,1.,1.),(10,10,1)) b = G.cart((0.,0.,0.),(1.,1.,1.),(1,10,10)) b = T.rotate(b,(0.,0.,0.),(0.,1.,0.),45.) c = C.convertArray2Hexa([a,b]) c = T.join(c); c = T.reorder(c,(1,)) c = T.rotate(c,(0.,0.,0.),(0.,1.,0.),15.) s = G.getSmoothNormalMap(c, niter=4) c = C.addVars([c,s]) C.convertArrays2File(c, "out.plt")
# - CEBBIntersection (array) - import Generator as G import Converter as C import Transform as T ni = 11 nj = 3 nk = 11 a1 = G.cart((0., 0., 0.), (0.1, 0.1, 0.2), (ni, nj, nk)) a2 = G.cart((1., 0., 0.), (0.1, 0.1, 0.2), (ni, nj, nk)) a2 = T.rotate(a2, (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), 12.) print G.CEBBIntersection(a1, a2)
# - addkplane (array) - import Geom as D import Transform as T import Converter as C a = D.naca(12., 501) a = T.addkplane(a) C.convertArrays2File(a, "out.plt")
# - stack (array) - import Generator as G import Converter as C import Transform as T import KCore.test as test a = G.cylinder((0, 0, 0), 1, 1.3, 360, 0, 1., (50, 10, 1)) b = T.rotate(a, (0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), 5.) b = T.translate(b, (0, 0, 0.5)) c = G.stack(a, b) test.testA([c], 1)
# - plot (array) - import Generator as G import Transform as T import Converter as C # Create a cartesian grid a = G.cart((0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1), (10, 10, 10)) # plot mesh C.plot(a) a = T.translate(a, (0.5 * 1, 0, 0)) C.plot(a) a = T.translate(a, (0.5 * 1, 0, 0)) C.plot(a)
# - snapFront (array) - import Generator as G import Converter as C import Geom as D import Connector as X import Transform as T s =, 0, 0), 1., N=100) s = T.addkplane(s) # Grille cartesienne (reguliere) BB = G.bbox([s]) ni = 100 nj = 100 nk = 3 xmin = BB[0] ymin = BB[1] zmin = BB[2] - 0.5 xmax = BB[3] ymax = BB[4] zmax = BB[5] + 0.5 hi = (xmax - xmin) / (ni - 1) hj = (ymax - ymin) / (nj - 1) h = min(hi, hj) ni = int((xmax - xmin) / h) + 7 nj = int((ymax - ymin) / h) + 7 b = G.cart((xmin - 3 * h, ymin - 3 * h, zmin), (h, h, 1.), (ni, nj, nk)) celln = C.array('cellN', ni, nj, nk)
# - oneovern (array) - import Transform as T import Converter as C import Generator as G a = G.cart((0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1), (10, 10, 1)) a2 = T.oneovern(a, (2, 2, 2)) C.convertArrays2File([a2], "out.plt")
# - projectDir (array) - import Geom as D import Converter as C import Generator as G import Transform as T a = D.sphere((0, 0, 0), 1., 20) b = G.cart((1.1, -0.1, -0.1), (0.03, 0.03, 0.03), (1, 50, 50)) c = T.projectDir(b, [a], (1., 0, 0)) d = T.projectDir([b], [a], (1., 0, 0), smooth=1) C.convertArrays2File([a, b, c] + d, 'out.plt')
def TFITri(a1, a2, a3): import Transform as T import Generator as G import Geom as D N1 = a1[2] N2 = a2[2] N3 = a3[2] # Verif de N Nt = N3 - N2 + N1 + 1 if (Nt / 2 - Nt * 0.5 != 0): raise ValueError("TFITri: N3-N2+N1 must be odd.") N = Nt / 2 if (N < 2): raise ValueError( "TFITri: invalid number of points for this operation.") if (N > N1 - 1): raise ValueError( "TFITri: invalid number of points for this operation.") if (N > N2 - 1): raise ValueError( "TFITri: invalid number of points for this operation.") # Assure la continuite P0 = (a1[1][0, N1 - 1], a1[1][1, N1 - 1], a1[1][2, N1 - 1]) P00 = (a2[1][0, 0], a2[1][1, 0], a2[1][2, 0]) P01 = (a2[1][0, N2 - 1], a2[1][1, N2 - 1], a2[1][2, N2 - 1]) if (abs(P0[0] - P00[0]) + abs(P0[1] - P00[1]) + abs(P0[2] - P00[2]) > 1.e-6 and abs(P0[0] - P01[0]) + abs(P0[1] - P01[1]) + abs(P0[2] - P01[2]) > 1.e-6): t = a2 a2 = a3 a3 = t N2 = a2[2] N3 = a3[2] P00 = (a2[1][0, 0], a2[1][1, 0], a2[1][2, 0]) if abs(P0[0] - P00[0]) > 1.e-6: a2 = T.reorder(a2, (-1, 2, 3)) elif abs(P0[1] - P00[1]) > 1.e-6: a2 = T.reorder(a2, (-1, 2, 3)) elif abs(P0[2] - P00[2]) > 1.e-6: a2 = T.reorder(a2, (-1, 2, 3)) P0 = (a2[1][0, N2 - 1], a2[1][1, N2 - 1], a2[1][2, N2 - 1]) P00 = (a3[1][0, 0], a3[1][1, 0], a3[1][2, 0]) if abs(P0[0] - P00[0]) > 1.e-6: a3 = T.reorder(a3, (-1, 2, 3)) elif abs(P0[1] - P00[1]) > 1.e-6: a3 = T.reorder(a3, (-1, 2, 3)) elif abs(P0[2] - P00[2]) > 1.e-6: a3 = T.reorder(a3, (-1, 2, 3)) #C.convertArrays2File([a1,a2,a3], 'order.plt') # Center w1 = C.array('weight', N1, 1, 1) w1 = C.initVars(w1, 'weight', 1) w2 = C.array('weight', N2, 1, 1) w2 = C.initVars(w2, 'weight', 1) w3 = C.array('weight', N3, 1, 1) w3 = C.initVars(w3, 'weight', 1) CC = G.barycenter([a1, a2, a3], [w1, w2, w3]) # Subzones s1 = T.subzone(a1, (1, 1, 1), (N1 - N + 1, 1, 1)) s2 = T.subzone(a1, (N1 - N + 1, 1, 1), (N1, 1, 1)) s3 = T.subzone(a2, (1, 1, 1), (N2 - N1 + N, 1, 1)) s4 = T.subzone(a2, (N2 - N1 + N, 1, 1), (N2, 1, 1)) s5 = T.subzone(a3, (1, 1, 1), (N, 1, 1)) s6 = T.subzone(a3, (N, 1, 1), (N3, 1, 1)) # Lines index = N1 - N P01 = (a1[1][0, index], a1[1][1, index], a1[1][2, index]) index = N2 - N1 + N - 1 P12 = (a2[1][0, index], a2[1][1, index], a2[1][2, index]) index = N - 1 P23 = (a3[1][0, index], a3[1][1, index], a3[1][2, index]) l1 = D.line(CC, P01, N=N2 - N1 + N) l2 = D.line(CC, P12, N=N) l3 = D.line(CC, P23, N=N1 - N + 1) # TFIs m1 = G.TFI([s1, l1, l3, s6]) m2 = G.TFI([l1, s2, s3, l2]) m3 = G.TFI([l2, s4, s5, l3]) #return [l1,l2,l3,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6] #return [s1,l1,l3,s6,m1] return [m1, m2, m3]
return x*x + 2.*y*y + 3*z elif deg == 3 : return x*x*y + 2.*y*y*y + 3*z elif deg == 4 : return x*x*x*x + 2.*y*y*y*y +z*z elif deg == 5 : return 2*x*x*x*x*x + 2.*y*y*z + z*z else : print 'Error : unknown degree of polynomials' import sys sys.exit() # Maillage en noeuds ni = 101; nj = 101; nk = 11 m = G.cylinder((0,0,0), 1., 10.,45., 145., 1., (ni,nj,nk)) m = T.reorder(m, (-1,2,3)) # as=[] as.append(m) # init by function m = C.addVars(m, 'F') m = C.initVars(m, 'F', F, ['x','y','z']) # Cree un maillage d'extraction ni2 = 30; nj2 = 30 a = G.cart( (-1.,2.,0.4), (1./(ni2-1),1./(nj2-1),0.1), (ni2,nj2,2)) as.append(a) C.convertArrays2File(as,"out.plt","bin_tp") # # Extrait la solution sur le maillage d'extraction ordret = [2,3,5]
def TFIO__(a, weight, offset=0): import Transform as T import Geom as D Nt = a[2] # Calcul des points P1, P2, P3, P4 w = C.array('weight', Nt, 1, 1) w = C.initVars(w, 'weight', 1.) w[1][0, 0:Nt / 4 + 1] = weight P1 = G.barycenter(a, w) w = C.initVars(w, 'weight', 1.) w[1][0, Nt / 4:Nt / 2 + 1] = weight P2 = G.barycenter(a, w) w = C.initVars(w, 'weight', 1.) w[1][0, Nt / 2:3 * Nt / 4 + 1] = weight P3 = G.barycenter(a, w) w = C.initVars(w, 'weight', 1.) w[1][0, 3 * Nt / 4:Nt] = weight P4 = G.barycenter(a, w) # Calcul de P'1: projete de P1 sur le cercle b = C.convertArray2Hexa(a) b = G.close(b) PP = C.array('x,y,z', 4, 1, 1) C.setValue(PP, 0, (P1[0], P1[1], P1[2])) C.setValue(PP, 1, (P2[0], P2[1], P2[2])) C.setValue(PP, 2, (P3[0], P3[1], P3[2])) C.setValue(PP, 3, (P4[0], P4[1], P4[2])) PPP = T.projectOrtho(PP, [b]) PPP = PPP[1] PP1 = (PPP[0, 0], PPP[1, 0], PPP[2, 0]) PP2 = (PPP[0, 1], PPP[1, 1], PPP[2, 1]) indexPP1 = D.getNearestPointIndex(a, PP1)[0] + offset if (indexPP1 < 0): indexPP1 = Nt + indexPP1 - 1 if (indexPP1 > Nt - 1): indexPP1 = indexPP1 - Nt - 1 # Renumerote a a partir de PP1 b = T.subzone(a, (1, 1, 1), (indexPP1 + 1, 1, 1)) c = T.subzone(a, (indexPP1 + 1, 1, 1), (Nt, 1, 1)) a = T.join(c, b) indexPP1 = 0 PP1 = (a[1][0, indexPP1], a[1][1, indexPP1], a[1][2, indexPP1]) indexPP2 = D.getNearestPointIndex(a, PP2)[0] - offset PP2 = (a[1][0, indexPP2], a[1][1, indexPP2], a[1][2, indexPP2]) indexPP3 = indexPP1 + Nt / 2 PP3 = (a[1][0, indexPP3], a[1][1, indexPP3], a[1][2, indexPP3]) N1 = indexPP2 - indexPP1 + 1 N2 = Nt / 2 - N1 + 2 indexPP4 = indexPP3 + N1 - 1 PP4 = (a[1][0, indexPP4], a[1][1, indexPP4], a[1][2, indexPP4]) # Lines l1 = D.line(P1, P2, N=N1) l2 = D.line(P2, P3, N=N2) l3 = D.line(P3, P4, N=N1) l4 = D.line(P4, P1, N=N2) dist1 = D.getLength(l1) p1 = D.line(P1, PP1, N=10) dist2 = D.getLength(p1) Np = int(dist2 / dist1 * N1) + 1 p1 = D.line(P1, PP1, N=Np) p2 = D.line(P2, PP2, N=Np) p3 = D.line(P3, PP3, N=Np) p4 = D.line(P4, PP4, N=Np) # subzones s1 = T.subzone(a, (indexPP1 + 1, 1, 1), (indexPP2 + 1, 1, 1)) s2 = T.subzone(a, (indexPP2 + 1, 1, 1), (indexPP3 + 1, 1, 1)) s3 = T.subzone(a, (indexPP3 + 1, 1, 1), (indexPP4 + 1, 1, 1)) s4 = T.subzone(a, (indexPP4 + 1, 1, 1), (Nt, 1, 1)) # TFIs m = G.TFI([l1, l2, l3, l4]) m1 = G.TFI([s1, p1, p2, l1]) m2 = G.TFI([s2, p2, p3, l2]) m3 = G.TFI([s3, p3, p4, l3]) m4 = G.TFI([s4, p4, p1, l4]) return [m, m1, m2, m3, m4]
# - conformizeNGon (array) - import Generator as G import Converter as C import Transform as T a = G.cartNGon((0, 0, 0), (0.1, 0.1, 1), (11, 11, 1)) b = G.cartNGon((1., 0, 0), (0.1, 0.2, 1), (11, 6, 1)) a = G.cartNGon((0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1), (3, 3, 1)) b = G.cartNGon((2., 0, 0), (2, 2, 1), (2, 2, 1)) res = T.join(a, b) res2 = C.conformizeNGon(res) C.convertArrays2File(res2, 'out.plt')
def update(self, dt): for ent, (transform, motion, mcontrol, bcontrol) in Transform, Motion, MovementControl, BoostControl): particles =, Particles) if bcontrol.ic.get_amt( ) > 0 and bcontrol.recovery_time_left == 0 and bcontrol.disabled == 0: if mcontrol.is_moving and (motion.velocity.x != 0 or motion.velocity.y != 0): bcontrol.recovery_time_left = bcontrol.recovery_time bcontrol.boost_time_left = bcontrol.boost_time bcontrol.accel_time_left = bcontrol.accel_time mcontrol.disabled += 1 target_accel = motion.velocity.with_length( bcontrol.accel_speed) diff = mathutils.rot_diff(motion.velocity.to_rot(), mcontrol.rot) if diff > bcontrol.back_boost_rot_diff or diff < -bcontrol.back_boost_rot_diff: target_accel.mul_scalar(-1) motion.acceleration = target_accel if particles: # calculations d = motion.acceleration.normalized() offset = d.rotated(mathutils.HALF_PI).mul_scalar( bcontrol.particle_offset) # paramaters name = "boost_particle" pos = transform.pos #.added_to(d.multed_by_scalar(bcontrol.particle_offset)) rot = mathutils.HALF_PI - d.to_rot() vel = d.mul_scalar(-bcontrol.particle_speed) lifetime = bcontrol.particle_lifetime opacity_func = lambda x: x # creation particles.add(name, Transform(pos.added_to(offset), rot + 0.1), lifetime=lifetime, velocity=vel.rotated(-0.2), opacity_func=opacity_func) particles.add(name, Transform(pos.subbed_by(offset), rot - 0.1), lifetime=lifetime, velocity=vel.rotated(0.2), opacity_func=opacity_func) if bcontrol.recovery_time_left > 0: bcontrol.recovery_time_left = max( 0, bcontrol.recovery_time_left - dt) if bcontrol.boost_time_left > 0: bcontrol.boost_time_left = max(0, bcontrol.boost_time_left - dt) if bcontrol.boost_time_left == 0: mcontrol.disabled -= 1 if bcontrol.accel_time_left > 0: bcontrol.accel_time_left = max(0, bcontrol.accel_time_left - dt) motion.velocity.set_max_length(bcontrol.max_speed)
# - integNormProduct (array) - import Generator as G import Converter as C import Transform as T import Post as P from numpy import * import math res1 = math.pi*10. res1c = (math.pi-math.pi/25.)*10. res2 = 2. res2c = 1.62 # Lit le fichier et le met dans arrays a = G.cylinder((0.,0.,0.), 0.5, 1., 360., 0., 10., (50,2,30)) a2 = T.subzone(a, (1,1,1), (50,1,30)) #C.convertArrays2File([a], "new.plt", "bin_tp") # integNormProd node2center, nj = 1 ni = a[2]-1 nj = a[3]-1 nk = a[4]-1 dens = C.array('tx,ty,tz', ni, nj, nk) densa = C.initVars(dens,'tx', 0.) densa = C.initVars(densa,'ty', 1.) densa = C.initVars(densa,'tz', 0.) res = P.integNormProduct([a2],[densa],[]) if math.fabs(res) > 1.e-1: print "pb in integNormProdNodeCenter, nj=1" # integNormProd, nj = 1 ni = a[2]