def quickHullAlg(points, r, q):	
	furthestPoint = []       #In the inital call q and r two points with the highest and lowest y value
	maxdist = -1

	if points == []:

	if len(points) == 1:
		furthestPoint = points

	for p in points:
		temp = sqrt((r[0] - p[0])**2 + (r[1] - p[1])**2) + sqrt((q[0] - p[0])**2 + (q[1] - p[1])**2)  #distance of p from q and p added together
		if(temp > maxdist):
			furthestPoint = p   #finds the furthest point from the line r, q
			maxdist = temp

	if(furthestPoint == []):
	triangle = r + q + furthestPoint
	triList.append(triangle) #adding a triangle to the set to print out

	[set0,set1] = Triangles.splitPoints(r,furthestPoint,q,points)
	[set0,set2] = Triangles.splitPoints(q,furthestPoint,r,points)
	quickHullAlg(set2,furthestPoint, q)
Exemple #2
def quickHullAlg(points, r, q):
    furthestPoint = [
    ]  #In the inital call q and r two points with the highest and lowest y value
    maxdist = -1

    if points == []:

    if len(points) == 1:
        furthestPoint = points

    for p in points:
        temp = sqrt((r[0] - p[0])**2 + (r[1] - p[1])**2) + sqrt(
            (q[0] - p[0])**2 +
            (q[1] - p[1])**2)  #distance of p from q and p added together
        if (temp > maxdist):
            furthestPoint = p  #finds the furthest point from the line r, q
            maxdist = temp

    if (furthestPoint == []):

    triangle = r + q + furthestPoint
    triList.append(triangle)  #adding a triangle to the set to print out

    [set0, set1] = Triangles.splitPoints(r, furthestPoint, q, points)
    [set0, set2] = Triangles.splitPoints(q, furthestPoint, r, points)

    quickHullAlg(set1, r, furthestPoint)
    quickHullAlg(set2, furthestPoint, q)
def quickHullStart(points):  #Setup for the QuickHull Algorithm
	maxY = -1
	minY = float('inf')
	for p in points:  #getting highest and lowest points (r, q)
		if p[1] > maxY:
			maxY = p[1]
			q = p
		if p[1] < minY:
			minY = p[1]
			r = p
	hull = r+q
	[set0,set1] = Triangles.splitPoints(r,q,q,points)  #Spliting points in half by a line with the Highest and lowest points
	quickHullAlg(set0, r,q)
	quickHullAlg(set1, r,q)
Exemple #4
def quickHullStart(points):  #Setup for the QuickHull Algorithm
    maxY = -1
    minY = float('inf')
    for p in points:  #getting highest and lowest points (r, q)
        if p[1] > maxY:
            maxY = p[1]
            q = p
        if p[1] < minY:
            minY = p[1]
            r = p

    hull = r + q

    [set0, set1] = Triangles.splitPoints(
        r, q, q, points
    )  #Spliting points in half by a line with the Highest and lowest points

    quickHullAlg(set0, r, q)
    quickHullAlg(set1, r, q)
Exemple #5
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # HW4
    # IMport Points
    points_np = np.genfromtxt('hw3data/')  # (X,Y,Z)
    # Scipi triangulation
    tri = Delaunay(points_np[:, 0:2])
    # Plot Scipy Result
    plt.triplot(points_np[:, 0],
                points_np[:, 1],
    # plt.plot(points_np[:, 0], points_np[:, 1], 'o', markersize=0.2)
    # plt.savefig('testset4_sci.png', dpi=600)
    # Triangulation object initialization
    trinagulation = Triangles.Triangulation(tri.simplices, points_np)
    convex = trinagulation.convexPoints()
    new_point_hight_bq = trinagulation.newHight(Triangles.Point(10, 80, None))
    new_point_hight_bl = trinagulation.newHight(
        Triangles.Point(11.0, 120.0, None))
    print([[10, 80, np.round(new_point_hight_bq, 3)],
           [11.0, 120.0, np.round(new_point_hight_bl, 3)]])
    restrictions = np.genfromtxt('hw3data/constrains.txt', delimiter=",")
    points_np_my = trinagulation.updateRestrictions(restrictions.tolist())

    for i in range(0, convex.shape[0], 2):
        plt.plot(convex[i:i + 2, 0], convex[i:i + 2, 1], 'bo-')
for groove in adjustedGrooveLines:
    l1 = groove[0]
    l2 = groove[1]
    cv2.line(img, (l1[0][0], l1[0][1]), (l1[1][0], l1[1][1]), (255, 255, 0), 1)
    cv2.line(img, (l2[0][0], l2[0][1]), (l2[1][0], l2[1][1]), (255, 255, 0), 1)
cv2.imshow("Adjusted Lines", img)

print("Groove Score", scoreGrooves(GrooveLines, corners))
print("Adjusted Groove Score", scoreAdjustedGroove(adjustedGrooveLines))

# Score Diagonal grooves
img = np.copy(images[2])
grayImg = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
smooth = nr.rmSpecales(grayImg)
smooth = nr.rmSpecales(grayImg)
smooth = nr.smoothing(smooth)
edges = cv2.Canny(smooth, 50, 75)
TriLines = Triangles.GetTriangles(img, Tribases, edges)

# TriLines =        [
#                     [[[597, 471], [456, 362]], [[605, 493], [481, 604]],np.array([[461, 602],[442, 342]], dtype=np.int32)],
#                     [[[674, 411], [787, 309]], [[637, 419], [496, 310]], np.array([[491, 296],[756, 303]], dtype=np.int32)],
#                     [[[725, 500], [848, 619]], [[724, 466], [837, 364]], np.array([[818, 355],[836, 620]], dtype=np.int32)],
#                     [[[650, 544], [526, 655]], [[685, 541], [808, 660]], np.array([[785, 673],[522, 662]], dtype=np.int32)]
#                   ]

print("Triangle Score", scoreTri(TriLines, img))