Exemple #1
def PowerFactor(filename, time, type):
    path = 'C:\\Users\\shijingliu\\workspace\\PowerFactor\\'
    file = filename
    filename = path + file + '.txt'

    LabelVector, DataMatrix = DataFileLoader.LoadADIData(filename)
    AORTScolumn = VectorOperations.FindColumn('Aorta', LabelVector)
    AOPcolumn = VectorOperations.FindColumn('AOP', LabelVector)
    RAPcolumn = VectorOperations.FindColumn('RAP', LabelVector)
    IVCTScolumn = VectorOperations.FindColumn('IVC', LabelVector)

    if AOPcolumn > 10:
        print "finding new AOP"
        RAPcolumn = VectorOperations.FindColumn('RAP 1', LabelVector)
        AOPcolumn = VectorOperations.FindColumn('AOP 1', LabelVector)

    if type == 'aorta':
        'obtain data from the first t seconds'
        Aorts = DataMatrix[:, AORTScolumn][0:time * 100]
        'process the flow one more time get all absolute values'
        AbsAorts = np.abs(Aorts)
        Aop = DataMatrix[:, AOPcolumn][0:time * 100]
        S = np.multiply(AbsAorts, Aop)
    elif type == 'vena':
        Ivcts = DataMatrix[:, IVCTScolumn][0:time * 100]
        AbsIvcts = np.abs(Ivcts)
        Rap = DataMatrix[:, RAPcolumn][0:time * 100]
        S = np.multiply(AbsIvcts, Rap)
        print "wrong input!"

    'smooth the value with 11 in window and hanning in type'
    sasmooth = VectorOperations.smooth(S, 11, 'hanning')

    'obtain the RMS value of t minutes baseline'
    SValue = VectorOperations.RMS(sasmooth[0:12000], 0)

    'obtain the min, max value of each phase'
    min, max = VectorOperations.FindExtrema(sasmooth, 0.6, 100)

    'now we obtain the RMS value of each phase during t minutes'
    SEachPhase = []
    for i in range(2, len(max)):
            VectorOperations.RMS(sasmooth[max[i - 1][0]:max[i][0]], 0))

    'obtain the power factor vector'
    PF = [x / (SValue * 1.0) for x in SEachPhase]

    return PF
def AOPSinusoidModeling(filename, WindowSize=2):
    path = 'C:\\Users\\shijingliu\\workspace\\PowerFactor\\'
    file = filename
    finalname = path + file + '.txt'
    LabelVector, DataMatrix = DataFileLoader.load(finalname)
    AOPcolumn = VectorOperations.FindColumn('AOP', LabelVector)

    if AOPcolumn > 10:
        print "finding new AOP"
        AOPcolumn = VectorOperations.FindColumn('AOP 1', LabelVector)

    AOP = DataMatrix[:, AOPcolumn]

    'declare a file'
    saveEVFile = open('SinusoidModeling CPR Flow 347.csv', 'wb')
    fileWriter = csv.writer(saveEVFile)
        [["index", "estimated A:", "estimated B", "estimated D"]])

    for i in range((len(AOP) / 100) - WindowSize):
        'define the start time and end time of each interval'
        StartTime = i
        EndTime = StartTime + WindowSize

        AopInterval = AOP[StartTime * 100:EndTime * 100]
        t = np.linspace(StartTime, EndTime - 0.01, WindowSize * 100)

        'figure out the appropriate guess using FFT'
        amplitude = np.abs(np.fft.fft(AopInterval))[1:(len(t) / 2 + 1)]
        frequency = np.fft.fftfreq(len(t), 0.01)[1:(len(t) / 2 + 1)]

        'find out the maximum amplitude and its corresponding frequency'
        maxFreq, maxAmp = MaximumRecorder(amplitude)

        'now we guess the a, b, c, d for the sinusoid modeling'
        guess_a = VectorOperations.RMS(
            scipy.signal.detrend(AopInterval)) * np.sqrt(2)
        guess_b = (3.1415926 * 2.0) * frequency[maxFreq]
        guess_c = 0.0
        guess_d = np.mean(AopInterval)

        'optimize the guess values using least square algorithm'
        optimize_func = lambda x: x[0] * np.sin(x[1] * t + x[2]) + x[
            3] - AopInterval
        result = leastsq(optimize_func, [guess_a, guess_b, guess_c, guess_d])

        'we only record the sets when the least square can converge'
        if (result[1] == 1) or (result[1] == 2) or (result[1]
                                                    == 3) or (result[1] == 4):
            est_a, est_b, est_c, est_d = result[0]
            fileWriter.writerows([[i, est_a, est_b, est_d]])