Exemple #1
def Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs):
  # Scan for video files.
  VideoFiles.Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs)
  # Take top two as show/season, but require at least the top one.
  paths = Utils.SplitPath(path)
  if len(paths) > 0 and len(paths[0]) > 0:
    done = False
    if done == False:

      (title, year) = VideoFiles.CleanName(paths[0])
      for i in files:
        done = False
	    is_movie = False
        file = os.path.basename(i)
        (file, ext) = os.path.splitext(file)
	    # See if there's a pytivo metadata file to peek at
        meta = dict()
        metadata_filename = '{0}.txt'.format(i.replace('_LQ', ''))
        if os.path.isfile(metadata_filename):
          with open(metadata_filename, 'r') as f:
            for line in f:
              line = line.strip()
              if line and len(line):
                line_a = line.split(' : ')
                if len(line_a) > 1:
                  key, value = line.split(' : ')
                  meta[key] = value

      #print "pytivo metadata, ", meta
        # Skip tv shows based on pytivo metadata file and backup to filename if not present
        if 'isEpisode' in meta:
          if meta['isEpisode'] == 'false':
            is_movie = True
    	elif file.strip().startswith('(Rec'):
    	  is_movie = True

        # If we still think it is not a movie then skip it
        if is_movie == False:
          print "File {0} is determined to be a tv show by pytivo metadata file, skipping".format(file)

        if 'title' in meta:
          title = meta['title']
        if 'movieYear' in meta:
          year = meta['movieYear']

        # Create the movie
        movie = Media.Movie(title, year)
        movie.source = VideoFiles.RetrieveSource(i)
def Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs, language=None, root=None):
    # Just look for video files.
    VideoFiles.Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs, root)

    # Add them all.
    for path in files:
        (show, year) = VideoFiles.CleanName(os.path.basename(path))
        file = Utils.SplitPath(path)[-1]
        ext = file.split('.')[-1]
        name = '.'.join(file.split('.')[0:-1])
        nameChunks = name.split(' - ')

        for i, chunk in enumerate(nameChunks):
            if parseEpisode(chunk):
                nameChunks = [
                    ' - '.join(nameChunks[:i]), nameChunks[i],
                    ' - '.join(nameChunks[i + 1:])

        # correct for "-" in show name or title
        if len(nameChunks) > 4:
            if parseEpisode(nameChunks[1]) == None:
                if len(nameChunks[1]) >= 4:
                    if parseEpisode(nameChunks[2]) <> None:
                        extra = nameChunks.pop(1)
                        nameChunks[0] = "%s - %s" % (nameChunks[0], extra)
                while len(nameChunks) > 4:
                    extra = nameChunks.pop(3)
                    nameChunks[2] = "%s - %s" % (nameChunks[2], extra)

            sep = parseEpisode(nameChunks[1])
            if sep <> None:
                if len(sep) == 1:
                    anime_ep = Media.Episode(cleanTitle(nameChunks[0]),
                                             sep[0][0], sep[0][1],
                    anime_ep.source = findGroup(nameChunks[2])
                    for ep in sep:
                        beginEp = sep[0][1]
                        endEp = sep[-1][1]

                        anime_ep = Media.Episode(cleanTitle(nameChunks[0]),
                                                 ep[0], ep[1], nameChunks[2])
                        anime_ep.source = findGroup(nameChunks[2])
                        anime_ep.display_offset = (ep[1] - beginEp) * 100 / (
                            endEp - beginEp + 1)
            with open('/tmp/adb-unmatchables.log', 'a') as log:
                log.write("%s\n" % file)
def Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs, language=None, root=None):

    # Just look for video files.
    VideoFiles.Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs, root)

    # Add them all.
    for i in files:
        name, year = VideoFiles.CleanName(os.path.basename(i))
        movie = Media.Movie(name, year)
Exemple #4
  def handle(self, match, file):
    show = 'Bellator'
    name, year = VideoFiles.CleanName(os.path.basename(file))
    m = re.match(self.PATTERN, name, re.IGNORECASE)
    if not m:
      return None
    episode = int(m.group('episode'))
    title = 'Bellator %d' % episode

    if year is None and os.path.exists(file):
      year = getYearFromFile(file)

    return Media.Episode(show, year, episode, title, year)
def Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs, language=None, root=None):

    # Scan for video files.
    VideoFiles.Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs, root)

    # Take top two as show/season, but require at least the top one.
    paths = Utils.SplitPath(path)
    shouldStack = True

    if len(paths) == 1 and len(paths[0]) == 0:

        # Run the select regexps we allow at the top level.
        for i in files:
                file = os.path.basename(i)
                for rx in episode_regexps[0:-1]:
                    match = re.search(rx, file, re.IGNORECASE)
                    if match:

                        # Extract data.
                        show = match.group('show') if match.groupdict(
                        ).has_key('show') else ''
                        season = match.group('season')
                        if season.lower() == 'sp':
                            season = 0
                        episode = int(match.group('ep'))
                        endEpisode = episode
                        if match.groupdict().has_key(
                                'secondEp') and match.group('secondEp'):
                            endEpisode = int(match.group('secondEp'))

                        # Clean title.
                        name, year = VideoFiles.CleanName(show)
                        if len(name) > 0:
                            for ep in range(episode, endEpisode + 1):
                                tv_show = Media.Episode(
                                    name, season, ep, '', year)
                                tv_show.display_offset = (
                                    ep - episode) * 100 / (endEpisode -
                                                           episode + 1)
            except Exception, e:
def Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs, language=None, root=None):

    filesToRemove = []

    # Scan for video files.
    VideoFiles.Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs, root)

    # Take top two as show/season, but require at least the top one.
    paths = Utils.SplitPath(path)

    if len(paths) == 1 and len(paths[0]) == 0:

        # Run the select regexps we allow at the top level.
        for i in files:
            file = os.path.basename(i)
            match = re.search(regexp, file, re.IGNORECASE)
            if match:

                # Extract data.
                show = match.group('show')
                year = int(match.group('year'))
                month = int(match.group('month'))
                day = int(match.group('day'))

                # Clean title.
                name, _ = VideoFiles.CleanName(show)
                if len(name) > 0:

                    # Use the year as the season.
                    tv_show = Media.Episode(name, year, None, None, None)
                    tv_show.released_at = '%d-%02d-%02d' % (year, month, day)


    # Uniquify and remove.
    for i in list(set(filesToRemove)):

    SeriesScanner.Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs, language, root)
Exemple #7
  def handle(self, match, file):
    show = self.show_name
    name, year = VideoFiles.CleanName(os.path.basename(file))
    m = re.match(self.PATTERN % self.show_name, name, re.IGNORECASE)
    if not m:
      return None
    episode = int(m.group('episode')) * 10
    title = ''
    if 'early' in name.lower():
      episode += 1
      title = 'Early Prelims'
    elif 'prelim' in name.lower():
      episode += 2
      title = 'Prelims'
      episode += 3
      title = 'Main Event'

    if year is None and os.path.exists(file):
      year = getYearFromFile(file)

    return Media.Episode(show, year, episode, title, year)
Exemple #8
  def handle(self, match, file):
    show = 'UFC'
    name, year = VideoFiles.CleanName(os.path.basename(file))
    m = re.match(self.PATTERN, name, re.IGNORECASE)
    if not m:
      return None
    title = m.group('title')
    lower = title.lower()
    episode = int(m.group('episode')) * 10
    if "weigh" in lower:
      episode += 1
    elif "prelim" in lower:
      episode += 2
      if title == "":
        title = "Fight"
      episode += 3

    if year is None and os.path.exists(file):
      year = getYearFromFile(file)

    return Media.Episode(show, year, episode, title, year)
Exemple #9
  def handle(self, match, file):
    show = 'WSOP'
    basename = os.path.basename(file)
    m = re.match(self.PATTERN, basename, re.IGNORECASE)
    if not m:
      return None
    year = int(m.group('year'))
    title = VideoFiles.CleanName(m.group('title'))[0]
    titleLower = title.lower()
    if 'preview' in titleLower:
      episode = 0
    elif "one drop" in titleLower:
      m = re.match('.*part ?(?P<day>\d+)', title, re.IGNORECASE)
      if not m:
        return None
      day = int(m.group('day'))
      episode = day * 10
    elif "main event" in titleLower:
      m = re.match('.*day ?(?P<day>\d+)(?P<part>[a-z]?)', title, re.IGNORECASE)
      if not m:
        return None
      day = int(m.group('day'))
      part = m.group('part')
      if "final table" in titleLower:
        episode = 200 + day * 10
        episode = 100 + day * 10
        if part != "":
          episode += ord(part[0]) - ord('a') + 1
          m = re.match(".*part.(?P<part>\d+)", title,re.IGNORECASE)
          if m:
            part = m.group('part')
            episode += int(part)

      return None

    return Media.Episode(show, year, episode, title, year)
Exemple #10
def Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs, language=None, root=None, **kwargs):

    # Scan for video files.
    VideoFiles.Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs, root)

    # Check for DVD rips.
    paths = Utils.SplitPath(path)
    video_ts = Utils.ContainsFile(files, 'video_ts.ifo')
    if video_ts is None:
        video_ts = Utils.ContainsFile(files, 'video_ts.bup')

    if len(paths) >= 1 and len(paths[0]) > 0 and video_ts is not None:
        print "Found a DVD"
        name = year = None

        # Now find the name.
        if paths[-1].lower() == 'video_ts' and len(paths) >= 2:
            # Easiest case.
            (name, year) = VideoFiles.CleanName(paths[-2])
            # Work up until we find a viable candidate.
            backwardsPaths = paths
            for p in backwardsPaths:
                if re.match(nice_match, p):
                    (name, year) = VideoFiles.CleanName(p)

            if name is None:
                # Use the topmost path.
                (name, year) = VideoFiles.CleanName(paths[0])

        movie = Media.Movie(name, year)

        # Add the video_ts file first.

        biggestFile = None
        biggestSize = 0

        for i in files:
            if os.path.splitext(i)[1].lower(
            ) == '.vob' and os.path.getsize(i) > biggestSize:
                biggestSize = os.path.getsize(i)
                biggestFile = i

        # Add the biggest part so that we can get thumbnail/art/analysis from it.
        if biggestFile is not None:

        if len(movie.parts) > 0:
            movie.guid = checkNfoFile(movie.parts[0], 1)

    # Check for Bluray rips.
    elif len(paths) >= 3 and paths[-1].lower() == 'stream' and paths[-2].lower(
    ) == 'bdmv':
        (name, year) = VideoFiles.CleanName(paths[-3])
        movie = Media.Movie(name, year)
        for i in files:


        # Make movies!
        for i in files:
            file = os.path.basename(i)
            (name, year) = VideoFiles.CleanName(os.path.splitext(file)[0])

            # If it matches a TV show, don't scan it as a movie.
            tv = False
            for rx in SeriesScanner.episode_regexps[0:-1]:
                if re.match(rx, file):
                    print "The file", file, "looked like a TV show so we're skipping it (", rx, ")"
                    tv = True

            if tv == False:
                # OK, it's a movie
                movie = Media.Movie(name, year)
                movie.source = VideoFiles.RetrieveSource(file)

        # Stack the results.
        Stack.Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs)

        # Clean the folder name and try a match on the folder.
        if len(path) > 0:
            folderName = os.path.basename(path).replace(' ',
                                                        ' ').replace(' ', '.')
            (cleanName, year) = VideoFiles.CleanName(folderName)
            if len(mediaList) == 1 and re.match(nice_match, cleanName):
                res = re.findall(nice_match, cleanName)
                mediaList[0].name = res[0][0]
                mediaList[0].year = res[0][1]
            elif len(mediaList) == 1 and (len(cleanName) > 1
                                          or year is not None):
                mediaList[0].name = cleanName
                mediaList[0].year = year

        # Check for a folder with multiple 'CD' subfolders and massage
        foundCDsubdirs = {}
        for s in subdirs:
            m = re.match('cd[ ]*([0-9]+)', os.path.basename(s).lower())
            if m:
                foundCDsubdirs[int(m.groups(1)[0])] = s

        # More than one cd subdir, let's stack and whack subdirs.
        if len(foundCDsubdirs) > 1:
            name, year = VideoFiles.CleanName(os.path.basename(path))
            movie = Media.Movie(name, year)
            movie.guid = checkNfoFile(
                os.path.dirname(foundCDsubdirs.values()[0]), 1)

            keys = foundCDsubdirs.keys()
            for key in keys:
                d = foundCDsubdirs[key]
                subFiles = []
                for f in os.listdir(d):
                    subFiles.append(os.path.join(d, f))
                VideoFiles.Scan(d, subFiles, mediaList, [], None)
                movie.parts += subFiles

            if len(movie.parts) > 0:

        # See if we can find a GUID.
        for mediaItem in mediaList:
            if mediaItem.guid is None:
                mediaItem.guid = checkNfoFile(mediaItem.parts[0],

        if len(mediaList) == 1:
            if mediaList[0].source is None:
                mediaList[0].source = VideoFiles.RetrieveSource(path)

    # If the subdirectories indicate that we're inside a DVD, when whack things other than audio and video.
    whack = []
    if 'video_ts' in [Utils.SplitPath(s)[-1].lower() for s in subdirs]:
        for dir in subdirs:
            d = os.path.basename(dir).lower()
            if d not in ['video_ts', 'audio_ts']:

    # Finally, if any of the subdirectories match a TV show, don't enter!
    for dir in subdirs:
        for rx in standalone_tv_regexs:
            res = re.findall(rx, dir)
            if len(res):

    for w in whack:
Exemple #11
def Scan(dir, files, mediaList, subdirs):

    # Go through the files and see if any of them need to be stacked.
    stack_dict = {}
    stackDiffs = '123456789abcdefghijklmn'  # These are the characters we are looking for being different across stackable filenames
    stackSuffixes = ['cd', 'dvd', 'part', 'pt', 'disk', 'disc', 'scene']

    # Sort the mediaList by filename, so we can do our compares properly
    mediaList[:] = sorted(mediaList, key=compareFilenames)

    # Search for parts.
    count = 0
    for mediaItem in mediaList[:-1]:
        m1 = mediaList[count]
        m2 = mediaList[count + 1]
        f1 = os.path.basename(m1.parts[0])
        f2 = os.path.basename(m2.parts[0])

        opcodes = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, f1, f2).get_opcodes()
        if len(opcodes) == 3:  # We only have one transform
            (tag, i1, i2, j1, j2) = opcodes[1]
            if tag == 'replace':  # The transform is a replace
                if (i2 - i1 == 1) and (
                        j2 - j1 == 1):  # The transform is only one character
                    if 1 in [c in f1[i1:i2].lower() for c in stackDiffs
                             ]:  # That one character is 1-4 or a-d
                        root = f1[:i1]
                        xOfy = False
                        if f1[i1 + 1:].lower().strip().startswith(
                        ):  #check to see if this an x of y style stack, if so flag it
                            xOfy = True
                        #prefix = f1[:i1] + f1[i2:]
                        #(root, ext) = os.path.splitext(prefix)

                        # Fix cases where it is something like part 01 ... part 02 -- remove that 0, so the suffix check works later
                        if root[-1:] == '0':
                            root = root[:-1]

                        # This is a special case for folders with multiple Volumes of a series (not a stacked movie) [e.g, Kill Bill Vol 1 / 2]
                        if not root.lower().strip().endswith(
                                'vol') and not root.lower().strip().endswith(

                            # Strip any suffixes like CD, DVD.
                            foundSuffix = False
                            for suffix in stackSuffixes:
                                if root.lower().strip().endswith(suffix):
                                    root = root[0:-len(suffix)].strip()
                                    foundSuffix = True

                            if foundSuffix or xOfy:
                                # Replace the name, which probably had the suffix.
                                (name, year) = VideoFiles.CleanName(root)
                                mediaItem.name = name
                                if stack_dict.has_key(root):
                                    stack_dict[root] = [m1]
        count += 1

    # Now combine stacked parts
    for stack in stack_dict.keys():
        for media in stack_dict[stack][1:]:
Exemple #12
def Scan(dir, files, mediaList, subdirs):

    # Go through the files and see if any of them need to be stacked.
    stack_dict = {}
    stackDiffs = r'[\da-n]'  # These are the characters we are looking for being different across stackable filenames
    stackSuffixes = r'(?:cd|dvd|part|pt|disk|disc|scene)\.?(?:\d+)?$'
    scenePrefixes = r'(?:^scene.\d+|scene.\d+$)'

    # Sort the mediaList by filename, so we can do our compares properly
    mediaList[:] = sorted(mediaList, key=compareFilenames)

    # check for monotonically increasing numeric or alphabetic filenames
    count = 0
    monotonicSeries = False
    for mediaItem in mediaList[:-1]:
        # if it didn't start as a monotonic series, it's not going to become one
        if count > 0 and monotonicSeries == False:

        # if items were already stacked by other method, skip this attempt
        if hasattr(mediaItem, 'stacked') and mediaItem.stacked == True:

        m1 = mediaList[count]
        m2 = mediaList[count + 1]
        f1 = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(m1.parts[0])[0]).strip().lower()
        f2 = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(m2.parts[0])[0]).strip().lower()

        initialA = re.search(r'(^\d+)', f1)
        initialB = re.search(r'(^\d+)', f2)
        terminalA = re.search(r'(\d+)$', f1)
        terminalB = re.search(r'(\d+)$', f2)

        # if the filenames both start, or both end with a digit,
        # and the digit of the second filename is 1 larger than the one of the first filename, it's a series
        if (((initialA and initialB) and
             (int(initialA.group(0)) == int(initialB.group(0)) - 1))
                or ((terminalA and terminalB) and
                    (int(terminalA.group(0)) == int(terminalB.group(0)) - 1))):
            monotonicSeries = True

        # if the filenames both start, or both end with a letter,
        # and the letter seems to the correct one for this iteration if we started from "a",
        # and the letter of the second filename is 1 larger than the one of the first filename, it's a series
        if (monotonicSeries == False):
            initialA = re.search(r'(^[a-y])', f1)
            initialB = re.search(r'(^[a-y])', f2)
            terminalA = re.search(r'([a-y])$', f1)
            terminalB = re.search(r'([a-y])$', f2)
            if (((initialA and initialB) and
                 (ord(initialA.group(0)) == ord('a') + count
                  and ord(initialA.group(0)) == ord(initialB.group(0)) - 1)) or
                ((terminalA and terminalB) and
                 (ord(terminalA.group(0)) == ord('a') + count and ord(
                     terminalA.group(0)) == ord(terminalB.group(0)) - 1))):
                monotonicSeries = True

        if monotonicSeries:

            m1.name = dir
            root = '_monotonic'

            m1.stacked = True
            if stack_dict.has_key(root):
                # only mark the second item as stacked on last iteration, otherwise it'll break out of the loop in the start
                if count == len(mediaList) - 1:
                    m2.stacked = True
                stack_dict[root] = [m1]

        count += 1

    # group scene-based movie splits into a stack
    for mediaItem in mediaList:
        # if items were already stacked by other method, skip this attempt
        if hasattr(mediaItem, 'stacked') and mediaItem.stacked == True:

        f1 = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(mediaItem.parts[0])[0]).lower()
        if re.match(scenePrefixes, f1):
            (name, year) = VideoFiles.CleanName(re.sub(scenePrefixes, '', f1))
            root = '_scene'
            mediaItem.name = name

            if stack_dict.has_key(root):
                mediaItem.stacked = True
                stack_dict[root] = [mediaItem]
                mediaItem.stacked = True

    # Search for prefix-based part names.
    count = 0
    for mediaItem in mediaList[:-1]:
        m1 = mediaList[count]
        m2 = mediaList[count + 1]

        # if items were already stacked by other method, skip this attempt
        if hasattr(m1, 'stacked') and m1.stacked == True:

        f1 = os.path.basename(m1.parts[0])
        f2 = os.path.basename(m2.parts[0])

        opcodes = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, f1, f2).get_opcodes()

        if len(opcodes) == 3:  # We only have one transform
            (tag, i1, i2, j1, j2) = opcodes[1]
            if tag == 'replace':  # The transform is a replace
                if (i2 - i1 <= 2) and (
                        j2 - j1 <= 2):  # The transform is only one character
                    if re.search(stackDiffs, f1[i1:i2].lower()
                                 ):  # That one character is 1-4 or a-n
                        root = f1[:i1].strip(' _-')
                        xOfy = False

                        if f1[i1 + 1:].lower().strip().startswith(
                        ):  #check to see if this an x of y style stack, if so flag it
                            xOfy = True
                        #prefix = f1[:i1] + f1[i2:]
                        #(root, ext) = os.path.splitext(prefix)

                        # This is a special case for folders with multiple Volumes of a series (not a stacked movie) [e.g, Kill Bill Vol 1 / 2]
                        if not root.lower().strip().endswith(
                                'vol') and not root.lower().strip().endswith(

                            # Strip any suffixes like CD, DVD.
                            foundSuffix = False
                            suffixMatch = re.search(stackSuffixes,

                            if suffixMatch:
                                root = root[0:-len(suffixMatch.group(0)
                                                   )].strip(' _-')
                                foundSuffix = True

                            if foundSuffix or xOfy:
                                # Replace the name, which probably had the suffix.
                                (name, year) = VideoFiles.CleanName(root)
                                # pdb.set_trace()

                                mediaItem.name = name
                                m1.stacked = True
                                if stack_dict.has_key(root):
                                    # only mark the second item as stacked on last iteration, otherwise it'll break out of the loop in the start
                                    if count == len(mediaList) - 1:
                                        m2.stacked = True
                                    stack_dict[root] = [m1]
        count += 1

    # combine stacks if possible
    count = 0
    stacks = stack_dict.keys()
    for stack in stacks[:-1]:
        s1 = stacks[count]
        s2 = stacks[count + 1]
        opcodes = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, s1, s2).get_opcodes()

        if len(opcodes) == 2:  # We only have one transform
            (tag, i1, i2, j1, j2) = opcodes[1]
            if tag == 'replace':  # The transform is a replace
                if (i2 - i1 == 1) and (
                        j2 - j1 == 1):  # The transform is only one character
                    if re.search(stackDiffs,
                                 s1):  # That one character is 1-4 or a-n
                        root = s1.lower().strip()
                        suffixMatch = re.search(stackSuffixes, root)
                        if suffixMatch:
                            root = root[0:-len(suffixMatch.group(0))].strip(
                                ' -')

                            (name, year) = VideoFiles.CleanName(root)

                            # merge existing two stacks into new root
                            for oldstack in [s1, s2]:
                                for media in stack_dict[oldstack]:
                                    media.name = name

                                if stack_dict.has_key(root):
                                    for media in stack_dict[oldstack]:
                                    stack_dict[root] = stack_dict[oldstack]
                                del stack_dict[oldstack]

        count += 1

    # Now combine stacked parts
    for stack in stack_dict.keys():
        for media in stack_dict[stack][1:]:
def Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs, language=None, root=None):
    Log('+++++++++++++++++++++ Scan')
    Log('path:%s' % path.encode('euc-kr'))
    Log('files:%s' % files)
    for file in files:
    Log('mediaList:%s' % mediaList)
    Log('subdirs:%s' % subdirs)
    for subdir in subdirs:
    ### Root scan for OS information that i need to complete the Log function ###
  if path == "":
      for string in os.uname(): os_uname += string
      Log("os.uname():   '%s'" % os_uname)          #(sysname, nodename, release, version, machine)  #
      Log("Sys.platform: '%s'" % sys.platform)      #
      Log("os.name:      '%s'" % os.name)           # 'posix', 'nt', 'os2', 'ce', 'java', 'riscos'.) 
      Log("os.getcwd:    '%s'" % os.getcwd())       # Current dir: /volume1/homes/plex
      Log("root folder:  '%s'" % root if root is not None else "")
    except: pass

    # Scan for video files.
    VideoFiles.Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs, root)

    # Take top two as show/season, but require at least the top one.
    paths = Utils.SplitPath(path)
    if len(paths) != 0:
        Log('>> SCAN PATH : %s' % paths[0].encode('euc-kr'))
    shouldStack = True

    if len(paths) == 1 and len(paths[0]) == 0:

        # Run the select regexps we allow at the top level.
        for i in files:
            Log('\nFILE1 : %s' % i.encode('euc-kr'))
                file = os.path.basename(i)
                for rx in episode_regexps[0:-1]:
                    match = re.search(rx, file, re.IGNORECASE)
                    if match:

                        # Extract data.
                        show = match.group('show') if match.groupdict(
                        ).has_key('show') else ''
                        season = match.group('season')
                        if season.lower() == 'sp':
                            season = 0
                        episode = int(match.group('ep'))
                        endEpisode = episode
                        if match.groupdict().has_key(
                                'secondEp') and match.group('secondEp'):
                            endEpisode = int(match.group('secondEp'))

                        # Clean title.
                        name, year = VideoFiles.CleanName(show)
                        if len(name) > 0:
                            for ep in range(episode, endEpisode + 1):
                                tv_show = Media.Episode(
                                    name, season, ep, '', year)
                                tv_show.display_offset = (
                                    ep - episode) * 100 / (endEpisode -
                                                           episode + 1)
            except Exception, e:
Exemple #14
def Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs, language=None, root=None):
    print('Path: "%s" files: %s mediaList: %s subdirs: %s root: %s' %
          (path, files, mediaList, subdirs, root))
    # Scan for video files.
    VideoFiles.Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs, root)

    # Take top two as show/season, but require at least the top one.
    paths = Utils.SplitPath(path)
    shouldStack = True

    if len(paths) == 1 and len(paths[0]) == 0:

        # Run the select regexps we allow at the top level.
        for i in files:
            file = os.path.basename(i)
            found = False
            for rx in date_regexps_top_level:
                match = re.search(rx, file)
                if match:
                    show = match.group('show')
                    for rx1, name in show_map.iteritems():
                        if re.match(rx1, show):
                            show = name

                    year = int(match.group('year'))
                    month = int(match.group('month'))
                    day = int(match.group('day'))
                    # Use the year as the season.
                    tv_show = Media.Episode(show, year, None, None, None)
                    tv_show.released_at = '%d-%02d-%02d' % (year, month, day)
                    found = True

            if found:

                for rx in episode_regexps[0:-1]:
                    match = re.search(rx, file, re.IGNORECASE)
                    if match:
                        # Extract data.
                        show = match.group('show') if match.groupdict(
                        ).has_key('show') else ''
                        season = match.group('season')
                        if season.lower() == 'sp':
                            season = 0
                            # Smart Scanner Changes Start ####################################################
                        elif season.lower() == 'part':
                            season = 1
                            # Smart Scanner Changes END ####################################################
                        episode = int(match.group('ep'))
                        endEpisode = episode
                        if match.groupdict().has_key(
                                'secondEp') and match.group('secondEp'):
                            endEpisode = int(match.group('secondEp'))

                        # Clean title.
                        name, year = VideoFiles.CleanName(show)
                        if len(name) > 0:
                            for ep in range(episode, endEpisode + 1):
                                tv_show = Media.Episode(
                                    name, season, ep, '', year)
                                tv_show.display_offset = (
                                    ep - episode) * 100 / (endEpisode -
                                                           episode + 1)
                                found = True
                        if found:
                if found:

            except Exception, e:
Exemple #15
def getAnime(pathAnime):
    (animeName, animeYear) = VideoFiles.CleanName(pathAnime)
    logging.debug("Anime Name: %s" % animeName)
    logging.debug("Anime Year: %s" % animeYear)
    return (animeName, animeYear)
def Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs, language=None, root=None):
    VideoFiles.Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs, root)
    paths = Utils.SplitPath(path)
    shouldStack = True
    logger.debug('- path:%s' % path)
    logger.debug('- files count:%s' % len(files))
    logger.debug('- subdir count:%s' % len(subdirs))
    for _ in subdirs:
        logger.debug(' * %s' % _)
    if len(paths) != 0:
        logger.debug('- paths[0] : %s' % paths[0])
    if len(paths) == 1 and len(paths[0]) == 0:
    name, year_path = VideoFiles.CleanName(paths[0])
    tmp = os.path.split(path)
    season_num = None
    if len(tmp) == 2 and tmp[0] != '':
            match = re.search(
                r'(?P<season_num>\d{1,4})\s*((?P<season_title>.*?))?', tmp[1],
            if match:
                season_num = match.group('season_num')
                logger.debug('- season_num:%s', season_num)
            season_num = None
    logger.debug('- show(by path) name:%s year:%s', name, year_path)
    logger.debug('- files count : %s', len(files))
    for i in files:
        tempDone = False
            file = os.path.basename(i)
            logger.debug(' * FILE : %s' % file)
            for rx in episode_regexps:
                match = re.search(rx, file, re.IGNORECASE)
                if match:
                    season = int(match.group('season')) if match.group(
                        'season') is not None else 1
                    episode = int(match.group('ep'))
                    if season_num is None:
                        tv_show = Media.Episode(name, season, episode, '',
                        tv_show = Media.Episode(name, season_num, episode, '',
                    tv_show.display_offset = 0
                    logger.debug('  - APPEND by episode: %s' % tv_show)
                    tempDone = True
            if tempDone == False:
                for rx in date_regexps:
                    match = re.search(rx, file)
                    if match:
                        year = match.group('year')
                        year = int(year) + 2000 if len(year) == 2 else int(
                        month = int(match.group('month'))
                        day = int(match.group('day'))
                        tmp = '%d-%02d-%02d' % (year, month, day)
                        if season_num is None:
                            tv_show = Media.Episode(name, year, None, None,
                            tv_show = Media.Episode(name, season_num, None,
                                                    None, None)
                        #tv_show = Media.Episode(name, year, tmp, None, year)
                        tv_show.released_at = tmp
                        logger.debug('  - APPEND by date: %s' % tv_show)
                        tempDone = True
            if tempDone == False:
                logger.debug(' NOT APPEND!!')
        except Exception, e:
    # If we're inside a Plex Versions directory, remove it and the quality directory from consideration.
    if 'Plex Versions' in paths and len(paths) > 2:
      versions_index = paths.index('Plex Versions')
      del paths[versions_index:versions_index + 2]

    # See if parent directory is a perfect match (e.g. a directory like "24 - 8x02 - Day 8_ 5_00P.M. - 6_00P.M")
    if len(files) == 1:
      for rx in standalone_episode_regexs:
        res = re.findall(rx, paths[-1])
        if len(res):
          show, junk, year, season, episode, junk, endEpisode, junk, title = res[0]
          # If it didn't have a show, then grab it from the directory.
          if len(show) == 0:
            (show, year) = VideoFiles.CleanName(paths[0])
            (show, ignore) = VideoFiles.CleanName(show)
          episode = int(episode)
          if len(endEpisode) > 0:
            endEpisode = int(endEpisode)
            endEpisode = episode
          for ep in range(episode, endEpisode+1):
            tv_show = Media.Episode(show, season, ep, title, year)
            tv_show.display_offset = (ep-episode)*100/(endEpisode-episode+1)
Exemple #18
def Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs, language=None, root=None):

    # Scan for video files.
    VideoFiles.Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs, root)

    # Take top two as show/season, but require at least the top one.
    paths = Utils.SplitPath(path)

    if len(paths) == 1 and len(paths[0]) == 0:

        # Run the select regexps we allow at the top level.
        for i in files:
            file = os.path.basename(i)
            for rx in episode_regexps[0:-1]:
                match = re.search(rx, file, re.IGNORECASE)
                if match:

                    # Extract data.
                    show = match.group('show')
                    season = int(match.group('season'))
                    episode = int(match.group('ep'))
                    endEpisode = episode
                    if match.groupdict().has_key('secondEp') and match.group(
                        endEpisode = int(match.group('secondEp'))

                    # Clean title.
                    name, year = VideoFiles.CleanName(show)
                    if len(name) > 0:
                        for ep in range(episode, endEpisode + 1):
                            tv_show = Media.Episode(name, season, ep, '', year)
                            tv_show.display_offset = (ep - episode) * 100 / (
                                endEpisode - episode + 1)

    elif len(paths) > 0 and len(paths[0]) > 0:
        done = False

        # See if parent directory is a perfect match (e.g. a directory like "24 - 8x02 - Day 8_ 5_00P.M. - 6_00P.M")
        if len(files) == 1:
            for rx in standalone_episode_regexs:
                res = re.findall(rx, paths[-1])
                if len(res):
                    show, junk, year, season, episode, junk, endEpisode, junk, title = res[

                    # If it didn't have a show, then grab it from the directory.
                    if len(show) == 0:
                        (show, year) = VideoFiles.CleanName(paths[0])

                    episode = int(episode)
                    if len(endEpisode) > 0:
                        endEpisode = int(endEpisode)
                        endEpisode = episode

                    for ep in range(episode, endEpisode + 1):
                        tv_show = Media.Episode(show, season, ep, title, year)
                        tv_show.display_offset = (ep - episode) * 100 / (
                            endEpisode - episode + 1)

                    done = True

        if done == False:

            # Not a perfect standalone match, so get information from directories. (e.g. "Lost/Season 1/s0101.mkv")
            season = None
            seasonNumber = None

            (show, year) = VideoFiles.CleanName(paths[0])

            # Which component looks like season?
            if len(paths) >= 2:
                season = paths[len(paths) - 1]
                match = re.match(season_regex, season, re.IGNORECASE)
                if match:
                    seasonNumber = int(match.group('season'))

            # Make sure an episode name didn't make it into the show.
            for rx in ends_with_episode:
                show = re.sub(rx, '', show)

            for i in files:
                done = False
                file = os.path.basename(i)
                (file, ext) = os.path.splitext(file)

                if ext.lower() in ['.mp4', '.m4v', '.mov']:
                    m4season = m4ep = m4year = 0
                    m4show = title = ''
                        mp4fileTags = mp4file.Mp4File(i)

                        # Show.
                            m4show = find_data(

                        # Season.
                            m4season = int(

                        # Episode.
                        m4ep = None
                            # tracknum (can be 101)
                            m4ep = int(
                                # tvepisodenum (can be S2E16)
                                m4ep = find_data(
                                # TV Episode (can be 101)
                                m4ep = int(

                        if m4ep is not None:
                            found = False
                                # See if it matches regular expression.
                                for rx in episode_regexps[:-1]:
                                    match = re.search(rx, file, re.IGNORECASE)
                                    if match:
                                        m4season = int(match.group('season'))
                                        m4ep = int(match.group('ep'))
                                        found = True

                                if found == False and re.match(
                                        '[0-9]+', str(m4ep)):
                                    # Carefully convert to episode number.
                                    m4ep = int(m4ep) % 100
                                elif found == False:
                                    m4ep = int(re.findall('[0-9]+', m4ep)[0])

                        # Title.
                            title = find_data(

                        # Year.
                            m4year = int(

                        if year and m4year == 0:
                            m4year = year

                        # If we have all the data we need, add it.
                        if len(m4show) > 0 and m4season > 0 and m4ep > 0:
                            tv_show = Media.Episode(m4show, m4season, m4ep,
                                                    title, m4year)


                # Check for date-based regexps first.
                for rx in date_regexps:
                    match = re.search(rx, file)
                    if match:
                        year = int(match.group('year'))
                        month = int(match.group('month'))
                        day = int(match.group('day'))

                        # Use the year as the season.
                        tv_show = Media.Episode(show, year, None, None, None)
                        tv_show.released_at = '%d-%02d-%02d' % (year, month,

                        done = True

                if done == False:

                    # Take the year out, because it's not going to help at this point.
                    cleanName, cleanYear = VideoFiles.CleanName(file)
                    if cleanYear != None:
                        file = file.replace(str(cleanYear), 'XXXX')

                    # Minor cleaning on the file to avoid false matches on H.264, 720p, etc.
                    whackRx = [
                        '([hHx][\.]?264)[^0-9]', '[^[0-9](720[pP])',
                        '[^[0-9](1080[pP])', '[^[0-9](480[pP])'
                    for rx in whackRx:
                        file = re.sub(rx, ' ', file)

                    for rx in episode_regexps:

                        match = re.search(rx, file, re.IGNORECASE)
                        if match:
                            # Parse season and episode.
                            the_season = int(match.group('season'))
                            episode = int(match.group('ep'))
                            endEpisode = episode
                            if match.groupdict().has_key(
                                    'secondEp') and match.group('secondEp'):
                                endEpisode = int(match.group('secondEp'))

                            # More validation for the weakest regular expression.
                            if rx == episode_regexps[-1]:

                                # Look like a movie? Skip it.
                                if re.match('.+ \([1-2][0-9]{3}\)', paths[-1]):
                                    done = True

                                # Skip episode 0 on the weak regex since it's pretty much never right.
                                if the_season == 0:

                                # Make sure this isn't absolute order.
                                if seasonNumber is not None:
                                    if seasonNumber != the_season:
                                        # Something is amiss, see if it starts with an episode numbers.
                                        if re.search('^[0-9]+[ -]', file):
                                            # Let the episode matcher have it.

                                        # Treat the whole thing as an episode.
                                        episode = episode + the_season * 100
                                        if endEpisode is not None:
                                            endEpisode = endEpisode + the_season * 100

                            for ep in range(episode, endEpisode + 1):
                                tv_show = Media.Episode(
                                    show, the_season, ep, None, year)
                                tv_show.display_offset = (
                                    ep - episode) * 100 / (endEpisode -
                                                           episode + 1)

                            done = True

                if done == False:

                    # OK, next let's see if we're dealing with something that looks like an episode.
                    # Begin by cleaning the filename to remove garbage like "h.264" that could throw
                    # things off.
                    (file, fileYear) = VideoFiles.CleanName(file)

                    # if don't have a good year from before (when checking the parent folders) AND we just got a good year, use it.
                    if not year and fileYear:
                        year = fileYear

                    for rx in just_episode_regexs:
                        episode_match = re.search(rx, file, re.IGNORECASE)
                        if episode_match is not None:
                            the_episode = int(episode_match.group('ep'))
                            the_season = 1

                            # Now look for a season.
                            if seasonNumber is not None:
                                the_season = seasonNumber

                                # See if we accidentally parsed the episode as season.
                                if the_episode >= 100 and int(
                                        the_episode / 100) == the_season:
                                    the_episode = the_episode % 100

                            tv_show = Media.Episode(show, the_season,
                                                    the_episode, None, year)
                            done = True

                if done == False:
                    print "Got nothing for:", file

    # Stack the results.
    Stack.Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs)
def Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs):

    # Scan for video files.
    VideoFiles.Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs)

    # Take top two as show/season, but require at least the top one.
    paths = Utils.SplitPath(path)

    if len(paths) > 0 and len(paths[0]) > 0:
        done = False

        if done == False:

            # Not a perfect standalone match, so get information from directories. (e.g. "Lost/Season 1/s0101.mkv")
            season = None
            seasonNumber = None

            (show, year) = VideoFiles.CleanName(paths[0])

            for i in files:
                done = False
                file = os.path.basename(i)
                (file, ext) = os.path.splitext(file)

                # See if there's a pytivo metadata file to peek at
                meta = dict()
                metadata_filename = '{0}.txt'.format(i.replace('_LQ', ''))
                if os.path.isfile(metadata_filename):
                    with open(metadata_filename, 'r') as f:
                        for line in f:
                            line = line.strip()
                            if line and len(line):
                                line_a = line.split(' : ')
                                if len(line_a) > 1:
                                    key, value = line.split(' : ')
                                    meta[key] = value

                #print "pytivo metadata, ", meta

                # Skip tv shows based on pytivo metadata file and backup to filename if not present
                is_movie = False
                if 'isEpisode' in meta:
                    if meta['isEpisode'] == 'false':
                        is_movie = True
                elif file.strip().startswith('(Rec'):
                    is_movie = True

                # Skip tivo recorded movies
                if is_movie == True:
                    print "File {0} is determined to be a movie, skipping".format(

                # Test for matching tivo server files
                found = False
                for rx in episode_regexps:
                    match = re.search(rx, file, re.IGNORECASE)
                    if match:
                        season = int(match.group('season')) if match.group(
                            'season') and match.group('season') != '' else None
                        episode = int(match.group('ep')) if match.group(
                            'ep') and match.group('ep') != '' else None
                            title = match.group('title') if match.group(
                                'title') else None
                        except IndexError:
                            title = None

                        if 'episodeTitle' in meta:
                            title = meta['episodeTitle']
                        if 'seriesTitle' in meta:
                            show = meta['seriesTitle']
                        originalAirDate = None
                        if 'originalAirDate' in meta:
                            originalAirDate = meta['originalAirDate'].split(
                        if season is None and episode is None and title is None:
                        if season is None and originalAirDate:
                            season = int(originalAirDate.split('-')[0])
                        found = True
                        tv_show = Media.Episode(show, season, episode, title,
                        if originalAirDate is not None:
                            tv_show.released_at = originalAirDate
                if found == True:

                if done == False:
                    print "Got nothing for:", file

    # Stack the results.
    Stack.Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs)
def Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs, language=None, root=None):
    VideoFiles.Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs, root)
    paths = Utils.SplitPath(path)
    shouldStack = True
    logger.debug('- path:%s' % path)
    logger.debug('- files count:%s' % len(files))
    logger.debug('- subdir count:%s' % len(subdirs))
    for _ in subdirs:
        logger.debug('  * %s' % _)
    if len(paths) != 0:
        logger.debug('- paths[0] : %s' % paths[0])
    logger.debug('- files count : %s', len(files))
    for i in files:
        tempDone = False
            file = os.path.basename(i)
            logger.debug(' * FILE : %s' % file)
            #for idx, rx in enumerate(episode_regexps):
            for rx in episode_regexps:
                match = re.search(rx, file, re.IGNORECASE)
                if match:
                    show = match.group('show').replace(
                        '.', '') if match.groupdict().has_key('show') else ''
                    season = 1
                    episode = int(match.group('ep'))
                    name, year = VideoFiles.CleanName(show)
                    name = re.sub(r'((.*?기획)|(미니시리즈)|(.*?드라마)|(.*?특집))', '',
                        '  - MATCH show:[%s] name:[%s] episode:[%s] year:[%s]',
                        show, name, episode, year)
                    if len(name) > 0:
                        tv_show = Media.Episode(name, season, episode, '',
                        tv_show.display_offset = 0
                        logger.debug('  - APPEND by episode: %s' % tv_show)
                        tempDone = True
            if tempDone == False:
                for rx in date_regexps:
                    match = re.search(rx, file)
                    if match:
                        year = int(match.group('year')) + 2000
                        month = int(match.group('month'))
                        day = int(match.group('day'))
                        show = match.group('show')
                        tv_show = Media.Episode(show, year, None, None, None)
                        tv_show.released_at = '%d-%02d-%02d' % (year, month,
                        logger.debug('  - APPEND by date: %s' % tv_show)
                        tempDone = True
            if tempDone == False:
                logger.error(' NOT APPEND!!')
        except Exception, e:
Exemple #21
def Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs, language=None, root=None):
    ### Root scan for OS information that i need to complete the Log function ###
    if path == "":
            os_uname = ""
            for string in os.uname(): os_uname += string
            Log("os.uname():   '%s'" % os_uname)  # (sysname, nodename, release, version, machine)  #
            Log("Sys.platform: '%s'" % sys.platform)  #
            Log("os.name:      '%s'" % os.name)  # 'posix', 'nt', 'os2', 'ce', 'java', 'riscos'.)
            Log("os.getcwd:    '%s'" % os.getcwd())  # Current dir: /volume1/homes/plex
            Log("root folder:  '%s'" % root if root is not None else "")

    ### Skip folder if empty ###
    if len(files) == 0:  return

    ### Scan information and uild reverse_path array ###
    Log("Scan: (root: '%s', path='%s', subdirs: %s, language: '%s')" % (root, path, str(subdirs), language))
    VideoFiles.Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs, root)  #
    relative_path = path.replace(root, " ")  # /group/serie/season/ep folder
    reverse_path = Utils.SplitPath(relative_path)  # Take top two as show/season, but require at least the top one.

    ### Skip unwanted folders ###
    for rx in ignore_dirs_re_findall:
        result = re.findall(rx, reverse_path[0])
        if len(result):
            Log("Regex ignore_dirs_findall : match for '%s'" % reverse_path[0])
            Log("[Folder] '%s'" % reverse_path[0], "Plex Media Scanner Custom - Skipped files")

    ### bluray folder management ###
    # source: https://github.com/doublerebel/plex-series-scanner-bdmv/blob/master/Plex%20Series%20Scanner%20(with%20disc%20image%20support).py
    if len(reverse_path) >= 3 and reverse_path[0].lower() == 'stream' and reverse_path[1].lower() == 'bdmv':
        for rx in episode_re_search[0:-1]:
            match = re.search(rx, reverse_path[2], re.IGNORECASE)
            if match:
                episode = int(match.group('ep'))
                endEpisode = int(match.group('secondEp')) if match.groupdict().has_key('secondEp') and match.group(
                    'secondEp') else episode
                show, year = VideoFiles.CleanName(match.group('show'))
                if len(show) > 0:
                    for ep in range(episode, endEpisode + 1):
                        tv_show = Media.Episode(show, int(match.group('season')), ep, '', year)
                        tv_show.display_offset = (ep - episode) * 100 / (endEpisode - episode + 1)
                        for i in files:  tv_show.parts.append(i)
                    Log("show: '%s', year: '%s', season: '%2s', ep: %3s found using Bluray convention (bdmv/stream)" % (
                    show, xint(year), str(int(match.group('season'))), xint(episode)))

    ### File loop for unwanted files, allow to use the number of actual files in folder accurately ###
    for file in files:  # "files" is a list of media files full path
        filename = os.path.basename(file)  # filename contain just the filename of the file

        ### Filter unwanted file extensions ###
        if file.split('.')[-1] in ignore_suffixes:  # compare file extention to blacklist
            Log("'%s' ignore_suffixes: match" % filename)
            Log(file, "Plex Media Scanner Custom - ignored suffixes.log")
            files.remove(file)  # in case we reprocess the lsit latter to precise matches or count number of files

        ### Filter trailers and sample files ###
        for rx in ignore_files_re_findall:
            match = re.findall(rx, file)
            if len(match):
                Log("'%s' ignore_files_findall: match" % filename)
                Log(file, "Plex Media Scanner Custom - Ignored files.log")
                files.remove(file)  # in case we reprocess the list latter to precise matches, or count number of files

    ### Check if folder is a season folder and remove it do reduce complexity ###
    folder_season = None
    for folder in reverse_path[
                  :-1]:  # Doesn't thow errors but gives an empty list if items don't exist, might not be what you want in other cases
        for rx in specials_re_match + season_re_match:  # in anime, more specials folders than season folders, so doing it first
            match = re.match(rx, folder, re.IGNORECASE)
            if match:
                folder_season = 0 if rx in specials_re_match else int(match.group(
                    'season'))  # use "if var is | is not None:" as it's faster than "==None" and "if var:" is false if the variable is: False, 0, 0.0, "", () , {}, [], set()
                Log("Regex specials_regex/season_regex_match: Regex '%s' match for '%s', season: '%s'" % (
                rx, folder, str(folder_season)))
                    folder)  # All ways to remove: reverse_path.pop(-1), reverse_path.remove(thing|array[0])
        if match: break  # Breaking second for loop doesn't exist parent for

    ### Clean folder name and get year if present ###
    misc, folder_year = VideoFiles.CleanName(reverse_path[0])  # Take folder year
    folder_show = clean_filename(reverse_path[0])  #
    Log("From folder, show: '%s', year: '%s'" % (folder_show, xint(folder_year)))  #

    ### Main File loop to start adding files now ####
    for file in files:  # "files" is a list of media files full path, File is one of the entries
        filename = os.path.basename(file)  # filename        is the filename of the file
        filename_no_ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[
            0]  # filename_no_ext is the filename of the file, albeit with no extension
        misc, year = VideoFiles.CleanName(
            filename_no_ext)  # Get the year before all '()' are stripped drom the filename without the extension  ### Year? ###  #if re.match('.+ \([1-2][0-9]{3}\)', paths[-1]):
        ep = clean_filename(filename_no_ext)  # Strip () [], all, ep contain the serie name and ep number for now

        ### Cleanup episode filename If parent Folder contain serie name ###
        folder_use = False  # Bolean to keep track if folder name in case it is included in the filename
        if folder_show is not None and not folder_show == "":  # If containing folder exist or has name different from "_" (scrubed to "")
            misc = re.sub(folder_show, '', ep,
                          flags=re.IGNORECASE).lstrip()  # misc = ep.replace(folder_show, "")                               # remove cleaned folder name (if exist) from the show name
            junk = re.sub(folder_show.replace(" ", "").lower(), '', ep,
                          flags=re.IGNORECASE).lstrip()  # misc = ep.replace(folder_show, "")                               # remove cleaned folder name (if exist) from the show name
            # Log("ep: '%s', misc: '%s', junk: '%s'" % (ep, misc, junk))
            if len(misc) < len(ep) or len(junk) < len(
                    ep):  # And remove the cleaned folder name from the now cleaned show, just in case the directory is off by things CleanName handles
                folder_use = True  # indicate to latter use folder name since it is present in filename
                ep = folder_show + " 01" if misc == "" else misc  # episode string name stripped of the folder name If nothing is left, take the folder (movie)
        ep_nb = ep if ep.rfind(" ") == -1 else ep.rsplit(' ', 1)[
            1]  # If there is no space (and ep title) / If there is a space ep_nb is the last part hoping there is no episode title
        # Log ("#2 - ep: '%s'" % ep)
        # show, ep, title = ep.partition(match.group('ep'))                 # split keeping the separator, spare a line and keep the title

        ### Check for date-based regexps first. ###
        for rx in date_regexps:
            match = re.search(rx, ep)
            if match:  # Make sure there's not a stronger season/ep match for the same file.
                    for r in episode_regexps[:-1] + standalone_episode_regexs:
                        if re.search(r, file):  raise

                year = int(match.group('year'))
                month = int(match.group('month'))
                day = int(match.group('day'))
                tv_show = Media.Episode(show, year, None, None, None)  # Use the year as the season.
                tv_show.released_at = '%d-%02d-%02d' % (year, month, day)
        if match: continue  # Used "for ... else" before but needed each sub-section shifted, and want to be able to swap the order quickly
        # Log ("#3 - ep: '%s'" % ep)

        ### Check for standalone_episode_re_findall ###
        for rx in standalone_episode_re_findall:
            match = re.findall(rx, ep)
            if len(match):
                show, misc, year2, season, episode, misc, endEpisode, misc, episode_title = match[0]
                endEpisode = int(episode) if len(endEpisode) == 0 else int(endEpisode)
                episode = int(episode)
                add_episode_into_plex(mediaList, files, file, folder_show if folder_use or show == "" else show, season,
                                      int(episode), episode_title, year, endEpisode)
                    "show: '%s', year: '%s', season: '%s', ep: %s found using standalone_episode_re_findall on cleaned string '%s' gotten from filename '%s'" % (
                    folder_show if folder_use else show, xint(year), xint(season), xint(episode), ep, filename))
                break  # return
        if match: continue  # Used "for ... else" before but needed each sub-section shifted, and want to be able to swap the order quickly

        # Log ("#4 - ep: '%s'" % ep)
        ### Check for episode_re_search ###
        for rx in episode_re_search:
            match = re.search(rx, ep, re.IGNORECASE)
            if match:
                show = clean_filename(match.group('show')) if not folder_use else folder_show
                season = int(match.group('season')) if folder_season is None else folder_season
                episode = int(match.group('ep'))
                endEpisode = int(match.group('secondEp')) if match.groupdict().has_key('secondEp') and match.group(
                    'secondEp') else episode
                add_episode_into_plex(mediaList, files, file, show, season, episode, "", year, endEpisode)
                    "show: '%s', year: '%s', season: '%s', ep: %s found using episode_re_search on cleaned string '%s' gotten from filename '%s' also ep_nb: '%s'" % (
                    show, xint(year), xint(season), xint(episode), ep, filename, ep_nb))
        if match: continue  # Used "for ... else" before but needed each sub-section shifted, and want to be able to swap the order quickly

        ### Check for just_episode_re_search ###
        for rx in just_episode_re_search:
            match = re.search(rx, ep, re.IGNORECASE)
            if match:
                season = 1 if folder_season is None else folder_season
                episode = int(match.group('ep'))
                if folder_use:
                    show = folder_show
                    show = ep[:ep.find(match.group('ep'))].rstrip()  # remove eveything from the episode number
                    if show.rfind(" ") != -1 and show.rsplit(' ', 1)[1] in ["ep", "Ep", "EP", "eP", "e", "E"]:  show = \
                    show.rsplit(' ', 1)[0]  # remove ep at the end
                    if show == "" or show.lower() in folder_show.lower(): show = folder_show  # cut down forms of title point to folder anyway
                    # In case of ep filename "EP 01 title of the episode" fallback to folder name
                add_episode_into_plex(mediaList, files, file, show, season, episode, "", year, None)
                    "show: '%s', year: '%s', season: '%s', ep: %3s found using just_episode_re_search on cleaned string '%s' gotten from filename '%s'" % (
                    show, xint(year), xint(season), xint(episode), ep, filename))
        if match: continue  # Used "for ... else" before but needed each sub-section shifted, and want to be able to swap the order quickly

        # Log ("#6 - ep: '%s'" % ep)
        ### Check for AniDB_re_search ###
        for rx, offset in AniDB_re_search:
            match = re.search(rx, ep, re.IGNORECASE)
            if match:
                # if match.group('ep').isdigit(): episode = int( match.group('ep') )
                # else:                           episode = 1
                # for special, offset in [ ['SPECIAL',0], ['SP',0], ['S',0], ['OPENING',100], ['OP',100], ['NCOP',100], ['ENDING',150], ['ED',150], ['NCED',150], ['T',200], ['TRAILER',200], ['P',300], ['O',400] ]: # Removed ['OAV',0], ['OVA',0], as otherwise Asubi iku yo 13 OAV set as special
                ##  if ep_nb.upper().startswith(special) or ep_nb.upper().startswith(special):  # and len(ep_nb)<=4 and (ep_nb[ len(special): ].isdigit() or len(ep_nb)==2):
                episode = 1 if match.group('ep') == "" or not match.group('ep').isdigit() else int(match.group('ep'))
                episode = offset + episode
                    "show: '%s', year: '%s', season: '%s', ep: %3s found using AniDB_re_search on cleaned string '%s' gotten from filename '%s'" % (
                    folder_show, xint(year), "0", xint(episode), ep, filename))
                add_episode_into_plex(mediaList, files, file, folder_show, 0, episode, "", year, None)
            # else:
            #   Log("AniDB regex ok but not catched afterwards - ep_nb: '%s', offset: '%d', string: '%s', file: '%s'" % (ep_nb, offset, ep_nb[ len(special):], file))
            #   Log("AniDB Folder: '%s', Filename: '%s', ep: '%s', ep_nb: '%s' misc: '%s', word: '%s'" % (reverse_path[0], filename, ep, ep_nb, misc, ep_nb[ len(special):]), "Plex Media Scanner Custom - Skipped files.log")
            # break
        if match: continue  # Used "for ... else" before but needed each sub-section shifted, and want to be able to swap the order quickly

        ### Roman numbers ### doesn't work is ep title present
        match = re.match(roman_re_match, ep_nb, re.IGNORECASE)
        if match:
            ep_nb = roman_to_int(ep_nb)
                "show: '%s', year: '%s', season: '%s', ep: %3s found using AniDB_re_search on cleaned string '%s' gotten from filename '%s'" % (
                folder_show, xint(year), "1", xint(ep_nb), ep, filename))
            add_episode_into_plex(mediaList, files, file, folder_show, 1, int(ep_nb), "", year, None)

        # Log ("#7 - ep: '%s'" % ep)
        ### No regular expression worked ###
        Log("*no show found for ep: '%s', eb_nb: '%s', filename '%s'" % (ep, ep_nb, filename))
        Log("Folder: '%s', Filename: '%s', ep: '%s', ep_nb: '%s'" % (reverse_path[0], filename, ep, ep_nb),
            "Plex Media Scanner Custom - Skipped files.log")