Exemple #1
def main():
    imgDetectorX = 64 * 5
    imgDetectorY = 36 * 5
    imgPickupX = 256
    imgPickupY = 144
    if hasattr(GameLogic, 'detector') and hasattr(GameLogic, 'pickup'):
        GameLogic.detector_png = list(GameLogic.detector.source.image)
        GameLogic.pickup_png = list(GameLogic.pickup.source.image)
        thread = Worker(None)
        thread.run(imgDetectorX, imgDetectorY, imgPickupX, imgPickupY)
        scene = GameLogic.getCurrentScene()
        screen1 = scene.objects['Screen1']
        screen2 = scene.objects['Screen2']
        detectorcamera = scene.objects['DetectionCamera']
        pickupcamera = scene.objects['PickupCamera']
        GameLogic.detector = bge.texture.Texture(screen1, 0, 0)
        GameLogic.pickup = bge.texture.Texture(screen2, 0, 0)

        GameLogic.detector.source = VideoTexture.ImageRender(
            scene, detectorcamera)
        GameLogic.detector.source.capsize = (imgDetectorX, imgDetectorY)
        GameLogic.detector_png = GameLogic.detector.source.image[:]

        GameLogic.pickup.source = VideoTexture.ImageRender(scene, pickupcamera)
        GameLogic.pickup.source.capsize = (imgPickupX, imgPickupY)
        GameLogic.pickup_png = GameLogic.pickup.source.image[:]
Exemple #2
def init_video(video_obj, blank_obj):
    matID = VT.materialID(video_obj, 'MAvideo')

    G.video = VT.Texture(video_obj, matID)

    url = G.expandPath("//media/trailer_400p.ogg")
    video_source = VT.VideoFFmpeg(url)
    video_source.repeat = -1
    video_source.scale = True
    video_source.flip = True

    G.video.source = video_source

    G.video_screen = video_obj
    G.video_blank = blank_obj

    G.video_screen.visible = False
Exemple #3
    def _setup_video_texture(self):
        """ Prepare this camera to use the VideoTexture module.
        Extract the references to the Blender camera and material where
        the images will be rendered.
        for child in self.blender_obj.children:
            # The camera object that will produce the image in Blender
            if 'CameraRobot' in child.name:
                camera = child
            # The object that contains the material where the image is rendered
            if 'CameraMesh' in child.name:
                screen = child
                # Considering it consists of a single mesh
                mesh = child.meshes[0]  
                # Get the material name
                for material in mesh.materials:
                    material_index = material.getMaterialIndex()
                    mesh_material_name = mesh.getMaterialName(material_index)
                    if 'MAScreenMat' in mesh_material_name:
                        material_name = mesh_material_name

            logger.debug("\tCAMERA: %s" % camera.name)
            logger.debug("\tSCREEN: %s" % screen.name)
            logger.debug("\tMATERIAL: %s" % material_name)
        except UnboundLocalError as detail:
    ERROR: The video camera could not be properly initialized.
    The children object could not be found.
    Best solution is to re-link the camera.
            return (False)

        # Get the reference to the scene
        scene = GameLogic.getCurrentScene()

        # Link the objects using VideoTexture
        if not hasattr(GameLogic, 'cameras'):
            GameLogic.cameras = {}

        mat_id = VideoTexture.materialID(screen, material_name)
        GameLogic.cameras[self.name()] = VideoTexture.Texture(screen, mat_id)
        GameLogic.cameras[self.name()].source = \
                                    VideoTexture.ImageRender(scene, camera)

        # Set the focal length of the camera using the Game Logic Property
        camera.lens = self.image_focal

        # Set the background to be used for the render
        GameLogic.cameras[self.name()].source.background = self.bg_color
        # Define an image size. It must be powers of two. Default 512 * 512
        GameLogic.cameras[self.name()].source.capsize = \
                [self.image_width, self.image_height]
        logger.info("Camera '{0}': Exporting an image of capsize: {1} pixels". \
                format(self.name(), GameLogic.cameras[self.name()].source.capsize))
        logger.info("\tFocal length of the camera is: %s" % camera.lens)
def getVisual(camera_name, max_dimensions):
    global scn
    global camera_array
    src1 = VideoTexture.ImageRender(scn, scn.objects[camera_name])
    #src1 = VideoTexture.ImageViewport(scn, scn.objects[camera_name])
    src1.capsize = max_dimensions[0],max_dimensions[1]
    imX,imY = src1.size
    image_np = np.copy(VideoTexture.imageToArray(src1) ).reshape((imY, imX, 4))
    image_np = image_np[::-1,:,:]
    return image_np
def main():
    cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
    obj = cont.owner
    novideo = cont.actuators["novideo"]
        import VideoTexture
        print('Playing video. Enjoy!')
        print('Video failed to play. :(')

    #if not hasattr(bge.logic, 'video'):
    matID = VideoTexture.materialID(obj, 'IMplaceholder.jpg')
    bge.logic.video = VideoTexture.Texture(obj, matID)
    movie = bge.logic.expandPath("//../textures/videos/team_aurora_intro.ogg")
    bge.logic.video.source = VideoTexture.VideoFFmpeg(movie)
    #bge.logic.video.source.scale = True

Exemple #6
def main():
	cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
	obj = cont.owner
	novideo = cont.actuators["novideo"]
		import VideoTexture
		print ('Playing video. Enjoy!')
		print ('Video failed to play. :(')

	#if not hasattr(bge.logic, 'video'):
	matID = VideoTexture.materialID(obj, 'IMplaceholder.jpg')
	bge.logic.video = VideoTexture.Texture(obj, matID)
	movie = bge.logic.expandPath("//../textures/videos/sintel_game_intro.ogg")
	bge.logic.video.source = VideoTexture.VideoFFmpeg(movie)
	#bge.logic.video.source.scale = True

	print (movie)
Exemple #7
    # get video 
    video = obj["Video"]
    # update the video 
    #print scene.render.fps
    #print video.source.maxrate, video.source.minrate
# if video hasn't been added 

    # import VideoTexture module
    import VideoTexture
    # get matID for the movie screen    
    matID = VideoTexture.materialID(obj, 'MAScreenZ')
    print (matID)
    # get the texture
    video = VideoTexture.Texture(obj, matID)
    movieName = obj['movie']
    # get movie path
    movie = bge.logic.expandPath('//' + movieName)
    # get movie
    video.source = VideoTexture.VideoFFmpeg(movie)
    # set scaling
Exemple #8
import VideoTexture
from bge import logic as GameLogic
contr = GameLogic.getCurrentController()
obj = contr.owner

# -- Check if the "video" property has been defined in the object
if 'video' not in obj:
    #-- Get the material that is using our texture
    #matID = VideoTexture.materialID(obj, 'MAa_video2014-02-20-17-41-16-163')
    # -- Create the video texture
    # GameLogic.video = VideoTexture.Texture(obj, matID)
    # Suppose 1st material is the video one
    obj['video'] = VideoTexture.Texture(obj, 0)

    # -- Get the path to the video file from the 'video_path' object property
    movie = GameLogic.expandPath(obj['video_path'])

    # -- Load the file
    obj['video'].source = VideoTexture.VideoFFmpeg(movie)

    # play video in loop
    obj['video'].source.repeat = -1

    # -- play the video
Exemple #9
# get the current controller
controller = GameLogic.getCurrentController()
# get object script is attached to
obj = controller.owner
# check to see video has been added
if "Video" in obj:  #
    # get video
    video = obj["Video"]

    # update the video

# if video hasn't been added
else:  #
    # get matID for the movie screen
    matID = VideoTexture.materialID(obj, "MA" + obj['material'])

    # get the texture
    video = VideoTexture.Texture(obj, matID)

    movieName = obj['movie']

    # get movie path
    movie = GameLogic.expandPath('c:/Movie/' + movieName)

    # get movie
    video.source = VideoTexture.VideoFFmpeg(movie)

    # set scaling
    video.source.scale = True
Exemple #10
    # update the texture

# if RenderToTexture hasn't been added

    # import VideoTexture module
    import VideoTexture

    # get a list of objects in the scene
    objList = scene.objects

    # get camera name being used for render to texture
    camName = obj['cam']

    # get camera object
    cam = objList[camName]

    # get the texture material ID
    matID = VideoTexture.materialID(obj, "MA" + obj['material'])

    # set the texture
    renderToTexture = VideoTexture.Texture(obj, matID)

    # get the texture image
    renderToTexture.source = VideoTexture.ImageRender(scene, cam)

    # save RenderToTexture as an object variable
    obj["RenderToTexture"] = renderToTexture
Exemple #11
	# get video 
	video = obj["Video"]
	# update the video 

# if video hasn't been added 

	# import VideoTexture module
	import VideoTexture
	# get matID for the movie screen	
	matID = VideoTexture.materialID(obj, "MA" + obj['material'])

	# get the texture
	video = VideoTexture.Texture(obj, matID)
	movieName = obj['movie']
	# get movie path
	movie = GameLogic.expandPath('//' + movieName)
	# get movie
	video.source = VideoTexture.VideoFFmpeg(movie)
	# set scaling
	video.source.scale = True	
Exemple #12
import VideoTexture
import bge.logic

contr = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
obj = contr.owner

# the creation of the texture must be done once: save the 
# texture object in an attribute of bge.logic module makes it persistent
if not hasattr(bge.logic, 'video'):

	# identify a static texture by name
	matID = VideoTexture.materialID(obj, 'IMvideo.png')
	# create a dynamic texture that will replace the static texture
	bge.logic.video = VideoTexture.Texture(obj, matID)
	# define a source of image for the texture, here a movie
	movie = bge.logic.expandPath('//trailer_400p.ogg')
	bge.logic.video.source = VideoTexture.VideoFFmpeg(movie)
	bge.logic.video.source.scale = True
	# quick off the movie, but it wont play in the background
	# you need to call this function every frame to ensure update of the texture.
#    Tutorial for using RenderToTexture.py can be found at www.tutorialsforblender3d.com
#    Released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.	If you use this code, please include this information header.

import GameLogic as g

cont = g.getCurrentController()
obj = cont.owner

for scene in g.getSceneList():
    if scene.name == "Main": break

if "RenderToTexture" in obj:
    import VideoTexture
    cam = scene.objects[obj["camera"]]
    matID = VideoTexture.materialID(obj, "MA"+ obj["material"])
    renderToTexture = VideoTexture.Texture(obj, matID)
    renderToTexture.source = VideoTexture.ImageRender(scene,cam)
    obj["RenderToTexture"] = renderToTexture