Exemple #1
def startUpInstance(args):
    yamlConfig = YAML.load(args.yaml)
    botoConn = BotoConnection(yamlConfig)
    if args.ami:
    def __init__(self, configFile=None, configDict=None, username=None, hostname=None, key=None, port=22, onDemand=True, cwd=None, testSSH=False):
        if configFile:
            yamlDict = YAML.load(configFile)
        elif configDict:
            self.__varInit(username, hostname, key=key, port=port, onDemand=onDemand)

        self.cwd = cwd

        # test connection
        if testSSH:

        # set ssh based on connection type
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, configFile=None, configDict=None, logFile='job.log'):
        super(RemoteJob, self).__init__() # to implement threading
        if configFile:
            self.rc = RemoteConnection(configFile=configFile)
            self.yaml = YAML.load(configFile) 
            # use path of config for local WD less otherwise specified
            self.localWD, self.configFile = os.path.split(configFile) 
        elif configDict:
            self.rc = RemoteConnection(configDict=configDict)
            self.yaml = configDict 
            self.localWD, self.configFile = os.path.split(self.yaml['Filename'])
            sys.exit("Either configFile or configDict karg needs to be used.")
        if 'LocalWorkingDir' in self.yaml: 
            self.localWD = self._expandTilde( self.yaml['LocalWorkingDir'] )
        if 'LocalOutputDir' in self.yaml: 
            d = self.yaml['LocalOutputDir'] 
            if d[0] == '.':
                self.localOD = os.path.join( self.localWD, d[2:])
                self.localOD = self._expandTilde(d)
            self.localOD = self.localWD

        if not os.path.exists(self.localOD): os.mkdir(self.localOD)
        self.remoteWD = self._expandTilde( self.yaml['RemoteWorkingDir'] )
        if 'RemoteOutputDir' in self.yaml:
            self.remoteOD = self._expandTilde( self.yaml['RemoteOutputDir'] )
        else: # output dir = working dir
           self.remoteOD = self.remoteWD 

        self.logFile = logFile
Exemple #4
def createImage(args):
    yamlConfig = YAML.load(args.yaml)
    botoConn = BotoConnection(yamlConfig)
    newAMI = botoConn.createImage(args.instId, args.name)
    print "Image created. The new ami follows: %s" % newAMI
Exemple #5
def deregisterAMI(args):
    yamlConfig = YAML.load(args.yaml)
    botoConn = BotoConnection(yamlConfig)
Exemple #6
def listImages(args):
    yamlConfig = YAML.load(args.yaml)
    botoConn = BotoConnection(yamlConfig)
Exemple #7
 def start(self, args):
     # consider making all keys lower case (we do this in the autobhans)
     self.yamlConfig = YAML.load(args.yaml)
     super(JobManager, self).start()
Exemple #8
    def run(self):
        """ JobManager - starts worker processes and manages redis data structures """

        sys.stdout = UnbufferedOutput(sys.stdout)
        sys.stderr = sys.stdout

        print "JobManager - starting."
        os.chdir(self.cwd) # restore cwd (this gets changed 
        # validate that redis is installed and running

        # setup ec2 connection (we are assuming ec2 with this JobManager
        boto_conn = BotoConnection(self.yamlConfig) 

        # start up workers
        self.JobStarter = MP.Process(target=JobStarter, args=(self.yamlConfig,))
        self.ResultFetcher = MP.Process(target=ResultFetcher, args=(self.yamlConfig,))

        # set clean-up handler for SIGTERM
        signal(SIGTERM, self.sigterm_handler)
        # this keeps track of which Queues need to be considered for blocking
        # NOTE: these starting values may not be necessary the only option
        self.queueTracker = QueueTracker( ["Job_Queue", "Result_Queue", "Local_Queue", "EC2_Queue"], 
                                          [True, False, False, False] ) 
        # *** MAIN LOOP ***
        while True:
            # multi-queue blocking with priority to left most keys (in list order) -- this list changes throughout execution
            queueName, poppedData = self.r_server.blpop(self.queueTracker.getQueueList())

            if queueName == "Job_Queue":
                # need to add data to tracker but first we parse the poppedData
                runFiles = poppedData[1:-1].replace('\'', '').split(', ')
                print "New list of files to run received: %s" % repr(runFiles)
                # add files to holding queues
                for runParamFile in runFiles:
                        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8930915/python-append-dictionary-to-dictionary
                        runParamDict = dict(**self.yamlConfig)
                        runParamDict['Filename'] = runParamFile

                        print "Queuing '%s' of ClassType" % runParamFile,
                        if runParamDict['ClassType'] == 'EC2':
                            print "EC2 into 'EC2_Queue'"
                            self.r_server.rpush("EC2_Queue", pickle.dumps(runParamDict) )
                            if boto_conn.isInstanceAvailable():
                                self.queueTracker.setQueueFlag("EC2_Queue", True)
                        elif runParamDict['ClassType'] == 'Remote':
                            self.r_server.rpush("RemoteJobs", runParamDict['Hostname'])
                            remoteQueue = "%s_Queue" % runParamDict['Hostname']
                            print "Remote into '%s'" % remoteQueue 
                            self.r_server.rpush(remoteQueue, pickle.dumps(runParamDict) )
                            self.queueTracker.append(remoteQueue, flag=True)

                        elif runParamDict['ClassType'] == 'Local':
                            print "Local into 'Local_Queue'"
                            self.r_server.rpush("Local_Queue", pickle.dumps(runParamDict) )
                            if self.r_server.llen("LocalJobs") < self.yamlConfig['LocalMaxJobs']: 
                                self.queueTracker.setQueueFlag("Local_Queue", True)
                        print "Error with input file:", runParamFile
                        print "Skipping file."
            elif queueName == "EC2_Queue":
                runParamDict = pickle.loads(poppedData)
                # create EC2 instance
                instId, instAddr = boto_conn.getInstance(instDict=runParamDict)
                runParamDict['InstanceID'] = instId # new key
                runParamDict['Hostname'] = instAddr # replace old host value

                print "New EC2 job. Instance (%s) starting up at '%s'" % (instId, instAddr)
                dq = EC2DelayedQueue()
                dq.start(120, runParamDict)

                # start blocking on the Result_Queue
                self.queueTracker.setQueueFlag("Result_Queue", True)
                # if too many instances, stop blocking
                if not boto_conn.isInstanceAvailable():
                    self.queueTracker.setQueueFlag("EC2_Queue", False)

            elif queueName == "Local_Queue":
                runParamDict = pickle.loads(poppedData)

                print "New local job."
                # Use the filename as a unique identifier for job 
                self.r_server.rpush("LocalJobs", runParamDict['Filename'])
                # Queue the job up for processing
                self.r_server.rpush("Granted_Queue", pickle.dumps(runParamDict))
                # check to see if we DO NOT have room for another local job within constraints
                if self.r_server.llen("LocalJobs") >= self.yamlConfig['LocalMaxJobs']: 
                    self.queueTracker.setQueueFlag("Local_Queue", False)
                # start blocking on the Result_Queue
                self.queueTracker.setQueueFlag("Result_Queue", True)
            elif queueName == "Result_Queue":
                runParamDict = pickle.loads(poppedData)
                print "Receiving results." #NOTE: need to look at validating results

                if runParamDict['ClassType'] == 'EC2':
                    #NOTE: need to add recycling later
                    self.queueTracker.setQueueFlag("EC2_Queue", True)

                elif runParamDict['ClassType'] == 'Remote':
                    remoteQueue = "%s_Queue" % runParamDict['Hostname']
                    cnt = self.r_server.llen(runParamDict['Hostname'])
                    if cnt == 1: # current machine no longer needs to be tracked
                        self.r_server.lrem("RemoteJobs", runParamDict['Hostname'])
                        self.r_server.lrem(runParamDict['Hostname'], runParamDict['Filename'])
                        self.queueTracker.setQueueFlag(queueName, True) 

                elif runParamDict['ClassType'] == 'Local':
                    self.r_server.lrem("LocalJobs", runParamDict['Filename'])
                    self.queueTracker.setQueueFlag("Local_Queue", True)
            # assuming we have a remote queue created on demand
                runParamDict = pickle.loads(poppedData)
                # Add to list Hostname the filename of the new job
                self.r_server.rpush(runParamDict['Hostname'], runParamDict['Filename'])
                print "New Remote job from %s" % queueName
                # Queue the job up for processing
                self.r_server.rpush("Granted_Queue", pickle.dumps(runParamDict))
                # check to see if we DO NOT have room for another remote job  on given machine within constraints
                if self.r_server.llen(runParamDict['Hostname']) >= self.yamlConfig['RemoteMaxJobsPerHost']:
                    self.queueTracker.setQueueFlag(queueName, False) # stop watching queue
                # start blocking on the Result_Queue
                self.queueTracker.setQueueFlag("Result_Queue", True)