Exemple #1
    def delete_items(self, sources, fields=None):
        if self.request.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST':
            # Only non-javascript clients should see this.
            # Send them to a form they can POST from.
            # We can't just call & return the form; octopus hijacks the output.
            url = '%s/delete-form/?%s' % (self.context.absolute_url(),
            return None
        item_type = self.request.form.get("item_type")

        if item_type == 'pages' and PROJ_HOME in sources:

        ids = [x.split("/")[-1] for x in sources]
        brains = self.catalog(id=ids, path=self.project_path)

        deletions, survivors = self._delete(brains, sources)
        # for now we'll only return the deleted obj ids. later we may return the survivors too.
        commands = {}
        for obj_id in deletions:
            commands[obj_id] = {
                'action': 'delete'
        return commands
 def getCSVQuery(self):
     info = self.context.restrictedTraverse(
     kw = {'Content-Type': 'text/csv'}
     if info['selected']:
         kw[info['selected']['id']] = True
     return ZTUtils.make_query(info['form'], kw)
    def jsfactory(self):
        context_url = self.context.absolute_url()
        if not context_url.endswith('/'):
            context_url += '/'

        query, show = build_query(self.context, self.request)
        query_string = ZTUtils.make_query(query)
        #return ''
        return u"""
        function() {
                return new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("%s", {
                    protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
                      url: "%s@@geometry_search.kml?%s",
                      format: new OpenLayers.Format.KML({
                        extractStyles: true,
                        extractAttributes: true})
                    strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed()],
                    visibility: true,
                    projection: cgmap.createDefaultOptions().displayProjection
                } """ % (self.context.Title().replace("'", "'"),
                        context_url, query_string)