def Init_IOPi(): global sensorbus global buttonbus i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() i2c_bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() sensorbus = IoPi(i2c_bus, 0x20) # set both rows of pins to input mode sensorbus.set_port_direction(0, 0xFF) sensorbus.set_port_direction(1, 0xFF) #setup interrupts on bus 2, port 1 buttonbus = IoPi(i2c_bus, 0x21) # Set all pins on the bus to be inputs with internal pull-ups enabled. buttonbus.set_port_pullups(1, 0xFF) buttonbus.set_port_direction(1, 0xFF) # Inverting the ports will allow a button connected to ground to register as 1 or on. buttonbus.invert_port(1, 0xFF) # invert port 1 so a button press will register as 1 # Set the interrupt polarity to be active low and mirroring enabled, so # INT A and INT B go low when an interrupt is triggered buttonbus.set_interrupt_polarity(0) #buttonbus.mirror_interrupts(1) # Set the interrupts default value to 0 so it will trigger when any of the pins on the bus change to 1 buttonbus.set_interrupt_defaults(1, 0x00) # Set the interrupt type to be 0xFF for port B so an interrupt is # fired when the pin matches the default value buttonbus.set_interrupt_type(1, 0xFF) # Enable interrupts for all pins on the port buttonbus.set_interrupt_on_port(1, 0xFF) # reset the interrups on the IO Pi bus buttonbus.reset_interrupts() GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # Set up GPIO 23 as an input. The pull-up resistor is disabled as the level shifter will act as a pull-up. GPIO.setup(23, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_OFF) # when a falling edge is detected on GPIO pin 23 the function button_pressed will be run GPIO.add_event_detect(23, GPIO.FALLING, callback=hwbutton_pressed)
def __init__(self, datasocket=None): threading.Thread.__init__(self) if datasocket is not None: self.datasocket = datasocket else: self.datasocket = None self.measured_voltage = 0 self.filament = {} port = '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-TTI_CPX400_Series_PSU_C2F952E5-if00' self.filament['device'] = CPX.CPX400DPDriver(1, device=port) self.filament['voltage'] = 0 self.filament['current'] = 0 self.filament['idle_voltage'] = 3 self.filament['device'].set_current_limit(4) self.filament['device'].output_status(True) self.bias = {} self.bias['device'] = CPX.CPX400DPDriver(2, device=port) self.bias['grid_voltage'] = 0 self.bias['grid_current'] = 0 self.bias['device'].output_status(True) self.looptime = 0 self.update_setpoint(0.1) i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() self.adc = DeltaSigma(bus, 0x68, 0x69, 18) self.adc.set_pga(1) # This shold be 8, but amplifier seems broken on the available device self.running = True self.wanted_voltage = 0 self.emission_current = 999 = pid.PID(2, 0.03, 0, 9)
def __init__(self, room, direction): = room self.direction = direction = self.channelRoomMappings[direction][room] i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() self.adc = DeltaSigma(bus, 0x68, 0x69, 18)
def setup_adc(self, adr1, adr2, accu): print("setting up adc with accuracy <" + str(accu) + "> on addresses <" + str(adr1) + "> and <" + str(adr2) + ">") i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() adc = ADCPi(bus, adr1, adr2, accu) return adc
def __init__ (self, ph7, ph4, ds): self.ph7 = ph7 self.ph4 = ph4 self.ds = ds i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() self.adc = ADCPi(bus, self.i2c1, self.i2c2, self.bitrate) self.calcpHSlope()
def __init__(self): i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() i2c_bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() multibus = [IoPi(i2c_bus, 0x22), IoPi(i2c_bus, 0x23)] self.tenhome = Digit(multibus, 1, True) self.home = Digit(multibus, 8, True) self.tenguest = Digit(multibus, 17, True) self.guest = Digit(multibus, 24, True)
def __init__(self): i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() i2c_bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() multibus = [ IoPi(i2c_bus, 0x20), IoPi(i2c_bus, 0x21)] self.tenminute = Digit(multibus, 1, True) self.minute = Digit(multibus, 8, True) self.tensecond = Digit(multibus, 17, True) self.second = Digit(multibus, 24, True)
def __init__(self, configfilename): config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() inverted_logic = config.getboolean(self.__class__.__name__, 'inverted_logic') i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() i2c_bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() multibus = [ IoPi(i2c_bus, 0x20), IoPi(i2c_bus, 0x21)] self.tendigit = Digit(multibus, 1, inverted_logic) self.digit = Digit(multibus, 8, inverted_logic)
def __init__(self): self._a2d_chan_speed = a2d_chan_speed self._a2d_chan_direction = a2d_chan_direction self._a2d_chan_vcc = a2d_chan_vcc self._file_report_period = file_report_period self._i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() self._bus = self._i2c_helper.get_smbus() self._adc = ADCPi(self._bus, 0x68, 0x69, 12) self._CtrlPort = 8200 self._IPAddr = self.get_local_ip() self._samples = list() self._samples_lock = threading.Lock() self._display_lock = threading.Lock() self._thread_sampling_obj = None self._thread_reporting_obj = None self._stop_requested = False self._dirs_stream = list() #stream of directions searched for callibration samples #calibrated directions self._dirs = list() self._dirs_volts = list() self._dirs_names = ("NN", "NE", "EE", "SE", "SS", "SW", "WW", "NW") self._dirs_file = "/home/pi/PyProj/dirs_calibration.txt" self._calibration_restore() self.files_to_compress = list() self.display = False
def __init__(self, drive): """ Standard Constructor """"Three Point Turn constructor") # set up ADC self.i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() self.bus = self.i2c_helper.get_smbus() self.adc = ADCPi(self.bus, 0x6a, 0x6b, 12) # define fixed values # red is typically 3.5V self.red_min = 3 = 3.5 self.stopped = 0 self.full_forward = 0.4 self.half_forward = 0.3 self.slow_forward = 0.1 self.full_reverse = -0.3 self.half_reverse = -0.15 self.slow_reverse = -0.1 self.straight = 0 self.full_left = -1 self.slow_left = -0.5 self.rear_line_sensor = 2 # same sensor for now self.front_line_sensor = 2 self.max_rate = 2 # Drivetrain is passed in = drive self.killed = False
def __init__(self, drive): """ Standard Constructor """"Proximity constructor") # set up ADC self.i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() self.bus = self.i2c_helper.get_smbus() self.adc = ADCPi(self.bus, 0x6a, 0x6b, 12) # define fixed values self.stopped = 0 self.full_forward = 0.4 self.slow_forward = 0.3 self.full_reverse = -0.5 self.slow_reverse = -0.25 self.left_steering = -0.25 self.right_steering = 0.25 self.straight = 0 self.distance_sensor = 1 # Voltage value we are aiming for (2 was close, 0.5 was further away) self.distance_threshold = 50.0 self.distance_required = 17.0 # Drivetrain is passed in = drive self.killed = False
def __init__(self, drive): """ Standard Constructor """"Straight Line Speed constructor") # set up ADC self.i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() self.bus = self.i2c_helper.get_smbus() self.adc = ADCPi(self.bus, 0x6a, 0x6b, 12) # define fixed values self.stopped = 0 self.full_forward = 0.5 self.slow_forward = 0.1 self.full_reverse = -0.5 self.slow_reverse = -0.1 self.left_steering = -0.25 self.right_steering = 0.25 self.straight = 0 self.distance_sensor = 1 # Voltage value we are aiming for (2 was close, 0.5 was further away) self.nominal_voltage = 0.5 self.min_dist_voltage = 2.0 self.max_dist_voltage = 0.4 # Drivetrain is passed in = drive self.killed = False
def main(): """ Main function """ logging.basicConfig(filename="logger.txt", level=logging.ERROR) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR) i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() adc_instance = ADCPi(bus, 0x68, 0x69, 18) pressurereader = PressureReader(adc_instance) pressurereader.daemon = True pressurereader.start() codenames = ['chemlab312_sample_storage_pressure'] loggers = {} for i in range(0, 1): loggers[codenames[i]] = ValueLogger(pressurereader, comp_val=0.05, comp_type='log') loggers[codenames[i]].start() socket = DateDataPullSocket('chemlab312_sample_storage', codenames, timeouts=[2.0]) socket.start() live_socket = LiveSocket('chemlab312_sample_storage', codenames, 2) live_socket.start() db_logger = ContinuousDataSaver( continuous_data_table='dateplots_chemlab312', username=credentials.user, password=credentials.passwd, measurement_codenames=codenames) db_logger.start() time.sleep(5) while True: time.sleep(0.5) for name in codenames: value = loggers[name].read_value() socket.set_point_now(name, value) live_socket.set_point_now(name, value) if loggers[name].read_trigged(): print(value) db_logger.save_point_now(name, value) loggers[name].clear_trigged()
class dld_solar_window: _channel = 0 _report_period = 5 _thread = None _stop_requested = False _srv_ip_addr = "" _srv_port = 8200 def __init__(self, channel=0, report_period=the_report_period): self._channel = channel self._report_period = report_period self._i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() self._bus = self._i2c_helper.get_smbus() self._adc = ADCPi(self._bus, 0x68, 0x69, 12) def Start(self): self._stop_requested = False self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self.SamplingThread) self._thread.start() print("sampling thread initialized") def SamplingThread(self): print("sampling thread started") mc_socket = None time_last_report = time.time() connected = False while self._stop_requested != True: if connected == False: try: # time.sleep(5) mc_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) mc_socket.connect((self._srv_ip_addr, self._srv_port)) print("connected") time.sleep(1) except Exception as e: connected = False continue time_now = time.time() voltage = self._adc.read_voltage(self._channel) try: mc_socket.send("Vout:%02f\n" % (voltage)) print("Vout:%02f\n" % (voltage)) except Exception as e: connected = False time.sleep(5.0) def Stop(self): if self._thread == None: return self._stop_requested = True if self._thread.isAlive(): self._thread.join() self._thread = None
def init_servos(address): i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() pwm = PWM(bus, address) pwm.set_pwm_freq(60) pwm.output_enable() # cycle the arms on channels 0, 2, 4 print("cycling through all valid positions") for x in (175, 300, 425, 550): pwm.set_pwm(0, 0, x) sleep(1) pwm.set_pwm(2, 0, x) sleep(1) pwm.set_pwm(4, 0, x) sleep(2) return pwm
def main(): """ Main function """ logging.basicConfig(filename="logger.txt", level=logging.ERROR) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR) i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() adc_instance = DeltaSigma(bus, 0x68, 0x69, 18) tempreader = TemperatureReader(adc_instance) tempreader.daemon = True tempreader.start() codenames = ['cooling_water_hot', 'cooling_water_cold'] loggers = {} for i in range(0, 2): loggers[codenames[i]] = ValueLogger(tempreader, comp_val=0.5, channel=i) loggers[codenames[i]].start() socket = DateDataPullSocket('hall_cooling_water_temp', codenames, timeouts=2.0) socket.start() live_socket = LiveSocket('hall_waterpressure', codenames) live_socket.start() db_logger = ContinuousDataSaver(continuous_data_table='dateplots_hall', username=credentials.user, password=credentials.passwd, measurement_codenames=codenames) db_logger.start() time.sleep(5) while tempreader.is_alive(): time.sleep(0.25) for name in codenames: value = loggers[name].read_value() socket.set_point_now(name, value) live_socket.set_point_now(name, value) if loggers[name].read_trigged(): print(value) db_logger.save_point_now(name, value) loggers[name].clear_trigged()
def init_servos(address): i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() pwm = PWM(bus, address) pwm.set_pwm_freq(60) pwm.output_enable() # cycle the arms on channels 0, 2, 4 print('cycling through all valid positions') for x in (175, 300, 425, 550): pwm.set_pwm(0, 0, x) sleep(1) pwm.set_pwm(2, 0, x) sleep(1) pwm.set_pwm(4, 0, x) sleep(2) return pwm
def run(self): global mph global flag t1 = 0 t2 = 0 flagMine = 0 diameter = 14 # need to find the actual diameter !!! i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() adc = ADCDifferentialPi(bus, i2cAddr1, i2cAddr2, bitRate) while True: c.acquire() if flag == 1: flag = 0 voltage = adc.read_voltage( channel ) # voltage output from hall sensor (either a pos. or neg. value) curTime = time.time() - initTime # calculates the current time from time acc. minus time started with if voltage < 0.0 and flagMine == 0: # if voltage is neg. and we have not passed by the magnet yet flagMine = 1 t1 = t2 # stores the previous curent time from curTime t2 = curTime # stores the current time in curTime rps = 1/(t2 - t1) # revolutions per second mph = rps * (math.pi) * diameter * (3600/63360) # conversion from rps to miles per second #mph = rps*60 #print( str(curTime) + "," + str(voltage) + "," + str(mph) ) #text_file.write( str(curTime) + "," + str(voltage) + "," + str(mph) + "\n" ) elif voltage < 0.0 and flagMine == 1: # else if voltage is neg. but we are currently still passing by the magnet #print( str(curTime) + "," + str(voltage) ) #text_file.write( str(curTime) + "," + str(voltage) + "\n" ) temp = 1 else: # else the voltage is positive (meaning the magnet is not next the the hall sensor) flagMine = 0 #print( str(curTime) + "," + str(voltage) ) #text_file.write( str(curTime) + "," + str(voltage) + "\n" ) #mph = mph + 1 c.notify_all() else: c.wait() c.release() text_file.close()
def __init__(self): """ Standard Constructor """"Three Point Turn constructor") # set up ADC self.i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() self.bus = self.i2c_helper.get_smbus() self.adc = ADCPi(self.bus, 0x6a, 0x6b, 12) self.killed = False
def main(): """ Main function """ logging.basicConfig(filename="logger.txt", level=logging.ERROR) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR) i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() adc_instance = ADCPi(bus, 0x68, 0x69, 18) pressurereader = PressureReader(adc_instance) pressurereader.daemon = True pressurereader.start() codenames = ["chemlab312_sample_storage_pressure"] loggers = {} for i in range(0, 1): loggers[codenames[i]] = ValueLogger(pressurereader, comp_val=0.05, comp_type="log") loggers[codenames[i]].start() socket = DateDataPullSocket("chemlab312_sample_storage", codenames, timeouts=[2.0]) socket.start() live_socket = LiveSocket("chemlab312_sample_storage", codenames) live_socket.start() db_logger = ContinuousDataSaver( continuous_data_table="dateplots_chemlab312", username=credentials.user, password=credentials.passwd, measurement_codenames=codenames, ) db_logger.start() time.sleep(5) while True: time.sleep(0.5) for name in codenames: value = loggers[name].read_value() socket.set_point_now(name, value) live_socket.set_point_now(name, value) if loggers[name].read_trigged(): print(value) db_logger.save_point_now(name, value) loggers[name].clear_trigged()
def main(): """ Main function """ logging.basicConfig(filename="logger.txt", level=logging.ERROR) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR) i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() adc_instance = DeltaSigma(bus, 0x68, 0x69, 18) tempreader = TemperatureReader(adc_instance) tempreader.daemon = True tempreader.start() codenames = ["cooling_water_hot", "cooling_water_cold"] loggers = {} for i in range(0, 2): loggers[codenames[i]] = ValueLogger(tempreader, comp_val=0.5, channel=i) loggers[codenames[i]].start() socket = DateDataPullSocket("hall_cooling_water_temp", codenames, timeouts=2.0) socket.start() live_socket = LiveSocket("hall_waterpressure", codenames) live_socket.start() db_logger = ContinuousDataSaver( continuous_data_table="dateplots_hall", username=credentials.user, password=credentials.passwd, measurement_codenames=codenames, ) db_logger.start() time.sleep(5) while tempreader.is_alive(): time.sleep(0.25) for name in codenames: value = loggers[name].read_value() socket.set_point_now(name, value) live_socket.set_point_now(name, value) if loggers[name].read_trigged(): print(value) db_logger.save_point_now(name, value) loggers[name].clear_trigged()
def main(): """ Main function """ logging.basicConfig(filename="logger.txt", level=logging.ERROR) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR) i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() adc_instance = ADCPi(bus, 0x68, 0x69, 18) pressurereader = PressureReader(adc_instance) pressurereader.daemon = True pressurereader.start() logger = ValueLogger(pressurereader, comp_val=0.5) logger.start() socket = DateDataPullSocket('hall_n5_argon_pressure', ['n5_argon_pressure'], timeouts=[1.0]) socket.start() live_socket = LiveSocket('hall_n5_argon_pressure', ['n5_argon_pressure'], 2) live_socket.start() db_logger = ContinuousDataSaver( continuous_data_table='dateplots_hall', username=credentials.user, password=credentials.passwd, measurement_codenames=['n5_argon_pressure']) db_logger.start() time.sleep(2) while True: time.sleep(0.25) value = logger.read_value() socket.set_point_now('n5_argon_pressure', value) live_socket.set_point_now('n5_argon_pressure', value) if logger.read_trigged(): print(value) db_logger.save_point_now('n5_argon_pressure', value) logger.clear_trigged()
def __init__(self, channel = 1, dir_channel = 2, wind_power_channel = 3, report_period = the_report_period): self._channel = channel self._dir_channel = dir_channel self._wind_power_channel = wind_power_channel self._temp_channel = 4 self._report_period = report_period self._i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() self._bus = self._i2c_helper.get_smbus() self._adc = ADCPi(self._bus, 0x68, 0x69, 12) self._IPAddr = self.GetLocalIP()
def set_robot(self, servo_configuration_robot): self.servo_robot = servo_configuration_robot self.i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() self.bus = self.i2c_helper.get_smbus() self.pwm = PWM(self.bus, 0x6f) # take care to know the real port self.pwm.output_enable() self.pwm.set_pwm_freq(60)
def main(): """ Main function """ logging.basicConfig(filename="logger.txt", level=logging.ERROR) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR) i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() adc_instance = DeltaSigma(bus, 0x68, 0x69, 18) pressurereader = PressureReader(adc_instance) pressurereader.daemon = True pressurereader.start() codenames = ['mr_iongauge_pressure'] logger = ValueLogger(pressurereader, comp_val=0.5) logger.start() socket = DateDataPullSocket('Microreactor Ion Gauge', codenames, timeouts=[1.0]) socket.start() live_socket = LiveSocket('Microreactor Ion Gauge', codenames) live_socket.start() db_logger = ContinuousDataSaver(continuous_data_table='dateplots_microreactor', username=credentials.user, password=credentials.passwd, measurement_codenames=codenames) db_logger.start() time.sleep(2) while True: time.sleep(0.25) value = logger.read_value() socket.set_point_now(codenames[0], value) live_socket.set_point_now(codenames[0], value) if logger.read_trigged(): print(value) db_logger.save_point_now(codenames[0], value) logger.clear_trigged()
def StrainGauge(): text_file = open("strainGuage_Data.txt", "w") i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() adc = ADCDifferentialPi(bus, i2cAddr1, i2cAddr2, bitRate) adc.set_pga( 1) # Set the gain of the PDA on the chip (Parameters: gain - 1,2,4,8) prev_voltage = 0 for i in range(10000): voltage = adc.read_voltage(channel) # voltage output from strain Gauge changeInVoltage = voltage - prev_voltage prev_voltage = voltage #print( str(changeInVoltage * 1000) ) text_file.write(str(voltage) + "\n")
def main(): monitor = PeakMonitor(SINK_NAME, METER_RATE) i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() pwm = PWM(bus, 0x40) # Set PWM frequency to 60 Hz pwm.set_pwm_freq(60) pwm.output_enable() for sample in monitor: sample = sample >> DISPLAY_SCALE step = ((4000 - 0) / 100.0) sample = int(step * sample) print ' %3d' % sample sys.stdout.flush() pwm.set_pwm(8, 0, (randint(0,1) * sample)) pwm.set_pwm(7, 0, (randint(0,1) * sample)) pwm.set_pwm(6, 0, (randint(0,1) * sample))
def __init__(self, bus=None, address=None, address2=None, samplerate=None, gain=None): from ABE_helpers import ABEHelpers from ABE_ADCDifferentialPi import ADCDifferentialPi if bus is None: i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() # Initialize the ADC device using the default addresses and sample rate 18. # Sample rate can be 12, 14, 16 or 18. self.adc = ADCDifferentialPi(bus, address=address, address2=address2, rate=samplerate) # Set amplifier gain to 8. if gain is not None: self.adc.set_pga(gain)
def main(): i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() adc = ADCPi(bus, 0x68, 0x69, 18) if not os.path.isfile(db_name): createdb() while (True): temp = 0 light = 0 moisture = 0 for x in range(0, 60): # read from adc channels and write to the log file temp = temp + (adc.read_voltage(1) - 0.5) * 100 light = light + adc.read_voltage(2) moisture = moisture + adc.read_voltage(3) time.sleep(0.4) # Average temp temp = temp / 60 # Correct temp temp = temp - 1.2 # Average light light = light / 60 # Average moisture moisture = moisture / 60 print("temp,light,moisture") print(temp) print(light) print(moisture) writetodb("%02f" % temp, "%02f" % light, "%02f" % moisture)
def __init__(self): self._a2d_chan_speed = a2d_chan_speed self._a2d_chan_direction = a2d_chan_direction self._a2d_chan_vcc = a2d_chan_vcc self._file_report_period = file_report_period self._i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() self._bus = self._i2c_helper.get_smbus() self._adc = ADCPi(self._bus, 0x68, 0x69, 12) self._CtrlPort = 8200 self._IPAddr = self.get_local_ip() self._samples = list() self._samples_lock = threading.Lock() self._thread_sampling = None self._thread_reporting = None self._stop_requested = False
class line_test: def __init__(self): """ Standard Constructor """"Three Point Turn constructor") # set up ADC self.i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() self.bus = self.i2c_helper.get_smbus() self.adc = ADCPi(self.bus, 0x6a, 0x6b, 12) self.killed = False def run(self, line_sensor=None):"Started Looking") while not self.killed: # If we have a line sensor, check it here. Bail if necesary #if line_sensor and (self.adc.read_voltage(line_sensor) > self.red_min): #"Line Detected") if line_sensor: time.sleep(0.05)
class line_test: def __init__(self): """ Standard Constructor """"Three Point Turn constructor") # set up ADC self.i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() self.bus = self.i2c_helper.get_smbus() self.adc = ADCPi(self.bus, 0x6a, 0x6b, 12) self.killed = False def run(self, line_sensor=None):"Started Looking") while not self.killed: # If we have a line sensor, check it here. Bail if necesary #if line_sensor and (self.adc.read_voltage(line_sensor) > self.red_min): #"Line Detected") if line_sensor: str(self.adc.read_voltage(line_sensor)) ) time.sleep(0.05)
class ThreePointTurn: def __init__(self, drive): """ Standard Constructor """"Three Point Turn constructor") # set up ADC self.i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() self.bus = self.i2c_helper.get_smbus() self.adc = ADCPi(self.bus, 0x6a, 0x6b, 12) # define fixed values # red is typically 3.5V self.red_min = 3 = 3.5 self.stopped = 0 self.full_forward = 0.5 self.half_forward = 0.25 self.slow_forward = 0.1 self.full_reverse = -0.5 self.half_reverse = -0.25 self.slow_reverse = -0.1 self.straight = 0 self.full_left = -1 self.slow_left = -0.5 self.rear_line_sensor = 2 # same sensor for now self.front_line_sensor = 2 self.max_rate = 2 # Drivetrain is passed in = drive self.killed = False def run(self): """ Main call to run the three point turn script """ # initiate camera # initialise throttle to 0 # forward to turning point"forward to turning point") self.move_segment(total_timeout=0.6, line_sensor=self.rear_line_sensor, throttle=self.full_forward, steering=self.straight) # required slow speed braking"appling break") self.move_segment(total_timeout=0.4, line_sensor=self.rear_line_sensor, throttle=self.slow_forward, steering=self.straight) # required slow speed braking"aggressive break") self.move_segment(total_timeout=0.25, line_sensor=self.rear_line_sensor, throttle=self.half_reverse, steering=self.straight) # first left turn"first left turn") self.move_segment(total_timeout=0.1, throttle=self.stopped, steering=self.full_left) # Slow left turn (braking)"first left turn") #self.move_segment( # total_timeout=0.2, # throttle=self.stopped, # steering=self.slow_left # ) # forward to first side line"forward to first side line") throttle = self.move_segment(total_timeout=0.2, line_sensor=self.front_line_sensor, throttle=self.full_forward, steering=self.straight) # required slow speed braking"appling break") #self.move_segment( # total_timeout=0.1, # line_sensor=self.rear_line_sensor, # throttle=self.slow_forward, # steering=self.straight #) # reverse portion to second side line"reverse to second side line") throttle = self.move_segment(total_timeout=0.5, line_sensor=self.rear_line_sensor, throttle=self.full_reverse, steering=self.straight) # required slow speed braking"appling break") self.move_segment(total_timeout=0.1, line_sensor=self.rear_line_sensor, throttle=self.slow_forward, steering=self.straight) # required slow speed braking"appling break") #self.move_segment( # total_timeout=0.1, # line_sensor=self.rear_line_sensor, # throttle=self.slow_reverse, # steering=self.straight #) # throttle = self.move_segment( # total_timeout=0.75, # accelerating_time=0.3, # line_sensor=self.rear_line_sensor, # max_throttle=self. # full_reverse, # max_steering=self. # straight, # end_throttle=self. # slow_reverse, # end_steering=self. # straight, # start_throttle=throttle # ) # # reverse portion to second side line # throttle = self.move_segment( # total_timeout=0.4, # accelerating_time=0.2, # max_throttle=self.full_forward, # max_steering=self.straight, # end_throttle=self.slow_forward, # end_steering=self.straight, # start_throttle=throttle # ) # # second left turn # throttle = self.move_segment( # total_timeout=0.3, # accelerating_time=0.15, # max_throttle=self.stopped, # max_steering=self.full_left, # end_throttle=self.straight, # end_steering=self.slow_forward, # start_throttle=throttle # ) # # return to start # throttle = self.move_segment( # total_timeout=0.35, # accelerating_time=0.35, # line_sensor=self.front_line_sensor, # max_throttle=self.full_forward, # max_steering=self.straight, # end_throttle=self.slow_forward, # end_steering=self.straight # ) # # enter start box # throttle = self.move_segment( # total_timeout=0.4, # accelerating_time=0.2, # line_sensor=self.rear_line_sensor, # max_throttle=self.slow_forward, # max_steering=self.straight, # end_throttle=self.stopped, # end_steering=self.straight # ) # Final set motors to neutral to stop self.stop() def stop(self): """Simple method to stop the challenge""" self.killed = True def move_segment(self, total_timeout=0, line_sensor=None, throttle=0, steering=0):"move_segment called with arguments: {0}".format( locals())) # Note Line_sensor=0 if no line sensor exit required # calculate timeout times now = end_timeout = now + timedelta(seconds=total_timeout) last_throttle_update = None while not self.killed and ( < end_timeout):"mixing channels: {0} : {1}".format( throttle, steering)) # Swapped steering/throttle, throttle) # If we have a line sensor, check it here. Bail if necesary if line_sensor and (self.adc.read_voltage(line_sensor) > self.red_min):"Line Detected") break # if now < acceleration_timeout: # throttle, last_throttle_update = self.ease_value( # start_throttle, # max_throttle, # self.max_rate, # last_throttle_update # ) # steering = max_steering # else: # # easing needs adding # throttle = end_throttle # steering = end_steering time.sleep(0.05)"Finished manoeuvre") # must have got better than usual acceleration. # need to slow down before finishing # if throttle != end_throttle or steering != end_steering: # # needs easing adding # throttle = end_throttle # # needs easing adding # steering = end_steering #, steering) return throttle def ease_value(self, current_value, target, rate, last_update_time=None): now = if last_update_time is None: last_update_time = now # if variable is above target if current_value > target: new_value = max( target, current_value - rate * int( (now - last_update_time).total_seconds())) # or variable is below target if current_value <= target: new_value = max( target, current_value + rate * int( (now - last_update_time).total_seconds())) last_update_time = return new_value, last_update_time
class App: global i2c_helper global newbus global bus2 def __init__(self, master): self.i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() self.newbus = self.i2c_helper.get_smbus() self.bus2 = IoPi( self.newbus, 0x21 ) # create an instance of Bus 2 which is on I2C address 0x21 by default self.bus2.set_port_direction( 0, 0x00) # set pins 1 to 8 to be outputs and turn them off self.bus2.write_port(0, 0x00) self.bus2.set_port_direction( 1, 0x00) # set pins 9 to 16 to be outputs and turn them off self.bus2.write_port(1, 0x00) frame = Frame(master) # create a frame for the GUI frame.pack() # create 16 buttons which run the togglepin function when pressed self.button = Button(frame, text="Pin 1", command=lambda: self.togglepin(1)) self.button.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 2", command=lambda: self.togglepin(2)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 3", command=lambda: self.togglepin(3)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 4", command=lambda: self.togglepin(4)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 5", command=lambda: self.togglepin(5)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 6", command=lambda: self.togglepin(6)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 7", command=lambda: self.togglepin(7)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 8", command=lambda: self.togglepin(8)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 9", command=lambda: self.togglepin(9)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 10", command=lambda: self.togglepin(10)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 11", command=lambda: self.togglepin(11)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 12", command=lambda: self.togglepin(12)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 13", command=lambda: self.togglepin(13)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 14", command=lambda: self.togglepin(14)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 15", command=lambda: self.togglepin(15)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 16", command=lambda: self.togglepin(16)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) def togglepin(self, pin): # read the status from the selected pin, invert it and write it back to the pin pinstatus = self.bus2.read_pin(pin) if (pinstatus == 1): pinstatus = 0 else: pinstatus = 1 self.bus2.write_pin(pin, pinstatus)
class Proximity: def __init__(self, drive): """ Standard Constructor """"Proximity constructor") # set up ADC self.i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() self.bus = self.i2c_helper.get_smbus() self.adc = ADCPi(self.bus, 0x6a, 0x6b, 12) # define fixed values self.stopped = 0 self.full_forward = 0.4 self.slow_forward = 0.3 self.full_reverse = -0.5 self.slow_reverse = -0.25 self.left_steering = -0.25 self.right_steering = 0.25 self.straight = 0 self.distance_sensor = 1 # Voltage value we are aiming for (2 was close, 0.5 was further away) self.distance_threshold = 50.0 self.distance_required = 17.0 # Drivetrain is passed in = drive self.killed = False def stop(self): """Simple method to stop the challenge""" self.killed = True def run(self): """ Main call to run the three point turn script """ # Drive forward for a set number of seconds keeping distance equal"forward to turning point") self.move_segment() # Final set motors to neutral to stop"Finished Event") def get_distance(self): distance = 0.0 if self.distance_sensor: voltage = self.adc.read_voltage(self.distance_sensor) distance = 27.0 / voltage return distance def move_segment(self):"move_segment called with arguments: {0}".format(locals())) # Throttle is static and does not change throttle = self.full_forward # Steering starts at zero (straight forward) steering = self.straight # Drive forward at half speed until we get reasonably close distance = self.get_distance()"distance: {0}".format(distance)) time.sleep(0.05) while not self.killed and (distance > self.distance_threshold):, self.full_forward) distance = self.get_distance()"F: distance: {0}".format(distance)) time.sleep(0.05) time.sleep(0.05)"Entering Half Speed") # Drive forward at slow/min speed until we get very close while not self.killed and (distance > self.distance_required):, self.slow_forward) distance = self.get_distance()"S: distance: {0}".format(distance)) time.sleep(0.05) # Ever so slight brake, self.slow_reverse) time.sleep(0.05) time.sleep(0.05)"Finished manoeuvre")
================================================ ABElectronics IO Pi 32-Channel Port Expander - Read Write Demo Version 1.0 Created 29/02/2015 Requires python 3 smbus to be installed run with: python3 ================================================ This example reads pin 1 of bus 1 on the IO Pi board and sets pin 1 of bus 2 to match. The internal pull-up resistors are enabled so the input pin will read as 1 unless the pin is connected to ground. Initialise the IOPi device using the default addresses, you will need to change the addresses if you have changed the jumpers on the IO Pi """ i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() i2c_bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() # create two instances of the IoPi class called bus1 and bus2 and set the default i2c addresses bus1 = IoPi(i2c_bus, 0x20) # bus 1 will be inputs bus2 = IoPi(i2c_bus, 0x21) # bus 2 will be outputs # Each bus is divided up two 8 bit ports. Port 0 controls pins 1 to 8, Port 1 controls pins 9 to 16. # We will read the inputs on pin 1 of bus 1 so set port 0 to be inputs and # enable the internal pull-up resistors bus1.set_port_direction(0, 0xFF) bus1.set_port_pullups(0, 0xFF) # We will write to the output pin 1 on bus 2 so set port 0 to be outputs and # turn off the pins on port 0
def init_nox(): """ init the sensor reader """ i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() adc = ADCPi(bus, 0x6A, 0x6B, 12) return adc
class Proximity: def __init__(self, drive): """ Standard Constructor """"Straight Line Speed constructor") # set up ADC self.i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() self.bus = self.i2c_helper.get_smbus() self.adc = ADCPi(self.bus, 0x6a, 0x6b, 12) # define fixed values self.stopped = 0 self.full_forward = 0.5 self.slow_forward = 0.1 self.full_reverse = -0.5 self.slow_reverse = -0.1 self.left_steering = -0.25 self.right_steering = 0.25 self.straight = 0 self.distance_sensor = 1 # Voltage value we are aiming for (2 was close, 0.5 was further away) self.nominal_voltage = 0.5 self.min_dist_voltage = 2.0 self.max_dist_voltage = 0.4 # Drivetrain is passed in = drive self.killed = False def stop(self): """Simple method to stop the challenge""" self.killed = True def run(self): """ Main call to run the three point turn script """ # Drive forward for a set number of seconds keeping distance equal"forward to turning point") self.move_segment( total_timeout=10.0 ) # Final set motors to neutral to stop self.stop() def move_segment( self, total_timeout=0 ):"move_segment called with arguments: {0}".format(locals())) # Note Line_sensor=0 if no line sensor exit required # calculate timeout times now = end_timeout = now + timedelta(seconds=total_timeout) # Throttle is static and does not change throttle = self.full_forward # Steering starts at zero (straight forward) steering = self.straight while not self.killed and ( < end_timeout): # If we have a line sensor, check it here. Bail if necesary if distance_sensor: voltage = self.adc.read_voltage(distance_sensor) voltage_diff = voltage - self.nominal_voltage steering = interp( voltage_diff, [self.min_dist_voltage, self.max_dist_voltage] [self.left_steering, self.right_steering], ) ) # Had to invert throttle and steering channels to match RC mode"mixing channels: {0} : {1}".format(throttle, steering)), throttle) time.sleep(0.05)"Finished manoeuvre")
def hallSen(): # ADC Setup channel = 1 # analog channel number (1-8 inclusive) bitRate = 12 # programmable data rate # 18 (3.75 SPS) less per sec. but more accurate # 16 ( 15 SPS) -- # 14 ( 60 SPS) -- # 12 ( 240 SPS) more per sec. but less accurate i2cAddr1 = 0x68 # these addresses are associated with the Address Config. 1 i2cAddr2 = 0x69 text_file = open("hallSensor_Data_1.txt", "w") initTime = time.time() text_file.write(str(globalValue)) text_file.flush() global t1 global t2 flag = 0 diameter = 14 # need to find the actual diameter !!! i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() adc = ADCDifferentialPi(bus, i2cAddr1, i2cAddr2, bitRate) global mph global flagThread global killH while True: if killH == True: text_file.close() time.sleep(10) else: voltage = adc.read_voltage( channel ) # voltage output from hall sensor (either a pos. or neg. value) curTime = time.time( ) - initTime # calculates the current time from time acc. minus time started with if voltage < 0.0 and flag == 0: # if voltage is neg. and we have not passed by the magnet yet flag = 1 t1 = t2 # stores the previous curent time from curTime t2 = curTime # stores the current time in curTime rps = 1 / (t2 - t1) # revolutions per second flagThread = 1 mph = rps * (math.pi) * diameter * ( 3600 / 63360) # conversion from rps to miles per second rpm = rps * 60 flagThread = 0 #mph = rps*60 #print( str(curTime) + "," + str(voltage) + "," + str(mph) ) text_file.write(str(curTime) + "," + str(rpm) + "\n") text_file.flush() elif voltage < 0.0 and flag == 1: # else if voltage is neg. but we are currently still passing by the magnet #print( str(curTime) + "," + str(voltage) ) #text_file.write( str(curTime) + "," + str(voltage) + "\n" ) filler = 0 else: # else the voltage is positive (meaning the magnet is not next the the hall sensor) flag = 0 #print( str(curTime) + "," + str(voltage) ) #text_file.write( str(curTime) + "," + str(voltage) + "\n" ) #time.sleep( 0.0100 ) text_file.close()
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import LCD1602 from ABE_ADCPi import ADCPi #import the ADCPi library from ABE_helpers import ABEHelpers #import ABEHelpers for smbus import time #import time module for delay import smbus #import smbus for i2c LCD1602.init(0x27, 1) #Assign LCD i2c address GPIO.setwarnings(False) #remove uncecessary warnings GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) #setting pin mode to BCM i2c_helper=ABEHelpers() #Creating instance of ABEHelpers() for i2c_bus object bus=i2c_helper.get_smbus() #Creating instance of i2c_bus ADC=ADCPi(bus, 0X69, 0X6f, 18) #Set the i2c configuration address and bit rate time.sleep(0.2) ######### #Keypad input/output pins GPIO.setup(19, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.setup(20, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.setup(21, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.setup(22, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.setup(23, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(24, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(25, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(26, GPIO.OUT) #Initializing the GPIO pins for Ultrasound, Buzzer, motion sensor, and LED GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) TRIG=13 #ultrasonic
class WindSpeedMeter(): _channel = 0 _report_period = 5 _pulses_counter = 0 _last_sample_pulses = 0 _last_sample_time = 0 _thread = None _stop_requested = False _IPAddr = "" _CtrlPort = 8200 _tr = temperature_resolver() def GetLocalIP(self): ifconfig_cmd = commands.getoutput("ifconfig") patt = re.compile(r'inet\s*\w*\S*:\s*(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})') addr_list = patt.findall(ifconfig_cmd) for addr in addr_list: if addr == "": continue ## if(self._nettype == NETTYPE.CELL): ## if(addr.find("192.168.") == 0): ## continue if(addr.find('.')>0): return addr return "" def __init__(self, channel = 1, dir_channel = 2, wind_power_channel = 3, report_period = the_report_period): self._channel = channel self._dir_channel = dir_channel self._wind_power_channel = wind_power_channel self._temp_channel = 4 self._report_period = report_period self._i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() self._bus = self._i2c_helper.get_smbus() self._adc = ADCPi(self._bus, 0x68, 0x69, 12) self._IPAddr = self.GetLocalIP() def Start(self): self._stop_requested = False self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self.SamplingThread) self._thread.start() print("sampling thread initialized") def SendMCStatus(self, msg): mc_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) #mc_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) mc_socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, 100) mc_socket.bind((self._IPAddr, 8100)) #mreq = struct.pack('4sl', socket.inet_aton(""), socket.INADDR_ANY) mreq = struct.pack('4sl', socket.inet_aton(""), socket.INADDR_ANY) mc_socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, mreq) #mc_socket.sendto("init", ("", 8100)) mc_socket.sendto(msg, ("", 8200)) mc_socket.close() def SamplingThread(self): print("sampling thread started") last_voltage = 0 time_last_report = time.time() self._last_sample_pulses = 0 wind_v = 0 while(self._stop_requested != True): time_now = time.time() voltage = self._adc.read_voltage(self._channel) if( (voltage > 0) and (last_voltage == 0)): self._pulses_counter += 1 #print("pulses: " + str(self._pulses_counter)) curr_wind_v = self._adc.read_voltage(self._wind_power_channel) wind_v += curr_wind_v last_voltage = voltage if(time_now > time_last_report): if(time_now - time_last_report >= self._report_period): pulses = (self._pulses_counter - self._last_sample_pulses) speed = (pulses * 3.14159 * 2 * 0.09)/(time_now - time_last_report) vcc = self._adc.read_voltage(8) direction = self._adc.read_voltage(self._dir_channel) if(pulses != 0): wind_v = wind_v/pulses temp_v = self._adc.read_voltage(self._temp_channel) temp_c, temp_f = self._tr.temp_read() try: msg = "VCC: %02f, WS: %0.3f(%03d), WD: %0.3f WndV: %0.3f TmpV: %0.3f Tmp: %0.3f" % \ (vcc, speed, pulses, direction, wind_v, temp_v, temp_c) print(msg) self.SendMCStatus(msg) except Exception: pass self._last_sample_pulses = self._pulses_counter globals()["g_wind_speed"] = speed globals()["g_wind_speed_pulses"] = pulses globals()["g_wind_direction"] = direction globals()["g_wind_v"] = wind_v globals()["g_vcc"] = vcc globals()["g_temp_v"] = temp_v globals()["g_temp_c"] = temp_c globals()["g_temp_f"] = temp_f time_last_report = time_now wind_v = 0 else: time_last_report = time_now time.sleep(0.01) def Stop(self): if(self._thread == None): return self._stop_requested = True if(self._thread.isAlive()): self._thread.join(); self._thread = None
class wind_speed_meter(): def __init__(self): self._a2d_chan_speed = a2d_chan_speed self._a2d_chan_direction = a2d_chan_direction self._a2d_chan_vcc = a2d_chan_vcc self._file_report_period = file_report_period self._i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() self._bus = self._i2c_helper.get_smbus() self._adc = ADCPi(self._bus, 0x68, 0x69, 12) self._CtrlPort = 8200 self._IPAddr = self.get_local_ip() self._samples = list() self._samples_lock = threading.Lock() self._thread_sampling = None self._thread_reporting = None self._stop_requested = False def get_local_ip(self): ifconfig_cmd = commands.getoutput("ifconfig") patt = re.compile(r'inet\s*\w*\S*:\s*(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})') addr_list = patt.findall(ifconfig_cmd) for addr in addr_list: if addr == "": continue ## if(self._nettype == NETTYPE.CELL): ## if(addr.find("192.168.") == 0): ## continue if(addr.find('.')>0): return addr return "" def start(self): self._stop_requested = False self._thread_sampling = threading.Thread(target=self.thread_sampling) self._thread_sampling.start() self._thread_reporting = threading.Thread(target=self.thread_reporting) self._thread_reporting.start() def thread_reporting(self): print("reporting thread started") mc_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) #mc_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) mc_socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, 100) mc_socket.bind((self._IPAddr, 0)) #mreq = struct.pack('4sl', socket.inet_aton(""), socket.INADDR_ANY) mreq = struct.pack('4sl', socket.inet_aton(""), socket.INADDR_ANY) mc_socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, mreq) #mc_socket.sendto("init", ("", 8100)) time_last_report = time.time() while(self._stop_requested != True): time_now = time.time() if(time_now - time_last_report < self._file_report_period) or (time_now < time_last_report): time.sleep(0.2) continue if(len(self._samples) > 0): self._samples_lock.acquire() smpl = self._samples.pop(0) print("extracted speed: {} ({}). list len: {}".format(str(smpl.speed_m_per_sec), smpl.speed_pulses, len(self._samples))) self._samples_lock.release() time_last_report = time_now def thread_sampling(self): print("sampling thread started") speed_voltage_last = 0 speed_pulses_counter = 0 last_sample_timestamp = 0 time_now = time.time() time_last_sampling = time_now while(self._stop_requested != True): time_now = time.time() #read voltage from speed sensor speed_voltage = self._adc.read_voltage(self._a2d_chan_speed) if( (speed_voltage > 0) and (speed_voltage_last == 0)): #count only transitions from low to high signal speed_pulses_counter += 1 #print("pulses: " + str(speed_pulses_counter)) speed_voltage_last = speed_voltage if(time_now - time_last_sampling < self._file_report_period) or (time_now < time_last_sampling): # time.sleep(0.001) continue smpl = sample() smpl.sample_time_stamp = time_now smpl.sample_time_span = time_now - time_last_sampling smpl.speed_pulses = speed_pulses_counter smpl.speed_m_per_sec = (speed_pulses_counter*2*math.pi*wind_sensor_radius)/smpl.sample_time_span if(self._a2d_chan_vcc != -1): vcc = self._adc.read_voltage(self._a2d_chan_vcc) if(a2d_chan_direction != -1): smpl.direction_voltage = self._adc.read_voltage(self._dir_channel) smpl.direction_code = "" self._samples_lock.acquire() self._samples.append(smpl) print("speed: {} ({}). list len: {}".format(str(smpl.speed_m_per_sec), smpl.speed_pulses, len(self._samples))) self._samples_lock.release() speed_pulses_counter = 0 time_last_sampling = time.time() def Stop(self): if(self._thread == None): return self._stop_requested = True if(self._thread.isAlive()): self._thread.join(); self._thread = None
This example shows how to use the interrupt methods on the IO Pi. The interrupts will be enabled and set so that a voltage applied to pins 1 and 16 will trigger INT A and B respectively. using the read_interrupt_capture or read_port methods will reset the interrupts Initialise the IOPi device using the default addresses and set the output of bank 1 on IC1 to the input of bank 1 on IC2 """ from ABE_helpers import ABEHelpers from ABE_IoPi import IoPi import time i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() newbus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() bus1 = IoPi(newbus, 0x20) bus2 = IoPi(newbus, 0x21) # Set all pins on bus 2 to be inputs with internal pull-ups disabled. bus2.set_port_pullups(0, 0x00) bus2.set_port_pullups(1, 0x00) bus2.set_port_direction(0, 0xFF) bus2.set_port_direction(1, 0xFF) # Set the interrupt polarity to be active high and mirroring disabled, so # pins 1 to 8 trigger INT A and pins 9 to 16 trigger INT B bus2.set_interrupt_polarity(1)
def __init__(self, master): self.i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() self.newbus = self.i2c_helper.get_smbus() self.bus2 = IoPi( self.newbus, 0x21 ) # create an instance of Bus 2 which is on I2C address 0x21 by default self.bus2.set_port_direction( 0, 0x00) # set pins 1 to 8 to be outputs and turn them off self.bus2.write_port(0, 0x00) self.bus2.set_port_direction( 1, 0x00) # set pins 9 to 16 to be outputs and turn them off self.bus2.write_port(1, 0x00) frame = Frame(master) # create a frame for the GUI frame.pack() # create 16 buttons which run the togglepin function when pressed self.button = Button(frame, text="Pin 1", command=lambda: self.togglepin(1)) self.button.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 2", command=lambda: self.togglepin(2)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 3", command=lambda: self.togglepin(3)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 4", command=lambda: self.togglepin(4)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 5", command=lambda: self.togglepin(5)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 6", command=lambda: self.togglepin(6)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 7", command=lambda: self.togglepin(7)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 8", command=lambda: self.togglepin(8)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 9", command=lambda: self.togglepin(9)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 10", command=lambda: self.togglepin(10)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 11", command=lambda: self.togglepin(11)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 12", command=lambda: self.togglepin(12)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 13", command=lambda: self.togglepin(13)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 14", command=lambda: self.togglepin(14)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 15", command=lambda: self.togglepin(15)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT) self.slogan = Button(frame, text="Pin 16", command=lambda: self.togglepin(16)) self.slogan.pack(side=LEFT)
def hallSen(hallSensor_Num, adcChannel_Num, adcBitRate_Num, i2cAddr1_Num, i2cAddr2_Num, outputFile_Name, diameter_Num, hallSensorActive): # ADC Setup channel = 1 # analog channel number (1-8 inclusive) bitRate = 12 # programmable data rate # 18 (3.75 SPS) less per sec. but more # 16 ( 15 SPS) -- # 14 ( 60 SPS) -- # 12 ( 240 SPS) more per sec. but less accurate i2cAddr1 = 0x68 # these address are associated with the Address Config. 1 i2cAddr2 = 0x69 text_file = open("hallSensor_Data1.txt", "w") initTime = time.time() t1 = 0 t2 = 0 flag = 0 diameter = 14 # need to find the actual diameter !!! i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus() adc = ADCDifferentialPi(bus, i2cAddr1, i2cAddr2, bitRate) global activeMphValues global flagThread global activeHallSensors activeHallSensors.append(hallSensorActive) mph = 0 activeMphValues.append(mph) #activeMphValues[hallSensor_Num-1] = mph while activeHallSensors[hallSensor_Num - 1]: voltage = adc.read_voltage( channel ) # voltage output from hall sensor (either a pos. or neg. value) curTime = time.time( ) - initTime # calculates the current time from time acc. minus time started with if voltage < 0.0 and flag == 0: # if voltage is neg. and we have not passed by the magnet yet flag = 1 t1 = t2 # stores the previous current time from curTime t2 = curTime # stores the current time in curTime rps = 1 / (t2 - t1) # revolutions per second activeMphValues[ hallSensor_Num - 1] = (rps * (math.pi) * diameter * (3600 / 63360) ) / 11.5 # conversion from rps to miles per second #temp = rps * (math.pi) * diameter * (3600/63360) rpm = rps * 60 #activeMphValues[hallsensor_Num-1] = rpm #mph = rps*60 #print( str(curTime + "," + str(voltage) + "," + str(mph) ) text_file.write(str(curTime) + "," + str(rpm) + "\n") text_file.flush() elif voltage < 0.0 and flag == 1: # else if voltage is neg. but we are currently still passing by the magnet #print( str(curTime) + "," + str(voltage) ) #text_file.write( str(curTime) + "," str(voltage) + "\n" ) filler = 0 else: # else the voltage is positive (meaning the magnet is not next to the hall sensor) flag = 0 #print( str(curTime) + "," + str(voltage) ) #text_file.write( str(curTime) + "," + str(voltage) + "\n" ) flag = 0 # added hopefully no problems, if problems comment this out #time.sleep( 0.0100 ) text_file.close()
class wind_speed_meter(): def __init__(self): self._a2d_chan_speed = a2d_chan_speed self._a2d_chan_direction = a2d_chan_direction self._a2d_chan_vcc = a2d_chan_vcc self._file_report_period = file_report_period self._i2c_helper = ABEHelpers() self._bus = self._i2c_helper.get_smbus() self._adc = ADCPi(self._bus, 0x68, 0x69, 12) self._CtrlPort = 8200 self._IPAddr = self.get_local_ip() self._samples = list() self._samples_lock = threading.Lock() self._display_lock = threading.Lock() self._thread_sampling_obj = None self._thread_reporting_obj = None self._stop_requested = False self._dirs_stream = list() #stream of directions searched for callibration samples #calibrated directions self._dirs = list() self._dirs_volts = list() self._dirs_names = ("NN", "NE", "EE", "SE", "SS", "SW", "WW", "NW") self._dirs_file = "/home/pi/PyProj/dirs_calibration.txt" self._calibration_restore() self.files_to_compress = list() self.display = False def log_at_display(self, log_msg): if(self.display == False): return self._display_lock.acquire() print(log_msg) self._display_lock.release() def _calibration_save(self): fl = open(self._dirs_file, "w") for dir_name, dir in itertools.izip(self._dirs_names, self._dirs_volts): self.log_at_display("{}: {} ({},{})".format(dir_name, dir.dir, dir._rg_low, dir._rg_high)) line = "{},{}\n".format(dir_name, dir.dir) fl.write(line) fl.close() def _calibration_restore(self): try: fl = open(self._dirs_file, "r") except Exception as e: self.log_at_display("No callibration data to restore") return line = fl.readline() while line != "" : ln_split = line.split(",") self._dirs_volts.append(dir_range(float(ln_split[1].strip()))) line = fl.readline() def get_local_ip(self): ifconfig_cmd = commands.getoutput("ifconfig") patt = re.compile(r'inet\s*\w*\S*:\s*(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})') addr_list = patt.findall(ifconfig_cmd) for addr in addr_list: if addr == "": continue ## if(self._nettype == NETTYPE.CELL): ## if(addr.find("192.168.") == 0): ## continue if(addr.find('.')>0): return addr return "" def start(self): self._stop_requested = False self._thread_sampling_obj = threading.Thread(target=self._thread_sampling) self._thread_sampling_obj.start() self._thread_reporting_obj = threading.Thread(target=self._thread_reporting) self._thread_reporting_obj.start() self._thread_compression_obj = threading.Thread(target=self._thread_compression) self._thread_compression_obj.start() def _dir_calibration(self, smpl): if(len(self._dirs_stream) == 0): self._dirs_stream.append((smpl.direction_voltage,0)) else: delta_from_prev = 0 smpl_last = self._dirs_stream[len(self._dirs_stream)-1] dir_last = smpl_last[0] #calculate delta drom previous direction sensor read if(smpl.direction_voltage > dir_last): delta_from_prev = smpl.direction_voltage - dir_last elif(smpl.direction_voltage > 0) and (smpl.direction_voltage <1) and (dir_last > 4): delta_from_prev = smpl.direction_voltage + (5.0 - dir_last) #append only changing directions if(dir_last != smpl.direction_voltage): self._dirs_stream.append((smpl.direction_voltage,round(delta_from_prev,1))) if (len(self._dirs_stream) == 5): self._dirs_stream.pop(0) #check if callibration is activated self.log_at_display("dirs: " + str(self._dirs_stream)) calibration_matches = 0 for dir in self._dirs_stream: if(dir[1]) >= 1 and (dir[1])<1.6: calibration_matches+=1 if(calibration_matches == 4): matches = 0 self.log_at_display("Direction callibration is completed:\n"\ "Four consequent directions are cptured for N/E/S/W") self._dirs = self._dirs_stream self._dirs_stream = list() #reset the stream of directions searched for callibration samples self._dirs_volts = list() #fill calibration lists for i in range(0,len(self._dirs)): v_direction_prev = self._dirs[i-1][0] if( i == 0): #use WW for NN v_direction_prev = self._dirs[3][0] v_direction = self._dirs[i][0] d_direction = self._dirs[i][1] #delta from previos v_direction middle_dir = v_direction_prev + round(d_direction/2,1) if(middle_dir > 5): middle_dir -= 5 dir = dir_range(middle_dir) self._dirs_volts.append(dir) self._dirs_volts.append(dir_range(v_direction)) idx = len(self._dirs_volts)-1 dir = self._dirs_volts[idx] #append last half-direction nw = self._dirs_volts.pop(0) self._dirs_volts.append(nw) self._calibration_save() def _thread_reporting(self): self.log_at_display("reporting thread started") mc_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) #mc_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) mc_socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, 100) mc_socket.bind((self._IPAddr, 0)) #mreq = struct.pack('4sl', socket.inet_aton(""), socket.INADDR_ANY) mreq = struct.pack('4sl', socket.inet_aton(""), socket.INADDR_ANY) mc_socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, mreq) #mc_socket.sendto("init", ("", 8100)) time_last_report = time.time() self._dirs_stream = list() fl_name = "{}wind_{}.csv".format(file_location, time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")) fl = open(fl_name, "w") lines_reported = 0 while(self._stop_requested != True): time_now = time.time() if(time_now - time_last_report < self._file_report_period) or (time_now < time_last_report): time.sleep(0.2) continue if(len(self._samples) == 0): continue if(lines_reported >= file_length): #open new file if current is full fl.close() self.files_to_compress.append(fl_name) fl_name = "{}wind_{}.csv".format(file_location, time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")) fl = open(fl_name, "w") lines_reported = 0 self._samples_lock.acquire() smpl = self._samples.pop(0) self._samples_lock.release() if(len(self._dirs_volts)>0): for i in range(0, len(self._dirs_volts)): if self._dirs_volts[i].is_in(smpl.direction_voltage): smpl.direction_code = self._dirs_names[i] break self.log_at_display("REPORTED: speed={}m/s Vspeed_avg={}V ({} reads) Vdir={}V DIr={}".format(smpl.speed_m_per_sec, smpl.sample_average_voltage, smpl.voltage_reads, smpl.direction_voltage, smpl.direction_code)) fl.write("{},{}\n".format(smpl.direction_code, smpl.speed_m_per_sec)) lines_reported+=1 self._dir_calibration(smpl) time_last_report = time_now def _thread_compression(self): while(self._stop_requested != True): if(len(self.files_to_compress) == 0): continue f_name = self.files_to_compress.pop(0) f_in = open(f_name, 'rb') f_out = + '.gz', 'wb') f_out.writelines(f_in) f_out.close() f_in.close() os.remove(f_name) def _thread_sampling(self): self.log_at_display("sampling thread started") speed_reads_counter = 0 last_sample_timestamp = 0 time_now = time.time() time_last_sampling = time_now speed_voltage_sum = 0.0 while(self._stop_requested != True): time_now = time.time() # output voltage is proportional to the wind speed at the voltage read moment #read voltage from speed sensor speed_voltage_sum += self._adc.read_voltage(self._a2d_chan_speed) speed_reads_counter += 1 if(time_now - time_last_sampling < self._file_report_period) or (time_now < time_last_sampling): time.sleep(0.01) continue smpl = sample() smpl.sample_time_stamp = time_now smpl.sample_time_span = time_now - time_last_sampling smpl.voltage_reads = speed_reads_counter smpl.sample_average_voltage = round(speed_voltage_sum/smpl.voltage_reads,2) #Vout may vary from 0 to 5V which linearry relates to 0.5 to 50M/s # Thus each 1V relates to 10M/s or 1 mV -> 0.01 M/s: 1mV means 1cm/s # smpl.sample_average_voltage is in volts # smpl.sample_average_voltage*1000 gives the value in milli-volts # from here smpl.speed_m_per_sec = (smpl.sample_average_voltage*1000)mV*0.01 (Ms/ per mV) # or smpl.speed_m_per_sec = smpl.sample_average_voltage*10 smpl.speed_m_per_sec = round(smpl.sample_average_voltage*10, 2) if(self._a2d_chan_vcc != -1): vcc = self._adc.read_voltage(self._a2d_chan_vcc) if(a2d_chan_direction != -1): smpl.direction_voltage = round(self._adc.read_voltage(self._a2d_chan_direction),1) smpl.direction_code = "" self._samples_lock.acquire() self._samples.append(smpl) self.log_at_display("CAPTURED: speed={}m/s Vspeed_avg={}V ({} reads) Vdir={}V List_len={}".format(smpl.speed_m_per_sec, smpl.sample_average_voltage, smpl.voltage_reads, smpl.direction_voltage, len(self._samples))) self._samples_lock.release() speed_reads_counter = 0 speed_voltage_sum = 0.0 time_last_sampling = time.time() def Stop(self): self._stop_requested = True if(self._thread_sampling_obj.isAlive()): self._thread_sampling_obj.join(); if(self._thread_reporting_obj.isAlive()): self._thread_reporting_obj.join(); if(self._thread_compression_obj.isAlive()): self._thread_compressions_obj.join();