def results_home(request): from Results.csv_generator import SUMMARY_FILE_NAME path_ex = workspace_path(scenario_filename() +"/*.csv") start = workspace_path() context = {'supplemental_files': [os.path.relpath(file_path, start=start) for file_path in glob(path_ex)]} summary_path = os.path.join(scenario_filename(), SUMMARY_FILE_NAME) try: context['supplemental_files'].remove(summary_path) # context['supplemental_files'] = [file for file in context['supplemental_files'] if not file.endswith(SUMMARY_FILE_NAME)] # filter out summary.csv except ValueError: pass context['summary_file_name'] = summary_path if os.path.exists(map_zip_file()): context['supplemental_files'].append(os.path.relpath(map_zip_file(), start=start)) # TODO: value dict file sizes if DailyControls.objects.all().count() > 0: context['summary'] = Results.summary.summarize_results() context['iterations'] = len(list_of_iterations()) context['population_eta'] = Unit.objects.count() / 650 # estimate slow map calc in matplotlib try: v = ResultsVersion.objects.get() context['version_number'] = '.'.join([v.versionMajor, v.versionMinor, v.versionRelease]) except: # more specific exceptions kept leaking through pass return render(request, 'Results/SimulationProgress.html', context)
def make_population_map_file(self): if not os.path.exists(workspace_path(scenario_filename())): os.makedirs(workspace_path(scenario_filename())) print("Calculating a new Population Map") fig = population_results_map() FigureCanvas(fig).print_png(self.path) thumbnail(self.path, self.thumb_path, scale=0.1923) print("Finished Population Map")
def new_scenario(request=None, new_name=None): copy_blank_to_session() update_db_version() if new_name: try: scenario_filename(new_name, check_duplicates=True) except: pass # validation may kick it back in which case they'll need to rename it in a file browser return redirect('/setup/Scenario/1/')
def import_legacy_scenario(param_path, popul_path, new_name=None): if new_name: names_without_extensions = new_name else: names_without_extensions = tuple( os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(x))[0] for x in [param_path, popul_path]) # stupid generators... names_without_extensions = '%s with %s' % names_without_extensions import_naadsm_xml(popul_path, param_path) # puts all the data in activeSession scenario_filename(names_without_extensions, check_duplicates=True) return save_scenario(None) # This will overwrite a file of the same name without prompting
def open_scenario(request, target, wrap_target=True): if wrap_target: target = workspace_path(target) print("Copying ", target, "to", db_path(), ". This could take several minutes...") close_old_connections() shutil.copy(target, db_path(name='scenario_db')) scenario_filename(os.path.basename(target)) print('Sessions overwritten with ', target) update_db_version() unsaved_changes(False) # File is now in sync SmSession.objects.all().update(iteration_text = '', simulation_has_started=outputs_exist()) # This is also reset from delete_all_outputs # else: # print('File does not exist') return redirect('/setup/Scenario/1/')
def population_thumbnail_png(request, second_try=False): path = workspace_path(scenario_filename() + '/population_map.png') thumb_path = workspace_path(scenario_filename() + '/population_thumbnail.png') try: with open(thumb_path, "rb") as f: return HttpResponse(, content_type="image/png") except IOError: if os.path.exists(path): if second_try: sleep(1) thumbnail(path, thumb_path, scale=0.1923) # create the thumbnail return population_thumbnail_png(request, second_try=True) else: sleep(5) return population_thumbnail_png(request, second_try=False)
def run(self): if self.testing: for database in settings.DATABASES: settings.DATABASES[database]['NAME'] = settings.DATABASES[database]['TEST']['NAME'] if 'TEST' in settings.DATABASES[database] else settings.DATABASES[database]['TEST_NAME'] location = workspace_path(scenario_filename() + '/' + SUMMARY_FILE_NAME) # Note: scenario_filename uses the database headers, data = self.get_summary_data_table() create_csv_file(location, headers, data)
def copy_file(request, target, destination): if target.replace('.sqlite3', '') == scenario_filename(): # copying the active scenario return save_scenario(request) if not destination.endswith('.sqlite3'): destination += ".sqlite3" print("Copying", target, "to", destination, ". This could take several minutes...") shutil.copy(workspace_path(target), workspace_path(destination)) print("Done copying", target) return redirect('/')
def delete_supplemental_folder(): scenario_folder = scenario_filename() if scenario_folder != '': try: shutil.rmtree(workspace_path(scenario_folder)) except: pass # because the folder doesn't exist (which is fine) from django.db import connections connections['scenario_db'].cursor().execute('VACUUM')
def population_zoom_png(request=None): path = workspace_path(scenario_filename() + '/population_map.png') thumb_path = workspace_path(scenario_filename() + '/population_thumbnail.png') try: with open(path, "rb") as img_file: return HttpResponse(, content_type='image/png') except IOError: save_image = is_simulation_stopped() # we want to check this before reading the stats, this is in motion if not save_image: # in order to avoid database locked Issue #150 return population_png(request, 58.5, 52) else: if any( == 'population_map_thread' for thread in threading.enumerate()): print("Waiting on a Population Map") sleep(5) else: PopulationWorker(path, thumb_path).start() sleep(.5) return population_zoom_png(request)
def zip_map_directory_if_it_exists(): dir_to_zip = workspace_path(scenario_filename() + "/Map") if os.path.exists(dir_to_zip) and supplemental_folder_has_contents(subfolder='/Map'): zipname = map_zip_file() dir_to_zip_len = len(dir_to_zip.rstrip(os.sep)) + 1 with zipfile.ZipFile(zipname, mode='w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf: for dirname, subdirs, files in os.walk(dir_to_zip): for filename in files: path = os.path.join(dirname, filename) entry = path[dir_to_zip_len:] zf.write(path, entry) else: print("Folder is empty: ", dir_to_zip)
def adsm_context(request): context = {} if not request.is_ajax() and request.path and request.path != '/' and '/LoadingScreen/' not in request.path: session = SmSession.objects.get() version = session.update_available context = {'filename': scenario_filename(), # context in either mode 'unsaved_changes': unsaved_changes(), 'url': request.path, 'active_link': '/'.join(re.split('\W+', request.path)[2:]), 'dev_version': __version__, 'update_version': version if version and version != 'False' and version != '0' else '', 'workspace_path': workspace_path(), 'db_files': (file_list(".sqlite3")), 'show_help_text': session.show_help_text } return context
def summary_csv(request): class HttpResponseAccepted(HttpResponse): status_code = 202 if request.method == "GET": if SmSession.objects.get().calculating_summary_csv: return HttpResponseAccepted() elif not DailyControls.objects.all().count() or is_simulation_running(): return HttpResponseBadRequest() elif not os.path.isfile(workspace_path(scenario_filename() + '/' + SUMMARY_FILE_NAME)): return HttpResponseNotFound() else: return HttpResponse() if request.method == "POST": csv_generator = SummaryCSVGenerator() csv_generator.start() # starts a new thread return HttpResponseAccepted() else: return HttpResponseNotAllowed(permitted_methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def map_zip_file(): """This is a file named after the scenario in the folder that's also named after the scenario.""" return workspace_path(scenario_filename() + '/' + scenario_filename() + " Map")
from django.core import management from ADSMSettings.utils import db_path, workspace_path, scenario_filename from ADSMSettings.views import new_scenario, save_scenario from ADSMSettings.xml2sqlite import import_naadsm_xml from ScenarioCreator.models import DirectSpread if len(sys.argv) >= 4: # single command line invocation print("""Usage: python3.4 ./ export_pop.xml parameters.xml debug.sqlite3 [--workspace] Include the flag '--workspace' as the fourth argument if you want to save the scenario to the ADSM Workspace""") shutil.copy(db_path(), workspace_path('activeSession.bak')) shutil.copy(db_path('default'), workspace_path('settings.bak')) popul_path = sys.argv[1] param_path = sys.argv[2] scenario_path = workspace_path(sys.argv[3]) if len(sys.argv) > 4 and sys.argv[4] == '--workspace' else sys.argv[3] scenario_name = os.path.basename(scenario_path) new_scenario() import_naadsm_xml(popul_path, param_path, saveIterationOutputsForUnits=False) scenario_filename(scenario_name, check_duplicates=True) save_scenario() count_model_entries() shutil.move(workspace_path(scenario_name), scenario_path) shutil.copy(workspace_path('activeSession.bak'), db_path()) shutil.copy(workspace_path('settings.bak'), db_path('default'))
def save_scenario(request=None): """Save to the existing session of a new file name if target is provided """ if request is not None and 'filename' in request.POST: target = request.POST['filename'] else: target = scenario_filename() target = strip_tags(target) full_path = workspace_path(target) + ('.sqlite3' if not target.endswith('.sqlite3') else '') try: if '\\' in target or '/' in target: # this validation has to be outside of scenario_filename in order for open_test_scenario to work raise ValueError("Slashes are not allowed: " + target) scenario_filename(target) print('Copying database to', target) shutil.copy(db_path(), full_path) unsaved_changes(False) # File is now in sync print('Done Copying database to', full_path) except (IOError, AssertionError, ValueError) as err: if request is not None: save_error = 'Failed to save filename:' + str(err) print('Encountered an error while copying file', full_path) return render(request, 'ScenarioName.html', {"failure_message": save_error}) if request is not None and request.is_ajax(): return render(request, 'ScenarioName.html', {"success_message": "File saved to " + target, "filename": scenario_filename(), 'unsaved_changes': unsaved_changes()}) else: return redirect('/setup/Scenario/1/')