def construct_graph(self, input_seq_pl, dropout): """ Contruct a tensofrlow graph for the network Args: input_seq_pl: tf placeholder for ae input data [batch_size, sequence_length, DoF] dropout: how much of the input neurons will be activated, value in range [0,1] Returns: Tensor of output """ network_input = simulate_missing_markets(input_seq_pl, self._mask, self.default_value) if FLAGS.reccurent is False: last_output = network_input[:, 0, :] numb_layers = self.num_hidden_layers + 1 # Pass through the network for i in range(numb_layers): # First - Apply Dropout last_output = tf.nn.dropout(last_output, dropout) w = self._w(i + 1) b = self._b(i + 1) last_output = self._activate(last_output, w, b) output = tf.reshape(last_output, [ self.batch_size, 1, FLAGS.frame_size * FLAGS.amount_of_frames_as_input ]) else: output, last_states = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell=self._RNN_cell, dtype=tf.float32, inputs=network_input) # Reuse variables # so that we can use the same LSTM both for training and testing tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() return output
def construct_tcn_graph(self, input_seq_pl, dropout): """ Contruct a tensorflow graph for the network Args: input_seq_pl: tf placeholder for ae input data [batch_size, sequence_length, DoF] dropout: how much of the input neurons will be activated, value in range [0,1] Returns: Tensor of output """ network_input = simulate_missing_markets(input_seq_pl, self._mask, self.default_value) if FLAGS.reccurent is False: last_output = network_input[:, 0, :] numb_layers = self.num_hidden_layers + 1 # Pass through the network for i in range(numb_layers): # First - Apply Dropout last_output = tf.nn.dropout(last_output, dropout) w = self._w(i + 1) b = self._b(i + 1) last_output = self._activate(last_output, w, b) output = tf.reshape(last_output, [self.batch_size, 1, FLAGS.frame_size * FLAGS.amount_of_frames_as_input]) else: # output, last_states = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn( # cell=self._RNN_cell, # dtype=tf.float32, # inputs=network_input) z_prior = tf.convert_to_tensor(tf.unstack(network_input, FLAGS.chunk_length, 1)) print("z_prior=", z_prior.shape) with tf.variable_scope("tcn") as tcn: #g_trainingState = tf.placeholder(tf.bool) #g_res, g_states = tf.contrib.rnn.static_rnn(self._gen_lstm_cell, z_prior, dtype=tf.float32) #dilations = process_dilations(FLAGS.dilations) #input_layer = Input(shape=(max_len, num_feat)) t_res = TCN(nb_filters=123, kernel_size=2, nb_stacks=1, dilations=[2 ** i for i in range(6)], padding='causal', use_skip_connections=False, dropout_rate=FLAGS.dropout, return_sequences=True, activation='relu', name='tcn', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_batch_norm=True )(z_prior) t_res = Dense(123)(t_res) t_res = Activation('relu')(t_res) print('t_res.shape=', t_res.shape) g_res, g_states = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(self._gen_lstm_cell, t_res, dtype=tf.float32) t_last_output = g_res #g_w_1 = self._w("g" + str(1)) #g_b_1 = self._b("g" + str(1)) # #g_w_2 = self._w("g" + str(2)) #g_b_2 = self._b("g" + str(2)) # #g_hidden_1 = tf.nn.bias_add(tf.matmul(g_last_output, g_w_1),g_b_1) #g_bnHidden_1 = tf.layers.batch_normalization(g_hidden_1, training = True) #g_last_output_1 = tf.nn.leaky_relu(g_bnHidden_1) # #g_hidden_2 = tf.nn.bias_add(tf.matmul(g_last_output_1, g_w_2),g_b_2) #g_bnHidden_2 = tf.layers.batch_normalization(g_hidden_2, training = True) #g_last_output_2 = tf.nn.leaky_relu(g_bnHidden_2) #for i in range(len(self._gen_shape)-1): # g_w = self._w("g" + str(i + 1)) # g_b = self._b("g" + str(i + 1)) # g_hidden = tf.nn.bias_add(tf.matmul(g_last_output, g_w),g_b) # g_hidden_mean, g_hidden_variance = tf.nn.moments(g_hidden, axes = [i for i in range(len(g_hidden.shape))], keep_dims = True) # g_bnHidden = tf.nn.batch_normalization(g_hidden, mean = g_hidden_mean, # variance = g_hidden_variance, # variance_epsilon = FLAGS.variance_epsilon, # offset = None, # scale = None) #g_bnHidden = tf.layers.batch_normalization(g_hidden, training = True) # g_last_output = tf.nn.leaky_relu(g_bnHidden) # print(g_last_output) #g_output = tf.nn.tanh(g_last_output) t_output = t_last_output t_params = [v for v in tf.global_variables() if] t_output = tf.reshape(t_output, [self.batch_size, FLAGS.chunk_length, FLAGS.frame_size * FLAGS.amount_of_frames_as_input]) with tf.name_scope("tcn_params"): for param in t_params: variable_summaries(param) # Reuse variables # so that we can use the same LSTM both for training and testing tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() return t_output, t_params
def construct_gen_graph(self, input_seq_pl, dropout): """ Contruct a tensorflow graph for the network Args: input_seq_pl: tf placeholder for ae input data [batch_size, sequence_length, DoF] dropout: how much of the input neurons will be activated, value in range [0,1] Returns: Tensor of output """ network_input = simulate_missing_markets(input_seq_pl, self._mask, self.default_value) if FLAGS.reccurent is False: last_output = network_input[:, 0, :] numb_layers = self.num_hidden_layers + 1 # Pass through the network for i in range(numb_layers): # First - Apply Dropout last_output = tf.nn.dropout(last_output, dropout) w = self._w(i + 1) b = self._b(i + 1) last_output = self._activate(last_output, w, b) output = tf.reshape(last_output, [ self.batch_size, 1, FLAGS.frame_size * FLAGS.amount_of_frames_as_input ]) else: # output, last_states = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn( # cell=self._RNN_cell, # dtype=tf.float32, # inputs=network_input) z_prior = tf.convert_to_tensor( tf.unstack(network_input, FLAGS.chunk_length, 1)) with tf.variable_scope("gen") as gen: g_trainingState = tf.placeholder(tf.bool) #g_res, g_states = tf.contrib.rnn.static_rnn(self._gen_lstm_cell, z_prior, dtype=tf.float32) g_res, g_states = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(self._gen_lstm_cell, z_prior, dtype=tf.float32) #print("g_res:",g_res) #print("g_states:",g_states) g_last_output = g_res #g_w_1 = self._w("g" + str(1)) #g_b_1 = self._b("g" + str(1)) # #g_w_2 = self._w("g" + str(2)) #g_b_2 = self._b("g" + str(2)) # #g_hidden_1 = tf.nn.bias_add(tf.matmul(g_last_output, g_w_1),g_b_1) #g_bnHidden_1 = tf.layers.batch_normalization(g_hidden_1, training = True) #g_last_output_1 = tf.nn.leaky_relu(g_bnHidden_1) # #g_hidden_2 = tf.nn.bias_add(tf.matmul(g_last_output_1, g_w_2),g_b_2) #g_bnHidden_2 = tf.layers.batch_normalization(g_hidden_2, training = True) #g_last_output_2 = tf.nn.leaky_relu(g_bnHidden_2) for i in range(len(self._gen_shape) - 1): g_last_output = tf.nn.dropout(g_last_output, dropout) g_w = self._w("g" + str(i + 1)) g_b = self._b("g" + str(i + 1)) g_hidden = tf.nn.bias_add(tf.matmul(g_last_output, g_w), g_b) g_hidden_mean, g_hidden_variance = tf.nn.moments( g_hidden, axes=[i for i in range(len(g_hidden.shape))], keep_dims=True) g_bnHidden = tf.nn.batch_normalization( g_hidden, mean=g_hidden_mean, variance=g_hidden_variance, variance_epsilon=FLAGS.variance_epsilon, offset=None, scale=None) #g_bnHidden = tf.layers.batch_normalization(g_hidden, training = True) g_last_output = tf.nn.leaky_relu(g_bnHidden) print(g_last_output) g_output = tf.nn.tanh(g_last_output) g_params = [ v for v in tf.global_variables() if ] g_output = tf.reshape(g_output, [ self.batch_size, FLAGS.chunk_length, FLAGS.frame_size * FLAGS.amount_of_frames_as_input ]) with tf.name_scope("gen_params"): for param in g_params: variable_summaries(param) # Reuse variables # so that we can use the same LSTM both for training and testing tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() return g_output #, g_params