Exemple #1
from AITMCLab.libnum import n2s, s2n

flag = 'flag{Congratulation!_quiz1_passed!!!}'

def nextPrime(n):
    n += 2 if n & 1 else 1
    while not isPrime(n):
        n += 2
    return n

e = 11248112333656902878308992204660514716130692202019193081806766887380465145401754698746718075268681481388695805324253817155823465013590321091178897918430457
c1 = 5120829596353532760839054347975234579355835073413768618360492980516438193909447500996222328143719619379838946544412967584025416378147246422705451415437468
c2 = 17985907282297772406857113433926323639543183645704827789984971602150950301590677893419082
c1, c2 = n2s(c1), n2s(c2)
E = nextPrime(e)

f = 1
for i in range(E - 2, e, -1):
    f = f * inverse(i, E) % E
print f
f = n2s(f)

def xor(s1, s2):
    length = min(len(s1), len(s2))
    res = ''
    for i in range(length):
        res = res + chr(ord(s1[i]) ^ ord(s2[i]))
    return res
Exemple #2
    now_x = 0
    for i in range(r):
        now_g = pow(g, pow(p, r - 1 - i), n)
        now_y = pow(y, pow(p, r - 1 - i), n)
        now = pow(now_g, now_x, n)
        for now_a in range(p + 1):
            if now == now_y:
                a[i] = now_a
            now = now * pow(now_g, pow(p, i), n) % n
        now_x += a[i] * pow(p, i)
print xs

for i in range(len(ps)):
    ps[i] = pow(ps[i], rs[i])

Ms = []
m = 1
for p in ps:
    m *= p
for i in range(len(ps)):
    now_m = m // ps[i]
    now_m = now_m * invmod(now_m, ps[i]) % n

res = 0
for i in range(len(ps)):
    res = (res + xs[i] * Ms[i]) % m
Exemple #3
# Welcome to lab3, I am going to introduct some interesting functions to you!
# We need to import what we want
from AITMCLab.libnum import n2s, s2n, invmod
from AITMCLab.Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes, bytes_to_long
from AITMCLab.Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, isPrime

# Use s2n(acronym for 'string to number') to convert string to number
#    and use n2s to revert
s = 'I love algorithm design'
n = s2n(s)    # int
print 'n =',n
new_s = n2s(n)
assert new_s == s

# Feel free to replace n2s with long_to_bytes, or replace s2n with bytes_to_long
#    They are equavalant!!
assert long_to_bytes(bytes_to_long('hahaha')) == 'hahaha'
assert n2s(bytes_to_long('heiheihei')) == 'heiheihei'
assert long_to_bytes(s2n('xixixi')) == 'xixixi'

# x * invmod(x, n) % n == 1, as you suppose
n = 23
for x in range(1, n):
    assert x * invmod(x, n) % n == 1
    assert invmod(x, n) * x % n == 1

# Use function 'getPrime' to generate a prime RANDOMLY
#    namely, you will get different result every time you execute this program
p = getPrime(5)
q = getPrime(5)
print p, q
Exemple #4
from AITMCLab.libnum import invmod, n2s

n = 3914224287795636809861368015178301501372188634077669936495180785846977608060045377653931855350462641602739528638098085015546367841148708574573569280349292403464473463818042817457266362325488737681832840764568002910598017717058689969512296099
c = 3678716732847973069496233717035619410810008982881832778108057662379358563168669345659610269104838531535596938088040391434969949131327247362326079375825722973572861874365364217648459622237827463731017181656549460372354778250000173854890274241
e = 0x10001

d = invmod(e, n - 1)
print n2s(pow(c, d, n))  # flag{this_is_a_flag,hahaha}
Exemple #5
        s += i
print s  # 20

# You can program easier with built-in function, such as 'ord' and 'chr'
#   ord: str(length=1) -> int    Transfer character into ascii number
#   chr: int -> str(length=1)    Transfer ascii number into character
# Want to know more?
#   https://www.runoob.com/python/python-func-ord.html
#   https://www.runoob.com/python/python-func-chr.html
print ord('a')  # 97
print chr(97)  # 'a'

# Use keyword 'import' to import other function from ctflab
from AITMCLab.libnum import n2s, s2n
print s2n('Happy Hacking')  # 5734583677810927947475323547239
print n2s(5734583677810927947475323547239)  # 'Happy Hacking'
# Want to know more about AITMCLab.libnum? https://github.com/hellman/libnum

# Explore more grammars, use baidu

# Lab1
# Here is an encoding procedure, try to understand
#     what happened and findout the message
message = 'flag{*************}'  # You can't see the message here!! hahaha
cipher = ''
key = 3
for char in message:
    if 'a' <= char <= 'z':
        now_cipher = (ord(char) - ord('a') + key) % 26
        cipher += chr(now_cipher + ord('a'))
Exemple #6
        message = padding << m**(p-1) % p + m % 2
        cipher = pow(message, e, N)
        m /= 2"""
p = 23
m = 5
#(2 * pad * pad + 0) ** e + kn = enc
#(2 * pad * pad + 0) + (kn) % e = enc % e
#(2 * pad * pad + 1) ** e + kn = enc
i = 0
m = 0

with open("./key.enc", "r") as f:
    info = f.readlines()
for i in range(len(info)):
    x = int(info[i].strip()[:-1], 16)
    #print libnum.jacobi(x,N)
    #print x,hex(x)
    if libnum.jacobi(x, N) == 1:
        m += (1 << i)
        m += 0
n = N
temp = random.randint(0, 2**1000)**2
print libnum.jacobi(pow(2 * temp, e, n), n)
print libnum.jacobi(pow(4 * temp, e, n), n)
print libnum.n2s(m)
Exemple #7
    r = 0
    for i in range(10):
        r += M[i] * res[i]
    r = r % N
    # print r
    return r

def solve_sig():
    ls = []
    with open('sig', 'rb') as f:
        line = f.readline().split('=')[-1]
        y = int(line)
        for i in range(95):
            line = f.readline().split('=')[-1].strip().split(',')
            ls.append((int(line[0]), int(line[1])))
    res = []
    for i in range(95):
        r, s = ls[i]
        res.append(1 if elgamal_sig_verify(1024, r, s, p, g, y) else 0)
    r = int(''.join(map(str, res[::-1])), 2)
    # print r
    return r

f1 = solve_enc()
f2 = solve_sig()
from AITMCLab.libnum import n2s
f = n2s(f1) + n2s(f2)
print 'flag{' + f + '}'