Exemple #1
    def _update_spiking_neuron(self, pop):
        Update code for the spiking neurons comprise of two parts, update of
        ODE and test spiking condition.
        id_dict = {
            'id': pop.id,
            'local_index': "[i]",
            'semiglobal_index': '',
            'global_index': ''

        # Is there an axonal spike condition?
        if pop.neuron_type.axon_spike:
            # get the conditions for axonal and neural spike event
            axon_cond = pop.neuron_type.description['axon_spike'][
                'spike_cond'] % id_dict
            neur_cond = pop.neuron_type.description['spike'][
                'spike_cond'] % id_dict

            # state changes if axonal spike occur
            axon_reset = ""
            for eq in pop.neuron_type.description['axon_spike']['spike_reset']:
                axon_reset += """
            """ % {
                    'reset': eq['cpp'] % id_dict

            # Simply extent the spiking vector, as the axonal spike
            # either manipulate neuron state nor consider refractoriness.
            # TODO: what happens for plastic networks? As it seems to be unclear,
            # after discussion with JB it is currently disabled (HD: 21.01.2019)
            axon_spike_code = """
                // Axon Spike Event, only if there was not already an event
                if( (%(axon_condition)s) && !(%(neur_condition)s) ) {

""" % {
                'axon_condition': axon_cond,
                'neur_condition': neur_cond,
                'axon_reset': axon_reset
            axon_spike_code = ""

        # Global variables
        global_code = ""
        eqs = generate_equation_code(pop.id,
                                     padding=3) % id_dict
        if eqs.strip() != "":
            global_code += """
            // Updating the global variables
            #pragma omp single
""" % {
                'eqs': eqs

        # Is there a refractory period?
        has_refractory = True if (pop.neuron_type.refractory
                                  or pop.refractory) else False

        # Gather pre-loop declaration (dt/tau for ODEs)
        pre_code = ""
        for var in pop.neuron_type.description['variables']:
            if 'pre_loop' in var.keys() and len(var['pre_loop']) > 0:
                pre_code += var['ctype'] + ' ' + var['pre_loop'][
                    'name'] + ' = ' + var['pre_loop']['value'] + ';\n'
        if len(pre_code) > 0:
            pre_code = """
            // Updating the step sizes
""" + tabify(pre_code, 3)
            global_code = pre_code % id_dict + global_code

        # Local variables, evaluated in parallel
        local_code = generate_equation_code(pop.id,
                                            padding=4) % id_dict

        # Decrement of refractoriness
        if has_refractory:
            local_code += tabify(
// Decrement the refractory period
refractory_remaining[i] -= (1 - in_ref[i]);
""", 4)

        # Process the condition
        cond = pop.neuron_type.description['spike']['spike_cond'] % id_dict

        # Reset equations
        reset = ""
        for eq in pop.neuron_type.description['spike']['spike_reset']:
            reset += """
""" % {
                'reset': eq['cpp'] % id_dict

        # Mean Firing rate
        mean_FR_push, mean_FR_update = self._update_fr(pop)

        # Increment of the refractory variable
        if has_refractory:
            # By default, it is refractory, but users can specify another one
            refrac_var = "refractory[i]"
            if isinstance(pop.neuron_type.refractory, str):
                found = False
                for param in pop.neuron_type.description[
                        "parameters"] + pop.neuron_type.description[
                    if param["name"] == pop.neuron_type.refractory:
                        if param['locality'] == 'local':
                            refrac_var = "int(" + pop.neuron_type.refractory + "[i]/dt)"
                            refrac_var = "int(" + pop.neuron_type.refractory + "/dt)"
                        found = True
                if not found:
                    Global._error("refractory = " +
                                  pop.neuron_type.refractory +
                                  ": parameter or variable does not exist.")

            refrac_inc = "refractory_remaining[i] = %(refrac_var)s;" % {
                'refrac_var': refrac_var
            omp_code = "#pragma omp for" if pop.size > Global.OMP_MIN_NB_NEURONS else ""
            comp_inref = """
            // compute which neurons are in refractory
            #pragma omp for
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                in_ref[i] = (refractory_remaining[i] > 0) ? 0 : 1;
            """ % {
                'omp_code': omp_code

            refrac_inc = ""
            comp_inref = ""

        # Gather code
        omp_critical_code = "#pragma omp critical" if pop.size > Global.OMP_MIN_NB_NEURONS else ""
        refrac_check = tabify(
    // check if neuron is in refractory
    if (in_ref[i]==0)
""", 3)

        if pop.size > Global.OMP_MIN_NB_NEURONS:

            gather_code = """
        if( _active ) {
            #pragma omp master
            auto local_spikes = std::vector<int>();

            #pragma omp barrier

            #pragma omp for nowait
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

                // Spike emission
                if( %(condition)s ) { // Condition is met
                    // Reset variables
                    // Store the spike
                    last_spike[i] = t;

                    // Refractory period


            local_spiked_sizes[tid+1] = local_spikes.size();
            #pragma omp barrier

            #pragma omp single
                for (int i = 1; i < (num_threads+1); i++) {
                    local_spiked_sizes[i] += local_spiked_sizes[i-1];

            std::copy(local_spikes.begin(), local_spikes.end(), spiked.begin() + local_spiked_sizes[tid]);
        } // active
            gather_code = """
        if( _active ) {
        #pragma omp barrier

        #pragma omp single
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

                // Spike emission
                if( %(condition)s ) { // Condition is met
                    // Reset variables
                    // Store the spike
                    last_spike[i] = t;

                    // Refractory period

        } // active

        final_spike_gather = gather_code % {
            'condition': cond,
            'refrac_check': refrac_check if has_refractory else "",
            'reset': reset,
            'refrac_inc': refrac_inc,
            'mean_FR_push': mean_FR_push,
            'mean_FR_update': mean_FR_update,
            'omp_critical_code': omp_critical_code,
            'axon_spike_code': axon_spike_code

        # If axonal events are defined
        if pop.neuron_type.axon_spike:
            global_code = "axonal.clear();\n" + global_code

        # finish code
        final_eq = """
        if( _active ) {


            // Updating local variables
            #pragma omp for simd
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

        } // active
""" % {
            'comp_inref': comp_inref,
            'local_code': local_code,
            'global_code': global_code,

        # if profiling enabled, annotate with profiling code
        if self._prof_gen:
            final_eq = self._prof_gen.annotate_update_neuron(pop, final_eq)
            final_spike_gather = self._prof_gen.annotate_spike_cond(
                pop, final_spike_gather)

        return final_eq, final_spike_gather
Exemple #2
    def _update_spiking_neuron(self, pop):
        Generate the neural update code for GPU devices. We split up the
        calculation into three parts:

            * evolvement of global differential equations
            * evolvement of local differential equations
            * spike gathering


            * tuple of three code snippets (body, header, call)
        # Is there any variable?
        if len(pop.neuron_type.description['variables']) == 0:
            return "", "", ""

        # The purpose of this lines is explained in _update_rate_neuron
        # HD: 19. May 2017
        if 'update_variables' in pop._specific_template.keys():
            call = """
        // host side update of neurons
""" % {'id': pop.id}
            return "", "", call

        header = ""
        body = ""
        local_call = ""
        global_call = ""

        # some defaults
        ids = {
            'id': pop.id,
            'local_index': "[i]",
            'global_index': "[0]"

        # Process the global and local equations and generate first set of kernels

        # parse the equations
        glob_eqs = generate_equation_code(pop.id, pop.neuron_type.description, locality='global', padding=1) % ids
        loc_eqs = generate_equation_code(pop.id, pop.neuron_type.description, locality='local', padding=2) % ids

        # Gather pre-loop declaration (dt/tau for ODEs) and
        # update the related kernels
        pre_code = ""
        for var in pop.neuron_type.description['variables']:
            if 'pre_loop' in var.keys() and len(var['pre_loop']) > 0:
                pre_code += Global.config['precision'] + ' ' + var['pre_loop']['name'] + ' = ' + var['pre_loop']['value'] + ';\n'
        if pre_code.strip() != '':
            pre_code = """
    // Updating the step sizes
""" + tabify(pre_code, 1) % ids

        # replace pow() for SDK < 6.5
        loc_eqs = check_and_apply_pow_fix(loc_eqs)
        glob_eqs = check_and_apply_pow_fix(glob_eqs)

        # replace local function calls
        if len(pop.neuron_type.description['functions']) > 0:
            glob_eqs, loc_eqs = self._replace_local_funcs(pop, glob_eqs, loc_eqs)

        # replace the random distributions
        loc_eqs, glob_eqs = self._replace_random(loc_eqs, glob_eqs, pop.neuron_type.description['random_distributions'])

        # Global variables
        if glob_eqs.strip() != '':
            add_args_header, add_args_call = self._gen_kernel_args(pop, 'global')

            # global operations
            for op in pop.global_operations:
                ids = {
                    'id': pop.id,
                    'type': Global.config['precision'],
                    'op': op['function'],
                    'var': op['variable']
                add_args_header += """, %(type)s _%(op)s_%(var)s """ % ids
                add_args_call += """, pop%(id)s._%(op)s_%(var)s""" % ids

            # finalize code templates
            body += CUDATemplates.population_update_kernel['global']['body'] % {
                'id': pop.id,
                'add_args': add_args_header,
                'pre_loop': pre_code,
            header += CUDATemplates.population_update_kernel['global']['header'] % {
                'id': pop.id, 'add_args': add_args_header
            global_call = CUDATemplates.population_update_kernel['global']['call'] % {
                'id': pop.id, 'add_args': add_args_call, 'stream_id': pop.id

        # Local variables
        if loc_eqs.strip() != '':
            add_args_header, add_args_call = self._gen_kernel_args(pop, 'local')

            # global operations
            for op in pop.global_operations:
                ids = {
                    'id': pop.id,
                    'type': Global.config['precision'],
                    'op': op['function'],
                    'var': op['variable']
                add_args_header += """, %(type)s _%(op)s_%(var)s """ % ids
                add_args_call += """, pop%(id)s._%(op)s_%(var)s""" % ids

            # Is there a refractory period?
            if pop.neuron_type.refractory or pop.refractory:
                # within refractory perid, only conductance variables
                refr_eqs = generate_equation_code(pop.id, pop.neuron_type.description, 'local', conductance_only=True, padding=3) % ids

                # 'old' loc_eqs is now only executed ouside refractory period
                loc_eqs = """
        // Refractory period
        if( refractory_remaining[i] > 0){
            // Decrement the refractory period
        } else{
""" %  {'eqs': refr_eqs, 'loc_eqs': loc_eqs}

                add_args_header += ", int *refractory, int* refractory_remaining"
                add_args_call += """, pop%(id)s.gpu_refractory, pop%(id)s.gpu_refractory_remaining""" %{'id':pop.id}

            # finalize code templates
            body += CUDATemplates.population_update_kernel['local']['body'] % {
                'id': pop.id, 'add_args': add_args_header, 'pop_size': pop.size, 'pre_loop': pre_code, 'local_eqs': loc_eqs
            header += CUDATemplates.population_update_kernel['local']['header'] % {
                'id': pop.id, 'add_args': add_args_header
            local_call = CUDATemplates.population_update_kernel['local']['call'] % {
                'id': pop.id, 'add_args': add_args_call, 'stream_id': pop.id

        # Call statement consists of two parts
        call = """
    // Updating the local and global variables of population %(id)s
    if ( pop%(id)s._active ) {

""" % {'id':pop.id, 'global_call': global_call, 'local_call': local_call}

        if self._prof_gen:
            call = self._prof_gen.annotate_update_neuron(pop, call)

        # Process the spike condition and generate 2nd set of kernels
        cond = pop.neuron_type.description['spike']['spike_cond'] % ids
        reset = ""
        for eq in pop.neuron_type.description['spike']['spike_reset']:
            reset += """
""" % {'reset': eq['cpp'] % ids}

        # arguments
        header_args = ""
        call_args = ""

        # gather all attributes required by this kernel
        kernel_deps = []
        for var in pop.neuron_type.description['spike']['spike_cond_dependencies']:
        for reset_eq in pop.neuron_type.description['spike']['spike_reset']:
            for var in reset_eq['dependencies']:
        kernel_deps = list(set(kernel_deps)) # remove doubled entries

        # generate header, call and body args
        for var in kernel_deps:
            attr = self._get_attr(pop, var)

            header_args += ", "+attr['ctype']+"* " + var
            call_args += ", pop"+str(pop.id)+".gpu_"+var

        # Is there a refractory period?
        if pop.neuron_type.refractory or pop.refractory:
            refrac_inc = "refractory_remaining[i] = refractory[i];"
            header_args += ", int *refractory, int* refractory_remaining"
            call_args += """, pop%(id)s.gpu_refractory, pop%(id)s.gpu_refractory_remaining""" %{'id':pop.id}
            refrac_inc = ""

        # dependencies of CSR storage_order
        if pop._storage_order == 'pre_to_post':        
            header_args += ", unsigned int* spike_count"
            call_args += ", pop"+str(pop.id)+".gpu_spike_count"
            spike_gather_decl = """volatile int pos = 0;
    *spike_count = 0;"""
            spike_count = """
// transfer back the spike counter (needed by record)
        cudaMemcpyAsync( &pop%(id)s.spike_count, pop%(id)s.gpu_spike_count, sizeof(unsigned int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, streams[%(stream_id)s]);
    #ifdef _DEBUG
        cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError();
        if ( err != cudaSuccess )
            std::cout << "record_spike_count: " << cudaGetErrorString(err) << std::endl;
    #endif""" %{'id':pop.id, 'stream_id':pop.id}
            spike_count_cpy = """pop%(id)s.spike_count"""%{'id':pop.id}
            spike_gather_decl = ""
            spike_count = ""
            spike_count_cpy = """pop%(id)s.size"""%{'id':pop.id}

        spike_gather = """
        if ( %(cond)s ) {

            // store spike event
            int pos = atomicAdd ( num_events, 1);
            spiked[pos] = i;
            last_spike[i] = t;

            // refractory
""" % {'cond': cond, 'reset': reset, 'refrac_inc': refrac_inc}

        body += CUDATemplates.spike_gather_kernel['body'] % {
            'id': pop.id,
            'pop_size': str(pop.size),
            'default': Global.config['precision'] + ' dt, int* spiked, long int* last_spike',
            'args': header_args,
            'decl': spike_gather_decl,
            'spike_gather': spike_gather

        header += CUDATemplates.spike_gather_kernel['header'] % {
            'id': pop.id,
            'default': Global.config['precision'] + ' dt, int* spiked, long int* last_spike',
            'args': header_args

        if pop.max_delay > 1:
            default_args = 'dt, pop%(id)s.gpu_delayed_spiked.front(), pop%(id)s.gpu_last_spike' % {'id': pop.id}
        else: # no_delay
            default_args = 'dt, pop%(id)s.gpu_spiked, pop%(id)s.gpu_last_spike' % {'id': pop.id}

        spike_gather = CUDATemplates.spike_gather_kernel['call'] % {
            'id': pop.id,
            'default': default_args,
            'args': call_args % {'id': pop.id},
            'stream_id': pop.id,
            'spike_count': spike_count,
            'spike_count_cpy': spike_count_cpy

        if self._prof_gen:
            spike_gather = self._prof_gen.annotate_spike_gather(pop, spike_gather)
        call += spike_gather

        return body, header, call
Exemple #3
    def _update_rate_neuron(self, pop):
        Generate the code template for neural update step, more precise updating of variables.
        The code comprise of two major parts: global and local update, second one parallelized
        with an openmp for construct, if number of threads is greater than one and the number
        of neurons exceed a minimum amount of neurons ( defined as Global.OMP_MIN_NB_NEURONS)
        code = ""
        id_dict = {
            'id': pop.id,
            'local_index': "[i]",
            'semiglobal_index': '',
            'global_index': ''

        # Random distributions
        deps = []
        for rd in pop.neuron_type.description['random_distributions']:
            for dep in rd['dependencies']:
                deps += dep

        # Global variables
        eqs = generate_equation_code(pop.id,
        eqs = eqs % id_dict
        if eqs.strip() != "":
            code += """
            // Updating the global variables
            #pragma omp single
""" % {
                'eqs': eqs

        # Gather pre-loop declaration (dt/tau for ODEs)
        pre_code = ""
        for var in pop.neuron_type.description['variables']:
            if 'pre_loop' in var.keys() and len(var['pre_loop']) > 0:
                pre_code += var['ctype'] + ' ' + var['pre_loop'][
                    'name'] + ' = ' + var['pre_loop']['value'] + ';\n'
        code = tabify(pre_code, 3) % {
            'id': pop.id,
            'local_index': "[i]",
            'semiglobal_index': '',
            'global_index': ''
        } + code

        eqs = ""
        # sum() must generate _sum___all__[i] = _sum_exc[i] + sum_inh[i] + ... at the beginning
        if '__all__' in pop.neuron_type.description['targets']:
            eqs += " " * 16 + "// Sum over all targets\n"
            eqs += " " * 16 + "_sum___all__[i] = "
            for target in pop.targets:
                eqs += "_sum_" + target + '[i] + '
            eqs = eqs[:-2]
            eqs += ';\n\n'

        # Local variables, evaluated in parallel
        eqs = generate_equation_code(pop.id,
        eqs = eqs % id_dict
        if eqs.strip() != "":
            code += """
            // Updating the local variables
            #pragma omp for simd
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
""" % {
                'eqs': eqs

        # finish code
        final_code = """
        if( _active ) {
        } // active
""" % {
            'code': code

        # if profiling enabled, annotate with profiling code
        if self._prof_gen:
            final_code = self._prof_gen.annotate_update_neuron(pop, final_code)

        return final_code
Exemple #4
    def _update_rate_neuron(self, pop):
        Generate the execution code for updating neural variables, more precise local and global ones.

        The resulting code comprise of several parts: creating of local and global update code, generating
        function prototype and finally calling statement.


            a tuple of three strings, comprising of:

                * body:    kernel implementation
                * header:  kernel prototypes
                * call:    kernel call

        # HD ( 18. Nov. 2016 )
        # In some user-defined cases the host and device side need something to do to
        # in order to realize specific functionality. Yet I simply add a update()
        # call, if update_variables was set.
        if 'update_variables' in pop._specific_template.keys():
            call = """
        // host side update of neurons
""" % {'id': pop.id}
            return "", "", call

        # Is there any variable?
        if len(pop.neuron_type.description['variables']) == 0:
            return "", "", ""

        header = ""
        body = ""
        local_call = ""
        global_call = ""

        # some defaults
        ids = {
            'id': pop.id,
            'local_index': "[i]",
            'global_index': '[0]'

        # parse the equations
        glob_eqs = generate_equation_code(pop.id, pop.neuron_type.description, locality='global', padding=1) % ids
        loc_eqs = generate_equation_code(pop.id, pop.neuron_type.description, locality='local', padding=2) % ids

        # Gather pre-loop declaration (dt/tau for ODEs)
        pre_code = ""
        for var in pop.neuron_type.description['variables']:
            if 'pre_loop' in var.keys() and len(var['pre_loop']) > 0:
                pre_code += Global.config['precision'] + ' ' + var['pre_loop']['name'] + ' = ' + var['pre_loop']['value'] + ';\n'
        if pre_code.strip() != '':
            pre_code = """
// Updating the step sizes
""" + tabify(pre_code, 1) % ids

        # sum() must generate _sum___all__[i] = _sum_exc[i] + sum_inh[i] + ... at the beginning of local equations
        if '__all__' in pop.neuron_type.description['targets']:
            eqs = " "*8 + "// Sum over all targets\n"
            eqs += " "*8 + "_sum___all__[i] = "
            for target in pop.targets:
                eqs += "_sum_" + target + '[i] + '
            eqs = eqs[:-2]
            eqs += ';\n\n'
            loc_eqs = eqs + loc_eqs

        # replace pow() for SDK < 6.5
        loc_eqs = check_and_apply_pow_fix(loc_eqs)
        glob_eqs = check_and_apply_pow_fix(glob_eqs)

        # replace local function calls
        if len(pop.neuron_type.description['functions']) > 0:
            glob_eqs, loc_eqs = self._replace_local_funcs(pop, glob_eqs, loc_eqs)

        # replace the random distributions
        loc_eqs, glob_eqs = self._replace_random(loc_eqs, glob_eqs, pop.neuron_type.description['random_distributions'])

        # Global variables
        if glob_eqs.strip() != '':
            add_args_header, add_args_call = self._gen_kernel_args(pop, 'global')

            # global operations
            for op in pop.global_operations:
                ids = {
                    'id': pop.id,
                    'type': Global.config['precision'],
                    'op': op['function'],
                    'var': op['variable']
                add_args_header += """, %(type)s _%(op)s_%(var)s """ % ids
                add_args_call += """, pop%(id)s._%(op)s_%(var)s""" % ids

            # finalize code templates
            body += CUDATemplates.population_update_kernel['global']['body'] % {
                'id': pop.id,
                'add_args': add_args_header,
                'pre_loop': pre_code
            header += CUDATemplates.population_update_kernel['global']['header'] % {
                'id': pop.id, 'add_args': add_args_header
            global_call = CUDATemplates.population_update_kernel['global']['call'] % {
                'id': pop.id, 'add_args': add_args_call

        # Local variables
        if loc_eqs.strip() != '':
            add_args_header, add_args_call = self._gen_kernel_args(pop, 'local')

            # targets
            for target in sorted(list(set(pop.neuron_type.description['targets'] + pop.targets))):
                add_args_header += """, %(type)s* _sum_%(target)s""" % {'type': Global.config['precision'], 'target' : target}
                add_args_call += """, pop%(id)s.gpu__sum_%(target)s""" % {'id': pop.id, 'target' : target}

            # global operations
            for op in pop.global_operations:
                ids = {
                    'id': pop.id,
                    'type': Global.config['precision'],
                    'op': op['function'],
                    'var': op['variable']
                add_args_header += """, %(type)s _%(op)s_%(var)s """ % ids
                add_args_call += """, pop%(id)s._%(op)s_%(var)s""" % ids

            # finalize code templates
            body += CUDATemplates.population_update_kernel['local']['body'] % {
                'id': pop.id,
                'add_args': add_args_header,
                'pop_size': pop.size,
                'local_eqs': loc_eqs,
                'pre_loop': tabify(pre_code % ids, 1)
            header += CUDATemplates.population_update_kernel['local']['header'] % {
                'id': pop.id,
                'add_args': add_args_header
            local_call = CUDATemplates.population_update_kernel['local']['call'] % {
                'id': pop.id,
                'add_args': add_args_call

        # Call statement consists of two parts
        call = """
    // Updating the local and global variables of population %(id)s
    if ( pop%(id)s._active ) {

""" % {'id':pop.id, 'global_call': global_call, 'local_call': local_call}

        if self._prof_gen:
            call = self._prof_gen.annotate_update_neuron(pop, call)

        return body, header, call
Exemple #5
    def _update_synapse(self, proj):
        Generate the device codes for synaptic equations. As the parallel
        evaluation of local and global equations within one kernel would require
        a __syncthread() call, we split up the implementation into two seperate


        * a tuple contain three strings ( body, call, header )
        # Global variables
        global_eq = generate_equation_code(proj.id, proj.synapse_type.description, 'global', 'proj', padding=1, wrap_w="plasticity")

        # Semiglobal variables
        semiglobal_eq = generate_equation_code(proj.id, proj.synapse_type.description, 'semiglobal', 'proj', padding=2, wrap_w="plasticity")

        # Local variables
        local_eq = generate_equation_code(proj.id, proj.synapse_type.description, 'local', 'proj', padding=2, wrap_w="plasticity")

        # Something to do?
        if global_eq.strip() == '' and semiglobal_eq.strip() == '' and local_eq.strip() == '':
            return "", "", ""

        # Dictionary of pre/suffixes
        ids = {
            'id_proj' : proj.id,
            'target': proj.target,
            'id_post': proj.post.id,
            'id_pre': proj.pre.id,
            'local_index': '[j]',
            'semiglobal_index': '[rk_post]',
            'global_index': '[0]',
            'pre_index': '[rk_pre]',
            'post_index': '[rk_post]',
            'pre_prefix': 'pre_',
            'post_prefix': 'post_',
            'delay_nu' : '[delay[i][j]-1]', # non-uniform delay
            'delay_u' : '[' + str(proj.uniform_delay-1) + ']', # uniform delay

        body = ""
        header = ""
        local_call = ""
        global_call = ""
        semiglobal_call = ""

        # Fill code templates for global, semiglobal and local equations
        if global_eq.strip() != '':
            global_eq, global_pre_code, kernel_args_global, kernel_args_call_global = self._process_equations( proj, global_eq, ids, 'global' )

        if semiglobal_eq.strip() != '':
            semiglobal_eq, semiglobal_pre_code, kernel_args_semiglobal, kernel_args_call_semiglobal =  self._process_equations( proj, semiglobal_eq, ids, 'semiglobal' )

        if local_eq.strip() != '':
            local_eq, local_pre_code, kernel_args_local, kernel_args_call_local =  self._process_equations( proj, local_eq, ids, 'local' )

        # replace local function calls
        if len(proj.synapse_type.description['functions']) > 0:
            global_eq, semiglobal_eq, local_eq = self._replace_local_funcs(proj, global_eq, semiglobal_eq, local_eq)

        # replace the random distributions
        local_eq, global_eq = self._replace_random(local_eq, global_eq, proj.synapse_type.description['random_distributions'])

        if global_eq.strip() != '':
            body += self._templates['synapse_update']['global']['body'] % {
                'id': proj.id,
                'kernel_args': kernel_args_global,
                'global_eqs': global_eq,
                'target': proj.target,
                'pre': proj.pre.id,
                'post': proj.post.id,
                'pre_loop':  global_pre_code,
                'float_prec': Global.config['precision']

            header += self._templates['synapse_update']['global']['header'] % {
                'id': proj.id,
                'kernel_args': kernel_args_global,
                'float_prec': Global.config['precision']

            global_call = ""
            target_list = proj.target if isinstance(proj.target, list) else [proj.target]
            for target in target_list:
                global_call += self._templates['synapse_update']['global']['call'] % {
                    'id_proj': proj.id,
                    'post': proj.post.id,
                    'pre': proj.pre.id,
                    'target': target,
                    'kernel_args_call': kernel_args_call_global,
                    'float_prec': Global.config['precision']

        if semiglobal_eq.strip() != '':
            body += self._templates['synapse_update']['semiglobal']['body'] % {
                'id': proj.id,
                'kernel_args': kernel_args_semiglobal,
                'semiglobal_eqs': semiglobal_eq,
                'target': proj.target,
                'pre': proj.pre.id,
                'post': proj.post.id,
                'pre_loop': semiglobal_pre_code,
                'float_prec': Global.config['precision']

            header += self._templates['synapse_update']['semiglobal']['header'] % {
                'id': proj.id,
                'kernel_args': kernel_args_semiglobal,
                'float_prec': Global.config['precision']

            semiglobal_call = ""
            target_list = proj.target if isinstance(proj.target, list) else [proj.target]
            for target in target_list:
                semiglobal_call += self._templates['synapse_update']['semiglobal']['call'] % {
                    'id_proj': proj.id,
                    'id_post': proj.post.id,
                    'id_pre': proj.pre.id,
                    'target': target,
                    'kernel_args_call': kernel_args_call_semiglobal,
                    'float_prec': Global.config['precision']

        if local_eq.strip() != '':
            body += self._templates['synapse_update']['local']['body'] % {
                'id': proj.id,
                'kernel_args': kernel_args_local,
                'local_eqs': local_eq,
                'target': proj.target,
                'pre': proj.pre.id,
                'post': proj.post.id,
                'pre_loop': local_pre_code,
                'float_prec': Global.config['precision']

            header += self._templates['synapse_update']['local']['header'] % {
                'id': proj.id,
                'kernel_args': kernel_args_local,
                'float_prec': Global.config['precision']

            local_call = ""
            target_list = proj.target if isinstance(proj.target, list) else [proj.target]
            for target in target_list:
                local_call += self._templates['synapse_update']['local']['call'] % {
                    'id_proj': proj.id,
                    'id_post': proj.post.id,
                    'id_pre': proj.pre.id,
                    'target': target,
                    'kernel_args_call': kernel_args_call_local,
                    'float_prec': Global.config['precision']

        call = self._templates['synapse_update']['call'] % {
            'id_proj': proj.id,
            'post': proj.post.id,
            'pre': proj.pre.id,
            'target': proj.target,
            'global_call': global_call,
            'semiglobal_call': semiglobal_call,
            'local_call': local_call,
            'float_prec': Global.config['precision']

        # Profiling
        if self._prof_gen:
            call = self._prof_gen.annotate_update_synapse(proj, call)

        return body, header, call
Exemple #6
    def _update_spiking_neuron(self, pop):
        # Neural update
        from ANNarchy.generator.Utils import generate_equation_code, tabify

        # Is there a refractory period?
        if pop.neuron_type.refractory or pop.refractory:
            # Get the equations
            eqs = generate_equation_code(
                padding=4) % {  'id': pop.id,
                                'local_index': "[i]",
                                'semiglobal_index': '',
                                'global_index': ''}

            # Generate the code snippet
            code = """
            // Refractory period
            if( refractory_remaining[i] > 0){
                // Decrement the refractory period
        """ %  {'eqs': eqs}
            refrac_inc = "refractory_remaining[i] = refractory[i];"

            code = ""
            refrac_inc = ""

        # Global variables
        global_code = ""
        eqs = generate_equation_code(pop.id, pop.neuron_type.description, 'global', padding=3) % {'id': pop.id, 'local_index': "[i]", 'semiglobal_index': '', 'global_index': ''}
        if eqs.strip() != "":
            global_code += """
            // Updating the global variables
""" % {'eqs': eqs}

        # Gather pre-loop declaration (dt/tau for ODEs)
        pre_code = ""
        for var in pop.neuron_type.description['variables']:
            if 'pre_loop' in var.keys() and len(var['pre_loop']) > 0:
                pre_code += var['ctype'] + ' ' + var['pre_loop']['name'] + ' = ' + var['pre_loop']['value'] + ';\n'
        if len(pre_code) > 0:
            pre_code = """
            // Updating the step sizes
""" + tabify(pre_code, 3)
            global_code = pre_code % {'id': pop.id, 'local_index': "[i]", 'semiglobal_index': '', 'global_index': ''} + global_code

        # OMP code
        omp_code = "#pragma omp parallel for" if (Global.config['num_threads'] > 1 and pop.size > Global.OMP_MIN_NB_NEURONS) else ""
        omp_critical_code = "#pragma omp critical" if (Global.config['num_threads'] > 1 and pop.size > Global.OMP_MIN_NB_NEURONS) else ""

        # Local variables, evaluated in parallel
        code += generate_equation_code(pop.id, pop.neuron_type.description, 'local', padding=4) % {'id': pop.id, 'local_index': "[i]", 'semiglobal_index': '', 'global_index': ''}

        # Process the condition
        cond = pop.neuron_type.description['spike']['spike_cond'] % {'id': pop.id, 'local_index': "[i]", 'semiglobal_index': '', 'global_index': ''}

        # Reset equations
        reset = ""
        for eq in pop.neuron_type.description['spike']['spike_reset']:
            reset += """
""" % {'reset': eq['cpp'] % {'id': pop.id, 'local_index': "[i]", 'semiglobal_index': '', 'global_index': ''}}

        # Mean Firing rate
        mean_FR_push, mean_FR_update = self._update_fr(pop)

        # Gather code
        spike_gather = """
                // Spike emission
                if(%(condition)s){ // Condition is met
                    // Reset variables
                    // Store the spike
                    last_spike[i] = t;

                    // Refractory period
"""% {'condition' : cond,
      'reset': reset,
      'refrac_inc': refrac_inc,
      'mean_FR_push': mean_FR_push,
      'mean_FR_update': mean_FR_update,
      'omp_critical_code': omp_critical_code}

        code += spike_gather

        # finish code
        final_code = """
        if( _active ) {
            // Updating local variables
            for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
        } // active
""" % {
       'code': code,
       'global_code': global_code,
       'omp_code': omp_code

        # if profiling enabled, annotate with profiling code
        if self._prof_gen:
            final_code = self._prof_gen.annotate_update_neuron(pop, final_code)

        return final_code
Exemple #7
    def _update_rate_neuron(self, pop):
        Generate the code template for neural update step, more precise updating of variables.
        The code comprise of two major parts: global and local update, second one parallelized
        with an openmp for construct, if number of threads is greater than one and the number
        of neurons exceed a minimum amount of neurons ( defined as Global.OMP_MIN_NB_NEURONS)
        from ANNarchy.generator.Utils import generate_equation_code, tabify
        code = ""

        # Random distributions
        deps =[]
        for rd in pop.neuron_type.description['random_distributions']:
            for dep in rd['dependencies']:
                deps += dep

        # Global variables
        eqs = generate_equation_code(pop.id, pop.neuron_type.description, 'global', padding=3) % {'id': pop.id, 'local_index': "[i]", 'semiglobal_index': '', 'global_index': ''}
        if eqs.strip() != "":
            code += """
            // Updating the global variables
""" % {'eqs': eqs}

        # Gather pre-loop declaration (dt/tau for ODEs)
        pre_code =""
        for var in pop.neuron_type.description['variables']:
            if 'pre_loop' in var.keys() and len(var['pre_loop']) > 0:
                pre_code += var['ctype'] + ' ' + var['pre_loop']['name'] + ' = ' + var['pre_loop']['value'] + ';\n'
        code = tabify(pre_code, 3) % {'id': pop.id, 'local_index': "[i]", 'semiglobal_index': '', 'global_index': ''} + code

        eqs = ""
        # sum() must generate _sum___all__[i] = _sum_exc[i] + sum_inh[i] + ... at the beginning
        if '__all__' in pop.neuron_type.description['targets']:
            eqs += " "*16 + "// Sum over all targets\n"
            eqs += " "*16 + "_sum___all__[i] = "
            for target in pop.targets:
                eqs += "_sum_" + target + '[i] + '
            eqs = eqs[:-2]
            eqs += ';\n\n'

        # Local variables, evaluated in parallel
        eqs += generate_equation_code(pop.id, pop.neuron_type.description, 'local', padding=4) % {
            'id': pop.id,
            'local_index': "[i]",
            'semiglobal_index': '',
            'global_index': ''}
        if eqs.strip() != "":
            omp_code = "#pragma omp parallel for" if (Global.config['num_threads'] > 1 and pop.size > Global.OMP_MIN_NB_NEURONS) else ""
            code += """
            // Updating the local variables
            for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
""" % {'eqs': eqs, 'omp_code': omp_code}

        # finish code
        final_code = """
        if( _active ) {
        } // active
""" % {'code': code}

        # if profiling enabled, annotate with profiling code
        if self._prof_gen:
            final_code = self._prof_gen.annotate_update_neuron(pop, final_code)

        return final_code
    def _update_spiking_neuron(self, pop):
        # Neural update
        from ANNarchy.generator.Utils import generate_equation_code, tabify

        # Is there a refractory period?
        if pop.neuron_type.refractory or pop.refractory:
            # Get the equations
            eqs = generate_equation_code(pop.id,
                                         padding=4) % {
                                             'id': pop.id,
                                             'local_index': "[i]",
                                             'semiglobal_index': '',
                                             'global_index': ''

            # Generate the code snippet
            code = """
            // Refractory period
            if( refractory_remaining[i] > 0){
                // Decrement the refractory period
        """ % {
                'eqs': eqs
            refrac_inc = "refractory_remaining[i] = refractory[i];"

            code = ""
            refrac_inc = ""

        # Global variables
        global_code = ""
        eqs = generate_equation_code(
            pop.id, pop.neuron_type.description, 'global', padding=3) % {
                'id': pop.id,
                'local_index': "[i]",
                'semiglobal_index': '',
                'global_index': ''
        if eqs.strip() != "":
            global_code += """
            // Updating the global variables
""" % {
                'eqs': eqs

        # Gather pre-loop declaration (dt/tau for ODEs)
        pre_code = ""
        for var in pop.neuron_type.description['variables']:
            if 'pre_loop' in var.keys() and len(var['pre_loop']) > 0:
                pre_code += var['ctype'] + ' ' + var['pre_loop'][
                    'name'] + ' = ' + var['pre_loop']['value'] + ';\n'
        if len(pre_code) > 0:
            pre_code = """
            // Updating the step sizes
""" + tabify(pre_code, 3)
            global_code = pre_code % {
                'id': pop.id,
                'local_index': "[i]",
                'semiglobal_index': '',
                'global_index': ''
            } + global_code

        # OMP code
        omp_code = "#pragma omp parallel for" if (
            Global.config['num_threads'] > 1
            and pop.size > Global.OMP_MIN_NB_NEURONS) else ""
        omp_critical_code = "#pragma omp critical" if (
            Global.config['num_threads'] > 1
            and pop.size > Global.OMP_MIN_NB_NEURONS) else ""

        # Local variables, evaluated in parallel
        code += generate_equation_code(
            pop.id, pop.neuron_type.description, 'local', padding=4) % {
                'id': pop.id,
                'local_index': "[i]",
                'semiglobal_index': '',
                'global_index': ''

        # Process the condition
        cond = pop.neuron_type.description['spike']['spike_cond'] % {
            'id': pop.id,
            'local_index': "[i]",
            'semiglobal_index': '',
            'global_index': ''

        # Reset equations
        reset = ""
        for eq in pop.neuron_type.description['spike']['spike_reset']:
            reset += """
""" % {
                'reset': eq['cpp'] % {
                    'id': pop.id,
                    'local_index': "[i]",
                    'semiglobal_index': '',
                    'global_index': ''

        # Mean Firing rate
        mean_FR_push, mean_FR_update = self._update_fr(pop)

        # Gather code
        spike_gather = """
                // Spike emission
                if(%(condition)s){ // Condition is met
                    // Reset variables
                    // Store the spike
                    last_spike[i] = t;

                    // Refractory period
""" % {
            'condition': cond,
            'reset': reset,
            'refrac_inc': refrac_inc,
            'mean_FR_push': mean_FR_push,
            'mean_FR_update': mean_FR_update,
            'omp_critical_code': omp_critical_code

        code += spike_gather

        # finish code
        final_code = """
        if( _active ) {
            // Updating local variables
            for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
        } // active
""" % {
            'code': code,
            'global_code': global_code,
            'omp_code': omp_code

        # if profiling enabled, annotate with profiling code
        if self._prof_gen:
            final_code = self._prof_gen.annotate_update_neuron(pop, final_code)

        return final_code