Exemple #1
def connect_all_to_all(self, weights, delays=0.0, allow_self_connections=False, force_multiple_weights=False, storage_format="lil", storage_order="post_to_pre"):
    Builds an all-to-all connection pattern between the two populations.


    * **weights**: synaptic values, either a single value or a random distribution object.
    * **delays**: synaptic delays, either a single value or a random distribution object (default=dt).
    * **allow_self_connections**: if True, self-connections between a neuron and itself are allowed (default = False if the pre- and post-populations are identical, True otherwise).
    * **force_multiple_weights**: if a single value is provided for ``weights`` and there is no learning, a single weight value will be used for the whole projection instead of one per synapse. Setting ``force_multiple_weights`` to True ensures that a value per synapse will be used.

    *Additional Parameter*:

    * **storage_format**: for some of the default connection patterns ANNarchy provide different storage formats. For all-to-all we support list-of-list ("lil") or compressed sparse row ("csr"), by default lil is chosen.
    * **storage_order**: for some of the available storage formats ANNarchy provides different storage orderings. For all-to-all we support pre_to_post and post_to_pre, by default post_to_pre is chosen.

    Please note, these arguments should be changed carefully, as they can have large impact on the computational performance of ANNarchy.
    pre_pop = self.pre if not isinstance(self.pre, PopulationView) else self.pre.population
    post_pop = self.post if not isinstance(self.post, PopulationView) else self.post.population
    if pre_pop != post_pop:
        allow_self_connections = True

    self.connector_name = "All-to-All"
    self.connector_description = "All-to-All, weights %(weight)s, delays %(delay)s" % {'weight': _process_random(weights), 'delay': _process_random(delays)}

    # Does the projection define a single non-plastic weight?
    if isinstance(weights, (int, float)) and not force_multiple_weights:
        self._single_constant_weight = True

    # Is it a dense connectivity matrix?
    if allow_self_connections and not isinstance(self.pre, PopulationView) and not isinstance(self.post, PopulationView):
        # TODO: for the moment disabled as it is not implemented
        # correctly (HD (15. Feb. 2019))
        #self._dense_matrix = True
        self._dense_matrix = False

    # Store the connectivity
    self._store_connectivity( all_to_all, (weights, delays, allow_self_connections, storage_format, storage_order), delays, storage_format, storage_order )
    return self
Exemple #2
def connect_one_to_one(self, weights=1.0, delays=0.0, force_multiple_weights=False):
    Builds a one-to-one connection pattern between the two populations.


    * **weights**: initial synaptic values, either a single value (float) or a random distribution object.
    * **delays**: synaptic delays, either a single value or a random distribution object (default=dt).
    * **force_multiple_weights**: if a single value is provided for ``weights`` and there is no learning, a single weight value will be used for the whole projection instead of one per synapse. Setting ``force_multiple_weights`` to True ensures that a value per synapse will be used.
    if self.pre.size != self.post.size:
        Global._warning("connect_one_to_one() between", self.pre.name, 'and', self.post.name, 'with target', self.target)
        Global._print("\t the two populations have different sizes, please check the connection pattern is what you expect.")

    self.connector_name = "One-to-One"
    self.connector_description = "One-to-One, weights %(weight)s, delays %(delay)s" % {'weight': _process_random(weights), 'delay': _process_random(delays)}

    if isinstance(weights, (int, float)) and not force_multiple_weights:
        self._single_constant_weight = True

    self._store_connectivity( one_to_one, (weights, delays, "lil", "post_to_pre"), delays )
    return self
Exemple #3
def connect_fixed_probability(self, probability, weights, delays=0.0, allow_self_connections=False, force_multiple_weights=False, storage_format="lil", storage_order="post_to_pre"):
    Builds a probabilistic connection pattern between the two populations.

    Each neuron in the postsynaptic population is connected to neurons of the presynaptic population with the given probability. Self-connections are avoided by default.


    * **probability**: probability that a synapse is created.
    * **weights**: either a single value for all synapses or a RandomDistribution object.
    * **delays**: either a single value for all synapses or a RandomDistribution object (default = dt)
    * **allow_self_connections** : defines if self-connections are allowed (default=False).
    * **force_multiple_weights**: if a single value is provided for ``weights`` and there is no learning, a single weight value will be used for the whole projection instead of one per synapse. Setting ``force_multiple_weights`` to True ensures that a value per synapse will be used.
    * **storage_format**: for some of the default connection patterns ANNarchy provide different storage formats. For all-to-all we support list-of-list ("lil") or compressed sparse row ("csr"), by default lil is chosen.
    if self.pre!=self.post:
        allow_self_connections = True

    self.connector_name = "Random"
    self.connector_description = "Random, sparseness %(proba)s, weights %(weight)s, delays %(delay)s" % {'weight': _process_random(weights), 'delay': _process_random(delays), 'proba': probability}

    if isinstance(weights, (int, float)) and not force_multiple_weights:
        self._single_constant_weight = True

    self._store_connectivity( fixed_probability, (probability, weights, delays, allow_self_connections, storage_format, storage_order), delays, storage_format, storage_order)
    return self
Exemple #4
def connect_fixed_number_post(self, number, weights=1.0, delays=0.0, allow_self_connections=False, force_multiple_weights=False):
    Builds a connection pattern between the two populations with a fixed number of post-synaptic neurons.

    Each neuron in the pre-synaptic population sends connections to a fixed number of neurons of the post-synaptic population chosen randomly.


    * **number**: number of synapses per pre-synaptic neuron.
    * **weights**: either a single value for all synapses or a RandomDistribution object.
    * **delays**: either a single value for all synapses or a RandomDistribution object (default = dt)
    * **allow_self_connections** : defines if self-connections are allowed (default=False)
    * **force_multiple_weights**: if a single value is provided for ``weights`` and there is no learning, a single weight value will be used for the whole projection instead of one per synapse. Setting ``force_multiple_weights`` to True ensures that a value per synapse will be used.
    if self.pre!=self.post:
        allow_self_connections = True

    if number > self.post.size:
        Global._error('connect_fixed_number_post: the number of post-synaptic neurons exceeds the size of the population.')

    self.connector_name = "Random Divergent"
    self.connector_description = "Random Divergent 1 $\\rightarrow$ %(number)s, weights %(weight)s, delays %(delay)s"% {'weight': _process_random(weights), 'delay': _process_random(delays), 'number': number}

    if isinstance(weights, (int, float)) and not force_multiple_weights:
        self._single_constant_weight = True

    self._store_connectivity( fixed_number_post, (number, weights, delays, allow_self_connections, "lil", "post_to_pre"), delays, "lil", "post_to_pre")
    return self
Exemple #5
def connect_dog(self, amp_pos, sigma_pos, amp_neg, sigma_neg, delays=0.0, limit=0.01, allow_self_connections=False):
    Builds a Difference-Of-Gaussians connection pattern between the two populations.

    Each neuron in the postsynaptic population is connected to a region of the presynaptic population centered around
    the neuron with the same normalized coordinates using a Difference-Of-Gaussians profile.


    * **amp_pos**: amplitude of the positive Gaussian function
    * **sigma_pos**: width of the positive Gaussian function
    * **amp_neg**: amplitude of the negative Gaussian function
    * **sigma_neg**: width of the negative Gaussian function
    * **delays**: synaptic delay, either a single value or a random distribution object (default=dt).
    * **limit**: proportion of *amp* below which synapses are not created (default: 0.01)
    * **allow_self_connections**: allows connections between a neuron and itself.
    if self.pre!=self.post:
        allow_self_connections = True

    if isinstance(self.pre, PopulationView) or isinstance(self.post, PopulationView):
        Global._error('DoG connector is only possible on whole populations, not PopulationViews.')

    self.connector_name = "Difference-of-Gaussian"
    self.connector_description = "Difference-of-Gaussian, $A^+ %(Aplus)s, $\sigma^+$ %(sigmaplus)s, $A^- %(Aminus)s, $\sigma^-$ %(sigmaminus)s, delays %(delay)s"% {'Aplus': str(amp_pos), 'sigmaplus': str(sigma_pos), 'Aminus': str(amp_neg), 'sigmaminus': str(sigma_neg), 'delay': _process_random(delays)}

    self._store_connectivity( dog, (amp_pos, sigma_pos, amp_neg, sigma_neg, delays, limit, allow_self_connections,  "lil", "post_to_pre"), delays,  "lil", "post_to_pre")
    return self