Exemple #1
def details(id, related):
    thread = DBconnect.select_query(
        'select date, forum, id, isClosed, isDeleted, message, slug, title, user, dislikes, likes, points, posts '
        'FROM Threads WHERE id = %s', (id, )
    if len(thread) == 0:
        raise Exception('No thread exists with id=' + str(id))
    thread = thread[0]
    thread = {
        'date': str(thread[0]),
        'forum': thread[1],
        'id': thread[2],
        'isClosed': bool(thread[3]),
        'isDeleted': bool(thread[4]),
        'message': thread[5],
        'slug': thread[6],
        'title': thread[7],
        'user': thread[8],
        'dislikes': thread[9],
        'likes': thread[10],
        'points': thread[11],
        'posts': thread[12],

    if "user" in related:
        thread["user"] = users.details(thread["user"])
    if "forum" in related:
        thread["forum"] = forums.details(short_name=thread["forum"], related=[])

    return thread
Exemple #2
def details(request):
    if request.method == "GET":
        get_params = request.GET.dict()
        required_data = ["forum"]
        related = related_exists(get_params)
            choose_required(data=get_params, required=required_data)
            forum = forums.details(short_name=get_params["forum"], related=related)
        except Exception as e:
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"code": 1, "response": (e.message)}), content_type='application/json')
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"code": 0, "response": forum}), content_type='application/json')
        return HttpResponse(status=405)
Exemple #3
def details(details_id, related):
    post = post_query(details_id)
    if post is None:
        raise Exception("no post with id = " + details_id)

    if "user" in related:
        post["user"] = users.details(post["user"])
    if "forum" in related:
        post["forum"] = forums.details(short_name=post["forum"], related=[])
    if "thread" in related:
        post["thread"] = threads.details(id=post["thread"], related=[])

    return post