def get_connection(self): ''' From options extracts connection info and gives DQISDatabase object accepts dict with keys db_name, db_address. If data is not set - taken defaut values {'db_name':"dqis", "db_address":""} ''' db = self.options.get(self.C_DATABASE_NAME , self.D_DATABASE_NAME) adr = self.options.get(self.C_DATABASE_ADDRESS, self.D_DATABASE_ADDRESS) self.database = DQISDatabase(db, adr)
class DQIS_CLI_App(object): #Constants C_DATABASE_NAME = 'db_name' C_DATABASE_ADDRESS = 'db_address' #Defaults D_DATABASE_NAME = 'dqis' D_DATABASE_ADDRESS = '' #Columns COLUMN_KEY = ("Keys","key", 30) COLUMN_COUNT = ("Count", "count", 7) COLUMN_BFIELD = ("bField","bfield", 5) COLUMN_ID = ("ID","id", 50) COLUMN__ID = ("ID","_id", 50) COLUMN_RUN = ("Run","run", 7) COLUMN_PDATASET = ("Primary dataset", "pdataset", 25) COLUMN_FLAG = ("Flag", "flag", 4) #TODO: #Update get connection constants def expect_nothing_or_int(self, value): if (value == None)or(value.lower() == "null"): return None else: try: return long(value) except: raise ExpectedNullOrInteger(value) def table_for_printing(self, dataset, columns): ''' Takes list of records called dataset and colums. Colims is triplets of Captions, field name in field colum width. ''' rez = "" caption_string = "" data_string = "" captions = [] sizes = len(columns) - 1 for i, (caption, fieldname, size) in enumerate(columns): caption_string += "{" + str(i) + ":" + str(size) + "} " data_string += "{" + str(fieldname) + ":" + str(size) + "} " sizes += size captions.append(caption) rez += caption_string.format(*captions) rez += "\n" + "-" * sizes for data in dataset: rez += "\n" + data_string.format(**data) rez += "\n" + "-" * sizes s = "{0:" + str(sizes - 8) + "} {1:7}" rez += "\n" + s.format("Total count", len(dataset)) return rez def options_parser(self): op = OptionParser( version="%prog 0.1") op.add_option("-u", "--url", type="string", action="store", dest="db_address", help="Database url. Default address %s" % D_DATABASE_ADDRESS, default=D_DATABASE_ADDRESS) op.add_option("-d", "--database", type="string", action="store", dest="db_name", help="Database name. Default: '%s'" % D_DATABASE_NAME, default=D_DATABASE_NAME) op.add_option("-a", "--action", type="choice", choices=self.actions_map.keys(), dest="action", help="Choose action. Available options: %s." % ", ".join(self.actions_map.keys(),)) op.add_option("-k", "--key", action="append", nargs=2, type="string", dest="keys", help="Key Value pair (e.g.-k ecal True)") op.add_option("--skey", action="append", type="string", dest="single_keys", help="Only key names") op.add_option("--run_interval", action="store", nargs=2, type="int", dest="run_interval", help="Run interval (from to)", default=('','')) #runstart runend op.add_option("--run", action="store", type="int", dest="run", help="Run value") op.add_option("--lumi", action="store", type="int", dest="lumi", help="Lumi value") op.add_option("--dataset", action="store", type="string", dest="dataset", help="Dataset value") op.add_option("--bfield_interval", action="store", nargs=2, type="string", #because can be null #TODO: validate dest="bfield_interval", help="bfield interval (from to)",) op.add_option("--bfield", action="store", type="string", dest="bfield", help="Dataset value") op.add_option("--id", type="string", action="store", dest="doc_id", help="Document ID",) #TODO: validate op.add_option("--filename", type="string", action="store", dest="filename", help="File name to get/store documents",) op.add_option("--includedoc", action="store_true", dest="include_doc", help="Should be included document", default=False ) op.add_option("--includeid", action="store_true", dest="include_id", help="Should be document id included", default=False) op.add_option("--grouplevel", action="store", type="int", dest="group_level", help="Grouping level", default=0) op.add_option("--keyflagt", #True, False, None action="store_true", dest="keyflag", help="Flter by key value true", default=None) op.add_option("--keyflagf", #True, False, None action="store_false", dest="keyflag", help="Flter by key value false", default=None) (o, self.args) = op.parse_args(self.arguments) self.options = vars(o) def debug_arguments(self): print self.options print self.args def show_keys(self): akeys = self.database.all_keys() print self.table_for_printing(akeys, [self.COLUMN_KEY, self.COLUMN_COUNT]) def show_bvalues(self): bvals = self.database.b_values() print self.table_for_printing(bvals, [self.COLUMN_BFIELD, self.COLUMN_COUNT]) def b_value_filter(self): bval = self.expect_nothing_or_int(self.options['bfield_interval'][0]) #can throw ExpectedNullOrInteger bend = self.expect_nothing_or_int(self.options['bfield_interval'][1]) bvals = self.database.filter_by_b(bval, bend, self.options['group_level']>0) if self.options['group_level'] == 0: coulumn_set = [self.COLUMN_ID, self.COLUMN_BFIELD, self.COLUMN_RUN] else: coulumn_set = [self.COLUMN_BFIELD, self.COLUMN_RUN, self.COLUMN_COUNT] print self.table_for_printing(bvals, coulumn_set) def generate_doc_id(self, run, lumi, dataset): ''' From run, lumi and dataset generated document id ''' return "{0}-{1}-{2}".format(long(run), long(lumi), hashlib.md5(dataset).hexdigest()) def get_doc_rld(self): run = self.options['run'] lumi = self.options['lumi'] dataset = self.options['dataset'] id = self.generate_doc_id(run, lumi, dataset) return DQISResult(dqis_db = self.database, dict= self.database.document(id)) def get_document_id_or_rdl(self): if self.options['doc_id']: return DQISResult(dqis_db = self.database, dict= self.database.document(self.options['doc_id'])) else: return self.get_doc_rld() def get_connection(self): ''' From options extracts connection info and gives DQISDatabase object accepts dict with keys db_name, db_address. If data is not set - taken defaut values {'db_name':"dqis", "db_address":""} ''' db = self.options.get(self.C_DATABASE_NAME , self.D_DATABASE_NAME) adr = self.options.get(self.C_DATABASE_ADDRESS, self.D_DATABASE_ADDRESS) self.database = DQISDatabase(db, adr) def edit_bfield(self): #run, lumi, dataset, args, bfield ''' In args has to only one parameter - bfield. ''' doc = self.get_document_id_or_rdl() bval = self.expect_nothing_or_int(self.options['bfield']) doc['bfield'] = bval def primary_datasets(self): # dvals = self.database.primary_datasets_count(self.options['group_level']>0) #if data should be grouped if self.options['group_level'] >0: print self.table_for_printing(dvals, [self.COLUMN_PDATASET, self.COLUMN_COUNT, self.COLUMN_RUN]) else: print self.table_for_printing(dvals, [self.COLUMN_PDATASET, self.COLUMN_COUNT]) def del_doc_by_id(self, id): doc = self.get_document_id_or_rdl() try: doc = DQISResult(dqis_db = self.database, dict= self.database.document(id)) doc.delete() except: raise DocumentCouldNotBeDeleted(id) def del_doc_rld(self, run, lumi, dataset): # many should take data from self id = self.generate_doc_id(run, lumi, dataset) return self.del_doc_by_id(id) def delete_doc(self): if self.options['doc_id']: self.del_doc_by_id(self.options['doc_id']) else: self.del_doc_rld(self.options['run'], self.options['lumi'], self.options['dataset']) def show_doc(self): d = self.get_document_id_or_rdl() rez = "ID: {0}\nRev: {1}\nRun: {2}\nLumi: {3}\nDataset: {4}\nbField: \ {4}\nTimestamp: {5}\nKeys:" rez = rez.format(d['_id'], d['_rev'], d['run'], d['lumi'], "/"+ "/".join(d['dataset']), str(d['bfield']), d['timestamp']) #how about history for k in d['map'].keys(): rez += "* {0:30} {1}\n".format(k, d['map'][k]) print rez def record_map_history(self, doc): ''' Add the current map to map_history and return the doc ''' if not doc.has_key('map_history'): doc['map_history'] = [] doc['map_history'].append(doc['map']) return doc def remove_key(self): ''' In single_keys is list of keys for removing ''' doc = self.get_document_id_or_rdl() doc = self.record_map_history(doc) #moved up, for avoiding multiple history entries for k in self.options['single_keys']: if doc['map'].has_key(k): del doc['map'][k] def edit_keys(self): # or add ''' In args has to be key value pairs ''' doc = self.get_document_id_or_rdl() doc = self.record_map_history(doc) for k, v in self.options['keys']: doc['map'][k] = v def download_doc(self): ''' Downloading document by id to file ''' d = self.get_document_id_or_rdl() if self.options['filename']: try: #del d['_id'] #del d['_rev'] f = open(self.options['filename'], mode='w') json.dump(d, f) f.close() except: #maby to throw common exceptions print "Document could not be saved" else: print "File name required" def push_doc(self): ''' Pushing document by run lumi dataset. Pushing from file ''' if self.options['filename']: try: f = open(self.options['filename'], 'r') entry = json.load(f) except: print "Bad file name or file content" exit() #maby to throw common exceptions else: print "File name required" exit() dts = "/"+"/".join(entry['dataset']) id = self.generate_doc_id(entry['run'], entry['lumi'], dts) entry['_id'] = id if entry.has_key('_rev'): del entry['_rev'] d = DQISResult(dqis_db=self.database, dict=entry) #check conflict errors. delete rev def create_doc(self): #what to do if document ID is existing ''' It takes run, lumi dataset. In args first parameter has to be bfield. Other following variables in args - key value pairs. ''' run = self.options['run'] lumi = self.options['lumi'] dataset = self.options['dataset'] bfield = self.options['bfield'] id = self.generate_doc_id(run, lumi, dataset) bfield = self.expect_nothing_or_int(bfield) #can thow exception doc = {'bfield': bfield, '_id': id, 'dataset': dataset.split("/")[1:], 'run': long(run), 'lumi': long(lumi)} doc['map'] = {} for k, v in self.option['keys']: doc['map'][k] = bool(v) # adding keys db = self.get_connection() #TODO give connection r = DQISResult(dqis_db = db, dict = doc) def expect_int_or_val(self, value, other_val): try: return long(value) except: return other_val def filter_keys(self): rs = self.expect_int_or_val(self.options['run_interval'][0], 0) re = self.expect_int_or_val(self.options['run_interval'][1], "a") gl = self.options['group_level'] if gl == 0: gl = 3 fkeys = self.database.filter_keys( key=self.options['single_keys'][0], #was key. acept only first run_start=rs, run_end=re, key_flag=self.options['keyflag'], include_id=self.options['include_id'] , include_doc=self.options['include_doc'] , group_level=gl) if self.options['include_doc']: print self.table_for_printing(fkeys, [self.COLUMN__ID, self.COLUMN_RUN, self.COLUMN_BFIELD]) elif self.options['include_id']: print self.table_for_printing(fkeys, [self.COLUMN_KEY, self.COLUMN_COUNT, self.COLUMN_ID]) else: if self.options['group_level'] == 1: print self.table_for_printing(fkeys, [self.COLUMN_KEY, self.COLUMN_COUNT]) elif self.options['group_level'] == 2: print self.table_for_printing(fkeys, [self.COLUMN_KEY, self.COLUMN_RUN, self.COLUMN_COUNT]) else: print self.table_for_printing(fkeys, [self.COLUMN_KEY, self.COLUMN_RUN, self.COLUMN_FLAG, self.COLUMN_COUNT]) # #class BadAdditionalArgumetsCreateDoc(Exception): # # def __init__(self, value): # self.value = value # # def __str__(self): # return "You have togive at leat one argument (bfield) ad key and value pairs. Your arguments: %s" % str(self.value) # #class BadAdditionalArgumetsEditBField(Exception): # # def __init__(self, value): # self.value = value # # def __str__(self): # return "After base arguments have to follow one value - bfield. Now is %d args" % len(self.value) # #class BadAdditionalArgumetsEditKey(Exception): # # def __init__(self, value): # self.value = value # # def __str__(self): # return "After base arguments have to follow key value pairs. Now is %d args" % len(self.value) # # # #def check_argument_count_create_doc(args): # if (len(args) < 1) or (len(args) % 2 == 0): # raise BadAdditionalArgumetsCreateDoc(args) # # #def choose_action(args): # except (DocumentCouldNotBeDeleted, BadAdditionalArgumetsCreateDoc, BadAdditionalArgumetsEditBField, BadAdditionalArgumetsEditKey) as ex: # print ex # except ExpectedNullOrInteger, e: # print e # except (socket.error, httplib.HTTPException), e: # print "Socket error. Check if database is running and connection parameters(first two)." def action_not_found(self): pass #raise def execute(self): self.options_parser() self.get_connection() self.actions_map.get(self.options['action'], self.action_not_found)() def __init__(self, arguments): self.arguments = arguments self.actions_map = { 'keys': self.show_keys, #+ 'bvals': self.show_bvalues, #+ 'pdatasets': self.primary_datasets,#+ (uses group level as group) 'show': self.show_doc, #+ #TODO: update history 'download': self.download_doc,#+ #requires id/rdl 'push': self.push_doc,#+ 'bvalfilt': self.b_value_filter,#+ 'ebfield': self.edit_bfield, #+ 'editk': self.edit_keys,#+ 'removek': self.remove_key,#+ 'delete': self.delete_doc,#+ 'filterk': self.filter_keys, }