Exemple #1
async def api_update_blog(id, request, *, title, summary, content, cat_name):
    if request.__user__ is None or not request.__user__.admin:
        raise APIPermissionError('Only admin can do this!')
    if not title or not title.strip():
        raise APIValueError('title', 'Title can not be empty.')
    if not summary or not summary.strip():
        summary = content.strip()[:200]
    elif len(summary.strip()) > 200:
        raise APIValueError('summary',
                            'Length of summary can not be larger than 200.')
    if not content or not content.strip():
        raise APIValueError('content', 'Content can not be empty.')
    blog = await Blog.find(id)
    blog.title = title.strip()
    blog.summary = summary.strip()
    blog.content = content.strip()
    if not cat_name or not cat_name.strip():
        blog.cat_name = None
        blog.cat_id = None
        blog.cat_name = cat_name.strip()
        cats = await Category.findAll(where='name=?', args=[cat_name.strip()])
        if (len(cats) == 0):
            raise APIValueError('cat_name',
                                'cat_name is not belong to Category.')
        blog.cat_id = cats[0].id
    await blog.update()
    return blog
Exemple #2
async def api_modify_password(request, *, user_id, password0, password1,
    if request.__user__ is None:
        raise APIPermissionError('You must login first!')
    if not user_id or not user_id.strip():
        raise APIValueError('user_id', 'user_id can not be empty.')
    if not password0 or not password0.strip():
        raise APIValueError('password0', 'old password can not be empty.')
    if not password1 or not RE_SHA1.match(password1):
        raise APIValueError('password1', 'Invalid new password.')
    if not password2 or not RE_SHA1.match(password2):
        raise APIValueError('password2', 'Invalid confirmimg password.')

    user = await User.find(user_id)
    if user is None:
        raise APIResourceNotFoundError('User not found')
    # 检查密码
    sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
    if user.password != sha1.hexdigest():
        raise APIValueError('password', 'Invalid old password.')
    # 修改密码
    sha1_password = '******' % (user_id, password1)
    user.password = hashlib.sha1(sha1_password.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
    await user.update()
    return dict(user_id=user_id)
Exemple #3
async def api_delete_category(id, request):
    if request.__user__ is None or not request.__user__.admin:
        raise APIPermissionError('Only admin can do this!')
    cat = await Category.find(id)
    if cat is None:
        raise APIResourceNotFoundError('Category')
    await cat.remove()
    return dict(id=id)
Exemple #4
async def api_create_category(request, *, name):
    if request.__user__ is None or not request.__user__.admin:
        raise APIPermissionError('Only admin can do this!')
    if not name or not name.strip():
        raise APIValueError('name', 'Name can not be empty.')
    cat = Category(name=name.strip())
    await cat.save()
    return cat
Exemple #5
async def api_delete_user(id, request):
    if request.__user__ is None or not request.__user__.admin:
        raise APIPermissionError('Only admin can do this!')
    user = await User.find(id)
    if user is None:
        raise APIResourceNotFoundError('User')
    await user.remove()
    return dict(id=id)
Exemple #6
async def api_delete_blog(request, *, id):
    if request.__user__ is None or not request.__user__.admin:
        raise APIPermissionError('Only admin can do this!')
    blog = await Blog.find(id)
    if blog is None:
        raise APIResourceNotFoundError('Blog')
    await blog.remove()
    return dict(id=id)
Exemple #7
async def api_update_category(id, request, *, name):
    if request.__user__ is None or not request.__user__.admin:
        raise APIPermissionError('Only admin can do this!')
    if not name or not name.strip():
        raise APIValueError('name', 'Name can not be empty.')
    cat = await Category.find(id)
    cat.name = name.strip()
    await cat.update()
    return cat
async def api_create_comment(id, request, *, content):
    user = request.__user__  # 登录再说
    if not user:
        raise APIPermissionError('Please signin first.')
    if not content or not content.strip():
        raise APIValueError('content', 'content cannot be empty.')
    blog = await Blog.find(id)
    if blog is None:
        raise APIResourceNotfoundError('Blog')
    comment = Comment(blog_id=blog.id, user_id=user.id, user_name=user.name, user_image=user.image, content=content.strip())
    await comment.save()
    return comment
Exemple #9
async def upload(request, *, file):
    if request.__user__ is None or not request.__user__.admin:
        raise APIPermissionError('Only admin can do this!')
    path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'static')
    filename = path + '/upload/' + file.filename
    ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
    # 处理重名文件
    n = 1
    while os.path.exists(filename):
        filename = '%s~%d%s' % (ext[0], n, ext[1])
        n = n + 1

    with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
    return dict(filename=os.path.basename(filename))
Exemple #10
async def api_create_comment(id, request, *, content):
    user = request.__user__
    if user is None or not user.admin:
        raise APIPermissionError('Only admin can do this!')
    if not content or not content.strip():
        raise APIValueError('comment', 'Comment can not be empty.')
    blog = await Blog.find(id)
    if blog is None:
        raise APIResourceNotFoundError('Blog')
    comment = Comment(blog_id=blog.id,
    await comment.save()
    return comment
Exemple #11
def check_admin(request):
    if request.__user__ is None or not request.__user__.admin:
        raise APIPermissionError()