def test_load_globals(): log = logging.getLogger("Aegean") sfinder = sf.SourceFinder(log=log) filename = 'tests/test_files/1904-66_SIN.fits' aux_files = sf.get_aux_files('tests/test_files/1904-66_SIN.fits') sfinder.load_globals(filename) if sfinder.global_data.img is None: raise AssertionError() del sfinder sfinder = sf.SourceFinder(log=log) sfinder.load_globals(filename, bkgin=aux_files['bkg'], rms=1, mask=aux_files['mask']) # region isn't available due to healpy not being installed/required if sfinder.global_data.region is None: raise AssertionError() del sfinder sfinder = sf.SourceFinder(log=log) sfinder.load_globals(filename, rmsin=aux_files['rms'], mask='derp', do_curve=False) if sfinder.global_data.region is not None: raise AssertionError() img = sfinder._load_aux_image(sfinder.global_data.img, filename) if img is None: raise AssertionError() del sfinder sfinder = sf.SourceFinder(log=log) aux_files = sf.get_aux_files('tests/test_files/1904-66_SIN.fits') from AegeanTools.regions import Region sfinder.load_globals(filename, rms=1, mask=Region()) if sfinder.global_data.region is None: raise AssertionError()
def test_find_and_prior_parallel(): log = logging.getLogger("Aegean") cores = sf.check_cores(2) # don't bother re-running these tests if we have just 1 core if cores == 1: return filename = 'tests/test_files/1904-66_SIN.fits' # vanilla source finding sfinder = sf.SourceFinder(log=log) found = sfinder.find_sources_in_image(filename, cores=cores) if not (len(found) == 68): raise AssertionError() # now with some options aux_files = sf.get_aux_files(filename) del sfinder sfinder = sf.SourceFinder(log=log) _ = sfinder.find_sources_in_image(filename, doislandflux=True, outfile=open('dlme', 'w'), nonegative=False, rmsin=aux_files['rms'], bkgin=aux_files['bkg'], mask=aux_files['mask'], cores=cores) _ = sfinder.priorized_fit_islands(filename, catalogue=found, doregroup=True, cores=cores, outfile=open('dlme','w')) os.remove('dlme') del sfinder sfinder = sf.SourceFinder(log=log) sfinder.find_sources_in_image('tests/test_files/1904-66_SIN_neg.fits', doislandflux=True, nonegative=False, cores=cores)
def test_island_contours(): """Test that island contours are correct""" log = logging.getLogger("Aegean") sfinder = sf.SourceFinder(log=log) filename = 'tests/test_files/synthetic_test.fits' nsrc = 98 nisl = 97 ntot = nsrc + nisl # vanilla source finding found = sfinder.find_sources_in_image(filename, cores=1, rms=0.5, bkg=0, doislandflux=True) components, islands, simples = classify_catalog(found) isle_0_contour = np.array([(41, 405), (41, 406), (41, 407), (42, 407), (42, 408), (42, 409), (43, 409), (43, 410), (44, 410), (45, 410), (46, 410), (47, 410), (47, 409), (48, 409), (48, 408), (49, 408), (49, 407), (49, 406), (49, 405), (48, 405), (48, 404), (48, 403), (47, 403), (46, 403), (45, 403), (44, 403), (43, 403), (43, 404), (42, 404), (42, 405)]) if not np.all(np.array(islands[0].contour) == isle_0_contour): raise AssertionError("Island contour for island 0 is incoorect") return
def test_esimate_lmfit_parinfo(): """Test estimate_lmfit_parinfo""" log = logging.getLogger("Aegean") # log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) sfinder = sf.SourceFinder(log=log) data = np.zeros(shape=(3, 3)) rmsimg = np.ones(shape=(3, 3)) beam = Beam(1, 1, 0) # should hit isnegative data[1, 1] = -6 # should hit outerclip is None outerclip = None # should run error because curve is the wrong shape curve = np.zeros((3, 4)) try: sfinder.estimate_lmfit_parinfo(data=data, rmsimg=rmsimg, curve=curve, beam=beam, innerclip=5, outerclip=outerclip) except AssertionError as e: e.message = 'Passed' else: raise AssertionError( "estimate_lmfit_parinfo should err when curve.shape != data.shape") return
def test_psf_with_nans(): """Test that a psf map with nans doesn't create a crash""" log = logging.getLogger("Aegean") sfinder = sf.SourceFinder(log=log) filename = "tests/test_files/synthetic_test.fits" psf = "tests/test_files/synthetic_test_psf.fits" # create a test psf map with all major axis being nans hdu = print(hdu[0].data.shape) hdu[0].data[0, :, :] = np.nan hdu.writeto('dlme_psf.fits') try: found = sfinder.find_sources_in_image(filename, cores=1, rms=0.5, bkg=0, imgpsf='dlme_psf.fits') except AssertionError as e: os.remove('dlme_psf.fits') if 'major' in e.args[0]: raise AssertionError("Broken on psf maps with nans") else: raise else: os.remove('dlme_psf.fits') return
def test_find_and_prior_sources(): log = logging.getLogger("Aegean") sfinder = sf.SourceFinder(log=log) filename = 'tests/test_files/small.fits' # vanilla source finding found = sfinder.find_sources_in_image(filename, cores=1) if not (len(found) == 2): raise AssertionError() # now with some options aux_files = sf.get_aux_files(filename) found2 = sfinder.find_sources_in_image(filename, doislandflux=True, outfile=open('dlme', 'w'), nonegative=False, rmsin=aux_files['rms'], bkgin=aux_files['bkg'], mask=aux_files['mask'], cores=1, docov=False) if not (len(found2) == 4): raise AssertionError() isle1 = found2[1] if not (isle1.int_flux > 0): raise AssertionError() if not (isle1.max_angular_size > 0): raise AssertionError() # we should have written some output file if not (os.path.exists('dlme')): raise AssertionError() os.remove('dlme') # pprocess is broken in python3 at the moment so just use 1 core. if six.PY3: cores = 1 else: cores = 2 # this should find one less source as one of the source centers is outside the image. priorized = sfinder.priorized_fit_islands(filename, catalogue=found, doregroup=False, ratio=1.2, cores=cores, docov=False) if not (len(priorized) == 2): raise AssertionError() # this also gives 62 sources even though we turn on regroup priorized = sfinder.priorized_fit_islands(filename, catalogue=found, doregroup=True, cores=1, outfile=open('dlme','w'), stage=1) if not (len(priorized) == 2): raise AssertionError() if not (len(sfinder.priorized_fit_islands(filename, catalogue=[])) == 0): raise AssertionError() # we should have written some output file if not (os.path.exists('dlme')): raise AssertionError() os.remove('dlme')
def find_sources_in_image(imagename, max_summits=5, nsigma=10, usebane=True, region=None, cores=16): """ sources,rmsimage,bgimage=find_sources_in_image(imagename, max_summits=5, nsigma=10, usebane=True, region=None, cores=16) runs aegean.find_sources_in_image but first runs BANE to get the BG/rms estimates if region is supplied (.mim format) only sources inside that will be identified """ if usebane: rmsimage, bgimage = get_rms_background(imagename, cores=cores) else: rmsimage, bgimage = None, None sf = source_finder.SourceFinder(log=logging.getLogger('fluxmatch')) sources = sf.find_sources_in_image(imagename, max_summits=max_summits, innerclip=nsigma, rmsin=rmsimage, bkgin=bgimage, mask=region, cores=cores) return sources, rmsimage, bgimage
def dont_test_find_and_prior_parallel(): """Test find/piroirze with parallel operation""" log = logging.getLogger("Aegean") cores = 1 filename = 'tests/test_files/synthetic_test.fits' # vanilla source finding"basic fitting (no bkg/rms") sfinder = sf.SourceFinder(log=log) found = sfinder.find_sources_in_image(filename, cores=cores, bkg=0, rms=0.5) if not (len(found) == 98): raise AssertionError('found {0} sources'.format(len(found))) # now with some options aux_files = sf.get_aux_files(filename) del sfinder"fitting with supplied bkg/rms and 2 cores") cores = 2 sfinder = sf.SourceFinder(log=log) _ = sfinder.find_sources_in_image(filename, doislandflux=True, outfile=open('dlme', 'w'), nonegative=False, rmsin=aux_files['rms'], bkgin=aux_files['bkg'], mask=aux_files['mask'], cores=cores)'now priorised fitting') _ = sfinder.priorized_fit_islands(filename, catalogue=found, doregroup=True, cores=cores, outfile=open('dlme', 'w')) os.remove('dlme') del sfinder'fitting negative sources') sfinder = sf.SourceFinder(log=log) sfinder.find_sources_in_image('tests/test_files/1904-66_SIN_neg.fits', doislandflux=True, nonegative=False, cores=cores)
def test_save_files(): log = logging.getLogger("Aegean") sfinder = sf.SourceFinder(log=log) filename = 'tests/test_files/small.fits' sfinder.save_background_files(image_filename=filename, outbase='dlme') for ext in ['bkg', 'rms', 'snr', 'crv']: if not (os.path.exists("dlme_{0}.fits".format(ext))): raise AssertionError() os.remove("dlme_{0}.fits".format(ext))
def test_save_image(): log = logging.getLogger("Aegean") sfinder = sf.SourceFinder(log=log) filename = 'tests/test_files/small.fits' _ = sfinder.find_sources_in_image(filename, cores=1, max_summits=0, blank=True) bfile = 'dlme_blanked.fits' sfinder.save_image(bfile) if not (os.path.exists(bfile)): raise AssertionError() os.remove(bfile)
def test_misc(): """Test some random things""" sf.IslandFittingData() sf.DummyLM() sf.SourceFinder(ignored=None, log=log)
def test_find_and_prior_sources(): """Test find sources and prior sources""" log = logging.getLogger("Aegean") sfinder = sf.SourceFinder(log=log) filename = 'tests/test_files/synthetic_test.fits' nsrc = 98 nisl = 97 ntot = nsrc + nisl # vanilla source finding found = sfinder.find_sources_in_image(filename, cores=1, rms=0.5, bkg=0) if not (len(found) == nsrc): raise AssertionError("Found the wrong number of sources {0}".format( len(found))) # source finding but not fitting found = sfinder.find_sources_in_image(filename, cores=1, max_summits=0, rms=0.5, bkg=0) if not (len(found) == nsrc): raise AssertionError("Found the wrong number of sources {0}".format( len(found))) # now with some options aux_files = sf.get_aux_files(filename) found2 = sfinder.find_sources_in_image(filename, doislandflux=True, outfile=open('dlme', 'w'), nonegative=False, rmsin=aux_files['rms'], bkgin=aux_files['bkg'], mask=aux_files['mask'], cores=1, docov=False) if not (len(found2) == ntot): raise AssertionError("Found the wrong number of sources {0}".format( len(found2))) isle1 = found2[1] if not (isle1.int_flux > 0): raise AssertionError() if not (isle1.max_angular_size > 0): raise AssertionError() # we should have written some output file if not (os.path.exists('dlme')): raise AssertionError() os.remove('dlme') # some more tests, now using multiple cores cores = 2 priorized = sfinder.priorized_fit_islands(filename, catalogue=found, doregroup=False, ratio=1.2, cores=cores, rmsin=aux_files['rms'], bkgin=aux_files['bkg'], docov=False) if not (len(priorized) == nsrc): raise AssertionError("Found the wrong number of sources {0}".format( len(priorized))) priorized = sfinder.priorized_fit_islands(filename, catalogue=found, doregroup=True, cores=1, rmsin=aux_files['rms'], bkgin=aux_files['bkg'], outfile=open('dlme', 'w'), stage=1) if not (len(priorized) == nsrc): raise AssertionError("Found the wrong number of sources {0}".format( len(priorized))) if not (len(sfinder.priorized_fit_islands(filename, catalogue=[])) == 0): raise AssertionError() # we should have written some output file if not (os.path.exists('dlme')): raise AssertionError("Failed to creat outputfile") os.remove('dlme')
def test_misc(): sf.IslandFittingData() sf.DummyLM() sf.SourceFinder(ignored=None, log=log)