def __init__( self , R = HM.HybridTwoLinkManipulator() ):
        """ """
        RCTC.RminSlidingModeController.__init__( self , R  )
        self.FixCtl = RCTC.RfixSlidingModeController( R )

        # Assign Rollout Controller to Simulation Model
        self.R.ctl = self.FixCtl.ctl
        # Rollout Params
        self.horizon = 1
        self.sim_dt  = 0.02
        self.sim_n   =  self.horizon / self.sim_dt + 1
        # Domain check in simulation?
        self.domain_check     = True
        self.domain_fail_cost = 1
 def load_params(self, event):
     """ Load param on ROS server """
     self.robot_type     = rospy.get_param("robot_type"  ,  'pendulum'    )
     self.robot_config   = rospy.get_param("robot_config",  'wrist-only'  )
     self.robot_ctl      = rospy.get_param("controller",  'RfixCTC'       )
     self.fixed_mode     = rospy.get_param("fixed_mode",  1               )
     # Load robot model for the right configuration
     if self.robot_config == 'wrist-only':
         self.R = Proto.SingleRevoluteDSDM()
     elif self.robot_config == 'dual-plane' :
         self.R = Proto.TwoPlanarSerialDSDM()
         self.R = None
     # Load controller
     if self.robot_ctl == 'RfixCTC' :
         self.Ctl = RminCTC.RfixComputedTorqueController( self.R , self.fixed_mode )
     elif self.robot_ctl == 'RminCTC' :
         self.Ctl = RminCTC.RminComputedTorqueController( self.R )
     elif self.robot_ctl == 'RfixSLD' :
         self.Ctl = RminCTC.RfixSlidingModeController( self.R , self.fixed_mode )
     elif self.robot_ctl == 'RminSLD' :
         self.Ctl = RminCTC.RminSlidingModeController( self.R )
     elif self.robot_ctl == 'RollCTC' :
         self.Ctl = RollCTC.RolloutComputedTorqueController( self.R )
     elif self.robot_ctl == 'RollSLD' :
         self.Ctl = RollCTC.RolloutSlidingModeController( self.R )
         self.Ctl = None
     if self.robot_config == 'wrist-only':
         self.Ctl.n_gears   = rospy.get_param("n_gears",  2  )
         self.x_d            = np.array( rospy.get_param("goal",  [0,0]    ) )
     elif self.robot_config == 'dual-plane' :
         self.Ctl.n_gears   = rospy.get_param("n_gears",  4  )
         self.x_d           = np.array( rospy.get_param("goal",  [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]    ) )
         #self.x_d           = np.array( [-3.14 , 0 , 0 , 0] )
     # Gen ctl params
     self.Ctl.hysteresis = rospy.get_param("hysteresis",  True  )
     self.Ctl.min_delay  = rospy.get_param("min_delay",  0.5   )
     self.Ctl.w0         = rospy.get_param("w0",  1  )
     self.Ctl.zeta       = rospy.get_param("zeta",  0.7  )
     self.Ctl.lam        = rospy.get_param("lam",  1  )        = rospy.get_param("nab",  1  )
     self.Ctl.D          = rospy.get_param("D",  0  )
     self.Ctl.horizon    = rospy.get_param("horizon",  0.5  )
     self.Ctl.sim_dt     = rospy.get_param("sim_dt",  0.1  )
     self.Ctl.domain_check = rospy.get_param("domain_check", False   )
     # Base policy param for roll        
     if self.robot_ctl == 'RollCTC' :
         self.Ctl.FixCtl.lam   = self.Ctl.lam
     elif self.robot_ctl == 'RollSLD' :
         self.Ctl.FixCtl.lam   = self.Ctl.lam    = 
         self.Ctl.FixCtl.D     = self.Ctl.D