def __init__(self, config, logger = None): self.missing_official = {"item":"8070", "class": 1, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge"], "desc": T_(u"Missing survey point") } self.moved_official = {"item":"8070", "class": 3, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge"], "desc": T_(u"Moved survey point")} Analyser_Merge.__init__(self, config, logger, "", u"Fiches géodésiques", CSV(Source(attribution = u"©IGN %s dans le cadre de la cartographie réglementaire", millesime = "2010", file = "geodesie.csv.bz2"), header = False), Load("lon", "lat", create = """ id VARCHAR(254) PRIMARY KEY, lat VARCHAR(254), lon VARCHAR(254), description VARCHAR(4096), ele VARCHAR(254), ref VARCHAR(254)"""), Mapping( select = Select( types = ["nodes"], tags = {"man_made": "survey_point"}), osmRef = "ref", extraJoin = "description", generate = Generate( static1 = { "man_made": "survey_point"}, static2 = { "note": u"Ne pas déplacer ce point, cf. - Do not move this node, see -ères_Géodésiques#Permanence_des_rep.C3.A8res", "source": self.source}, mapping1 = { "ref": "ref", "ele": "ele"}, mapping2 = { "description": "description"}, text = lambda tags, fields: {"en": u"Survey point %s" % tags["ref"], "fr": u"Repères géodésiques %s" % tags["ref"], "es": u"Señales geodésicas %s" % tags["ref"]} )))
def __init__(self, config, logger = None): self.missing_official = {"item":"8240", "class": 11, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "amenity"], "desc": T_(u"Restaurant not integrated") } start_restaurant = re.compile("^(hôtel-)?restaurant ", flags=re.IGNORECASE) final_name = re.compile("/.*$") Analyser_Merge.__init__(self, config, logger, "", u"Les restaurants en Saône-et-Loire - CG71", CSV(Source(attribution = u"Conseil général de la Saône-et-Loire - Agence de Développement Touristique", millesime = "03/2013", fileUrl = "", encoding = "ISO-8859-15"), separator = ";"), Load("LONGITUDE", "LATITUDE", xFunction = self.float_comma, yFunction = self.float_comma), Mapping( select = Select( types = ["nodes", "ways"], tags = {"amenity": "restaurant"}), conflationDistance = 100, generate = Generate( static1 = {"amenity": "restaurant"}, static2 = {"source": self.source}, mapping1 = { "amenity": lambda fields: self.amenity_type.get(fields["CATEGORIE"]) or "restaurant", "name": lambda fields: final_name.sub('', start_restaurant.sub('', fields["NOM"])), "tourism": lambda fields: "hotel" if fields["TYPE_RESTAURATION"] == u"Hotel-restaurant" else None, "cuisine": lambda fields: self.cuisine(fields), "website": "SITE_WEB", "stars": lambda fields: len(fields["note_Guide_Rouge_Michelin"]) if fields["note_Guide_Rouge_Michelin"] else None}, text = lambda tags, fields: {"en": ', '.join(filter(lambda x: x != "None", [fields["NOM"], fields["TYPE_RESTAURATION"], fields["CATEGORIE"], fields["ADRESSE1"], fields["ADRESSE2"], fields["ADRESSE3"], fields["VILLE"]]))} )))
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): self.missing_official = { "item": "8120", "class": 11, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "recycling"], "desc": T_(u"CAPP glass recycling not integrated") } Analyser_Merge.__init__( self, config, logger, "", u"Point d'apport volontaire du verre : Bornes à verres sur la CAPP", # Dod_Bav_CC43.csv is in WGS84 CSV( Source(attribution=u"Communauté d'Agglomération Pau-Pyrénées", millesime="01/2013", fileUrl= "", zip="Dod_Bav_CC43.csv")), Load("X", "Y", xFunction=self.float_comma, yFunction=self.float_comma, select={"USAGE_": "En service"}), Mapping(select=Select(types=["nodes", "ways"], tags={"amenity": "recycling"}), conflationDistance=100, generate=Generate(static1={ "amenity": "recycling", "recycling:glass_bottles": "yes", "recycling_type": "container" }, static2={"source": self.source})))
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): self.missing_official = { "item": "8150", "class": 11, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "public equipment", "cycle"], "desc": T_(u"CAPP bicycle parking not integrated") } Analyser_Merge.__init__( self, config, logger, "", u"Supports vélos sur la CAPP", CSV( Source(attribution=u"Communauté d'Agglomération Pau-Pyrénées", millesime="01/2013", fileUrl= "", zip="Sta_Velo_Agglo_WGS84.csv")), Load("X", "Y", xFunction=self.float_comma, yFunction=self.float_comma), Mapping( select=Select(types=["nodes"], tags={"amenity": "bicycle_parking"}), conflationDistance=50, generate=Generate(static1={"amenity": "bicycle_parking"}, static2={"source": self.source}, mapping1={ "capacity": lambda res: str(int(res["NOMBRE"]) * 2) })))
def __init__(self, config, logger = None): self.missing_official = {"item":"8290", "class": 1, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "power"], "desc": T_(u"Power support not integrated") } self.missing_osm = {"item":"7200", "class": 2, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "power"], "desc": T_(u"Power support without ref") } self.possible_merge = {"item":"8291", "class": 3, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "power"], "desc": T_(u"Power support, integration suggestion") } Analyser_Merge.__init__(self, config, logger, "", u"Pylones RTE", CSV(Source(attribution = u"", millesime = "04/2017", fileUrl = ""), separator = ";"), Load("Longitude du pylône (DD)", "Latitude du pylône (DD)"), Mapping( select = Select( types = ["nodes"], tags = [{"power": "tower", "operator": "RTE"}, {"power": "pole", "operator": "RTE"}, {"power": "terminal", "operator": "RTE"}, {"power": "portal", "operator": "RTE"}, {"power": "insulator", "operator": "RTE"}, {"power": "tower", "operator": False}, {"power": "pole", "operator": False}, {"power": "terminal", "operator": False}, {"power": "portal", "operator": False}, {"power": "insulator", "operator": False}]), # osmRef = "ref:FR:RTE", # Commented initial. Only issues missing tower. Then when the missing tower number lower, uncomment to integrate ref into OSM. conflationDistance = 10, generate = Generate( static1 = { "power": "tower", "operator": "RTE"}, static2 = {"source": self.source}, mapping1 = { "ref": "Numéro de pylône"}, mapping2 = { "height": "Hauteur du pylône (m)"})))
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): _Analyser_Merge_Street_Number.__init__( self, config, 7, "Rennes", logger, "[uid]=217", u"Référentiel voies et adresses de Rennes Métropole", CSV(Source( attribution=u"Rennes Métropole", millesime="05/2013", fileUrl= "", zip="voies_adresses_csv/donnees/rva_adresses.csv"), separator=";"), Load("X_WGS84", "Y_WGS84", xFunction=self.float_comma, yFunction=self.float_comma), Mapping(generate=Generate( static2={"source": self.source}, mapping1={ "addr:housenumber": lambda res: res["NUMERO"] + (res["EXTENSION"] if res["EXTENSION"] else "") + ((" " + res["BATIMENT"]) if res["BATIMENT"] else "") }, text=lambda tags, fields: {"en": fields["ADR_CPLETE"]})))
def __init__(self, config, error_file, logger, classs, topic, osmTags, defaultTags): self.missing_official = {"item":"8260", "class": classs, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge"], "desc": T_(u"Geodesic support not integrated %s", topic.replace("^", "").replace("|", ", ")) } SubAnalyser_Merge_Dynamic.__init__(self, config, error_file, logger, "", u"Fiches géodésiques", CSV(Source(attribution = u"©IGN 2010 dans le cadre de la cartographie réglementaire", file = "geodesie.csv.bz2"), header = False), Load("lon", "lat", create = """ id VARCHAR(254) PRIMARY KEY, lat VARCHAR(254), lon VARCHAR(254), description VARCHAR(4096), ele VARCHAR(254), ref VARCHAR(254)""", where = lambda res: not 'ruine' in res['description'].lower() and not 'ancien' in res['description'].lower() and not u'détruit' in res['description'].lower() and, res['description'], re.IGNORECASE)), Mapping( select = Select( types = ["nodes", "ways"], tags = osmTags), conflationDistance = 200, generate = Generate( static1 = dict(dict(**osmTags), **defaultTags), static2 = {"source": lambda a: a.parser.source.attribution}, text = lambda tags, fields: {"en": fields["description"]} )))
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): self.missing_official = { "item": "8060", "class": 1, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "railway"], "desc": T_(u"Crossing level not integrated") } Analyser_Merge.__init__( self, config, logger, "", u"Passages à niveau", CSV(Source( attribution=u"", millesime="01/2014", fileUrl= "", encoding="ISO-8859-15"), separator=";"), Load("LONGITUDE (WGS84)", "LATITUDE (WGS84)", xFunction=self.float_comma, yFunction=self.float_comma, where=lambda res: res["TYPE"] != 'PN de classe 00'), Mapping( select=Select(types=["nodes"], tags={"railway": ["level_crossing", "crossing"]}), conflationDistance=150, generate=Generate( static2={"source": self.source}, mapping1={"railway": lambda res: self.type[res["TYPE"]]})))
def __init__(self, config, logger = None): self.missing_official = {"item":"8050", "class": 1, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "railway"], "desc": T_(u"Railway station not integrated") } self.missing_osm = {"item":"7100", "class": 2, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "railway"], "desc": T_(u"Railway station without uic_ref or invalid") } self.possible_merge = {"item":"8051", "class": 3, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "railway"], "desc": T_(u"Railway station, integration suggestion") } Analyser_Merge.__init__(self, config, logger, "", u"Horaires prévus des trains TER", CSV(Source(attribution = u"SNCF", millesime = "03/2017", fileUrl = "", zip = "stops.txt")), Load("stop_lon", "stop_lat", select = {"stop_id": "StopArea:%"}), Mapping( select = Select( types = ["nodes", "ways"], tags = {"railway": ["station", "halt"]}), osmRef = "uic_ref", conflationDistance = 500, generate = Generate( static1 = { "railway": "station", "operator": "SNCF"}, static2 = {"source": self.source}, mapping1 = {"uic_ref": lambda res: res["stop_id"].split(":")[1][3:].split("-")[-1][:-1]}, mapping2 = {"name": lambda res: res["stop_name"].replace("gare de ", "")}, text = lambda tags, fields: {"en": fields["stop_name"][0].upper() + fields["stop_name"][1:]} )))
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): self.missing_official = { "item": "8190", "class": 1, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge"], "desc": T_(u"Police not integrated") } Analyser_Merge.__init__( self, config, logger, "", u"Liste des points d'accueil de la gendarmerie nationale avec géolocalisation", CSV(Source( attribution=u"ère de l'Intérieur", millesime="02/2016", fileUrl= "" ), separator=";"), Load("geocodage_x_GPS", "geocodage_y_GPS"), Mapping(select=Select(types=["nodes", "ways"], tags={"amenity": "police"}), conflationDistance=1000, generate=Generate( static1={ "amenity": "police", "operator": "Gendarmerie Nationale" }, static2={"source": self.source}, mapping2={"phone": "telephone"}, text=lambda tags, fields: { "en": u"%s, %s" % (fields["service"], fields["adresse_geographique"]) })))
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): self.update_official = { "item": "8101", "class": 100, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "wikipedia"], "desc": T_(u"Update Wikipedia tag") } Analyser_Merge.__init__( self, config, logger, "", "wikipedia insee", CSV(Source(file="wikipedia_insee_FR.csv.bz2")), Load(create=""" insee VARCHAR(254) PRIMARY KEY, title VARCHAR(254)"""), Mapping(select=Select(types=["relations"], tags={ "type": "boundary", "boundary": "administrative", "admin_level": "8" }), osmRef="ref:INSEE", generate=Generate( mapping1={ "ref:INSEE": "insee", "wikipedia": lambda res: "fr:" + res["title"] })))
def __init__(self, config, logger, clas, conflationDistance, select, osmTags, defaultTag): self.missing_official = {"item":"8040", "class": 1+10*clas, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "railway", "public transport"], "desc": T_(u"STIF public transport stop not integrated") } self.possible_merge = {"item":"8041", "class": 3+10*clas, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "railway", "public transport"], "desc": T_(u"STIF public transport stop, integration suggestion") } Analyser_Merge.__init__(self, config, logger, "", u"Référentiel des arrêts de transport en commun en Ile-de-France", CSV(Source(attribution = u"STIF", millesime = "12/2016", fileUrl = u""), separator = ";"), Load("ZDEr_X_Y", "ZDEr_X_Y", srid = 2154, select = {"ZDEr_LIBELLE_TYPE_ARRET": select}, xFunction = lambda x: x.split(",")[0], yFunction = lambda y: y.split(",")[1]), Mapping( select = Select( types = ["nodes", "ways"], tags = osmTags), osmRef = "ref:FR:STIF", conflationDistance = conflationDistance, generate = Generate( static1 = defaultTag, static2 = {"source": self.source}, mapping1 = {"ref:FR:STIF": "ZDEr_ID_REF_A"}, mapping2 = {"name": "ZDEr_NOM"}, text = lambda tags, fields: {"en": u"STIF public transport stop of %s" % tags["name"], "fr": u"Arrêt de transport d'Île-de-France de %s" % tags["name"]} )))
def __init__(self, config, logger = None): self.missing_official = {"item":"8025", "class": 1, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "post"], "desc": T_(u"Post box not integrated") } self.missing_osm = {"item":"7051", "class": 2, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "post"], "desc": T_(u"Post box without ref") } self.possible_merge = {"item":"8026", "class": 3, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "post"], "desc": T_(u"Post box, integration suggestion") } Analyser_Merge.__init__(self, config, logger, "", u"Liste des boîtes aux lettres de rue France métropolitaine et DOM", CSV(Source(attribution = u"", millesime = "05/2016", fileUrl = ""), separator = ";"), Load("Latlong", "Latlong", xFunction = lambda x: x and x.split(',')[1], yFunction = lambda y: y and y.split(',')[0]), Mapping( select = Select( types = ["nodes"], tags = {"amenity": "post_box"}), osmRef = "ref", conflationDistance = 50, generate = Generate( missing_official_fix = False, static1 = { "amenity": "post_box", "operator": "La Poste"}, static2 = {"source": self.source}, mapping1 = {"ref": "CO_MUP"}, text = lambda tags, fields: {"en": ", ".join(filter(lambda x: x and x != 'None' and x != '', [fields[u"VA_NO_VOIE"], fields[u"LB_EXTENSION"].strip(), fields[u"LB_VOIE_EXT"], fields["CO_POSTAL"], fields[u"LB_COM"]]))} ))) #LB_TYPE_GEO
def __init__(self, config, logger, clas, select, osmTags, defaultTag): self.missing_official = {"item":"8040", "class": 1+10*clas, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "railway", "public transport"], "desc": T_(u"RATP station not integrated") } self.possible_merge = {"item":"8041", "class": 3+10*clas, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "railway", "public transport"], "desc": T_(u"RATP station, integration suggestion") } Analyser_Merge.__init__(self, config, logger, "", u"Positions géographiques des stations du réseau RATP", CSV(Source(attribution = u"RATP", millesime = "07/2012", file = "ratp_arret_graphique.csv.bz2"), separator = "#"), Load("lon", "lat", create = """ id VARCHAR(254), lon VARCHAR(254), lat VARCHAR(254), nom_station VARCHAR(254), ville_cp VARCHAR(254), reseau VARCHAR(254)""", select = {"reseau": select}), Mapping( select = Select( types = ["nodes", "ways"], tags = osmTags), osmRef = "ref:FR:RATP", conflationDistance = 100, generate = Generate( static1 = defaultTag, static2 = {"source": self.source}, mapping1 = {"ref:FR:RATP": "id"}, mapping2 = {"name": "nom_station"}, text = lambda tags, fields: {"en": u"RATP station of %s" % tags["name"], "fr": u"Station RATP de %s" % tags["name"]} )))
def __init__(self, config, logger = None): self.missing_official = {"item":"8270", "class": 1, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "power"], "desc": T_(u"Power generator not integrated") } self.missing_osm = {"item":"7180", "class": 2, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "power"], "desc": T_(u"Power generator without ref:FR:RTE") } self.possible_merge = {"item":"8271", "class": 3, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "power"], "desc": T_(u"Power generator, integration suggestion") } self.update_official = {"item":"8272", "class": 4, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "power"], "desc": T_(u"Power generator update") } Analyser_Merge.__init__(self, config, logger, "", u"Registre 2015 des installations de production raccordées au Réseau de Transport d'Electricité", CSV(Source(attribution = u"", millesime = "2015", fileUrl = ""), separator = ";"), Load("Geo-point IRIS", "Geo-point IRIS", xFunction = lambda x: x and x.split(',')[1], yFunction = lambda y: y and y.split(',')[0]), Mapping( select = Select( types = ["ways"], tags = {"power": "generator"}), conflationDistance = 5000, generate = Generate( static1 = { "power": "generator"}, static2 = {"source": self.source}, mapping1 = { "ref:FR:RTE": "Identifiant", "voltage": lambda fields: (int(float(fields["Tension (kV)"]) * 1000)) if fields.get("Tension (kV)") and fields["Tension (kV)"] != "<45" else None, "generator:source": lambda fields: self.filiere[fields["Filière"]][fields["Combustible"]], "generator:output:electricity": lambda fields: (int(float(fields["Puissance maximale (MW)"]) * 1000000)) if fields.get("Puissance maximale (MW)") else None}, mapping2 = { "start": lambda fields: fields[u"Date de mise en service"][0:4] if fields[u"Date de mise en service"].endswith('-01-01') or fields[u"Date de mise en service"].endswith('-12-31') else fields[u"Date de mise en service"], "operator": "Exploitant"}, tag_keep_multiple_values = ["voltage"], text = lambda tags, fields: T_(u"Power substation of %s", fields["Site de production"]))))
def __init__(self, config, logger, level, desc, osmTags, osmTypes, c, tcd, stcd, threshold): self.missing_official = { "item": "7110", "class": tcd * 100 + stcd, "level": level, "tag": ["merge", "highway"], "desc": desc } Analyser_Merge.__init__( self, config, logger, "", "Alert-C-point", CSV(Source( fileUrl= "", zip="Data/Mff/POINTS.DAT"), separator=";"), Load("XCOORD", "YCOORD", xFunction=lambda x: float(x) / 100000, yFunction=lambda y: float(y) / 100000, where=lambda res: res["CLASS"] == c and res["TCD"] == str(tcd) and res["STCD"] == str(stcd)), Mapping(select=Select(types=osmTypes, tags=osmTags), conflationDistance=threshold))
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): self.missing_official = { "item": "8040", "class": 41, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "public transport"], "desc": T_(u"TransGironde stop not integrated") } self.possible_merge = { "item": "8041", "class": 43, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "public transport"], "desc": T_(u"TransGironde stop, integration suggestion") } self.update_official = { "item": "8042", "class": 44, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "public transport"], "desc": T_(u"TransGironde stop update") } Analyser_Merge.__init__( self, config, logger, "", u"Horaires des lignes régulières du réseau transgironde", CSV( Source( attribution=u"Conseil général de la Gironde", millesime="12/2015", fileUrl= "", zip="Export GTFS au 30-11-15/stops.txt")), Load("stop_lon", "stop_lat"), Mapping( select=Select(types=["nodes", "ways"], tags={"highway": "bus_stop"}), osmRef="ref:FR:TransGironde", conflationDistance=100, generate=Generate( static1={ "highway": "bus_stop", "public_transport": "stop_position", "bus": "yes", "network": "TransGironde" }, static2={"source": self.source}, mapping1={ "ref:FR:TransGironde": lambda res: res["stop_id"].split(':')[1], "name": lambda res: res['stop_name'].split(' - ')[1] if len(res['stop_name'].split(' - ')) > 1 else None }, text=lambda tags, fields: { "en": u"TransGironde stop of %s" % fields["stop_name"], "fr": u"Arrêt TransGironde de %s" % fields["stop_name"] })))
def __init__(self, config, classs, desc, wikiTypes, wikiCountry, wikiLang, starts, osmTags, osmTypes, conflationDistance, logger=None): self.possible_merge = { "item": "8101", "class": classs, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "wikipedia"], "desc": desc } Analyser_Merge.__init__( self, config, logger, "", "Wikipedia-World", CSV(Source(file="wikipedia_point_fr.csv.bz2"), csv=False, separator=None, null=None), Load(("ST_X(the_geom)", ), ("ST_Y(the_geom)", ), create=self.create_table, select={ "lang": wikiLang, "Country": wikiCountry }, where=(lambda res: not res["titel"].startswith("Liste ")) if starts == None else (lambda res: res["titel"].startswith(starts))), Mapping(select=Select(types=osmTypes, tags={"name": None}), osmRef="wikipedia", conflationDistance=conflationDistance, generate=Generate(mapping1={ "wikipedia": lambda fields: fields["lang"] + ":" + fields["titel"] }, text=lambda tags, fields: {fields["lang"]: fields["titel"]}))) if wikiTypes != None:[ "types"] = wikiTypes # if isinstance(osmTags, dict):[0].update(osmTags) else: for t in osmTags: t.update(self.osmTags) = osmTags
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): self.missing_official = { "item": "2042", "class": 31, "level": 3, "tag": ["missing_official", "recycling"], "desc": T_(u"SITCOM recycling not integrated") } self.possible_merge = { "item": "2044", "class": 33, "level": 3, "tag": ["possible_merge", "recycling"], "desc": T_(u"SITCOM recycling, integration suggestion") } self.update_official = { "item": "2045", "class": 34, "level": 3, "tag": ["update_official", "recycling"], "desc": T_(u"SITCOM recycling update") } Analyser_Merge.__init__( self, config, logger, "", u"Emplacements d'apport volontaire", CSV( Source(attribution=u"Sitcom Côte Sud Landes", millesime="07/2017", file="recycling_FR_sitcom.csv.bz2")), Load( "Y", "X", # lat/lon inverted xFunction=self.float_comma, yFunction=self.float_comma), Mapping( select=Select(types=["nodes", "ways"], tags={ "amenity": "recycling", "recycling_type": "container" }), osmRef="ref:FR:SITCOM", conflationDistance=200, generate=Generate( static1={ "amenity": "recycling", "recycling_type": "container" }, static2={"source": self.source}, mapping1={"ref:FR:SITCOM": "Cle"}, text=lambda tags, fields: {"en": fields["Nom du point"]})))
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): self.missing_official = { "item": "8040", "class": 61, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "public transport"], "desc": T_(u"CG71 stop not integrated") } self.possible_merge = { "item": "8041", "class": 63, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "public transport"], "desc": T_(u"CG71 stop, integration suggestion") } Analyser_Merge.__init__( self, config, logger, "", u"Localisation des arrêts de bus et car - CG71", CSV( Source( attribution= u"Conseil général de la Saône-et-Loire - Direction des Transports et de l'intermodalité", millesime="02/2015", fileUrl= "" )), Load("latitude", "longitude", xFunction=self.float_comma, yFunction=self.float_comma), Mapping(select=Select(types=["nodes", "ways"], tags={"highway": "bus_stop"}), osmRef="ref:FR:CG71", conflationDistance=100, generate=Generate( static1={ "highway": "bus_stop", "public_transport": "stop_position", "bus": "yes" }, static2={"source": self.source}, mapping1={"ref:FR:CG71": "cod_arret"}, mapping2={ "name": lambda res: res['nom'].split(' - ')[1].strip() if ' - ' in res['nom'] else res['nom'].strip() }, text=lambda tags, fields: { "en": u"CG71 stop of %s" % fields["nom"].strip(), "fr": u"Arrêt CG71 de %s" % fields["nom"].strip() })))
def __init__(self, config, logger = None): self.missing_official = {"item":"8020", "class": 1, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "post"], "desc": T_(u"Post office not integrated") } self.missing_osm = {"item":"7050", "class": 2, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "post"], "desc": T_(u"Post office without ref:FR:LaPoste") } self.possible_merge = {"item":"8021", "class": 3, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "post"], "desc": T_(u"Post office, integration suggestion") } self.update_official = {"item":"8022", "class": 4, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "post"], "desc": T_(u"Post office update") } self.Annexe = re.compile(' A$') self.Principal = re.compile(' PAL$') self.APBP = re.compile(' (AP|BP)$') Analyser_Merge.__init__(self, config, logger, "", u"Liste des points de contact du réseau postal français et horaires", CSV(Source(attribution = u"", millesime = "06/2015", file = "poste_FR.csv.bz2", encoding = "ISO-8859-15"), separator = ";"), Load("Longitude", "Latitude"), Mapping( select = Select( types = ["nodes", "ways"], tags = {"amenity": "post_office"}), osmRef = "ref:FR:LaPoste", conflationDistance = 1000, generate = Generate( static1 = { "amenity": "post_office", "operator": "La Poste"}, static2 = {"source": self.source}, mapping1 = { "ref:FR:LaPoste": "#Identifiant", "post_office:type": lambda res: { None: None, u"Bureau de poste": None, u"Agence postale commnunale": "post_annex", u"Relais poste commerçant": "post_partner" }[res["Caractéristique_du_site"]], "addr:postcode": "Code_postal", # localite # pays "copy_facility": lambda res: self.bool[res["Photocopie"]], "atm": lambda res: self.bool[res["Distributeur_de_billets"]], "stamping_machine": lambda res: self.bool[res["Affranchissement_Libre_Service"]], "wheelchair": lambda res: "yes" if self.bool[res["Accessibilité_Absence_de_ressaut_de_plus_de_2_cm_de_haut"]] and self.bool[res["Accessibilité_Entrée_autonome_en_fauteuil_roulant_possible"]] else "limited" if self.bool[res["Accessibilité_Absence_de_ressaut_de_plus_de_2_cm_de_haut"]] or self.bool[res["Accessibilité_Entrée_autonome_en_fauteuil_roulant_possible"]] else "no"}, mapping2 = { "name": lambda res: re.sub(self.Principal, " Principal", re.sub(self.Annexe, " Annexe", re.sub(self.APBP, "", res["Libellé_du_site"]))), "change_machine": lambda res: self.bool[res["Changeur_de_monnaie"]], "phone": "Numéro_de_téléphone"}, text = lambda tags, fields: {"en": u"Post office %s" % ", ".join(filter(lambda x: x and x!='None', [fields[u"Précision_du_géocodage"].lower(), fields[u"Adresse"], fields[u"Complément_d_adresse"], fields[u"Lieu_dit"], fields["Code postal"], fields[u"Localité"]]))} )))
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): self.missing_osm = { "item": "7160", "class": 2, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "post"], "desc": T_(u"admin_level 8 without addr:postcode") } self.possible_merge = { "item": "8221", "class": 3, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "post"], "desc": T_(u"Postal code, integration suggestion") } Analyser_Merge.__init__( self, config, logger, "", u"Base officielle des codes postaux", CSV(Source( attribution=u"La Poste", millesime="12/2014", fileUrl= "" ), separator=";"), Load(srid=None), Mapping(select=Select(types=["relations"], tags={ "type": "boundary", "admin_level": "8", "ref:INSEE": None }), osmRef="addr:postcode", extraJoin="ref:INSEE", generate=Generate( static2={"source:postal_code": self.source}, mapping1={ "ref:INSEE": "Code_commune_INSEE", "addr:postcode": "Code_postal" }, text=lambda tags, fields: { "en": u"Postal code %s for %s (INSEE:%s)" % (fields["Code_postal"], (fields["Nom_commune"] or "").strip(), fields[ "Code_commune_INSEE"]) })))
def __init__(self, config, logger = None): self.missing_official = {"item":"9982", "class": 2, "level": 3, "tag": ["missing_official"], "desc": T_(u"Misc not integrated") } Analyser_Merge.__init__(self, config, logger, "", u"PCI Vecteur (Plan Cadastral Informatisé) - Point_id", CSV(Source(attribution = u"Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances", millesime = "10/2017", file = "cadastre_TPOINT_id_clean.csv.bz2")), Load("X", "Y", select = {"tex": "%borne incendie%"}), Mapping( select = Select( types = ["nodes"], tags = {"emergency": "ire_hydrant"}), conflationDistance = 200, generate = Generate( static1 = {"emergency": "fire_hydrant"}, static2 = {"source": self.source}, text = lambda tags, fields: {"en": u"%s, confidence: %s" % (fields["tex"], 1)} )))
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): _Analyser_Merge_Street_Number.__init__( self, config, 2, "Nantes", logger, "", u"Adresses postales de Nantes Métropole", CSV( Source( attribution=u"Nantes Métropole %s", millesime="03/2016", fileUrl= "", zip="ADRESSES_NM.csv", encoding="utf-8-sig")), Load("LONG_WGS84", "LAT_WGS84"), Mapping(generate=Generate( static2={"source": self.source}, mapping1={"addr:housenumber": "NUMERO"}, text=lambda tags, fields: {"en": fields["ADRESSE"]})))
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): self.missing_official = { "item": "8030", "class": 100, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "railway"], "desc": T_(u"College not integrated") } Analyser_Merge.__init__( self, config, logger, "", u"Etablissements d'enseignement supérieur", CSV( Source( attribution= u" national d'information sur les enseignements et les professions", millesime="11/2011", file="college_FR.csv.bz2")), Load("GPS_Y", "GPS_X", xFunction=self.float_comma, yFunction=self.float_comma), Mapping(select=Select(types=["nodes", "ways", "relations"], tags={"amenity": ["college", "university"]}), conflationDistance=50, generate=Generate( static1={"amenity": "college"}, static2={"source": self.source}, mapping1={ "operator:type": lambda res: "private" if res["STATUT_ETABLISSEMENT"] in [ u"CFA privé", u"Privé hors contrat", u"Privé reconnu", u"Privé sous contrat" ] else None, "short_name": "SIGLE_ETABLISSEMENT" }, mapping2={"name": "NOM_ETABLISSEMENT"}, text=lambda tags, fields: { "en": " - ".join( filter(lambda i: i != "None", [ fields["SIGLE_ETABLISSEMENT"], fields[ "NOM_ETABLISSEMENT"] ])) })))
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): self.missing_official = { "item": "8130", "class": 1, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "parking"], "desc": T_(u"CAPP parking not integrated") } Analyser_Merge.__init__( self, config, logger, "", u"Parkings sur la CAPP", CSV( Source(attribution=u"Communauté d'Agglomération Pau-Pyrénées", millesime="01/2013", fileUrl= "", zip="Parking_WGS84.csv", encoding="ISO-8859-15")), Load("X", "Y", xFunction=self.float_comma, yFunction=self.float_comma), Mapping(select=Select(types=["nodes", "ways"], tags={"amenity": "parking"}), conflationDistance=200, generate=Generate( static1={"amenity": "parking"}, static2={"source": self.source}, mapping1={ "name": "NOM", "fee": lambda res: "yes" if res["Pay_grat"] == "Payant" else "no", "capacity": lambda res: res["Places"] if res["Places"] != "0" else None, "parking": lambda res: "surface" if res["Ouvrage"] == "Plein air" else "underground" if res["Ouvrage"] == "Souterrain" else None }, text=lambda tags, fields: {"en": u"Parking %s" % tags["name"]})))
def __init__(self, config, logger = None): self.missing_official = {"item":"8010", "class": 1, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "building"], "desc": T_(u"Historical monument not integrated") } self.missing_osm = {"item":"7080", "class": 2, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge"], "desc": T_(u"Historical monument without ref:mhs or invalid") } self.possible_merge = {"item":"8011", "class": 3, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge"], "desc": T_(u"Historical monument, integration suggestion") } self.update_official = {"item":"8012", "class": 4, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge"], "desc": T_(u"Historical monument update") } def parseDPRO(dpro): ret = None; # Match YYYY ou YYYY/MM ou YYYY/MM/DD match = re.match("^(\d{4}(?:/\d{2}(?:/\d{2})?)?) :", dpro); if match: ret ="/", "-"); return ret; Analyser_Merge.__init__(self, config, logger, "", u"Monuments Historiques : liste des Immeubles protégés au titre des Monuments Historiques", # CSV(Source(fileUrl = "", zip = "merimee-MH-valid.csv.utf"), # Original without location, geocoded with CSV(Source(attribution = u"ère de la Culture", millesime = "04/2015", file = "heritage_FR_merimee.csv.bz2"), separator = '|'), Load("longitude", "latitude", select = {"DPRO": True}), Mapping( select = Select( types = ["nodes", "ways", "relations"], tags = { # "heritage": ["1", "2", "3"], "heritage:operator": None}), osmRef = "ref:mhs", conflationDistance = 1000, generate = Generate( static1 = {"heritage:operator": "mhs"}, static2 = {"source:heritage": self.source}, mapping1 = { "ref:mhs": "REF", "mhs:inscription_date": lambda res: parseDPRO(res["DPRO"]), "heritage": lambda res: 2 if u"classement par arrêté" in res["PPRO"] else 3 if u"inscription par arrêté" in res["PPRO"] else None}, mapping2 = {"name": "TICO"}, tag_keep_multiple_values = ["heritage:operator"], text = lambda tags, fields: {"en": u"Historical monument: %s (positioned at %s with confidence %s)" % (", ".join(filter(lambda x: x!= None and x != "", [fields["DPRO"], fields["ADRS"], fields["COM"]])), fields["result_type"], fields["result_score"])} )))
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): _Analyser_Merge_Street_Number.__init__( self, config, 5, "Montpellier", logger, "", u"Ville de Montpellier - Point adresse", # Convert shp with QGis, save as CSV with layer "GEOMETRY=AS_XY". CSV( Source(attribution=u"Ville de Montpellier", millesime="05/2016", file="address_france_montpellier.csv.bz2")), Load("X", "Y", srid=2154, where=lambda res: res["NUM_VOI"] != "0"), Mapping(generate=Generate( static2={"source": self.source}, mapping1={"addr:housenumber": "NUM_SUF"}, text=lambda tags, fields: {"en": u"%s %s" % (fields["NUM_SUF"], fields["LIB_OFF"])})))
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): self.missing_official = { "item": "8180", "class": 1, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "public equipment"], "desc": T_(u"Bordeaux toilets not integrated") } Analyser_Merge.__init__( self, config, logger, "", u"Toilettes publiques", CSV(Source( attribution=u"Ville de Bordeaux", millesime="01/2016", fileUrl= "" ), separator=";"), Load("X_LONG", "Y_LAT", xFunction=self.float_comma, yFunction=self.float_comma), Mapping(select=Select(types=["nodes", "ways"], tags={"amenity": "toilets"}), conflationDistance=100, generate=Generate( static1={ "amenity": "toilets", "fee": "no", "access": "public" }, static2={"source": self.source}, mapping1={ "toilets:wheelchair": lambda res: "yes" if res["OPTIONS"] == u"Handicapé" else None, "toilets:position": lambda res: "urinal" if res["TYPOLOGIE"] == u"Urinoir" else None })))
def __init__(self, config, logger=None): self.missing_official = { "item": "8160", "class": 11, "level": 3, "tag": ["merge", "public equipment", "cycle"], "desc": T_(u"CAPP bicycle rental not integrated") } Analyser_Merge.__init__( self, config, logger, "", u"Stations Idécycle du réseau Idelis sur la CAPP", CSV( Source(attribution=u"Communauté d'Agglomération Pau-Pyrénées", millesime="01/2013", fileUrl= "", zip="Idecycl_WGS84.csv", filter=lambda t: t.replace("\0", ""))), Load("X", "Y", xFunction=self.float_comma, yFunction=self.float_comma), Mapping(select=Select(types=["nodes"], tags={"amenity": "bicycle_rental"}), conflationDistance=100, generate=Generate( static1={ "amenity": "bicycle_rental", "operator": "IDEcycle" }, static2={"source": self.source}, mapping1={ "name": "NOM", "capacity": "Nb_velo", "vending": lambda res: "subscription" if res["Borne_pai"] == "Oui" else None })))