def test_have_time(self): callback = Mock() editor = TimeVariableEditor(self.parent, TimeVariable("var", have_time=1), callback) self.assertEqual(editor.value, 0) self.assertEqual(self.editor._edit.dateTime(), _datetime(1970, 1, 1)) self.callback.assert_not_called() datetime = QDateTime(QDate(1900, 1, 1), QTime(1, 2, 3)) editor._edit.setDateTime(datetime) self.assertEqual(editor._edit.dateTime(), datetime) self.assertEqual(editor.value, 3723) callback.assert_called_once()
def __init__(self, widget_description=None, parent=None, **kwargs): self.__boundingRect = None super().__init__(parent, **kwargs) self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.ClickFocus) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges, True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsFocusable, True) # central body shape item self.shapeItem = None # in/output anchor items self.inputAnchorItem = None self.outputAnchorItem = None # title text item self.captionTextItem = None # error, warning, info items self.errorItem = None self.warningItem = None self.infoItem = None # background when selected self.backgroundItem = None self.mousePressTime = QTime() self.mousePressTime.start() self.__title = "" self.__processingState = 0 self.__progress = -1 self.__statusMessage = "" self.__error = None self.__warning = None self.__info = None self.__messages = {} # type: Dict[Any, UserMessage] self.__anchorLayout = None self.__animationEnabled = False self.setZValue(self.Z_VALUE) self.setupGraphics() self.setWidgetDescription(widget_description)
def _datetime(y, m, d) -> QDateTime: return QDateTime(QDate(y, m, d), QTime(0, 0))
class NodeItem(QGraphicsWidget): """ An widget node item in the canvas. """ #: Signal emitted when the scene position of the node has changed. positionChanged = Signal() #: Signal emitted when the geometry of the channel anchors changes. anchorGeometryChanged = Signal() #: Signal emitted when the item has been activated (by a mouse double #: click or a keyboard) activated = Signal() #: The item is under the mouse. hovered = Signal() #: Span of the anchor in degrees ANCHOR_SPAN_ANGLE = 90 #: Z value of the item Z_VALUE = 100 def __init__(self, widget_description=None, parent=None, **kwargs): self.__boundingRect = None super().__init__(parent, **kwargs) self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.ClickFocus) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges, True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemHasNoContents, True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsFocusable, True) # central body shape item self.shapeItem = None # in/output anchor items self.inputAnchorItem = None self.outputAnchorItem = None # title text item self.captionTextItem = None # error, warning, info items self.errorItem = None self.warningItem = None self.infoItem = None self.mousePressTime = QTime() self.mousePressTime.start() self.__title = "" self.__processingState = 0 self.__progress = -1 self.__statusMessage = "" self.__error = None self.__warning = None self.__info = None self.__anchorLayout = None self.__animationEnabled = False self.setZValue(self.Z_VALUE) self.setupGraphics() self.setWidgetDescription(widget_description) @classmethod def from_node(cls, node): """ Create an :class:`NodeItem` instance and initialize it from a :class:`SchemeNode` instance. """ self = cls() self.setWidgetDescription(node.description) # self.setCategoryDescription(node.category) return self @classmethod def from_node_meta(cls, meta_description): """ Create an `NodeItem` instance from a node meta description. """ self = cls() self.setWidgetDescription(meta_description) return self def setupGraphics(self): """ Set up the graphics. """ shape_rect = QRectF(-24, -24, 48, 48) self.shapeItem = NodeBodyItem(self) self.shapeItem.setShapeRect(shape_rect) self.shapeItem.setAnimationEnabled(self.__animationEnabled) # Rect for widget's 'ears'. anchor_rect = QRectF(-31, -31, 62, 62) self.inputAnchorItem = SinkAnchorItem(self) input_path = QPainterPath() start_angle = 180 - self.ANCHOR_SPAN_ANGLE / 2 input_path.arcMoveTo(anchor_rect, start_angle) input_path.arcTo(anchor_rect, start_angle, self.ANCHOR_SPAN_ANGLE) self.inputAnchorItem.setAnchorPath(input_path) self.outputAnchorItem = SourceAnchorItem(self) output_path = QPainterPath() start_angle = self.ANCHOR_SPAN_ANGLE / 2 output_path.arcMoveTo(anchor_rect, start_angle) output_path.arcTo(anchor_rect, start_angle, - self.ANCHOR_SPAN_ANGLE) self.outputAnchorItem.setAnchorPath(output_path) self.inputAnchorItem.hide() self.outputAnchorItem.hide() # Title caption item self.captionTextItem = NameTextItem(self) self.captionTextItem.setPlainText("") self.captionTextItem.setPos(0, 33) def iconItem(standard_pixmap): item = GraphicsIconItem(self, icon=standard_icon(standard_pixmap), iconSize=QSize(16, 16)) item.hide() return item self.errorItem = iconItem(QStyle.SP_MessageBoxCritical) self.warningItem = iconItem(QStyle.SP_MessageBoxWarning) self.infoItem = iconItem(QStyle.SP_MessageBoxInformation) self.prepareGeometryChange() self.__boundingRect = None # TODO: Remove the set[Widget|Category]Description. The user should # handle setting of icons, title, ... def setWidgetDescription(self, desc): """ Set widget description. """ self.widget_description = desc if desc is None: return icon = icon_loader.from_description(desc).get(desc.icon) if icon: self.setIcon(icon) if not self.title(): self.setTitle( if desc.inputs: if desc.outputs: tooltip = NodeItem_toolTipHelper(self) self.setToolTip(tooltip) def setWidgetCategory(self, desc): """ Set the widget category. """ self.category_description = desc if desc and desc.background: background = NAMED_COLORS.get(desc.background, desc.background) color = QColor(background) if color.isValid(): self.setColor(color) def setIcon(self, icon): """ Set the node item's icon (:class:`QIcon`). """ if isinstance(icon, QIcon): self.icon_item = GraphicsIconItem(self.shapeItem, icon=icon, iconSize=QSize(36, 36)) self.icon_item.setPos(-18, -18) else: raise TypeError def setColor(self, color, selectedColor=None): """ Set the widget color. """ if selectedColor is None: selectedColor = saturated(color, 150) palette = create_palette(color, selectedColor) self.shapeItem.setPalette(palette) def setTitle(self, title): """ Set the node title. The title text is displayed at the bottom of the node. """ self.__title = title self.__updateTitleText() def title(self): """ Return the node title. """ return self.__title title_ = Property(str, fget=title, fset=setTitle, doc="Node title text.") def setFont(self, font): """ Set the title text font (:class:`QFont`). """ if font != self.font(): self.prepareGeometryChange() self.captionTextItem.setFont(font) self.__updateTitleText() def font(self): """ Return the title text font. """ return self.captionTextItem.font() def setAnimationEnabled(self, enabled): """ Set the node animation enabled state. """ if self.__animationEnabled != enabled: self.__animationEnabled = enabled self.shapeItem.setAnimationEnabled(enabled) def animationEnabled(self): """ Are node animations enabled. """ return self.__animationEnabled def setProcessingState(self, state): """ Set the node processing state i.e. the node is processing (is busy) or is idle. """ if self.__processingState != state: self.__processingState = state self.shapeItem.setProcessingState(state) if not state: # Clear the progress meter. self.setProgress(-1) if self.__animationEnabled: def processingState(self): """ The node processing state. """ return self.__processingState processingState_ = Property(int, fget=processingState, fset=setProcessingState) def setProgress(self, progress): """ Set the node work progress state (number between 0 and 100). """ if progress is None or progress < 0 or not self.__processingState: progress = -1 progress = max(min(progress, 100), -1) if self.__progress != progress: self.__progress = progress self.shapeItem.setProgress(progress) self.__updateTitleText() def progress(self): """ Return the node work progress state. """ return self.__progress progress_ = Property(float, fget=progress, fset=setProgress, doc="Node progress state.") def setStatusMessage(self, message): """ Set the node status message text. This text is displayed below the node's title. """ if self.__statusMessage != message: self.__statusMessage = message self.__updateTitleText() def statusMessage(self): return self.__statusMessage def setStateMessage(self, message): """ Set a state message to display over the item. Parameters ---------- message : UserMessage Message to display. `message.severity` is used to determine the icon and `message.contents` is used as a tool tip. """ # TODO: Group messages by message_id not by severity # and deprecate set[Error|Warning|Error]Message if message.severity == UserMessage.Info: self.setInfoMessage(message.contents) elif message.severity == UserMessage.Warning: self.setWarningMessage(message.contents) elif message.severity == UserMessage.Error: self.setErrorMessage(message.contents) def setErrorMessage(self, message): if self.__error != message: self.__error = message self.__updateMessages() def setWarningMessage(self, message): if self.__warning != message: self.__warning = message self.__updateMessages() def setInfoMessage(self, message): if self.__info != message: self.__info = message self.__updateMessages() def newInputAnchor(self): """ Create and return a new input :class:`AnchorPoint`. """ if not (self.widget_description and self.widget_description.inputs): raise ValueError("Widget has no inputs.") anchor = AnchorPoint() self.inputAnchorItem.addAnchor(anchor, position=1.0) positions = self.inputAnchorItem.anchorPositions() positions = uniform_linear_layout(positions) self.inputAnchorItem.setAnchorPositions(positions) return anchor def removeInputAnchor(self, anchor): """ Remove input anchor. """ self.inputAnchorItem.removeAnchor(anchor) positions = self.inputAnchorItem.anchorPositions() positions = uniform_linear_layout(positions) self.inputAnchorItem.setAnchorPositions(positions) def newOutputAnchor(self): """ Create and return a new output :class:`AnchorPoint`. """ if not (self.widget_description and self.widget_description.outputs): raise ValueError("Widget has no outputs.") anchor = AnchorPoint(self) self.outputAnchorItem.addAnchor(anchor, position=1.0) positions = self.outputAnchorItem.anchorPositions() positions = uniform_linear_layout(positions) self.outputAnchorItem.setAnchorPositions(positions) return anchor def removeOutputAnchor(self, anchor): """ Remove output anchor. """ self.outputAnchorItem.removeAnchor(anchor) positions = self.outputAnchorItem.anchorPositions() positions = uniform_linear_layout(positions) self.outputAnchorItem.setAnchorPositions(positions) def inputAnchors(self): """ Return a list of all input anchor points. """ return self.inputAnchorItem.anchorPoints() def outputAnchors(self): """ Return a list of all output anchor points. """ return self.outputAnchorItem.anchorPoints() def setAnchorRotation(self, angle): """ Set the anchor rotation. """ self.inputAnchorItem.setRotation(angle) self.outputAnchorItem.setRotation(angle) self.anchorGeometryChanged.emit() def anchorRotation(self): """ Return the anchor rotation. """ return self.inputAnchorItem.rotation() def boundingRect(self): # TODO: Important because of this any time the child # items change geometry the self.prepareGeometryChange() # needs to be called. if self.__boundingRect is None: self.__boundingRect = self.childrenBoundingRect() return self.__boundingRect def shape(self): # Shape for mouse hit detection. # TODO: Should this return the union of all child items? return self.shapeItem.shape() def __updateTitleText(self): """ Update the title text item. """ text = ['<div align="center">%s' % escape(self.title())] status_text = [] progress_included = False if self.__statusMessage: msg = escape(self.__statusMessage) format_fields = dict(parse_format_fields(msg)) if "progress" in format_fields and len(format_fields) == 1: # Insert progress into the status text format string. spec, _ = format_fields["progress"] if spec is not None: progress_included = True progress_str = "{0:.0f}%".format(self.progress()) status_text.append(msg.format(progress=progress_str)) else: status_text.append(msg) if self.progress() >= 0 and not progress_included: status_text.append("%i%%" % int(self.progress())) if status_text: text += ["<br/>", '<span style="font-style: italic">', "<br/>".join(status_text), "</span>"] text += ["</div>"] text = "".join(text) # The NodeItems boundingRect could change. self.prepareGeometryChange() self.__boundingRect = None self.captionTextItem.setHtml(text) self.captionTextItem.document().adjustSize() width = self.captionTextItem.textWidth() self.captionTextItem.setPos(-width / 2.0, 33) def __updateMessages(self): """ Update message items (position, visibility and tool tips). """ items = [self.errorItem, self.warningItem, self.infoItem] messages = [self.__error, self.__warning, self.__info] for message, item in zip(messages, items): item.setVisible(bool(message)) item.setToolTip(message or "") shown = [item for item in items if item.isVisible()] count = len(shown) if count: spacing = 3 rects = [item.boundingRect() for item in shown] width = sum(rect.width() for rect in rects) width += spacing * max(0, count - 1) height = max(rect.height() for rect in rects) origin = self.shapeItem.boundingRect().top() - spacing - height origin = QPointF(-width / 2, origin) for item, rect in zip(shown, rects): item.setPos(origin) origin = origin + QPointF(rect.width() + spacing, 0) def mousePressEvent(self, event): if self.mousePressTime.elapsed() < QApplication.doubleClickInterval(): # Double-click triggers two mouse press events and a double-click event. # Ignore the second mouse press event (causes widget's node relocation with # Logitech's Smart Move). event.ignore() else: self.mousePressTime.restart() if self.shapeItem.path().contains(event.pos()): super().mousePressEvent(event) else: event.ignore() def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): if self.shapeItem.path().contains(event.pos()): super().mouseDoubleClickEvent(event) QTimer.singleShot(0, self.activated.emit) else: event.ignore() def contextMenuEvent(self, event): if self.shapeItem.path().contains(event.pos()): super().contextMenuEvent(event) else: event.ignore() def focusInEvent(self, event): self.shapeItem.setHasFocus(True) super().focusInEvent(event) def focusOutEvent(self, event): self.shapeItem.setHasFocus(False) super().focusOutEvent(event) def changeEvent(self, event): if event.type() == QEvent.PaletteChange: self.__updatePalette() elif event.type() == QEvent.FontChange: self.__updateFont() super().changeEvent(event) def itemChange(self, change, value): if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemSelectedChange: self.shapeItem.setSelected(value) self.captionTextItem.setSelectionState(value) elif change == QGraphicsItem.ItemPositionHasChanged: self.positionChanged.emit() return super().itemChange(change, value) def __updatePalette(self): self.captionTextItem.setPalette(self.palette()) def __updateFont(self): self.prepareGeometryChange() self.captionTextItem.setFont(self.font()) self.__updateTitleText()
class NodeItem(QGraphicsWidget): """ An widget node item in the canvas. """ #: Signal emitted when the scene position of the node has changed. positionChanged = Signal() #: Signal emitted when the geometry of the channel anchors changes. anchorGeometryChanged = Signal() #: Signal emitted when the item has been activated (by a mouse double #: click or a keyboard) activated = Signal() #: The item is under the mouse. hovered = Signal() #: Span of the anchor in degrees ANCHOR_SPAN_ANGLE = 90 #: Z value of the item Z_VALUE = 100 def __init__(self, widget_description=None, parent=None, **kwargs): self.__boundingRect = None super().__init__(parent, **kwargs) self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.ClickFocus) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges, True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemHasNoContents, True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsFocusable, True) # central body shape item self.shapeItem = None # in/output anchor items self.inputAnchorItem = None self.outputAnchorItem = None # title text item self.captionTextItem = None # error, warning, info items self.errorItem = None self.warningItem = None self.infoItem = None self.mousePressTime = QTime() self.mousePressTime.start() self.__title = "" self.__processingState = 0 self.__progress = -1 self.__statusMessage = "" self.__error = None self.__warning = None self.__info = None self.__anchorLayout = None self.__animationEnabled = False self.setZValue(self.Z_VALUE) self.setupGraphics() self.setWidgetDescription(widget_description) @classmethod def from_node(cls, node): """ Create an :class:`NodeItem` instance and initialize it from a :class:`SchemeNode` instance. """ self = cls() self.setWidgetDescription(node.description) # self.setCategoryDescription(node.category) return self @classmethod def from_node_meta(cls, meta_description): """ Create an `NodeItem` instance from a node meta description. """ self = cls() self.setWidgetDescription(meta_description) return self def setupGraphics(self): """ Set up the graphics. """ shape_rect = QRectF(-24, -24, 48, 48) self.shapeItem = NodeBodyItem(self) self.shapeItem.setShapeRect(shape_rect) self.shapeItem.setAnimationEnabled(self.__animationEnabled) # Rect for widget's 'ears'. anchor_rect = QRectF(-31, -31, 62, 62) self.inputAnchorItem = SinkAnchorItem(self) input_path = QPainterPath() start_angle = 180 - self.ANCHOR_SPAN_ANGLE / 2 input_path.arcMoveTo(anchor_rect, start_angle) input_path.arcTo(anchor_rect, start_angle, self.ANCHOR_SPAN_ANGLE) self.inputAnchorItem.setAnchorPath(input_path) self.outputAnchorItem = SourceAnchorItem(self) output_path = QPainterPath() start_angle = self.ANCHOR_SPAN_ANGLE / 2 output_path.arcMoveTo(anchor_rect, start_angle) output_path.arcTo(anchor_rect, start_angle, -self.ANCHOR_SPAN_ANGLE) self.outputAnchorItem.setAnchorPath(output_path) self.inputAnchorItem.hide() self.outputAnchorItem.hide() # Title caption item self.captionTextItem = NameTextItem(self) self.captionTextItem.setPlainText("") self.captionTextItem.setPos(0, 33) def iconItem(standard_pixmap): item = GraphicsIconItem(self, icon=standard_icon(standard_pixmap), iconSize=QSize(16, 16)) item.hide() return item self.errorItem = iconItem(QStyle.SP_MessageBoxCritical) self.warningItem = iconItem(QStyle.SP_MessageBoxWarning) self.infoItem = iconItem(QStyle.SP_MessageBoxInformation) self.prepareGeometryChange() self.__boundingRect = None # TODO: Remove the set[Widget|Category]Description. The user should # handle setting of icons, title, ... def setWidgetDescription(self, desc): """ Set widget description. """ self.widget_description = desc if desc is None: return icon = icon_loader.from_description(desc).get(desc.icon) if icon: self.setIcon(icon) if not self.title(): self.setTitle( if desc.inputs: if desc.outputs: tooltip = NodeItem_toolTipHelper(self) self.setToolTip(tooltip) def setWidgetCategory(self, desc): """ Set the widget category. """ self.category_description = desc if desc and desc.background: background = NAMED_COLORS.get(desc.background, desc.background) color = QColor(background) if color.isValid(): self.setColor(color) def setIcon(self, icon): """ Set the node item's icon (:class:`QIcon`). """ if isinstance(icon, QIcon): self.icon_item = GraphicsIconItem(self.shapeItem, icon=icon, iconSize=QSize(36, 36)) self.icon_item.setPos(-18, -18) else: raise TypeError def setColor(self, color, selectedColor=None): """ Set the widget color. """ if selectedColor is None: selectedColor = saturated(color, 150) palette = create_palette(color, selectedColor) self.shapeItem.setPalette(palette) def setTitle(self, title): """ Set the node title. The title text is displayed at the bottom of the node. """ self.__title = title self.__updateTitleText() def title(self): """ Return the node title. """ return self.__title title_ = Property(str, fget=title, fset=setTitle, doc="Node title text.") def setFont(self, font): """ Set the title text font (:class:`QFont`). """ if font != self.font(): self.prepareGeometryChange() self.captionTextItem.setFont(font) self.__updateTitleText() def font(self): """ Return the title text font. """ return self.captionTextItem.font() def setAnimationEnabled(self, enabled): """ Set the node animation enabled state. """ if self.__animationEnabled != enabled: self.__animationEnabled = enabled self.shapeItem.setAnimationEnabled(enabled) def animationEnabled(self): """ Are node animations enabled. """ return self.__animationEnabled def setProcessingState(self, state): """ Set the node processing state i.e. the node is processing (is busy) or is idle. """ if self.__processingState != state: self.__processingState = state self.shapeItem.setProcessingState(state) if not state: # Clear the progress meter. self.setProgress(-1) if self.__animationEnabled: def processingState(self): """ The node processing state. """ return self.__processingState processingState_ = Property(int, fget=processingState, fset=setProcessingState) def setProgress(self, progress): """ Set the node work progress state (number between 0 and 100). """ if progress is None or progress < 0 or not self.__processingState: progress = -1 progress = max(min(progress, 100), -1) if self.__progress != progress: self.__progress = progress self.shapeItem.setProgress(progress) self.__updateTitleText() def progress(self): """ Return the node work progress state. """ return self.__progress progress_ = Property(float, fget=progress, fset=setProgress, doc="Node progress state.") def setStatusMessage(self, message): """ Set the node status message text. This text is displayed below the node's title. """ if self.__statusMessage != message: self.__statusMessage = message self.__updateTitleText() def statusMessage(self): return self.__statusMessage def setStateMessage(self, message): """ Set a state message to display over the item. Parameters ---------- message : UserMessage Message to display. `message.severity` is used to determine the icon and `message.contents` is used as a tool tip. """ # TODO: Group messages by message_id not by severity # and deprecate set[Error|Warning|Error]Message if message.severity == UserMessage.Info: self.setInfoMessage(message.contents) elif message.severity == UserMessage.Warning: self.setWarningMessage(message.contents) elif message.severity == UserMessage.Error: self.setErrorMessage(message.contents) def setErrorMessage(self, message): if self.__error != message: self.__error = message self.__updateMessages() def setWarningMessage(self, message): if self.__warning != message: self.__warning = message self.__updateMessages() def setInfoMessage(self, message): if self.__info != message: self.__info = message self.__updateMessages() def newInputAnchor(self): """ Create and return a new input :class:`AnchorPoint`. """ if not (self.widget_description and self.widget_description.inputs): raise ValueError("Widget has no inputs.") anchor = AnchorPoint() self.inputAnchorItem.addAnchor(anchor, position=1.0) positions = self.inputAnchorItem.anchorPositions() positions = uniform_linear_layout(positions) self.inputAnchorItem.setAnchorPositions(positions) return anchor def removeInputAnchor(self, anchor): """ Remove input anchor. """ self.inputAnchorItem.removeAnchor(anchor) positions = self.inputAnchorItem.anchorPositions() positions = uniform_linear_layout(positions) self.inputAnchorItem.setAnchorPositions(positions) def newOutputAnchor(self): """ Create and return a new output :class:`AnchorPoint`. """ if not (self.widget_description and self.widget_description.outputs): raise ValueError("Widget has no outputs.") anchor = AnchorPoint(self) self.outputAnchorItem.addAnchor(anchor, position=1.0) positions = self.outputAnchorItem.anchorPositions() positions = uniform_linear_layout(positions) self.outputAnchorItem.setAnchorPositions(positions) return anchor def removeOutputAnchor(self, anchor): """ Remove output anchor. """ self.outputAnchorItem.removeAnchor(anchor) positions = self.outputAnchorItem.anchorPositions() positions = uniform_linear_layout(positions) self.outputAnchorItem.setAnchorPositions(positions) def inputAnchors(self): """ Return a list of all input anchor points. """ return self.inputAnchorItem.anchorPoints() def outputAnchors(self): """ Return a list of all output anchor points. """ return self.outputAnchorItem.anchorPoints() def setAnchorRotation(self, angle): """ Set the anchor rotation. """ self.inputAnchorItem.setRotation(angle) self.outputAnchorItem.setRotation(angle) self.anchorGeometryChanged.emit() def anchorRotation(self): """ Return the anchor rotation. """ return self.inputAnchorItem.rotation() def boundingRect(self): # TODO: Important because of this any time the child # items change geometry the self.prepareGeometryChange() # needs to be called. if self.__boundingRect is None: self.__boundingRect = self.childrenBoundingRect() return self.__boundingRect def shape(self): # Shape for mouse hit detection. # TODO: Should this return the union of all child items? return self.shapeItem.shape() def __updateTitleText(self): """ Update the title text item. """ text = ['<div align="center">%s' % escape(self.title())] status_text = [] progress_included = False if self.__statusMessage: msg = escape(self.__statusMessage) format_fields = dict(parse_format_fields(msg)) if "progress" in format_fields and len(format_fields) == 1: # Insert progress into the status text format string. spec, _ = format_fields["progress"] if spec is not None: progress_included = True progress_str = "{0:.0f}%".format(self.progress()) status_text.append(msg.format(progress=progress_str)) else: status_text.append(msg) if self.progress() >= 0 and not progress_included: status_text.append("%i%%" % int(self.progress())) if status_text: text += [ "<br/>", '<span style="font-style: italic">', "<br/>".join(status_text), "</span>" ] text += ["</div>"] text = "".join(text) # The NodeItems boundingRect could change. self.prepareGeometryChange() self.__boundingRect = None self.captionTextItem.setHtml(text) self.captionTextItem.document().adjustSize() width = self.captionTextItem.textWidth() self.captionTextItem.setPos(-width / 2.0, 33) def __updateMessages(self): """ Update message items (position, visibility and tool tips). """ items = [self.errorItem, self.warningItem, self.infoItem] messages = [self.__error, self.__warning, self.__info] for message, item in zip(messages, items): item.setVisible(bool(message)) item.setToolTip(message or "") shown = [item for item in items if item.isVisible()] count = len(shown) if count: spacing = 3 rects = [item.boundingRect() for item in shown] width = sum(rect.width() for rect in rects) width += spacing * max(0, count - 1) height = max(rect.height() for rect in rects) origin = self.shapeItem.boundingRect().top() - spacing - height origin = QPointF(-width / 2, origin) for item, rect in zip(shown, rects): item.setPos(origin) origin = origin + QPointF(rect.width() + spacing, 0) def mousePressEvent(self, event): if self.mousePressTime.elapsed() < QApplication.doubleClickInterval(): # Double-click triggers two mouse press events and a double-click event. # Ignore the second mouse press event (causes widget's node relocation with # Logitech's Smart Move). event.ignore() else: self.mousePressTime.restart() if self.shapeItem.path().contains(event.pos()): super().mousePressEvent(event) else: event.ignore() def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): if self.shapeItem.path().contains(event.pos()): super().mouseDoubleClickEvent(event) QTimer.singleShot(0, self.activated.emit) else: event.ignore() def contextMenuEvent(self, event): if self.shapeItem.path().contains(event.pos()): super().contextMenuEvent(event) else: event.ignore() def focusInEvent(self, event): self.shapeItem.setHasFocus(True) super().focusInEvent(event) def focusOutEvent(self, event): self.shapeItem.setHasFocus(False) super().focusOutEvent(event) def changeEvent(self, event): if event.type() == QEvent.PaletteChange: self.__updatePalette() elif event.type() == QEvent.FontChange: self.__updateFont() super().changeEvent(event) def itemChange(self, change, value): if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemSelectedChange: self.shapeItem.setSelected(value) self.captionTextItem.setSelectionState(value) elif change == QGraphicsItem.ItemPositionHasChanged: self.positionChanged.emit() return super().itemChange(change, value) def __updatePalette(self): self.captionTextItem.setPalette(self.palette()) def __updateFont(self): self.prepareGeometryChange() self.captionTextItem.setFont(self.font()) self.__updateTitleText()
def __init__(self, widget_description=None, parent=None, **kwargs): # type: (WidgetDescription, QGraphicsItem, Any) -> None self.__boundingRect = None # type: Optional[QRectF] super().__init__(parent, **kwargs) self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.ClickFocus) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges, True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsFocusable, True) self.mousePressTime = QTime() self.mousePressTime.start() self.__title = "" self.__processingState = 0 self.__progress = -1. self.__statusMessage = "" self.__renderedText = "" self.__error = None # type: Optional[str] self.__warning = None # type: Optional[str] self.__info = None # type: Optional[str] self.__messages = {} # type: Dict[Any, UserMessage] self.__anchorLayout = None self.__animationEnabled = False self.setZValue(self.Z_VALUE) shape_rect = QRectF(-24, -24, 48, 48) self.shapeItem = NodeBodyItem(self) self.shapeItem.setShapeRect(shape_rect) self.shapeItem.setAnimationEnabled(self.__animationEnabled) # Rect for widget's 'ears'. anchor_rect = QRectF(-31, -31, 62, 62) self.inputAnchorItem = SinkAnchorItem(self) input_path = QPainterPath() start_angle = 180 - self.ANCHOR_SPAN_ANGLE / 2 input_path.arcMoveTo(anchor_rect, start_angle) input_path.arcTo(anchor_rect, start_angle, self.ANCHOR_SPAN_ANGLE) self.inputAnchorItem.setAnchorPath(input_path) self.inputAnchorItem.setAnimationEnabled(self.__animationEnabled) self.outputAnchorItem = SourceAnchorItem(self) output_path = QPainterPath() start_angle = self.ANCHOR_SPAN_ANGLE / 2 output_path.arcMoveTo(anchor_rect, start_angle) output_path.arcTo(anchor_rect, start_angle, -self.ANCHOR_SPAN_ANGLE) self.outputAnchorItem.setAnchorPath(output_path) self.outputAnchorItem.setAnimationEnabled(self.__animationEnabled) self.inputAnchorItem.hide() self.outputAnchorItem.hide() # Title caption item self.captionTextItem = NameTextItem(self) self.captionTextItem.setPlainText("") self.captionTextItem.setPos(0, 33) def iconItem(standard_pixmap): # type: (QStyle.StandardPixmap) -> GraphicsIconItem item = GraphicsIconItem(self, icon=standard_icon(standard_pixmap), iconSize=QSize(16, 16)) item.hide() return item self.errorItem = iconItem(QStyle.SP_MessageBoxCritical) self.warningItem = iconItem(QStyle.SP_MessageBoxWarning) self.infoItem = iconItem(QStyle.SP_MessageBoxInformation) self.prepareGeometryChange() self.__boundingRect = None if widget_description is not None: self.setWidgetDescription(widget_description)