def __updateGeometry(self): """ Update the shadow geometry to fit the widget's changed geometry. """ widget = self.__widget parent = self.__widgetParent radius = self.radius_ pos = widget.pos() if parent != widget.parentWidget(): pos = widget.parentWidget().mapTo(parent, pos) geom = QRect(pos, widget.size()) geom.adjust(-radius, -radius, radius, radius) if geom != self.geometry(): self.setGeometry(geom) # Set the widget mask (punch a hole through to the `widget` instance. rect = self.rect() mask = QRegion(rect) transparent = QRegion(rect.adjusted(radius, radius, -radius, -radius)) mask = mask.subtracted(transparent) self.setMask(mask)
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs): # type: (Optional[QWidget], Any) -> None super().__init__(parent, **kwargs) layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.setSpacing(0) self.setLayout(layout) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.__tabs = [] # type: List[_Tab] self.__currentIndex = -1 self.__changeOnHover = False self.__iconSize = QSize(26, 26) self.__group = QButtonGroup(self, exclusive=True) self.__group.buttonPressed[QAbstractButton].connect( self.__onButtonPressed) self.setMouseTracking(True) self.__sloppyButton = None # type: Optional[QAbstractButton] self.__sloppyRegion = QRegion() self.__sloppyTimer = QTimer(self, singleShot=True) self.__sloppyTimer.timeout.connect(self.__onSloppyTimeout)
def removeTab(self, index): # type: (int) -> None """ Remove a tab at `index`. """ if 0 <= index < self.count(): tab = self.__tabs.pop(index) layout_index = self.layout().indexOf(tab.button) if layout_index != -1: self.layout().takeAt(layout_index) self.__group.removeButton(tab.button) tab.button.removeEventFilter(self) if tab.button is self.__sloppyButton: self.__sloppyButton = None self.__sloppyRegion = QRegion() tab.button.deleteLater() tab.button.setParent(None) if self.currentIndex() == index: if self.count(): self.setCurrentIndex(max(index - 1, 0)) else: self.setCurrentIndex(-1)
def __updateGeometry(self): # type: () -> None """ Update the shadow geometry to fit the widget's changed geometry. """ assert self.__widget is not None widget = self.__widget parent = self.__widgetParent radius = self.radius_ offset = self.__offset pos = widget.pos() if parent is not None and parent != widget.parentWidget(): pos = widget.parentWidget().mapTo(parent, pos) geom = QRect(pos, widget.size()) geom = geom.adjusted(-radius, -radius, radius, radius) geom = geom.translated(offset) if geom != self.geometry(): self.setGeometry(geom) # Set the widget mask (punch a hole through to the `widget` instance. rect = self.rect() mask = QRegion(rect) rect = rect.adjusted(radius, radius, -radius, -radius) rect = rect.translated(-offset) transparent = QRegion(rect) mask = mask.subtracted(transparent) self.setMask(mask)
def setCurrentIndex(self, index): """ Set the current tab index. """ if self.__currentIndex != index: self.__currentIndex = index self.__sloppyRegion = QRegion() self.__sloppyButton = None if index != -1: self.__tabs[index].button.setChecked(True) self.currentChanged.emit(index)
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs): QWidget.__init__(self, parent, **kwargs) layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.setSpacing(0) self.setLayout(layout) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.__tabs = [] self.__currentIndex = -1 self.__changeOnHover = False self.__iconSize = QSize(26, 26) self.__group = QButtonGroup(self, exclusive=True) self.__group.buttonPressed[QAbstractButton].connect( self.__onButtonPressed ) self.setMouseTracking(True) self.__sloppyButton = None self.__sloppyRegion = QRegion() self.__sloppyTimer = QTimer(self, singleShot=True) self.__sloppyTimer.timeout.connect(self.__onSloppyTimeout)
def __calcSloppyRegion(self, current): # type: (QPoint) -> QRegion """ Given a current mouse cursor position return a region of the widget where hover/move events should change the current tab only on a timeout. """ p1 = current + QPoint(0, 2) p2 = current + QPoint(0, -2) p3 = self.pos() + QPoint(self.width() + 10, 0) p4 = self.pos() + QPoint(self.width() + 10, self.height()) return QRegion(QPolygon([p1, p2, p3, p4]))
def removeTab(self, index): """ Remove a tab at `index`. """ if index >= 0 and index < self.count(): self.layout().takeItem(index) tab = self.__tabs.pop(index) self.__group.removeButton(tab.button) tab.button.removeEventFilter(self) if tab.button is self.__sloppyButton: self.__sloppyButton = None self.__sloppyRegion = QRegion() tab.button.deleteLater() if self.currentIndex() == index: if self.count(): self.setCurrentIndex(max(index - 1, 0)) else: self.setCurrentIndex(-1)
def leaveEvent(self, event): self.__sloppyButton = None self.__sloppyRegion = QRegion() return super().leaveEvent(event)
class TabBarWidget(QWidget): """ A vertical tab bar widget using tool buttons as for tabs. """ currentChanged = Signal(int) def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs): # type: (Optional[QWidget], Any) -> None super().__init__(parent, **kwargs) layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.setSpacing(0) self.setLayout(layout) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.__tabs = [] # type: List[_Tab] self.__currentIndex = -1 self.__changeOnHover = False self.__iconSize = QSize(26, 26) self.__group = QButtonGroup(self, exclusive=True) self.__group.buttonPressed[QAbstractButton].connect( self.__onButtonPressed) self.setMouseTracking(True) self.__sloppyButton = None # type: Optional[QAbstractButton] self.__sloppyRegion = QRegion() self.__sloppyTimer = QTimer(self, singleShot=True) self.__sloppyTimer.timeout.connect(self.__onSloppyTimeout) def setChangeOnHover(self, changeOnHover): # type: (bool) -> None """ If set to ``True`` the tab widget will change the current index when the mouse hovers over a tab button. """ if self.__changeOnHover != changeOnHover: self.__changeOnHover = changeOnHover def changeOnHover(self): # type: () -> bool """ Does the current tab index follow the mouse cursor. """ return self.__changeOnHover def count(self): # type: () -> int """ Return the number of tabs in the widget. """ return len(self.__tabs) def addTab(self, text, icon=QIcon(), toolTip=""): # type: (str, QIcon, str) -> int """ Add a new tab and return it's index. """ return self.insertTab(self.count(), text, icon, toolTip) def insertTab(self, index, text, icon=QIcon(), toolTip=""): # type: (int, str, QIcon, str) -> int """ Insert a tab at `index` """ button = TabButton(self, objectName="tab-button") button.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) button.setIconSize(self.__iconSize) button.setMouseTracking(True) self.__group.addButton(button) button.installEventFilter(self) tab = _Tab(text, icon, toolTip, button, None, None) self.layout().insertWidget(index, button) self.__tabs.insert(index, tab) self.__updateTab(index) if self.currentIndex() == -1: self.setCurrentIndex(0) return index def removeTab(self, index): # type: (int) -> None """ Remove a tab at `index`. """ if 0 <= index < self.count(): tab = self.__tabs.pop(index) layout_index = self.layout().indexOf(tab.button) if layout_index != -1: self.layout().takeAt(layout_index) self.__group.removeButton(tab.button) tab.button.removeEventFilter(self) if tab.button is self.__sloppyButton: self.__sloppyButton = None self.__sloppyRegion = QRegion() tab.button.deleteLater() tab.button.setParent(None) if self.currentIndex() == index: if self.count(): self.setCurrentIndex(max(index - 1, 0)) else: self.setCurrentIndex(-1) def setTabIcon(self, index, icon): # type: (int, QIcon) -> None """ Set the `icon` for tab at `index`. """ self.__tabs[index] = self.__tabs[index]._replace(icon=QIcon(icon)) self.__updateTab(index) def setTabToolTip(self, index, toolTip): # type: (int, str) -> None """ Set `toolTip` for tab at `index`. """ self.__tabs[index] = self.__tabs[index]._replace(toolTip=toolTip) self.__updateTab(index) def setTabText(self, index, text): # type: (int, str) -> None """ Set tab `text` for tab at `index` """ self.__tabs[index] = self.__tabs[index]._replace(text=text) self.__updateTab(index) def setTabPalette(self, index, palette): # type: (int, QPalette) -> None """ Set the tab button palette. """ self.__tabs[index] = self.__tabs[index]._replace( palette=QPalette(palette)) self.__updateTab(index) def setCurrentIndex(self, index): # type: (int) -> None """ Set the current tab index. """ if self.__currentIndex != index: self.__currentIndex = index self.__sloppyRegion = QRegion() self.__sloppyButton = None if index != -1: self.__tabs[index].button.setChecked(True) self.currentChanged.emit(index) def currentIndex(self): # type: () -> int """ Return the current index. """ return self.__currentIndex def button(self, index): # type: (int) -> QAbstractButton """ Return the `TabButton` instance for index. """ return self.__tabs[index].button def setIconSize(self, size): # type: (QSize) -> None if self.__iconSize != size: self.__iconSize = QSize(size) for tab in self.__tabs: tab.button.setIconSize(self.__iconSize) def __updateTab(self, index): # type: (int) -> None """ Update the tab button. """ tab = self.__tabs[index] b = tab.button if tab.text: b.setText(tab.text) if tab.icon is not None and not tab.icon.isNull(): b.setIcon(tab.icon) if tab.palette: b.setPalette(tab.palette) def __onButtonPressed(self, button): # type: (QAbstractButton) -> None for i, tab in enumerate(self.__tabs): if tab.button is button: self.setCurrentIndex(i) break def __calcSloppyRegion(self, current): # type: (QPoint) -> QRegion """ Given a current mouse cursor position return a region of the widget where hover/move events should change the current tab only on a timeout. """ p1 = current + QPoint(0, 2) p2 = current + QPoint(0, -2) p3 = self.pos() + QPoint(self.width() + 10, 0) p4 = self.pos() + QPoint(self.width() + 10, self.height()) return QRegion(QPolygon([p1, p2, p3, p4])) def __setSloppyButton(self, button): # type: (QAbstractButton) -> None """ Set the current sloppy button (a tab button inside sloppy region) and reset the sloppy timeout. """ if not button.isChecked(): self.__sloppyButton = button delay =, None) # The delay timeout is the same as used by Qt in the QMenu. self.__sloppyTimer.start(delay) else: self.__sloppyTimer.stop() def __onSloppyTimeout(self): # type: () -> None if self.__sloppyButton is not None: button = self.__sloppyButton self.__sloppyButton = None if not button.isChecked(): index = [tab.button for tab in self.__tabs].index(button) self.setCurrentIndex(index) def eventFilter(self, receiver, event): if event.type() == QEvent.MouseMove and \ isinstance(receiver, TabButton): pos = receiver.mapTo(self, event.pos()) if self.__sloppyRegion.contains(pos): self.__setSloppyButton(receiver) else: if not receiver.isChecked(): index = [tab.button for tab in self.__tabs].index(receiver) self.setCurrentIndex(index) #also update sloppy region if mouse is moved on the same icon self.__sloppyRegion = self.__calcSloppyRegion(pos) return super().eventFilter(receiver, event) def leaveEvent(self, event): self.__sloppyButton = None self.__sloppyRegion = QRegion() return super().leaveEvent(event)
def leaveEvent(self, event): self.__sloppyButton = None self.__sloppyRegion = QRegion() return QWidget.leaveEvent(self, event)
class TabBarWidget(QWidget): """ A tab bar widget using tool buttons as tabs. """ # TODO: A uniform size box layout. currentChanged = Signal(int) def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs): QWidget.__init__(self, parent, **kwargs) layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.setSpacing(0) self.setLayout(layout) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.__tabs = [] self.__currentIndex = -1 self.__changeOnHover = False self.__iconSize = QSize(26, 26) self.__group = QButtonGroup(self, exclusive=True) self.__group.buttonPressed[QAbstractButton].connect( self.__onButtonPressed ) self.setMouseTracking(True) self.__sloppyButton = None self.__sloppyRegion = QRegion() self.__sloppyTimer = QTimer(self, singleShot=True) self.__sloppyTimer.timeout.connect(self.__onSloppyTimeout) def setChangeOnHover(self, changeOnHover): """ If set to ``True`` the tab widget will change the current index when the mouse hovers over a tab button. """ if self.__changeOnHover != changeOnHover: self.__changeOnHover = changeOnHover def changeOnHover(self): """ Does the current tab index follow the mouse cursor. """ return self.__changeOnHover def count(self): """ Return the number of tabs in the widget. """ return len(self.__tabs) def addTab(self, text, icon=None, toolTip=None): """ Add a new tab and return it's index. """ return self.insertTab(self.count(), text, icon, toolTip) def insertTab(self, index, text, icon=None, toolTip=None): """ Insert a tab at `index` """ button = TabButton(self, objectName="tab-button") button.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) button.setIconSize(self.__iconSize) button.setMouseTracking(True) self.__group.addButton(button) button.installEventFilter(self) tab = _Tab(text, icon, toolTip, button, None, None) self.layout().insertWidget(index, button) self.__tabs.insert(index, tab) self.__updateTab(index) if self.currentIndex() == -1: self.setCurrentIndex(0) return index def removeTab(self, index): """ Remove a tab at `index`. """ if index >= 0 and index < self.count(): self.layout().takeItem(index) tab = self.__tabs.pop(index) self.__group.removeButton(tab.button) tab.button.removeEventFilter(self) if tab.button is self.__sloppyButton: self.__sloppyButton = None self.__sloppyRegion = QRegion() tab.button.deleteLater() if self.currentIndex() == index: if self.count(): self.setCurrentIndex(max(index - 1, 0)) else: self.setCurrentIndex(-1) def setTabIcon(self, index, icon): """ Set the `icon` for tab at `index`. """ self.__tabs[index] = self.__tabs[index]._replace(icon=icon) self.__updateTab(index) def setTabToolTip(self, index, toolTip): """ Set `toolTip` for tab at `index`. """ self.__tabs[index] = self.__tabs[index]._replace(toolTip=toolTip) self.__updateTab(index) def setTabText(self, index, text): """ Set tab `text` for tab at `index` """ self.__tabs[index] = self.__tabs[index]._replace(text=text) self.__updateTab(index) def setTabPalette(self, index, palette): """ Set the tab button palette. """ self.__tabs[index] = self.__tabs[index]._replace(palette=palette) self.__updateTab(index) def setCurrentIndex(self, index): """ Set the current tab index. """ if self.__currentIndex != index: self.__currentIndex = index self.__sloppyRegion = QRegion() self.__sloppyButton = None if index != -1: self.__tabs[index].button.setChecked(True) self.currentChanged.emit(index) def currentIndex(self): """ Return the current index. """ return self.__currentIndex def button(self, index): """ Return the `TabButton` instance for index. """ return self.__tabs[index].button def setIconSize(self, size): if self.__iconSize != size: self.__iconSize = size for tab in self.__tabs: tab.button.setIconSize(self.__iconSize) def __updateTab(self, index): """ Update the tab button. """ tab = self.__tabs[index] b = tab.button if tab.text: b.setText(tab.text) if tab.icon is not None and not tab.icon.isNull(): b.setIcon(tab.icon) if tab.palette: b.setPalette(tab.palette) def __onButtonPressed(self, button): for i, tab in enumerate(self.__tabs): if tab.button is button: self.setCurrentIndex(i) break def __calcSloppyRegion(self, current): """ Given a current mouse cursor position return a region of the widget where hover/move events should change the current tab only on a timeout. """ p1 = current + QPoint(0, 2) p2 = current + QPoint(0, -2) p3 = self.pos() + QPoint(self.width()+10, 0) p4 = self.pos() + QPoint(self.width()+10, self.height()) return QRegion(QPolygon([p1, p2, p3, p4])) def __setSloppyButton(self, button): """ Set the current sloppy button (a tab button inside sloppy region) and reset the sloppy timeout. """ if not button.isChecked(): self.__sloppyButton = button delay =, None) # The delay timeout is the same as used by Qt in the QMenu. self.__sloppyTimer.start(delay) else: self.__sloppyTimer.stop() def __onSloppyTimeout(self): if self.__sloppyButton is not None: button = self.__sloppyButton self.__sloppyButton = None if not button.isChecked(): index = [tab.button for tab in self.__tabs].index(button) self.setCurrentIndex(index) def eventFilter(self, receiver, event): if event.type() == QEvent.MouseMove and \ isinstance(receiver, TabButton): pos = receiver.mapTo(self, event.pos()) if self.__sloppyRegion.contains(pos): self.__setSloppyButton(receiver) else: if not receiver.isChecked(): index = [tab.button for tab in self.__tabs].index(receiver) self.setCurrentIndex(index) #also update sloppy region if mouse is moved on the same icon self.__sloppyRegion = self.__calcSloppyRegion(pos) return QWidget.eventFilter(self, receiver, event) def leaveEvent(self, event): self.__sloppyButton = None self.__sloppyRegion = QRegion() return QWidget.leaveEvent(self, event)