def receiveData(): global TIME global allCommands global allRegex global bot_mod global KEEP_RUNNING TIME = readbuffer = "" # allCommands['hello'] = [hello, [], "", False] allCommands["soultran"] = [soultran, bot_mod, "", False] allCommands["uptime"] = [uptime, [], "", False] allCommands["set"] = [setAccount, bot_mod, "", False] allCommands["runes"] = [runes, [], "", False] allCommands["masteries"] = [masteries, [], "", False] allCommands["mastery"] = [masteries, [], "", False] allCommands["profile"] = [profile, [], "", False] allCommands["rank"] = [rank, [], "", False] allCommands["roll"] = [roll, [], "", False] allCommands["quote"] = [quote, [], "", False] allCommands["fact"] = [fact, [], "", False] allCommands["activity"] = [activity, [], "", False] allCommands["song"] = [getMusic, [], "", False] allCommands["add"] = [addCommand, bot_mod, "", False] allCommands["start"] = [start, bot_mod, "", False] allCommands["enter"] = [enterGiveaway, [], False] # allCommands['winner'] = [winner, bot_mod, False] allCommands["commands"] = [commandList, [], False] loadCustomCommands() loadRegex() # reg = re.compile("^(?=.*?regex).*$") while KEEP_RUNNING: data = s.recv(1024) if len(data) == 0: print("Connection was closed.") somebytes = data.decode("UTF-8") readbuffer += readbuffer + somebytes temp = str.split(readbuffer, "\r\n") readbuffer = temp.pop() for line in temp: line = str.rstrip(line) line = str.split(line) if len(line) > 3: if line[1] == "PRIVMSG": name = parseName(line[0]) print("Message by {} in channel {}".format(name, line[2])) if line[2][1:] == CHANNEL: updateUserDataBase(name) currentCommand = getCommand(line[3]) currentMessage = line[3] if currentCommand in allCommands and allowed(name, allCommands[currentCommand][1]): allCommands[currentCommand][0](name, line[2], line[4:], allCommands[currentCommand][2]) else: for exp in range(0, len(allRegex)): flagString = allRegex[exp][2]["flags"] flags = None for f in range(0, len(flagString)): print(flagString[f]) if flagString[f] == "m": if flags == None: flags = re.MULTILINE else: flags = flags | re.MULTILINE if flagString[f] == "i": if flags == None: flags = re.IGNORECASE else: flags = flags | re.IGNORECASE if flagString[f] == "s": if flags == None: flags = re.DOTALL else: flags = flags | re.DOTALL if flagString[f] == "u": if flags == None: flags = re.UNICODE else: flags = flags | re.UNICODE if flags != None: regToTest = re.compile(allRegex[exp][2]["command"], flags) else: regToTest = re.compile(allRegex[exp][2]["command"]) answer = allRegex[exp][2]["answer"] if regToTest.match(currentMessage): writeMessage(answer, line[2]) try: print(line) except: print("-----------------------------------") print("---Failed to print user message.---") print("-----------------------------------") elif line[3] == "+o": bot_mod.append(line[4]) print(line) print("Added " + line[4] + " as a mod!") elif line[3] == "-o": # It removes Mods now. Not so hard. bot_mod.remove(line[4]) print(line) print("Removed a mod!") else: print(line) if line[0] == "PING": print("Got PING PONG", ( - TIME)) s.send(bytes("PONG {}\r\n".format(line[1]), "UTF-8")) print("Done thread.")
if userInput == "quit": saveDatabase() try: KEEP_RUNNING = False s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) s.close() # t.close() except: print("Could not end the connection.") break elif userInput == "save": saveDatabase() elif userInput == "load": loadCustomCommands() elif userInput == "uptime": uptime("", "", "") elif userInput == "add": print("Mod to add?") userInput = input() bot_mod.append(userInput) print("Done adding that mod manually!") elif userInput == "join": userInput = input() s.send(bytes("JOIN #{}\r\n".format(userInput), "UTF-8")) elif userInput[0] == "\\": s.send(bytes("{}\r\n".format(userInput[1:-1]), "UTF-8")) else: s.send(bytes("PRIVMSG #{} :{}\r\n".format(CHANNEL, userInput), "UTF-8")) print("Ended")
def receiveData(): global TIME global allCommands global allRegex global bot_mod TIME = readbuffer = "" # allCommands['hello'] = [hello, [], "", False] allCommands['soultran'] = [soultran, bot_mod, "", False] allCommands['uptime'] = [uptime, [], "", False] allCommands['set'] = [setAccount, bot_mod, "", False] allCommands['runes'] = [runes, [], "", False] allCommands['masteries'] = [masteries, [], "", False] allCommands['mastery'] = [masteries, [], "", False] allCommands['profile'] = [profile, [], "", False] allCommands['rank'] = [rank, [], "", False] allCommands['roll'] = [roll, [], "", False] allCommands['quote'] = [quote, [], "", False] allCommands['fact'] = [fact, [], "", False] allCommands['activity'] = [activity, [], "", False] allCommands['song'] = [getMusic, [], "", False] allCommands['add'] = [addCommand, bot_mod, "", False] allCommands['start'] = [start, bot_mod, "", False] allCommands['enter'] = [enterGiveaway, [], False] allCommands['winner'] = [winner, bot_mod, False] allCommands['commands'] = [commandList, [], False] loadCustomCommands() loadRegex() # reg = re.compile("^(?=.*?regex).*$") while 1: somebytes = s.recv(1024).decode('UTF-8') readbuffer += readbuffer + somebytes temp = str.split(readbuffer, '\r\n') readbuffer = temp.pop() for line in temp: line = str.rstrip(line) line = str.split(line) if len(line) > 3: if line[1] == 'PRIVMSG': name = parseName(line[0]) print("Message by {} in channel {}".format(name, line[2])) if line[2][1:] == CHANNEL: updateUserDataBase(name) currentCommand = getCommand(line[3]) currentMessage = line[3] if currentCommand in allCommands and allowed( name, allCommands[currentCommand][1]): allCommands[currentCommand][0]( name, line[2], line[4:], allCommands[currentCommand][2]) else: for exp in range(0, len(allRegex)): flagString = allRegex[exp][2]['flags'] flags = None for f in range(0, len(flagString)): print(flagString[f]) if flagString[f] == "m": if flags == None: flags = re.MULTILINE else: flags = flags | re.MULTILINE if flagString[f] == "i": if flags == None: flags = re.IGNORECASE else: flags = flags | re.IGNORECASE if flagString[f] == "s": if flags == None: flags = re.DOTALL else: flags = flags | re.DOTALL if flagString[f] == "u": if flags == None: flags = re.UNICODE else: flags = flags | re.UNICODE if flags != None: regToTest = re.compile( allRegex[exp][2]['command'], flags) else: regToTest = re.compile( allRegex[exp][2]['command']) answer = allRegex[exp][2]['answer'] if regToTest.match(currentMessage): writeMessage(answer, line[2]) try: print(line) except: print("-----------------------------------") print("---Failed to print user message.---") print("-----------------------------------") elif line[3] == '+o': bot_mod.append(line[4]) print(line) print("Added " + line[4] + " as a mod!") elif line[3] == '-o': # It removes Mods now. Not so hard. bot_mod.remove(line[4]) print(line) print("Removed a mod!") else: print(line) if (line[0] == "PING"): s.send(bytes("PONG {}\r\n".format(line[1]), 'UTF-8'))
def receiveData(): global TIME global allCommands global bot_mod TIME = readbuffer = "" # allCommands['hello'] = [hello, [], "", False] allCommands["soultran"] = [soultran, bot_mod, "", False] allCommands["uptime"] = [uptime, [], "", False] allCommands["set"] = [setAccount, bot_mod, "", False] allCommands["runes"] = [runes, [], "", False] allCommands["masteries"] = [masteries, [], "", False] allCommands["mastery"] = [masteries, [], "", False] allCommands["profile"] = [profile, [], "", False] allCommands["rank"] = [rank, [], "", False] allCommands["roll"] = [roll, [], "", False] allCommands["quote"] = [quote, [], "", False] allCommands["fact"] = [fact, [], "", False] allCommands["activity"] = [activity, [], "", False] allCommands["song"] = [getMusic, [], "", False] allCommands["add"] = [addCommand, bot_mod, "", False] allCommands["start"] = [start, bot_mod, "", False] allCommands["enter"] = [enterGiveaway, [], False] allCommands["winner"] = [winner, bot_mod, False] allCommands["commands"] = [commandList, [], False] loadCustomCommands() while 1: somebytes = s.recv(1024).decode("UTF-8") readbuffer += readbuffer + somebytes temp = str.split(readbuffer, "\r\n") readbuffer = temp.pop() for line in temp: line = str.rstrip(line) line = str.split(line) if len(line) > 3: if line[1] == "PRIVMSG": name = parseName(line[0]) print("Message by {} in channel {}".format(name, line[2])) if line[2][1:] == CHANNEL: updateUserDataBase(name) currentCommand = getCommand(line[3]) if currentCommand in allCommands and allowed(name, allCommands[currentCommand][1]): allCommands[currentCommand][0](name, line[2], line[4:], allCommands[currentCommand][2]) try: print(line) except: print("-----------------------------------") print("---Failed to print user message.---") print("-----------------------------------") elif line[3] == "+o": bot_mod.append(line[4]) print(line) print("Added " + line[4] + " as a mod!") elif line[3] == "-o": # It removes Mods now. Not so hard. bot_mod.remove(line[4]) print(line) print("Removed a mod!") else: print(line) if line[0] == "PING": s.send(bytes("PONG {}\r\n".format(line[1]), "UTF-8"))
try: s.close() t.close() except: print("Could not end the connection.") break elif userInput == "save": try: print(database['names']) with open(CHATDATABASE, 'w') as fp: json.dump(database, fp) except: print("Could not save. \n{}".format(sys.exc_info())) elif userInput == "load": loadCustomCommands() elif userInput == "uptime": uptime("", "", "") elif userInput == "add": print("Mod to add?") userInput = input() bot_mod.append(userInput) print("Done adding that mod manually!") elif userInput == "join": userInput = input() s.send(bytes("JOIN #{}\r\n".format(userInput), 'UTF-8')) elif userInput[0] == '\\': s.send(bytes("{}\r\n".format(userInput[1:-1]), 'UTF-8')) else: s.send(bytes("PRIVMSG #{} :{}\r\n".format(CHANNEL, userInput), 'UTF-8'))