Exemple #1
def test_convertAngleForm():
    vector0 = np.array([90,0,0])
    vector1 = AL_BF.convert3dvector(vector0, "cartesian")
    print(vector1) # validated
    vector0 = np.array([90,90,90])
    vector1 = AL_BF.convert3dvector(vector0, "cartesian")
    print(vector1) # validated
    vector0 = np.array([155, 0.78, 0.61])
    vector1 = AL_BF.convert3dvector(vector0, "polar")
    print(vector1) # validated

    vector0 = np.array([-90,-90,-90])
    vector1 = AL_BF.convert3dvector(vector0, "cartesian")
Exemple #2
def findValidLambert():
    SF = CONFIG.SimsFlan_config()

    earthephem = pk.planet.jpl_lp('earth')
    marsephem = pk.planet.jpl_lp('mars')

    counter = 0

    valid = False
    while valid == False:
        decv = np.zeros(len(SF.bnds))
        for i in range(6,8): 
            decv[i] = np.random.uniform(low = SF.bnds[i][0], \
                high = SF.bnds[i][1], size = 1)

        r_E, v_E = earthephem.eph(decv[6])
        r_M, v_M = marsephem.eph(decv[6] + AL_BF.sec2days(decv[7]) )

        # Create transfer in the first moment
        nrevs = 2
        l = pk.lambert_problem(r1 = r_E, r2 = r_M, tof = decv[7], \
            cw = False, mu =  Cts.mu_S_m, max_revs=nrevs)
        v1 = np.array(l.get_v1())
        v2 = np.array(l.get_v2())

        v_i_prev = 1e12 # Excessive random value
        for rev in range(len(v1)):
            v_i = np.linalg.norm(v1[rev] - np.array(v_E)) # Relative velocities for the bounds 
            v_i2 = np.linalg.norm(v2[rev] - np.array(v_M))
            # Change to polar for the bounds
            if v_i >= SF.bnds[0][0] and  v_i <= SF.bnds[0][1] and \
            v_i2 >= SF.bnds[3][0] and  v_i2 <= SF.bnds[3][1]:
                decv[0:3] = AL_BF.convert3dvector(v1[rev]-v_E, "cartesian")
                decv[3:6] = AL_BF.convert3dvector(v2[rev]-v_M, "cartesian")
                valid = True

                print('rev', rev, v1[rev], v2[rev])

        counter += 1
    return decv, l
Exemple #3
def propagateSimsFlanaganForward():
    "Test the propagation of SimsFlanagan forward using the velocities from Lambert"
    ### Using ephemeris
    # Lambert trajectory obtain terminal velocity vectors
    SF = CONFIG.SimsFlan_config()

    # Create bodies
    sun = AL_2BP.Body('sun', 'yellow', mu = Cts.mu_S_m)
    earth = AL_2BP.Body('earth', 'blue', mu = Cts.mu_E_m)
    mars = AL_2BP.Body('mars', 'red', mu = Cts.mu_M_m)

    # Calculate trajectory of the bodies based on ephem
    earthephem = pk.planet.jpl_lp('earth')
    marsephem = pk.planet.jpl_lp('mars')
    decv, l = findValidLambert()

    r_M, v_M = marsephem.eph(decv[6] + AL_BF.sec2days(decv[7]) )

    Fit = Propagate(Nimp = SF.Nimp)
    Fit.prop(decv, plot = True)
    print("Final", Fit.rv_final)
    print("Theoretical final", r_M,  AL_BF.convert3dvector(decv[3:6], "polar")+v_M)
Exemple #4
def test_Exposin():

    # Verify with example
    r1 = 1
    r2 =  5
    psi = np.pi/2
    k2 = 1/4

    # eSin = AL_Sh.shapingMethod(sun.mu / Cts.AU_m**3)
    # gammaOptim_v = eSin.start(r1, r2, psi, 365*1.5, k2) # verified
    # Ni = 1
    # print(gammaOptim_v)
    # eSin.plot_sphere(r1, r2, psi, gammaOptim_v[Ni], Ni) # verified

    # Real life case
    sun = AL_2BP.Body('sun', 'yellow', mu = Cts.mu_S_m)
    earth = AL_2BP.Body('earth', 'blue', mu = Cts.mu_E_m)
    mars = AL_2BP.Body('mars', 'red', mu = Cts.mu_M_m)

    # Calculate trajectory of the bodies based on ephem
    earthephem = pk.planet.jpl_lp('earth')
    marsephem = pk.planet.jpl_lp('mars')
    date0 = np.array([27,1,2018,0])
    t0 = AL_Eph.DateConv(date0,'calendar') #To JD
    t_t = 350

    r_E, v_E = earthephem.eph( t0.JD_0 )
    r_M, v_M = marsephem.eph(t0.JD_0+ t_t )

    r_1 = r_E 
    r_2 = r_M 
    r_1_norm = np.linalg.norm( r_1 )
    r_2_norm = np.linalg.norm( r_2 )
    dot = np.dot(r_1[0:2], r_2[0:2])      # dot product between [x1, y1] and [x2, y2]
    det = r_1[0]*r_2[1] - r_2[0]*r_1[1]     # determinant
    psi = np.arctan2(det, dot) 
    psi = AL_BF.convertRange(psi, 'rad', 0 ,2*np.pi)
    k2 = 1/12

    eSin = AL_Sh.shapingMethod(sun.mu / AL_BF.AU**3)
    gammaOptim_v = eSin.calculategamma1(r_1_norm / AL_BF.AU, r_2_norm / AL_BF.AU, psi, \
        t_t, k2, plot = False)
    Ni = 1
    eSin.calculateExposin(Ni, gammaOptim_v[Ni],r_1_norm / AL_BF.AU, r_2_norm / AL_BF.AU, psi )
    eSin.plot_sphere(r_1_norm / AL_BF.AU, r_2_norm / AL_BF.AU, psi)
    v1, v2 = eSin.terminalVel(r_1_norm / AL_BF.AU, r_2_norm / AL_BF.AU, psi)
    t, a_T = eSin.calculateThrustProfile(r_1_norm / AL_BF.AU, r_2_norm / AL_BF.AU, psi)
    # print('a', a_T*AL_BF.AU)

    print("body coord", v1, v2)

    # print(v1[0]*Cts.AU_m, v1[1], v2[0]*Cts.AU_m, v2[1])

    # To heliocentric coordinates (2d approximation)
    def to_helioc(r, vx, vy):
        v_body = np.array([vx, vy, 0])
        # Convert to heliocentric
        angle = np.arctan2(r[1], r[0])
        v_h = AL_BF.rot_matrix(v_body, angle, 'z')

        return v_h

    v_1 = to_helioc(r_1, v1[0]*AL_BF.AU, v1[1]*AL_BF.AU)
    v_2 = to_helioc(r_2, v2[0]*AL_BF.AU, v2[1]*AL_BF.AU) 

    # def to_helioc(r, v, gamma):
    #     v_body = np.array([v*np.sin(gamma), \
    #                        v*np.cos(gamma),\
    #                        0])

    #     # Convert to heliocentric
    #     angle = np.arctan2(r[1], r[0])
    #     v_h = AL_BF.rot_matrix(v_body, angle, 'z')

    #     return v_h
    # v_1 = to_helioc(r_1, v1[0]*Cts.AU_m, v1[1])
    # v_2 = to_helioc(r_2, v2[0]*Cts.AU_m, v2[1])
    print("Helioc vel", v_1, v_2)
    print("with respect to body ", v_1-v_E, v_2-v_M)

    v_1_E = np.linalg.norm(v_1-v_E)
    v_2_M = np.linalg.norm(v_2-v_M)

    print("Final vel", v_1_E, v_2_M)
    # Propagate with terminal velocity vectors
    SF = CONFIG.SimsFlan_config()    
    Fit = Fitness(Nimp = SF.Nimp)

    decv = np.zeros(len(SF.bnds))
    decv[6] = t0.JD_0
    decv[7] = AL_BF.days2sec(t_t)
    decv[0:3] = AL_BF.convert3dvector(v_1-v_E,'cartesian')
    decv[3:6] = AL_BF.convert3dvector(v_2- v_M,'cartesian')

    print('decv', decv[0:9])
    for i in range(SF.Nimp):
        # Acceleration on segment is average of extreme accelerations
        t_i = AL_BF.days2sec(t_t) / (SF.Nimp+1) *i
        t_i1 = AL_BF.days2sec(t_t) / (SF.Nimp+1) *(i+1)

        #find acceleration at a certain time
        a_i = eSin.accelerationAtTime(t_i)
        a_i1 = eSin.accelerationAtTime(t_i1)
        a = (a_i+a_i1)/2 # find the acceleration at a certain time
        print("a", a_i, a_i1, a)
        deltav_i = AL_BF.days2sec(t_t) / (SF.Nimp+1) * a*AL_BF.AU
        decv[8+3*i] = deltav_i /100
        decv[8+3*i+1] = 0
        decv[8+3*i+2] = 0

    Fit.calculateFeasibility(decv, plot = True, thrust = 'tangential')
Exemple #5
    def adaptDecisionVector(self, DecV, optMode=True):
        adaptDecisionVector: modify decision vector to input in the problem
        self.DecV = DecV
        v0 = np.array(DecV[0:3])  # vector, [magnitude, angle, angle]
        vf = np.array(DecV[3:6])  # vector, [magnitude, angle, angle]
        self.t0, self.t_t = DecV[6:8]

        # Delta V
        if optMode == True:
            DeltaV_list = np.array(DecV[8:]).reshape(
                -1, 3)  # make a Nimp x 3 matrix
            DeltaV_list = DecV[8:][0]

        # Modify from magnitude angle angle to cartesian
        self.DeltaV_list = np.zeros(np.shape(DeltaV_list))
        DeltaV_sum = np.zeros(len(
            self.DeltaV_list))  # Magnitude of the impulses
        for i in range(len(self.DeltaV_list)):
            self.DeltaV_list[i, :] = AL_BF.convert3dvector(
                DeltaV_list[i, :], "polar")
            DeltaV_sum[i] = np.linalg.norm(self.DeltaV_list[i])

        # Write velocity as x,y,z vector
        v0_cart = AL_BF.convert3dvector(v0, "polar")
        vf_cart = AL_BF.convert3dvector(vf, "polar")

        # Sum of all the Delta V = DeltaV max * sum Delta V_list
        # Assumption: the DeltaV_max is calculated as if mass is constant and
        # equal to the dry mass as it is the largest contribution. This means
        # that the DelaV_max is actually smaller than it will be obtained in this
        # problem
        # = Thrust for segment
        self.DeltaV_max = self.Spacecraft.T / self.Spacecraft.m_dry * \
            self.t_t / (self.Nimp + 1)

        # Total DeltaV
        DeltaV_total = sum(DeltaV_sum) * self.DeltaV_max

        #Calculate total mass of fuel for the given impulses
        self.m0 = \
            self.Spacecraft.MassChangeInverse(self.Spacecraft.m_dry, DeltaV_total)
        self.m_fuel = self.m0 - self.Spacecraft.m_dry

        # Times and ephemeris
        # t_0 = AL_Eph.DateConv(self.date0,'calendar') #To JD
        self.t_1 = AL_Eph.DateConv(self.t0 + AL_BF.sec2days(self.t_t), 'JD_0')

        self.r_p0, self.v_p0 = self.departureephem.eph(self.t0)
        self.r_p1, self.v_p1 = self.arrivalephem.eph(self.t_1.JD_0)

        # Change from relative to heliocentric velocity
        self.v0 = v0_cart + self.v_p0
        self.vf = vf_cart + self.v_p1

        # Create state vector for initial and final point
        self.SV_0 = np.append(self.r_p0, self.v0)
        self.SV_f = np.append(self.r_p1, self.vf)  # - to propagate backwards
        self.SV_f_corrected = np.append(self.r_p1,
                                        -self.vf)  # - to propagate backwards