def main(): gROOT.SetBatch(1) SetAtlasStyle() channels = ["ejets","mujets"] #channels = ["mujets"] variables = ["Top1_lhood", "Top2_lhood", "SystemMass", "SystemPt", "SystemRapidity"] #variables = ["Top1_lhood"] methods = ["Inversion","BinByBin","Bayes","SVD" ] #methods = ["SVD"] for j in range(len(variables)): variable = variables[j] print j,variable for i in range(len(channels)): channel = channels[i] print i,channel postfix = '' if channel is 'ejets': postfix = 'el' elif channel is 'mujets': postfix = 'mu' elif channel is 'combined': postfix = '' can = TCanvas(variable+"_"+channel,variable+"_"+channel,0,0,800,600) can.SetMargin(0.2,0.05,0.15,0.03) ratioPlots = [] label = '' latexlabel = "" if variable is 'Top1_lhood': label = 'Leptonic top p^{t}_{T}' regnumber = "reg4" latexlabel = "#left(#frac{d#sigma}{dp^{t}_{T}}_{unf} - #frac{d#sigma}{dp^{t}_{T}}_{truth}#right) #times #left(#frac{d#sigma}{dp^{t}_{T}}_{truth}#right)^{-1}" elif variable is 'Top2_lhood': label = 'Hadronic top p^{t}_{T}' regnumber = "reg4" latexlabel = "#left(#frac{d#sigma}{dp^{t}_{T}}_{unf} - #frac{d#sigma}{dp^{t}_{T}}_{truth}#right) #times #left(#frac{d#sigma}{dp^{t}_{T}}_{truth}#right)^{-1}" elif variable is 'SystemMass': label = 't#bar{t} System mass' regnumber = "reg3" latexlabel = "#left(#frac{d#sigma}{dM_{t#bar{t}}}_{unf} - #frac{d#sigma}{dM_{t#bar{t}}}_{truth}#right) #times #left(#frac{d#sigma}{dM_{t#bar{t}}}_{truth}#right)^{-1}" elif variable is 'SystemPt': label = 't#bar{t} System p_{T}' regnumber = "reg3" latexlabel = "#left(#frac{d#sigma}{dp^{t#bar{t}}_{T}}_{unf} - #frac{d#sigma}{dp^{t#bar{t}}_{T}}_{truth}#right) #times #left(#frac{d#sigma}{dp^{t#bar{t}}_{T}}_{truth}#right)^{-1}" elif variable is 'SystemRapidity': label = 't#bar{t} System rapidity' regnumber = "reg4" latexlabel = "#left(#frac{d#sigma}{dY_{t#bar{t}}_{T}}_{unf} - #frac{d#sigma}{dY_{t#bar{t}}_{T}}_{truth}#right) #times #left(#frac{d#sigma}{dY_{t#bar{t}}_{T}}_{truth}#right)^{-1}" legend = TLegend(0.5,0.95,0.85,0.7,label) legend.SetFillStyle(0) legend.SetBorderSize(0) for k in range(len(methods)): method = methods[k] print k,method metfix = '' histfix = '' addfix = '' if method is 'SVD': metfix = "_svd_"+regnumber histfix = "_SVD_"+regnumber addfix = regnumber + "/" elif method is 'BinByBin': metfix = "_bin" histfix = "_BinByBin" addfix = "" elif method is 'Bayes': metfix = "_bay_iter4" histfix = "_Bayes" addfix = "" elif method is 'Inversion': metfix = "_inv" histfix = "_Inversion" addfix = "" filename = "../data/data_Unfolded_14_02_2013/McAtNlo/MCClosure/RecoClosure_Tag1_" + variable +"_"+postfix + "_half0_toy5000" + metfix +".root" file = TFile(filename) if not file.IsOpen(): print 'ERROR opening ',filename #open the histograms to do the % name = "unfolding/toys/nominal/" + postfix + "/Tag1_" + variable + "/" + method + "/" + addfix + "toy5000/H_" + postfix + "_Tag1_" + variable + histfix + "_toy5000_data_unfolded_diffxs" print name m_unf =file.Get(name) m_unf.SetName("Unfolded_"+method+"_"+variable+"_"+postfix) m_truth =file.Get("unfolding/toys/nominal/" + postfix + "/Tag1_" + variable + "/" + method + "/" + addfix + "toy5000/H_" + postfix + "_Tag1_" + variable + histfix + "_toy5000_mc_truth_diffxs") m_truth.SetName("Truth_"+method+"_"+variable+"_"+postfix) nbins = m_unf.GetNbinsX() ratio = m_unf.Clone("Ratio_"+method+"_"+variable+"_"+postfix) ratio.SetDirectory(0) for bin in range(nbins): binratio = (m_unf.GetBinContent(bin+1)-m_truth.GetBinContent(bin+1)); print bin,binratio,m_unf.GetBinContent(bin+1),m_truth.GetBinContent(bin+1) ratio.SetBinContent(bin+1,binratio) ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitle(latexlabel) ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.6) ratio.Divide(m_truth) ratio.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.25,0.25) if variable is 'SystemRapidity': ratio.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.07,0.06) ratio.SetMarkerColor(kBlack+k) ratio.SetMarkerStyle(20+k) ratio.SetLineColor(kBlack+k) ratioPlots.append(ratio) if k > 0: ratio.Draw('same') else: ratio.Draw() #ratio1.Draw('same') legend.AddEntry(ratio,method,"p") horizontal = TF1("line","pol1",-200,2800) horizontal.SetParameters(1,0) horizontal.SetLineColor(kBlack) horizontal.SetLineStyle(2) horizontal.Draw('same') legend.Draw('same') can.SaveAs("ComparisonMethods_"+variable+"_"+channel+".eps")
def main(): gROOT.SetBatch(1) SetAtlasStyle() can = TCanvas("can", "can", 0, 0, 800, 600) can.SetMargin(0.2, 0.05, 0.15, 0.03) # open files, get the histograms histoname = 'h_theory' baseFilePath = '../data/data_14_02_2013' filename_topMass = baseFilePath + '/pttopnnloapprox7lhc173m.root' file_topMass = TFile(filename_topMass) histo_m = file_topMass.Get(histoname) if not histo_m: print 'ERROR retreiving', histoname, 'from', filename_topMass return histo_m.SetName('kidonakis_m') norm_histo_m = histo_m.Clone('norm_' + histo_m.GetName()) filename_topTransverseMass = baseFilePath + '/pttopnnloapprox7lhc173mT.root' file_topTransverseMass = TFile(filename_topTransverseMass) histo_mT = file_topTransverseMass.Get(histoname) if not histo_mT: print 'ERROR retreiving', histoname, 'from', filename_topTransverseMass return histo_mT.SetName('kidonakis_mT') norm_histo_mT = histo_mT.Clone('norm_' + histo_mT.GetName()) filename_twiceTopMass = baseFilePath + '/pttopnnloapprox7lhc1732m.root' file_twiceTopMass = TFile(filename_twiceTopMass) histo_2m = file_twiceTopMass.Get(histoname) if not histo_2m: print 'ERROR retreiving', histoname, 'from', filename_twiceTopMass return histo_2m.SetName('kidonakis_2m') norm_histo_2m = histo_2m.Clone('norm_' + histo_2m.GetName()) filename_halfTopMass = baseFilePath + '/pttopnnloapprox7lhc173halfm.root' file_halfTopMass = TFile(filename_halfTopMass) histo_halfm = file_halfTopMass.Get(histoname) if not histo_halfm: print 'ERROR retreiving', histoname, 'from', filename_halfTopMass return histo_halfm.SetName('kidonakis_halfm') norm_histo_halfm = histo_halfm.Clone('norm_' + histo_halfm.GetName()) output_filename = baseFilePath + '/kidonakis.root' outFile = TFile(output_filename, 'UPDATE') histo_m.Write(histo_m.GetName(), TObject.kOverwrite) histo_mT.Write(histo_mT.GetName(), TObject.kOverwrite) histo_2m.Write(histo_2m.GetName(), TObject.kOverwrite) histo_halfm.Write(histo_halfm.GetName(), TObject.kOverwrite) # create plot of kidonakis using m as nominal, then others are systematic h_m_syst = histo_m.Clone('kidonakis_m_withSyst') for bin in range(1, h_m_syst.GetNbinsX() + 1): diff_mT = math.fabs( histo_m.GetBinContent(bin) - histo_mT.GetBinContent(bin)) diff_2m = math.fabs( histo_m.GetBinContent(bin) - histo_2m.GetBinContent(bin)) diff_halfm = math.fabs( histo_m.GetBinContent(bin) - histo_halfm.GetBinContent(bin)) if (diff_mT > diff_2m and diff_mT > diff_halfm): h_m_syst.SetBinError(bin, diff_mT) elif (diff_2m > diff_mT and diff_2m > diff_halfm): h_m_syst.SetBinError(bin, diff_2m) elif (diff_halfm > diff_2m and diff_halfm > diff_mT): h_m_syst.SetBinError(bin, diff_halfm) h_m_syst.SetMarkerStyle(20) h_m_syst.SetMarkerColor(kBlack) h_m_syst.SetLineColor(kBlack) h_m_syst.SetTitle( ';p_{T}^{t} [GeV];#frac{d#sigma}{dp_{T}^{t}} #left[#frac{pb}{GeV}#right]' ) h_m_syst.Write(h_m_syst.GetName(), TObject.kOverwrite) h_m_syst.Draw() can.SaveAs('kidonakis.eps') # create normalized version h_m_syst.Scale(1. / h_m_syst.Integral('width')) h_m_syst.SetTitle( ';p_{T}^{t} [GeV];#frac{1}{#sigma} #frac{d#sigma}{dp_{T}^{t}}#left[#frac{1}{GeV}#right]' ) h_m_syst.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.7) h_m_syst.Write(h_m_syst.GetName() + '_norm', TObject.kOverwrite) h_m_syst.Draw() can.SaveAs('kidonakis_norm.eps') outFile.Close()
def main(): gROOT.SetBatch(1) SetAtlasStyle() can = TCanvas("can", "can", 0, 0, 800, 600) can.SetMargin(0.2, 0.05, 0.15, 0.03) # open files, get the histograms histoname = 'h_theoryMtt' baseFilePath = '../data/data_14_02_2013' filename = baseFilePath + '/Mtt_7000_Mtt_fin.root' file = TFile(filename) histos = [] for i in range(7): var = i if var == 0: histos.append(file.Get(histoname + '_')) elif var > 0: histos.append(file.Get(histoname + '_' + str(i))) if not histos[i]: print 'ERROR retreiving', histoname + '_' + str( i), 'from', filename return histos[i].SetName('yangPecjak_' + str(i)) output_filename = baseFilePath + '/yangPecjak.root' outFile = TFile(output_filename, 'UPDATE') nominal = histos[0].Clone() nominal.SetName('yangPecjak_withSyst') # add other plots 1-6 in quadrature as error for histo in histos: for bin in range(1, nominal.GetNbinsX() + 1): diff = math.fabs( nominal.GetBinContent(bin) - histo.GetBinContent(bin)) nominal.SetBinError(bin, nominal.GetBinError(bin) + diff * diff) # take squareroot for bin in range(1, nominal.GetNbinsX() + 1): nominal.SetBinError(bin, math.sqrt(nominal.GetBinError(bin))) nominal.SetMarkerStyle(20) nominal.SetMarkerColor(kBlack) nominal.SetLineColor(kBlack) nominal.SetTitle( ';M_{t#bar{t}} [GeV]; #frac{d#sigma}{dM_{t#bar{t}}}#left[#frac{pb}{GeV}#right]' ) nominal.Write(nominal.GetName(), TObject.kOverwrite) nominal.Draw() can.SaveAs("yangPecjak.eps") outFile.Close()
def main(): gROOT.SetBatch(True) SetAtlasStyle() base_path = '../data/March_4/McAtNlo/UnfoldingMethodTest' output_eps_path = base_path + '/eps' base_filename = 'unfoldingMethodsTest_mc' systematic = 'nominal' toys = 5000 iterValue = 4 histogram_names = ['mc_truth_diffxs', 'data_unfolded_diffxs'] output_filename = base_path + '/unfoldingMethodsPlots' output_filename_ext = '.eps' can = TCanvas('can', 'can', 0, 0, 800, 600) can.SetMargin(0.2, 0.05, 0.15, 0.05) horizontalAt0 = TF1("horizontalAt0", "[0]+x*[1]", -100000, 100000) horizontalAt0.SetParameter(0, 0) horizontalAt0.SetParameter(1, 0) horizontalAt0.SetLineColor(kBlack) horizontalAt0.SetLineStyle(9) horizontalAt0.SetLineWidth(1) y_title = "#left(#frac{d#sigma}{dX}|_{unf} - #frac{d#sigma}{dX}|_{tru}#right)#times#left(#frac{d#sigma}{dX}|_{tru}#right)^{-1}" # load histograms for sampleName in sampleNames: x_title = '' latex_label = '' if sampleName is 'Tag1_SystemMass': x_title = 'M_{t#bar{t}} [GeV]' elif sampleName is 'Tag1_SystemPt': x_title = 'p_{T}^{t#bar{t}} [GeV]' elif sampleName is 'Tag1_Top1_lhood': x_title = 'leptonic top p_{T} [GeV]' elif sampleName is 'Tag1_Top2_lhood': x_title = 'hadronic top p_{T} [GeV]' for channel in channels: diffxs = {} truth = {} ratios = {} gratios = {} for half in halves: # create canvas and legend legA = TLegend(0.23, 0.93, 0.53, 0.75) legA.SetBorderSize(0) legA.SetFillStyle(0) legB = TLegend(0.53, 0.93, 0.83, 0.75) legB.SetBorderSize(0) legB.SetFillStyle(0) # loop over methods and get histograms diffxs[half] = {} truth[half] = {} ratios[half] = {} gratios[half] = {} for unfoldingMethod in unfoldingMethods: # get the method value methodValue = -1 if unfoldingMethod == SVD: methodValue = regValues[sampleName] elif unfoldingMethod == Bayesian: methodValue = iterValue # open file with histograms in_filename = base_path + '/' + get_input_filename( systematic, sampleName, channel, unfoldingMethod, half, toys, methodValue) + '.root' in_file = TFile(in_filename) if not in_file.IsOpen(): print 'ERROR opening file', in_filename return # retrieve histograms histoname_base = get_histoname_base( systematic, sampleName, channel, unfoldingMethod, half, toys, methodValue) # get truth histoname = histoname_base + '_mc_truth_diffxs' histo = in_file.Get(histoname) if not histo: print 'ERROR retrieving histogram,\n', histoname, ',\n from file,\n', in_filename return histo.SetDirectory(0) histo.SetName(histoname_base + '_' + unfoldingMethod + '_mc_truth_diffxs') truth[half][unfoldingMethod] = histo # get unfolded distribution histoname = histoname_base + '_data_unfolded_diffxs' histo = in_file.Get(histoname) if not histo: print 'ERROR retrieving histogram,\n', histoname, ',\n from file,\n', in_filename return histo.SetDirectory(0) histo.SetName(histoname_base + '_' + unfoldingMethod + '_data_unfolded_diffxs') diffxs[half][unfoldingMethod] = histo in_file.Close() # end unfoldingMethods # end halves for half in halves: for unfoldingMethod in unfoldingMethods: # calculate ratio of unfolded-truth over truth ratio = GetRatioPlot( diffxs[half][unfoldingMethod], truth[oppositeHalves[ halves.index(half)]][unfoldingMethod]) histoname_base = get_histoname_base( systematic, sampleName, channel, unfoldingMethod, half, toys, methodValue) ratio.SetName(histoname_base + '_' + unfoldingMethod + '_ratio') ratio.SetDirectory(0) ratios[half][unfoldingMethod] = ratio axis_length = ratio.GetXaxis().GetXmax() - ratio.GetXaxis( ).GetXmin() offset = (unfoldingMethods.index(unfoldingMethod) - 1.5) * 0.005 * axis_length gratio = GetTGraphAsymmErrors(ratio, offset) # plot ratio gratio.SetMarkerColor( unfoldingMethods.index(unfoldingMethod) + 1) gratio.SetMarkerStyle( unfoldingMethods.index(unfoldingMethod) + 21) gratio.SetLineColor( unfoldingMethods.index(unfoldingMethod) + 1) gratio.SetLineWidth(2) # if this is the first method, need to set proper axis parameters if unfoldingMethods.index(unfoldingMethod) == 0: if sampleName is LeptonicTop: gratio.SetMaximum(0.11) gratio.SetMinimum(-0.09) elif sampleName is HadronicTop: gratio.SetMaximum(0.08) gratio.SetMinimum(-0.1) elif sampleName is SystemMass: gratio.SetMaximum(0.1) gratio.SetMinimum(-0.08) elif sampleName is SystemPt: gratio.SetMaximum(0.15) gratio.SetMinimum(-0.3) elif sampleName is SystemRapidity: gratio.SetMaximum(0.07) gratio.SetMinimum(-0.05) gratio.GetXaxis().SetTitle(x_title) gratio.GetYaxis().SetTitle(y_title) gratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.6) gratio.Draw('ap') else: gratio.Draw('p') # add to legend if unfoldingMethods.index(unfoldingMethod) >= 2: legB.AddEntry(gratio, unfoldingMethod, 'pl') else: legA.AddEntry(gratio, unfoldingMethod, 'pl') gratios[half][unfoldingMethod] = gratio horizontalAt0.Draw('same') legA.Draw('same') legB.Draw('same') text = TPaveText(0.2, 0.25, 0.4, 0.18, "NDC") text.SetFillStyle(0) text.SetBorderSize(0) text.AddText(half + ', ' + channel) # text.Draw('same') can.SaveAs(output_filename + '_' + channel + '_' + half + '_' + sampleName + output_filename_ext)
def main(): gROOT.SetBatch(1) SetAtlasStyle() channels = ["ejets", "mujets"] #channels = ["mujets"] variables = [ "Top1_lhood", "Top2_lhood", "SystemMass", "SystemPt", "SystemRapidity" ] #variables = ["Top1_lhood"] for j in range(len(variables)): variable = variables[j] print j, variable can = TCanvas(variable, variable, 0, 0, 800, 600) can.SetMargin(0.2, 0.05, 0.15, 0.03) label = '' regnumber = '' if variable is 'Top1_lhood': label = 'Leptonic top p^{t}_{T}' regnumber = "reg4" elif variable is 'Top2_lhood': label = 'Hadronic top p^{t}_{T}' regnumber = "reg4" elif variable is 'SystemMass': label = 't#bar{t} System mass' regnumber = "reg3" elif variable is 'SystemPt': label = 't#bar{t} System p_{T}' regnumber = "reg3" elif variable is 'SystemRapidity': label = 't#bar{t} System rapidity' regnumber = "reg4" legend = TLegend(0.6, 0.95, 0.95, 0.75, label) legend.SetFillStyle(0) legend.SetBorderSize(0) ratioPlots = [] for i in range(len(channels)): channel = channels[i] print i, channel postfix = '' labelChannel = '' if channel is 'ejets': postfix = 'el' labelChannel = 'e + jets' elif channel is 'mujets': postfix = 'mu' labelChannel = '#mu + jets' elif channel is 'combined': postfix = 'co' filename = "../data/data_Unfolded_14_02_2013/Alpgen/nominal_Tag1_" + variable + "_" + postfix + "_toy5000_svd_" + regnumber + ".root" fileDi = TFile(filename) if not fileDi.IsOpen(): print 'ERROR opening ', filename m_histo = fileDi.Get("unfolding/toys/nominal/" + postfix + "/Tag1_" + variable + "/SVD/" + regnumber + "/toy5000/H_" + postfix + "_Tag1_" + variable + "_SVD_" + regnumber + "_toy5000_Regularization") m_histo.SetName("diFactor" + variable + postfix) nbins = m_histo.GetNbinsX() - 1 diFactor = m_histo.Clone() diFactor.SetDirectory(0) diFactor.SetNdivisions(508) diFactor.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(1, nbins + 1) for bin in range(nbins): bindiFactor = m_histo.GetBinContent(bin + 1) print bin, bindiFactor diFactor.SetBinContent(bin + 2, bindiFactor) diFactor.SetTitle("") diFactor.SetMarkerColor(kBlack + i) diFactor.SetMarkerStyle(20 + i) diFactor.SetLineColor(kBlack + i) diFactor.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.005, 400) diFactor.GetYaxis().SetTitle("|d_{i}|") diFactor.GetXaxis().SetTitle("bin number") ratioPlots.append(diFactor) legend.AddEntry(diFactor, labelChannel, "p") if i > 0: diFactor.Draw('histosame') else: diFactor.Draw("histo") horizontal = TF1("line", "pol1", 0, 2800) horizontal.SetParameters(1, 0) horizontal.SetLineColor(kBlack) horizontal.SetLineStyle(2) horizontal.Draw('same') legend.Draw('same') can.SetLogy() can.SaveAs("regularizationValue_" + variable + ".eps")
def __init__(self, logger=None): Logger.__init__(self, logger=logger) SetAtlasStyle() from ROOT import TFile, gROOT gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = kFatal;")'create Profile instance..')
#!/usr/bin/env python from ROOT import TH1D, gROOT gROOT.SetBatch(True) from RatioCanvas import RatioCanvas from AtlasStyle import SetAtlasStyle SetAtlasStyle() ratio = RatioCanvas(ratioPad_y_ndiv=204, ) h1 = TH1D('h1', ';p_{T} [GeV];Counts', 150, 0, 150) h1.FillRandom('landau', 100000) h1.Sumw2() h2 = TH1D('h2', ';p_{T} [GeV];Counts', 150, 0, 150) h2.FillRandom('landau', 100000) h2.Sumw2() h3 = TH1D('h3', ';p_{T} [GeV];Counts', 150, 0, 150) h3.FillRandom('landau', 100000) h3.Sumw2() h1.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1) ratio.AddPlot(h1, 'e', 'first', 'lp', True) ratio.AddPlot(h2, 'e', 'second', 'lp') ratio.AddPlot(h3, 'e', 'third', 'lp') ratio.Draw('')
def main(): gROOT.SetBatch(1) SetAtlasStyle() #channels = ["ejets","mujets"] channels = ["ejets"] variables = [ "Top1_lhood", "Top2_lhood", "SystemMass", "SystemPt", "SystemRapidity" ] for j in range(len(variables)): variable = variables[j] print j, variable can = TCanvas(variable, variable, 0, 0, 800, 600) can.SetMargin(0.2, 0.05, 0.15, 0.03) ratioPlots = [] label = '' latexlabel = "" if variable is 'Top1_lhood': label = 'Leptonic top p^{t}_{T}' latexlabel = "#frac{d#sigma}{dp^{t}_{T}}_{rew} #times #left[#frac{d#sigma}{dp^{t}_{T}}_{std}#right]^{-1}" elif variable is 'Top2_lhood': label = 'Hadronic top p^{t}_{T}' latexlabel = "#frac{d#sigma}{dp_{T}^{t}}_{rew} #times #left[#frac{d#sigma}{dp_{T}^{t}}_{std}#right]^{-1}" elif variable is 'SystemMass': label = 't#bar{t} System mass' latexlabel = "#frac{d#sigma}{dM_{t#bar{t}}}_{rew} #times #left[#frac{d#sigma}{dM_{t#bar{t}}}_{std}#right]^{-1}" elif variable is 'SystemRapidity': label = 't#bar{t} System rapidity' latexlabel = "#frac{d#sigma}{dY_{t#bar{t}}}_{rew} #times #left[#frac{d#sigma}{dY_{t#bar{t}}}_{std}#right]^{-1}" elif variable is 'SystemPt': label = 't#bar{t} System p_{T}' latexlabel = "#frac{d#sigma}{dp^{t#bar{t}}_{T}}_{rew} #times #left[#frac{d#sigma}{d}p^{t#bar{t}}_{T}_{std}#right]^{-1}" legend = TLegend(0.25, 0.95, 0.5, 0.75, label) legend.SetFillStyle(0) legend.SetBorderSize(0) for i in range(len(channels)): channel = channels[i] print i, channel postfix = '' if channel is 'ejets': postfix = '_el' elif channel is 'mujets': postfix = '_mu' elif channel is 'combined': postfix = '' filename = "../data/data_Unfolded_14_02_2013/Alpgen/SVD/unfoldedResult_Tag1_" + variable + postfix + ".root" file_std = TFile(filename) if not file_std.IsOpen(): print 'ERROR opening ', filename filename = "../data/test_Unfolded_08_03_2013/Alpgen/SVD/unfoldedResult_Tag1_" + variable + postfix + ".root" file_rew = TFile(filename) if not file_rew.IsOpen(): print 'ERROR opening ', filename diffxs_std = file_std.Get("diffxs_stat") diffxs_std.SetName("diffxs_stat_std" + postfix) measured_std = file_std.Get("measured") measured_std.SetName("measured_std" + postfix) diffxs_rew = file_rew.Get("diffxs_stat") measured_rew = file_rew.Get("measured") measured_rew.SetName("measured_rew" + postfix) diffxs_rew.SetName("diffxs_stat_rew" + postfix) ratio = diffxs_rew.Clone("diffxs_stat_ratio" + postfix) ratio.SetDirectory(0) ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitle(latexlabel) ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.6) ratio.Divide(diffxs_std) ratio.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.9, 1.2) ratio.SetMarkerColor(kBlack + i) ratio.SetMarkerStyle(20 + i) ratio.SetLineColor(kBlack + i) ratio1 = measured_rew.Clone("measured_ratio" + postfix) ratio1.SetDirectory(0) ratio1.GetYaxis().SetTitle(latexlabel) ratio1.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.6) ratio1.Divide(measured_std) ratio1.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.7, 1.2) if variable is 'SystemRapidity': ratio.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.07, 0.04) ratio1.SetMarkerColor(kRed + i) ratio1.SetMarkerStyle(20 + i) ratio1.SetLineColor(kRed + i) ratioPlots.append(ratio) ratioPlots.append(ratio1) legend.AddEntry(ratio, "unfolded", "p") legend.AddEntry(ratio1, "measured", "p") if i > 0: ratio.Draw('same') else: ratio.Draw() ratio1.Draw('same') horizontal = TF1("line", "pol1", 200, 2800) horizontal.SetParameters(1, 0) horizontal.SetLineColor(kBlack) horizontal.SetLineStyle(2) horizontal.Draw('same') legend.Draw('same') can.SaveAs(variable + ".eps") controlPlots = [ 'InclusiveJetBinLeptonPt', 'Top1Pt', 'Top2Pt', 'SystemMass', 'SystemPt' ] ratioPlots1 = [] for j in range(len(controlPlots)): controlPlot = controlPlots[j] can1 = TCanvas(controlPlot, controlPlot, 0, 0, 800, 600) can1.SetMargin(0.2, 0.05, 0.15, 0.03) legend1 = TLegend(0.45, 0.95, 0.90, 0.75, "") legend1.SetFillStyle(0) legend1.SetBorderSize(0) labelx = '' if controlPlot is 'InclusiveJetBinLeptonPt': labelx = 'lepton p_{T}, all-jet bin[GeV/c]' elif controlPlot is 'Top1Pt': labelx = 'Leptonic top p^{t}_{T}[GeV/c]' elif controlPlot is 'Top2Pt': labelx = 'Hadronic top p^{t}_{T}[GeV/c]' elif controlPlot is 'SystemMass': labelx = 'M_{t#bar{t}}[GeV/c^{2}]' elif controlPlot is 'SystemPt': labelx = 'p^{t#bar{t}}_{T}[GeV/c]' for i in range(len(channels)): channel = channels[i] print i, channel postfix = '' if channel is 'ejets': postfix = '_el' elif channel is 'mujets': postfix = '_mu' elif channel is 'combined': postfix = '' filename = "../data/data_14_02_2013/nominal/ToUnfold_nominal_AlpgenJimmy/tagged_" + channel + ".root" cfile_std = TFile(filename) if not cfile_std.IsOpen(): print 'ERROR opening ', filename filename = "../data/test_08_03_2013/nominal/ToUnfold_nominal_AlpgenJimmy/tagged_" + channel + ".root" cfile_rew = TFile(filename) if not cfile_rew.IsOpen(): print 'ERROR opening ', filename control_std = cfile_std.Get(controlPlot + "_Data") control_std.SetName("control_std" + postfix) control_rew = cfile_rew.Get(controlPlot + "_Data") control_rew.SetName("control_rew" + postfix) control_std.SetDirectory(0) control_std.SetTitle("") control_std.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Events") control_std.GetXaxis().SetTitle(labelx) control_std.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.6) #control_std.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.7,1.3) control_std.SetMarkerColor(kBlack + i) control_std.SetMarkerStyle(20 + i) control_std.SetLineColor(kBlack + i) control_rew.SetMarkerColor(kRed + i) control_rew.SetMarkerStyle(20 + i) control_rew.SetLineColor(kRed + i) if i > 0: control_std.Draw('same') control_rew.Draw('same') else: control_std.Draw() control_rew.Draw('same') legend1.AddEntry(control_std, "nominal", "p") legend1.AddEntry(control_rew, "Lepton p_{T} reweighting", "p") legend1.Draw('same') can1.SetLogy() can1.SaveAs(controlPlot + "_log.eps")