Exemple #1
    def test_get_limited_list_incidents(self, args, expected_next_link, client, mocker):
            - Args with and various limit parameter for the tested command
            - Expected value for next link if exist
            - An app client object
            - Calling function list_incidents_command
            - Ensure the results holds the expected incidents list data
            - Ensure next link returned as expected

        # prepare
        mocked_incidents = MOCKED_INCIDENTS_OUTPUT.copy()
        mocker.patch.object(client, 'http_request', return_value=mocked_incidents)
        if expected_next_link:
            mocked_incidents['nextLink'] = expected_next_link

        # execute
        command_res = list_incidents_command(client, args=args)
        readable_output, outputs, raw_response = command_res.readable_output, command_res.outputs, command_res.raw_response
        context = outputs['AzureSentinel.Incident(val.ID === obj.ID)'][0]

        # validate
        assert 'Incidents List (1 results)' in readable_output

        assert context['ID'] == 'inc_name', 'Incident name in Azure Sentinel API is Incident ID in Cortex XSOAR'
        assert context['FirstActivityTimeUTC'] == '2020-02-02T14:05:01Z', 'Dates are formatted to %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'
        assert context['AlertsCount'] == 1

        assert len(raw_response['value']) == 1
        next_link = outputs.get(NEXT_LINK_CONTEXT_KEY, {}).get('URL')
        assert next_link == expected_next_link
Exemple #2
    def test_get_next_page_list_incidents(self, mocker):
            - Next link parameter to get the next page of incidents
            - An app client object
            - Calling function list_incidents_command
            - Ensure the the request sent to the next link url

        # prepare
        next_link_uri = 'https://test.com'
        args = {'limit': '1', 'next_link': next_link_uri}
        client = mock_client()
        mocker.patch.object(client, 'http_request')

        # execute
        list_incidents_command(client, args=args)

        # validate
        assert client.http_request.call_args[1]['full_url'] == next_link_uri
def test_list_incidents(args, client, mocker):
    mocker.patch.object(client, 'http_request', return_value=MOCKED_INCIDENTS_OUTPUT)

    readable_output, outputs, result = list_incidents_command(client, args=args)
    next_link = outputs['AzureSentinel.NextLink(val.Description == "NextLink for listing commands")']['URL']
    context = outputs['AzureSentinel.Incident(val.ID === obj.ID)'][0]

    assert 'Incidents List (1 results)' in readable_output
    assert context['ID'] == 'inc_name', 'Incident name in Azure Sentinel API is Incident ID in Demisto'
    assert context['FirstActivityTimeUTC'] == '2020-02-02T14:05:01Z', 'Dates are formatted to %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'
    assert context['AlertsCount'] == 1
    assert next_link == 'https://test.com'
    assert len(result['value']) == 1