Exemple #1
    def run(self):
        count = 0
        previous = {} # Used to keep track of previous predictions
        self.parent.sendPacket.value = True
        q = multiQueue()
        last = bciComms.discardTill(self.parent.pipeReceive, self.parent.endPacketRegex, self.parent.headerRegex)
        last = int(last)

        collecting = True

        while True:
            count += 1
            last = bciComms.collectData(self.parent.pipeReceive, self.period, self.parent.headerRegex,
                    self.parent.endPacketRegex, q, last)
            data = q.get()

            # Takes the raw data and decomposes it into a dict of the corresponding terms
            processed = bciComms.rawToDict(data)
            classWith = self.parent.trainingDataFormater.formatFrequencies(processed["Raw FFT"])

            prediction = None
            accuracy = None

                prediction, accuracy = self.classifier.predict(classWith)
            except Exception:

            # Changed what predict returns
            accuracy = accuracy[prediction]

            if count * self.period < self.timeout and collecting:
                if not previous.has_key(prediction):
                    previous[prediction] = 0.0

                previous[prediction] += accuracy

            elif collecting:
                likely = sorted(previous, key=previous.get, reverse=True)[0]

                if previous[likely] < count * self.threshold:

                previous = {}
                count = 0
                collecting = False
            elif count * self.period < self.timeout and not collecting:
                self.coms.txt.emit("Robot Moving")
            elif not collecting:
                collecting = True
                count = 0
Exemple #2
    def run(self):
        self.parent.sendPacket.value = True
        q = multiQueue()
        last = bciComms.discardTill(self.parent.pipeReceive, self.parent.endPacketRegex, self.parent.headerRegex)
        last = int(last)

        count = 0
        priors = self.classifier.priors

        while True:
            newQuestion = self.runner.new

            last = bciComms.collectData(self.parent.pipeReceive, self.period, self.parent.headerRegex,
                    self.parent.endPacketRegex, q, last)
            data = q.get()

            # A new question has not arrived
            if not newQuestion:

            count += 1
            # Want to give the user a second to read the text and ignore the brain signals
            if count * self.period < 1.0: continue

            # Takes the raw data and decomposes it into a dict of the corresponding terms
            processed = bciComms.rawToDict(data)
            classWith = self.parent.trainingDataFormater.formatFrequencies(processed["Raw FFT"])
            logging.info(processed["Raw FFT"])

            probs = None
                _, probs = self.classifier.predict(classWith)
            except Exception:

            # Updating priors
            for k,v in probs.iteritems():
                priors[k] *= v

            # Renormalizing
            s = sum(priors.values())
            priors = {k: priors[k] / s for k in priors}

            print count
            # Emit prediction if time has exceeded 6 seconds or hit threshold
            highest = max(priors, key=lambda k: priors[k])
            if count * self.period >= 6.0 or priors[highest] >= self.threshold:
                self.runner.new = False
                count = 0
                priors = self.classifier.priors