Exemple #1
    def update(self, oid, tags):

        for tag in tags:
            htag = self.getHash(tag)
            self.tagsmap[htag] = tag

            # add oid -> tag
            oids = self.tag_oids.get(htag)
            if oids is None:
                oids = LFSet()
                self.tag_oids[htag] = oids

            if oid not in oids:

            # add tag -> oid
            oid_tags = self.oid_tags.get(oid)
            if oid_tags is None:
                oid_tags = LLSet()
                self.oid_tags[oid] = oid_tags

            if htag not in oid_tags:

            # culculate weight
            weight = self.tag_weight.get(htag)
            if weight is not None:
                key = (weight, htag)
                if key in self.weights:

            weight = float(len(oids))
            self.tag_weight[htag] = weight
            self.weights.insert((weight, htag))
Exemple #2
    def addComment(self, comment):
        """Add a new comment. The parent id should have been set already. The
        comment id may be modified to find a free key. The id used will be

        # Make sure we don't have a wrapped object

        comment = aq_base(comment)

        id = long(time.time() * 1e6)
        while id in self._comments:
            id += 1

        comment.comment_id = id
        notify(ObjectWillBeAddedEvent(comment, self, id))
        self._comments[id] = comment

        comment.__parent__ = aq_base(self)

        # Record unique users who've commented (for logged in users only)
        commentator = comment.author_username
        if commentator:
            if not commentator in self._commentators:
                self._commentators[commentator] = 0
            self._commentators[commentator] += 1

        reply_to = comment.in_reply_to
        if not reply_to:
            # top level comments are in reply to the faux id 0
            comment.in_reply_to = reply_to = 0

        if not reply_to in self._children:
            self._children[reply_to] = LLSet()

        # Add the annotation if not already done
        annotions = IAnnotations(self.__parent__)
        if not ANNOTATION_KEY in annotions:
            annotions[ANNOTATION_KEY] = aq_base(self)

        # Notify that the object is added. The object must here be
        # acquisition wrapped or the indexing will fail.
        notify(ObjectAddedEvent(comment.__of__(self), self, id))

        return id
Exemple #3
 def children(self):
     # we need to look this up every time, because we may not have a
     # dict yet when the adapter is first created
     return self.conversation._children.get(self.comment_id, LLSet())
Exemple #4
    def import_data(self, data):
        results = 0
        for conversation_data in data:
            obj = api.content.get(UID=conversation_data["uuid"])
            if not obj:
            if not obj.restrictedTraverse("@@conversation_view").enabled():
            added = 0
            conversation = IConversation(obj)

            for item in conversation_data["conversation"]["items"]:

                if isinstance(item["text"], dict) and item["text"].get("data"):
                    item["text"] = item["text"]["data"]

                comment = Comment()
                comment_id = int(item["comment_id"])
                comment.comment_id = comment_id
                comment.creation_date = dateutil.parser.parse(
                comment.modification_date = dateutil.parser.parse(
                comment.author_name = item["author_name"]
                comment.author_username = item["author_username"]
                comment.creator = item["author_username"]
                comment.text = unescape(item["text"].replace(
                    u"\r<br />", u"\r\n").replace(u"<br />", u"\r\n"))

                if item["user_notification"]:
                    comment.user_notification = True
                if item.get("in_reply_to"):
                    comment.in_reply_to = int(item["in_reply_to"])

                conversation._comments[comment_id] = comment
                comment.__parent__ = aq_base(conversation)
                commentator = comment.author_username
                if commentator:
                    if commentator not in conversation._commentators:
                        conversation._commentators[commentator] = 0
                    conversation._commentators[commentator] += 1

                reply_to = comment.in_reply_to
                if not reply_to:
                    # top level comments are in reply to the faux id 0
                    comment.in_reply_to = reply_to = 0

                if reply_to not in conversation._children:
                    conversation._children[reply_to] = LLSet()

                # Add the annotation if not already done
                annotions = IAnnotations(obj)
                if DISCUSSION_ANNOTATION_KEY not in annotions:
                    annotions[DISCUSSION_ANNOTATION_KEY] = aq_base(
                added += 1
            logger.info("Added {} comments to {}".format(
                added, obj.absolute_url()))
            results += added

        return results
 def _makeOne(self):
     from BTrees.LLBTree import LLSet
     return LLSet()