Exemple #1
    def allowed_status_keys(self):
        """Return the subset of IStatusUpdate keys
        that are related to UUIDs of accessible contexts.
        I.e. blacklist all IStatusUpdate that has a context
        which we don't have permission to access.

        This is the key security protection used by all getters.
        Because it's called a lot we're caching results per user request.
        uuid_blacklist = self._blacklist_microblogcontext_uuids()
        if not uuid_blacklist:
            return self._status_mapping.keys()
            # for each uid, expand uid into set of statusids
            blacklisted_treesets = (self._uuid_mapping.get(uuid)
                                    for uuid in uuid_blacklist
                                    if uuid in self._uuid_mapping.keys())
            # merge sets of blacklisted statusids into single blacklist
            blacklisted_statusids = reduce(LLBTree.union,
            # subtract blacklisted statusids from all statusids
            all_statusids = LLBTree.LLSet(self._status_mapping.keys())
            return LLBTree.difference(all_statusids,

        return self._allowed_status_keys()
 def __init__(self, context=None):
     # last add in milliseconds - used in both async and cache key
     self._mtime = 0
     # cache buster in MICROseconds - used in cache key only
     self._ctime = 0
     # primary storage: (long statusid) -> (object IStatusUpdate)
     self._status_mapping = LOBTree.LOBTree()
     # archive deleted: (long statusid) -> (object IStatusUpdate)
     self._status_archive = LOBTree.LOBTree()
     # index by user: (string userid) -> (object TreeSet(long statusid))
     self._user_mapping = OOBTree.OOBTree()
     # index by tag: (string tag) -> (object TreeSet(long statusid))
     self._tag_mapping = OOBTree.OOBTree()
     # index by microblog_context:
     # (string UUID) -> (object TreeSet(long statusid))
     self._uuid_mapping = OOBTree.OOBTree()  # keep old name for backcompat
     # index by content_context:
     # (string UUID) -> (object TreeSet(long statusid))
     self._content_uuid_mapping = OOBTree.OOBTree()
     # index by thread (string UUID) -> (object TreeSet(long statusid))
     self._threadid_mapping = OOBTree.OOBTree()
     # index by mentions (string UUID) -> (object TreeSet(long statusid))
     self._mentions_mapping = OOBTree.OOBTree()
     # index all content updates: (object TreeSet(long statusid))
     self._is_content_mapping = LLBTree.LLTreeSet()
     # index all human updates: (object TreeSet(long statusid))
     self._is_human_mapping = LLBTree.LLTreeSet()
    def secure(self, keyset):
        """Filter keyset to return only keys the current user may see.

        NB this may return statusupdates with a microblog_context (workspace)
        accessible to the user, but referencing a content_context (document)
        which the user may not access yet because of content workflow.

        Filtering that is quite costly and not done here - instead there's a
        postprocessing filter in activitystream just before rendering.
        return LLBTree.intersection(
 def _allowed_status_keys(self, uuid_blacklist=[]):
     if not uuid_blacklist:
         return self._status_mapping.keys()
         # for each uid, expand uid into set of statusids
         blacklisted_treesets = (self._uuid_mapping.get(uuid)
                                 for uuid in uuid_blacklist
                                 if uuid in self._uuid_mapping.keys())
         # merge sets of blacklisted statusids into single blacklist
         blacklisted_statusids = reduce(LLBTree.union, blacklisted_treesets,
         # subtract blacklisted statusids from all statusids
         all_statusids = LLBTree.LLSet(self._status_mapping.keys())
         return LLBTree.difference(all_statusids, blacklisted_statusids)
Exemple #5
def setup_human_and_content_mappings(context):
    """0012 adds two new indexes"""
    tool = queryUtility(IMicroblogTool)
    if not hasattr(tool, '_is_content_mapping'):
        logger.info("Adding missing is_content mapping to %s" % repr(tool))
        tool._is_content_mapping = LLBTree.LLTreeSet()
    if not hasattr(tool, '_is_human_mapping'):
        logger.info("Adding missing is_human mapping to %s" % repr(tool))
        tool._is_human_mapping = LLBTree.LLTreeSet()
    logger.info("Indexing statusupdates into is_content and is_human indexes")
    for status in tool.values(limit=None):
 def _query_mapping(self, mapping, keys):
     Calculate the union of all statusids indexed in <mapping>
     on any of the <keys>.
     Always returns an LLTreeSet ready for further processing.
     if not keys:
         return LLBTree.LLTreeSet()
     elif isinstance(keys, (str, unicode)):
         # convert single key to list
         keys = [keys]
     # calculate the union set of matching ids across all tags
     # silently discards all non-existing key ids
     treesets = [mapping.get(id) for id in keys if id in mapping.keys()]
     return LLBTree.multiunion(treesets)
    def user_keys(self, users, min=None, max=None, limit=100, tag=None):
        if not users:
            return ()

        if users == str(users):
            # single user optimization
            userid = users
            mapping = self._user_mapping.get(userid)
            if not mapping:
                return ()

            # collection of user LLTreeSet
            treesets = (self._user_mapping.get(userid)
                        for userid in users
                        if userid in self._user_mapping.keys())
            mapping = reduce(LLBTree.union, treesets, LLBTree.TreeSet())

        if tag:
            if tag not in self._tag_mapping:
                return ()
            mapping = LLBTree.intersection(mapping,

        return longkeysortreverse(mapping,
                                  min, max, limit)
Exemple #8
    def mention_keys(self, mentions, min=None, max=None, limit=100, tag=None):
        if not mentions:
            return ()
        if tag and tag not in self._tag_mapping:
            return ()

        if mentions == str(mentions):
            # single mention optimization
            mention = mentions
            mapping = self._mentions_mapping.get(mention)
            if not mapping:
                return ()

            # collection of LLTreeSet
            treesets = (self._mentions_mapping.get(mention)
                        for mention in mentions
                        if mention in self._mentions_mapping.keys())
            mapping = reduce(LLBTree.union, treesets, LLBTree.TreeSet())

        # returns unchanged mapping if tag is None
        mapping = self._keys_tag(tag, mapping)
        mapping = self.secure(mapping)
        return longkeysortreverse(mapping,
                                  min, max, limit)
Exemple #9
    def context_keys(self, context,
                     min=None, max=None, limit=100,
                     tag=None, nested=True, mention=None):
        if tag and tag not in self._tag_mapping:
            return ()

        if nested:
            # hits portal_catalog
            nested_uuids = [uuid for uuid in self.nested_uuids(context)
                            if uuid in self._uuid_mapping]
            if not nested_uuids:
                return ()

            # used in test_statuscontainer_context for non-integration tests
            uuid = self._context2uuid(context)
            if uuid not in self._uuid_mapping:
                return ()
            nested_uuids = [uuid]

        # tag and uuid filters handle None inputs gracefully
        keyset_tag = self._keys_tag(tag, self.allowed_status_keys())

        # mention and uuid filters handle None inputs gracefully
        keyset_mention = self._keys_tag(mention, keyset_tag)

        # calculate the tag+mention+uuid intersection for each uuid context
        keyset_uuids = [self._keys_uuid(_uuid, keyset_mention)
                        for _uuid in nested_uuids]

        # merge the intersections
        merged_set = LLBTree.multiunion(keyset_uuids)
        merged_set = self.secure(merged_set)
        return longkeysortreverse(merged_set,
                                  min, max, limit)
Exemple #10
    def user_keys(self, users, min=None, max=None, limit=100, tag=None):
        if not users:
            return ()
        if tag and tag not in self._tag_mapping:
            return ()

        if users == str(users):
            # single user optimization
            userid = users
            mapping = self._user_mapping.get(userid)
            if not mapping:
                return ()

            # collection of user LLTreeSet
            treesets = (self._user_mapping.get(userid)
                        for userid in users
                        if userid in self._user_mapping.keys())
            mapping = reduce(LLBTree.union, treesets, LLBTree.TreeSet())

        # returns unchanged mapping if tag is None
        mapping = self._keys_tag(tag, mapping)
        mapping = self.secure(mapping)
        return longkeysortreverse(mapping,
                                  min, max, limit)
    def context_keys(self, context,
                     min=None, max=None, limit=100, tag=None, nested=True):
        if tag and tag not in self._tag_mapping:
            return ()

        if nested:
            # hits portal_catalog
            nested_uuids = [uuid for uuid in self.nested_uuids(context)
                            if uuid in self._uuid_mapping]
            if not nested_uuids:
                return ()

            # used in test_statuscontainer_context for non-integration tests
            uuid = self._context2uuid(context)
            if uuid not in self._uuid_mapping:
                return ()
            nested_uuids = [uuid]

        # tag and uuid filters handle None inputs gracefully
        keyset_tag = self._keys_tag(tag, self.allowed_status_keys())
        # calculate the tag+uuid intersection for each uuid context

        keyset_uuids = [self._keys_uuid(uuid, keyset_tag)
                        for uuid in nested_uuids]

        # merge the intersections
        merged_set = LLBTree.multiunion(keyset_uuids)
        return longkeysortreverse(merged_set,
                                  min, max, limit)
 def _idx_context(self, status):
     uuid = status.context_uuid
     if uuid:
         # If the key was already in the collection, there is no change
         # create tag treeset if not already present
         self._uuid_mapping.insert(uuid, LLBTree.LLTreeSet())
 def _idx_tag(self, status):
     for tag in [unicode(tag) for tag in status.tags]:
         # If the key was already in the collection, there is no change
         # create tag treeset if not already present
         self._tag_mapping.insert(tag, LLBTree.LLTreeSet())
         # add status id to tag treeset
    def allowed_status_keys(self):
        """Return the subset of IStatusUpdate keys
        that are related to UUIDs of accessible contexts.
        I.e. blacklist all IStatusUpdate that has a context
        which we don't have permission to access.

        This is the key security protection used by all getters.
        Because it's called a lot we're caching results per user request.
        uuid_blacklist = self._blacklist_microblogcontext_uuids()
        if not uuid_blacklist:
            return self._status_mapping.keys()
            # for each uid, expand uid into set of statusids
            blacklisted_treesets = (self._uuid_mapping.get(uuid)
                                    for uuid in uuid_blacklist
                                    if uuid in self._uuid_mapping.keys())
            # merge sets of blacklisted statusids into single blacklist
            blacklisted_statusids = reduce(LLBTree.union,
            # subtract blacklisted statusids from all statusids
            all_statusids = LLBTree.LLSet(self._status_mapping.keys())
            return LLBTree.difference(all_statusids,

        return self._allowed_status_keys()
 def _idx_user(self, status):
     userid = unicode(status.userid)
     # If the key was already in the collection, there is no change
     # create user treeset if not already present
     self._user_mapping.insert(userid, LLBTree.LLTreeSet())
     # add status id to user treeset
def longkeysortreverse(btreeish, minv=None, maxv=None, limit=None):
    """Performance optimized keyspace accessor.
    Returns an iterable of btreeish keys, reverse sorted by key.
    Expects a btreeish with long(microsec) keys.
        accessor = btreeish.keys
    except AttributeError:
        accessor = LLBTree.TreeSet(btreeish).keys

    i = 0

    if minv or maxv:
        # no optimization
        keys = [x for x in accessor(min=minv, max=maxv)]
        for key in keys:
            yield key
            i += 1
            if i == limit:


        # first run: last hour
        tmax = long(time.time() * 1e6)
        tmin = long(tmax - 3600 * 1e6)
        keys = [x for x in accessor(min=tmin, max=tmax)]
        for key in keys:
            yield key
            i += 1
            if i == limit:

        # second run: last day until last hour
        tmax = tmin
        tmin = long(tmax - 23 * 3600 * 1e6)
        keys = [x for x in accessor(min=tmin, max=tmax)]
        for key in keys:
            yield key
            i += 1
            if i == limit:

        # final run: everything else
        tmax = tmin
        keys = [x for x in accessor(max=tmax)]
        for key in keys:
            yield key
            i += 1
            if i == limit:
 def _idx_mentions(self, status):
     if not getattr(status, 'mentions', False):
     mentions = status.mentions.keys()
     for mention in mentions:
         # If the key was already in the collection, there is no change
         # create tag treeset if not already present
         self._mentions_mapping.insert(mention, LLBTree.LLTreeSet())
 def _idx_threadid(self, status):
     if not getattr(status, 'thread_id', False):
     tread_id = status.thread_id
     if tread_id:
         # If the key was already in the collection, there is no change
         # create tag treeset if not already present
         self._threadid_mapping.insert(tread_id, LLBTree.LLTreeSet())
 def keys(self, min=None, max=None, limit=100, tags=None, users=None):
     # secure
     if tags is None and users is None:
         matches = self.allowed_status_keys()
         matches = self.secure(
                 self._query_mapping(self._tag_mapping, tags),
                 self._query_mapping(self._user_mapping, users),
     return longkeysortreverse(matches, min, max, limit)
 def keys(self, min=None, max=None, limit=100, tag=None):
     if tag:
         if tag not in self._tag_mapping:
             return ()
         mapping = LLBTree.intersection(
         mapping = self._status_mapping
     return longkeysortreverse(mapping,
                               min, max, limit)
 def _allowed_status_keys(self, uuid_blacklist=[]):
     if not uuid_blacklist:
         return self._status_mapping.keys()
         # for each uid, expand uid into set of statusids
         blacklisted_treesets = (
             self._uuid_mapping.get(uuid) for uuid in uuid_blacklist if uuid in self._uuid_mapping.keys()
         # merge sets of blacklisted statusids into single blacklist
         blacklisted_statusids = reduce(LLBTree.union, blacklisted_treesets, LLBTree.TreeSet())
         # subtract blacklisted statusids from all statusids
         all_statusids = LLBTree.LLSet(self._status_mapping.keys())
         return LLBTree.difference(all_statusids, blacklisted_statusids)
 def _idx_tag(self, status):
     Update the `StatusContainer` tag index with any new tags
     :param status: a `StatusUpdate` object
     if status.tags is None:
     for tag in [unicode(tag) for tag in status.tags]:
         # If the key was already in the collection, there is no change
         # create tag treeset if not already present
         self._tag_mapping.insert(tag, LLBTree.LLTreeSet())
         # add status id to tag treeset
Exemple #23
def longkeysortreverse(btreeish, minv=None, maxv=None, limit=None):
    """Performance optimized keyspace accessor.
    Returns an iterable of btreeish keys, reverse sorted by key.
    Expects a btreeish with long(microsec) keys.

    In case a limit, but neither minv nor maxv is given, optimizates
    by not sorting the whole keyspace, but instead heuristically chunk
    the keyspace and sort only chunks, until the limit is reached.

    The reason for this is that we want the most recent slice, which
    is last in the accessor, so we cannot just start iterating the slice.
    Basically we want to iterate backwards.
        accessor = btreeish.keys
    except AttributeError:
        accessor = LLBTree.TreeSet(btreeish).keys

    if minv or limit is None:
        return _longkeysortreverse_direct(accessor, minv, maxv, limit)
        return _longkeysortreverse_optimized(accessor, maxv, limit)
 def _keys_uuid(self, uuid, keyset):
     if uuid is None:
         return keyset
     return LLBTree.intersection(
 def _keys_tag(self, tag, keyset):
     if tag is None:
         return keyset
     return LLBTree.intersection(
Exemple #26
 def secure(self, keyset):
     """Filter keyset to return only keys the current user may see."""
     return LLBTree.intersection(
 def _keys_mention(self, mention, keyset):
     if mention is None:
         return keyset
     return LLBTree.intersection(
 def secure(self, keyset):
     """Filter keyset to return only keys the current user may see."""
     return LLBTree.intersection(
 def _keys_mention(self, mention, keyset):
     if mention is None:
         return keyset
     return LLBTree.intersection(LLBTree.LLTreeSet(keyset),
 def _keys_tag(self, tag, keyset):
     if tag is None:
         return keyset
     return LLBTree.intersection(LLBTree.LLTreeSet(keyset),
 def _keys_uuid(self, uuid, keyset):
     if uuid is None:
         return keyset
     return LLBTree.intersection(LLBTree.LLTreeSet(keyset),