def mark_wishlist_purchased(request, pk): dictionary = baseDict(request) purchased = WishlistItem.objects.get(pk=pk) purchased.bought = True bp = dictionary['bankingPerson'] bp.wishlistSpending += purchased.price now = dictionary = baseDict(request) second_date =, now.month-1,1) pastBudgets = MonthlyBudget.objects.filter(date__lte=second_date) totalSaved = 0 savingsCategories = [] for pbudget in pastBudgets: savingsCategories.append(Category.objects.filter(budget=pbudget)) total = 0 spent = 0 for i in savingsCategories: total += i[0].price spent += i[0].spent + dictionary['bankingPerson'].wishlistSpending dictionary.update({ 'pastSavings': pastBudgets, 'saved': total-spent, 'wishlist': WishlistItem.objects.filter(user=request.user, bought=False), }) return render_to_response("budget/get_saved_money.html", dictionary)
def add_category(request): dictionary = baseDict(request) today = formError = [] if request.method == 'POST': form = CategoryForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): monthlyBudget = form.cleaned_data['budget'].pk newCategoryPrice = form.cleaned_data['price'] otherCategory = Category.objects.get(budget=monthlyBudget, title="Other", date__year=today.year, date__month=today.month,) # fetch the other section so you can decrease the amount, also for validation if otherCategory.price - otherCategory.spent < newCategoryPrice: formError.append("You can allocate " + str(otherCategory.price - otherCategory.spent) + ", but you tried to add " + str(newCategoryPrice)) else: otherCategory.price -= newCategoryPrice # if the amount is not exeeding the other category, decrease the other category and create a new one dictionary.update({ "message" : "Category added !", }) return render_to_response("alert.html",dictionary) else: form = CategoryForm() dictionary.update({ "form": form, "formError": formError, }) return render_to_response("budget/forms/add_category.html", dictionary, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def past_budgets(request): # fetch past budgets dictionary = baseDict(request) budgets = MonthlyBudget.objects.all() dictionary.update({ "budgets" : budgets, }) return render_to_response("budget/past_budgets.html", dictionary)
def story(request, slug=None): dictionary = baseDict(request) story = UserStory.objects.get(slug=slug) dictionary.update({"story": story}) return render_to_response("controller/story.html", dictionary)
def wishlist(request, pk): dictionary = baseDict(request) wishlistItems = WishlistItem.objects.all() dictionary.update({ "wishlistItems" : wishlistItems, }) return render_to_response("budget/wishlist.html", dictionary)
def fullMessage(request,pk): myDict = baseDict(request) singleMessage = Notification.objects.get(pk=pk, to=request.user) = True myDict.update({ 'message' : singleMessage }) return render_to_response("notification/fullview.html", myDict)
def viewProfile(request): dictData = baseDict(request) bankingP = dictData['bankingPerson'] outgoingTransactions = OutgoingTransaction.objects.filter(fromUser = request.user) incomingTransactions = IncomingTransaction.objects.filter(toUser = request.user) dictData.update({ "outgoing": outgoingTransactions, "incoming": incomingTransactions, }) return render_to_response("userprofile/profile.html", dictData,)
def statement(request, pk): dictData = baseDict(request) today = timeAgo = today - timedelta(days=30) # get transactions in the last 30 days outgoingTransaction = OutgoingTransaction.objects.filter(fromUser=request.user, fromAccount__pk=pk, theDate__gte = timeAgo) incomingTransaction = IncomingTransaction.objects.filter(toUser=request.user, toAccount__pk=pk, theDate__gte = timeAgo) dictData.update({ 'account' : Account.objects.get(owner=request.user, pk=pk), 'outgoing' : outgoingTransaction, 'incoming' : incomingTransaction, }) return render_to_response("userprofile/statement.html", dictData)
def single_budget_view(request,pk): # that budget overview dictionary = baseDict(request) budget = MonthlyBudget.objects.get(pk=pk) purchases = Purchase.objects.filter(budget=budget) spent = 0 for purchase in purchases: spent+=purchase.price dictionary.update({ "budget":budget, "purchases" : purchases, "spent" : spent, }) return render_to_response("budget/single_budget_view.html", dictionary)
def main(request): dictionary = baseDict(request) # get core data today = try: # might throw a non setup budget error currentMonthlyBudget = MonthlyBudget.objects.get(date__year=today.year, date__month=today.month, user=request.user) # fetch the current budget monthlyPurchaseList = Purchase.objects.filter(budget=currentMonthlyBudget) # fetch all items bought during that period totalSpentMonth = 0 for purchase in monthlyPurchaseList: totalSpentMonth += purchase.price # this is the logic for creating the bar graph categoryPercent = [] # used to construct the counter spentPercent = [] categories = Category.objects.filter(budget = currentMonthlyBudget) if currentMonthlyBudget.limit == 0: raise Exception('Division by zero !') for category in categories: categoryPercent.append(100 * category.price/currentMonthlyBudget.limit) # percentify the vlaues spentPercent.append(100 * category.spent/category.price) # bargraph logic ends here # get cat picture segment # get spent so far spent = 0 purchases = Purchase.objects.filter(budget=currentMonthlyBudget) for purchase in purchases: spent += purchase.price monthLen = monthrange(,[1] # get the length of current month (28,30,31 days) avgSpent = int(spent/ # normalize, get average spent so far avgTotal = currentMonthlyBudget.limit / monthLen # get total monthly average ratio = int(avgSpent*avgTotal/100) # generate meme based on these values meme = get_meme_picture(ratio) dictionary.update({ "currentBudget": currentMonthlyBudget, "purchases": monthlyPurchaseList, "total": totalSpentMonth, "date" :"%B, %Y"), "categories": zip(Category.objects.filter(budget__user = request.user), categoryPercent, spentPercent ), "meme": meme, }) except ObjectDoesNotExist: pass return render_to_response("budget/main.html", dictionary)
def changeSettings(request): dictData = baseDict(request) userData = get_object_or_404(BankingPerson, user=request.user) if request.method == 'POST': postData = request.POST form = UserSettingsForm(postData, instance=userData) if form.is_valid(): else: form = UserSettingsForm(instance=userData) dictData.update({ 'form' : form, }) return render_to_response("userprofile/forms/settingsForm.html", dictData, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def save_to_payee(request): dictionary = baseDict(request) if request.method == "POST": form = SavedPayeeForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): payee = payee.owner = request.user dictionary.update({ "message": "Added to payee list!", }) return render_to_response("alert.html", dictionary) else: form = SavedPayeeForm() dictionary.update({ "form" : form, }) return render_to_response("payment/forms/saved_payee_form.html", dictionary, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def sendMoney(request): dictData = baseDict(request) formError = [] # this string will send the template message about insufficient funds bankingPerson = dictData['bankingPerson'] myAccounts = dictData['accounts'] myPayeeList = SavedPayee.objects.filter(owner=request.user) if request.method == 'POST': # if the form has been submitted, validate it (if invalid, # all the valid fields before submission will remain) form = OutgoingTransactionForm(request.POST, accounts=myAccounts) # accounts and auto-fill are keys to arguments, they will be poped by the Transaction form in it's constructor if form.is_valid(): transaction = = False) # to be removed transaction = # gets the data from the form as a transaction object (Transaction model in account.models) myAccount = Account.objects.get(owner__pk = , accountNumber = form.cleaned_data['account'], owner = bankingPerson) # get the account that was submited in the drop down menu. Get will fail if not found and will throw error if more than one # same is done below, but it's more straight forward if (myAccount.amount + myAccount.overdraft) <= 0: # Redundant check for spending more money than you have + your overdraft formError.append("Not enough cash to finish the transaction !") else: # if the account we want to send money to is fetched successful, we execute the model transfer function result = myAccount.transfer(name=transaction.toName,iban = transaction.toIban, sort = transaction.toSortCode, amount = transaction.amount, description = transaction.description) if result != 0: formError.append("Check the details and try again !") else: return redirect("index") # Maybe redirect somewhere else <- this is where everything went right else: formError.append("Please check name, sortcode or account number and try again. ") else: # that means there is no post data, so the form is generated from scratch form = OutgoingTransactionForm(accounts=myAccounts) dictData.update({ 'formError' : formError, 'form': form, 'payeeList': myPayeeList, 'token': Token.objects.get(user=request.user), }) return render_to_response('payment/forms/sendMoney_form.html', dictData, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def budget_add_purchase(request): # add a new purhcase to budget today = dictionary = baseDict(request) budget = MonthlyBudget.objects.get(date__year=today.year, date__month=today.month, user=request.user) # get budget based on current date category_choices = Category.objects.filter(budget=budget) # get all categories you have added as options if request.method == 'POST': form = PurchaseForm(request.POST) # recreate a form with autofiled dropdown categories according to budget if form.is_valid(): purchase = purchase.budget = budget dictionary.update({ "message" : "Product added !", }) return render_to_response("alert.html",dictionary) else: form = PurchaseForm() dictionary.update({ "form": form, }) return render_to_response("budget/forms/new_purchase_form.html", dictionary, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def monthly_budget_setup(request): # this handles the form that will create the new budget dictionary = baseDict(request) formError = [] if request.method == "POST": # submitted post validation form = MonthlyBudgetForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): monthlyBudget = monthlyBudget.user = request.user dictionary.update({ "message" : "Budget successfully added !", }) return render_to_response("alert.html",dictionary) else: form = MonthlyBudgetForm() dictionary.update({ "form" : form, "formError" : formError, }) return render_to_response("budget/forms/monthly_budget_form.html", dictionary, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def change_account_name(request, pk): account = Account.objects.get(pk=pk) formError = [] # an array of potential errors dictionary = baseDict(request) if request.method == "POST": form = AccountRenameForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): dictionary.update({ "message" : "Account successfully renamed !", }) account.accountName = form.cleaned_data['accountName'] return render_to_response("alert.html",dictionary) else: formError.append("Please enter a valid input !") else: form = AccountRenameForm(instance = account) dictionary.update({ "form" : form, "accountId" : pk, }) return render_to_response("userprofile/forms/change_account_name.html", dictionary, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def help_main(request): dictionary = baseDict(request) staticQuestions = StaticQuestion.objects.all() dictionary.update({ "staticQuestions" : staticQuestions }) if request.method == "POST": form = FormQuestinForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): dictionary.update({ "message": "Question has been submitted !" }) return render_to_response("alert.html", dictionary) else: form = FormQuestinForm() dictionary.update({ "form" : form, }) return render_to_response("help/main_help_page.html", dictionary, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def create_wishlist_item(request): dictionary = baseDict(request) if request.method == 'POST': form = WishlistItemForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): wishlist_item = wishlist_item.user = request.user wishlistItems = WishlistItem.objects.all() dictionary.update({ "wishlistItems" : wishlistItems, }) return render_to_response("budget/get_saved_money.html", dictionary) else: return HttpResponse("gello") else: form = WishlistItemForm() dictionary.update({ "form" : form, }) return render_to_response("budget/forms/create_wishlist_item.html", dictionary, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def legal(request): dictionary = baseDict(request) return render_to_response("controller/legal.html", dictionary)
def all(request): myDict = baseDict(request) myDict.update({ 'messages' : Notification.objects.filter(to=request.user).order_by("-theDate") }) return render_to_response("notification/messages.html", myDict)
def budgeting_info(request): dictionary = baseDict(request) return render_to_response("controller/budgeting_info.html", dictionary)
def branch_finder(request): dictionary = baseDict(request) return render_to_response("map_finder.html", dictionary)
def service(request, slug=None): dictionary = baseDict(request) service = Service.objects.get(slug=slug) dictionary.update({"service": service}) return render_to_response("controller/service.html", dictionary)
def student_account(request): dictionary = baseDict(request) return render_to_response("controller/student_account.html", dictionary)
def graduate_account(request): dictionary = baseDict(request) return render_to_response("controller/graduate_account.html", dictionary)