def __init__(self):
        if VideoPlaybackCrawler.__single is not None:
            raise RuntimeError, "VideoPlaybackCrawler is singleton"

        crawler = Crawler.get_instance()
        if crawler.am_crawler():
            self._file = open("videoplaybackcrawler.txt", "a")
            self._file.write("".join(("# ", "*" * 80, "\n# ", strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"), " Crawler started\n")))
            self._event_db = None

            self._file = None
            self._event_db = VideoPlaybackDBHandler.get_instance()
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self):
        if VideoPlaybackCrawler.__single is not None:
            raise RuntimeError, "VideoPlaybackCrawler is singleton"

        crawler = Crawler.get_instance()
        if crawler.am_crawler():
            self._file = open("videoplaybackcrawler.txt", "a")
                ("# ", "*" * 80, "\n# ", strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"),
                 " Crawler started\n")))
            self._event_db = None

            self._file = None
            self._event_db = VideoPlaybackDBHandler.get_instance()
def get_reporter_instance():
    A helper class that gets the right event reporter based on some
    configuration options.
    session = Session.get_instance()

    if session.get_overlay():
        # hack: we should not import this since it is not part of
        # the core nor should we import here, but otherwise we
        # will get import errors
        # note: the name VideoPlaybackDBHandler is a legacy name from
        # when this reporter was solely used to report video-playback
        # statistics.
        from BaseLib.Core.CacheDB.SqliteVideoPlaybackStatsCacheDB import VideoPlaybackDBHandler
        return VideoPlaybackDBHandler.get_instance()
        return EventStatusReporter.get_instance()
def get_reporter_instance():
    A helper class that gets the right event reporter based on some
    configuration options.
    session = Session.get_instance()

    if session.get_overlay():
        # hack: we should not import this since it is not part of
        # the core nor should we import here, but otherwise we
        # will get import errors
        # note: the name VideoPlaybackDBHandler is a legacy name from
        # when this reporter was solely used to report video-playback
        # statistics.
        from BaseLib.Core.CacheDB.SqliteVideoPlaybackStatsCacheDB import VideoPlaybackDBHandler
        return VideoPlaybackDBHandler.get_instance()
        return EventStatusReporter.get_instance()
    def __init__(self,bt1download,videostatus,videoinfo,videoanalyserpath,vodeventfunc):

        # dirty hack to get the Tribler Session
        from BaseLib.Core.Session import Session
        session = Session.get_instance()

        if session.get_overlay():
            # see comment in else section on importing...
            from BaseLib.Core.CacheDB.SqliteVideoPlaybackStatsCacheDB import VideoPlaybackDBHandler
            self._playback_stats = VideoPlaybackDBHandler.get_instance()
            # hack: we should not import this since it is not part of
            # the core nor should we import here, but otherwise we
            # will get import errors
            from BaseLib.Player.Reporter import VideoPlaybackReporter
            self._playback_stats = VideoPlaybackReporter.get_instance()
        # add an event to indicate that the user wants playback to
        # start
        def set_nat(nat):
            self._playback_stats.add_event(self._playback_key, "nat:%s" % nat)
        self._playback_key = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(20))
        self._playback_stats.add_event(self._playback_key, "play-init")
        self._playback_stats.add_event(self._playback_key, "piece-size:%d" % videostatus.piecelen)
        self._playback_stats.add_event(self._playback_key, "num-pieces:%d" % videostatus.movie_numpieces)
        self._playback_stats.add_event(self._playback_key, "bitrate:%d" % videostatus.bitrate)
        self._playback_stats.add_event(self._playback_key, "nat:%s" % session.get_nat_type(callback=set_nat))

        self._complete = False
        self.videoinfo = videoinfo
        self.bt1download = bt1download
        self.piecepicker = bt1download.picker
        self.rawserver = bt1download.rawserver
        self.storagewrapper = bt1download.storagewrapper
        self.fileselector = bt1download.fileselector

        self.vodeventfunc = vodeventfunc
        self.videostatus = vs = videostatus
        # Add quotes around path, as that's what os.popen() wants on win32
        if sys.platform == "win32" and videoanalyserpath is not None and videoanalyserpath.find(' ') != -1:

        # counter for the sustainable() call. Every X calls the
        # buffer-percentage is updated.
        self.sustainable_counter = sys.maxint

        # boudewijn: because we now update the downloadrate for each
        # received chunk instead of each piece we do not need to
        # average the measurement over a 'long' period of time. Also,
        # we only update the downloadrate for pieces that are in the
        # high priority range giving us a better estimation on how
        # likely the pieces will be available on time.
        self.overall_rate = Measure(10)
        self.high_range_rate = Measure(2)

        # buffer: a link to the piecepicker buffer
        self.has = self.piecepicker.has

        # number of pieces in buffer
        self.pieces_in_buffer = 0

        self.data_ready = Condition()
        # Arno: Call FFMPEG only if the torrent did not provide the 
        # bitrate and video dimensions. This is becasue FFMPEG 
        # sometimes hangs e.g. Ivaylo's Xvid Finland AVI, for unknown 
        # reasons
        # Arno: 2007-01-06: Since we use VideoLan player, videodimensions not important
        assert vs.bitrate_set
        self.doing_ffmpeg_analysis = False
        self.doing_bitrate_est = False
        self.videodim = None #self.movieselector.videodim

        self.player_opened_with_width_height = False
        self.ffmpeg_est_bitrate = None
        prebufsecs = self.PREBUF_SEC_VOD

        # assumes first piece is whole (first_piecelen == piecelen)
        piecesneeded = vs.time_to_pieces( prebufsecs )
        bytesneeded = piecesneeded * vs.piecelen

        self.max_prebuf_packets = min(vs.movie_numpieces, piecesneeded)

        if self.doing_ffmpeg_analysis and DEBUG:
            print >>sys.stderr,time.asctime(),'-', "vod: trans: Want",self.max_prebuf_packets,"pieces for FFMPEG analysis, piecesize",vs.piecelen

        if DEBUG:
            print >>sys.stderr,time.asctime(),'-', "vod: trans: Want",self.max_prebuf_packets,"pieces for prebuffering"

        self.nreceived = 0
        if DEBUG:
            print >>sys.stderr,time.asctime(),'-', "vod: trans: Setting MIME type to",self.videoinfo['mimetype']

        # some statistics
        self.stat_playedpieces = 0 # number of pieces played successfully
        self.stat_latepieces = 0 # number of pieces that arrived too late
        self.stat_droppedpieces = 0 # number of pieces dropped
        self.stat_stalltime = 0.0 # total amount of time the video was stalled
        self.stat_prebuffertime = 0.0 # amount of prebuffer time used
        self.stat_pieces = PieceStats() # information about each piece

        # start periodic tasks
        self.curpiece = ""
        self.curpiece_pos = 0
        # The outbuf keeps only the pieces from the base layer.. We play if we 
        # have at least a piece from the base layer!
        self.outbuf = []
        #self.last_pop = None # time of last pop

        # For DownloadState
        self.prebufprogress = 0.0
        self.prebufstart = time.time()
        self.playable = False
        self.usernotified = False
        self.outbuflen = None

        self.authenticator = None


        # link to others (last thing to do)
        self.piecepicker.set_transporter( self )

        if FAKEPLAYBACK:
            import threading
            class FakeReader(threading.Thread):
                def __init__(self,movie):
           = movie
                def run(self):
                    while not
            t = FakeReader(self)
    def __init__(self,bt1download,videostatus,videoinfo,videoanalyserpath,vodeventfunc):

        # dirty hack to get the Tribler Session
        from BaseLib.Core.Session import Session
        session = Session.get_instance()

        if session.get_overlay():
            # see comment in else section on importing...
            from BaseLib.Core.CacheDB.SqliteVideoPlaybackStatsCacheDB import VideoPlaybackDBHandler
            self._playback_stats = VideoPlaybackDBHandler.get_instance()
            # hack: we should not import this since it is not part of
            # the core nor should we import here, but otherwise we
            # will get import errors
            from BaseLib.Player.Reporter import VideoPlaybackReporter
            self._playback_stats = VideoPlaybackReporter.get_instance()
        # add an event to indicate that the user wants playback to
        # start
        def set_nat(nat):
            self._playback_stats.add_event(self._playback_key, "nat:%s" % nat)
        self._playback_key = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(20))
        self._playback_stats.add_event(self._playback_key, "play-init")
        self._playback_stats.add_event(self._playback_key, "piece-size:%d" % videostatus.piecelen)
        self._playback_stats.add_event(self._playback_key, "num-pieces:%d" % videostatus.movie_numpieces)
        self._playback_stats.add_event(self._playback_key, "bitrate:%d" % videostatus.bitrate)
        self._playback_stats.add_event(self._playback_key, "nat:%s" % session.get_nat_type(callback=set_nat))

        self._complete = False
        self.videoinfo = videoinfo
        self.bt1download = bt1download
        self.piecepicker = bt1download.picker
        self.rawserver = bt1download.rawserver
        self.storagewrapper = bt1download.storagewrapper
        self.fileselector = bt1download.fileselector

        self.vodeventfunc = vodeventfunc
        self.videostatus = vs = videostatus
        # Add quotes around path, as that's what os.popen() wants on win32
        if sys.platform == "win32" and videoanalyserpath is not None and videoanalyserpath.find(' ') != -1:

        # counter for the sustainable() call. Every X calls the
        # buffer-percentage is updated.
        self.sustainable_counter = sys.maxint

        # boudewijn: because we now update the downloadrate for each
        # received chunk instead of each piece we do not need to
        # average the measurement over a 'long' period of time. Also,
        # we only update the downloadrate for pieces that are in the
        # high priority range giving us a better estimation on how
        # likely the pieces will be available on time.
        self.overall_rate = Measure(10)
        self.high_range_rate = Measure(2)

        # boudewijn: increase the initial minimum buffer size

        # buffer: a link to the piecepicker buffer
        self.has = self.piecepicker.has

        # number of pieces in buffer
        self.pieces_in_buffer = 0

        self.data_ready = Condition()
        # Arno: Call FFMPEG only if the torrent did not provide the 
        # bitrate and video dimensions. This is becasue FFMPEG 
        # sometimes hangs e.g. Ivaylo's Xvid Finland AVI, for unknown 
        # reasons
        # Arno: 2007-01-06: Since we use VideoLan player, videodimensions not important
        if vs.bitrate_set:
            self.doing_ffmpeg_analysis = False
            self.doing_bitrate_est = False
            self.videodim = None #self.movieselector.videodim
            self.doing_ffmpeg_analysis = True
            self.doing_bitrate_est = True
            self.videodim = None

        self.player_opened_with_width_height = False
        self.ffmpeg_est_bitrate = None
        # number of packets required to preparse the video
        # I say we need 128 KB to sniff size and bitrate
        # Arno: 2007-01-04: Changed to 1MB. It appears ffplay works better with some
        # decent prebuffering. We should replace this with a timing based thing, 
        if not self.doing_bitrate_est:
            prebufsecs = self.PREBUF_SEC_VOD

            # assumes first piece is whole (first_piecelen == piecelen)
            piecesneeded = vs.time_to_pieces( prebufsecs )
            bytesneeded = piecesneeded * vs.piecelen
            # Arno, 2007-01-08: for very high bitrate files e.g. 
            # 850 kilobyte/s (500 MB for 10 min 20 secs) this is too small
            # and we'll have packet loss because we start too soon.
            bytesneeded = 1024 * 1024
            piecesneeded = 1 + int(ceil((bytesneeded - vs.piecelen) / float(vs.piecelen)))

        self.max_prebuf_packets = min(vs.movie_numpieces, piecesneeded)

        if self.doing_ffmpeg_analysis and DEBUG:
            print >>sys.stderr,"vod: trans: Want",self.max_prebuf_packets,"pieces for FFMPEG analysis, piecesize",vs.piecelen

        if DEBUG:
            print >>sys.stderr,"vod: trans: Want",self.max_prebuf_packets,"pieces for prebuffering"

        self.nreceived = 0
        if DEBUG:
            print >>sys.stderr,"vod: trans: Setting MIME type to",self.videoinfo['mimetype']

        # some statistics
        self.stat_playedpieces = 0 # number of pieces played successfully
        self.stat_latepieces = 0 # number of pieces that arrived too late
        self.stat_droppedpieces = 0 # number of pieces dropped
        self.stat_stalltime = 0.0 # total amount of time the video was stalled
        self.stat_prebuffertime = 0.0 # amount of prebuffer time used
        self.stat_pieces = PieceStats() # information about each piece

        # start periodic tasks
        self.curpiece = ""
        self.curpiece_pos = 0
        # The outbuf keeps only the pieces from the base layer.. We play if we 
        # have at least a piece from the base layer!
        self.outbuf = []
        #self.last_pop = None # time of last pop

        # For DownloadState
        self.prebufprogress = 0.0
        self.prebufstart = time.time()
        self.playable = False
        self.usernotified = False
        self.outbuflen = None

        self.authenticator = None


        # link to others (last thing to do)
        self.piecepicker.set_transporter( self )

        if FAKEPLAYBACK:
            import threading
            class FakeReader(threading.Thread):
                def __init__(self,movie):
           = movie
                def run(self):
                    while not
            t = FakeReader(self)