def __init__(self, *servers, verbose=False, enable_ssl=False): if enable_ssl: self.context = ssl.create_default_context( ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH, ) BaseTCPServer.__init__(self, '', 853, SSLHandler) else: BaseTCPServer.__init__(self, '', 53, TCPHandler) BaseDNSServer.__init__(self, *servers, verbose=verbose)
def __init__(self, ip: str, public=False, req_pass=True, root_dir: str = path.curdir): BaseTCPServer.__init__(self, ip, 21, TCPHandler) self.ip = ip # Server IP address. = 0 # Active number of clients communicating. self.shutingdown = False # Flag for if server needs to shutdown. self.public = public # Flag for if the server is public. (IE: Allow anonymous log ins) self.req_pass = req_pass # Flag for if the server requires a password to sign in. self.root = root_dir # Root directory where files are stored for the server and clients. if not path.exists(f'{root_dir}{sep}users'): mkdir(f'{root_dir}{sep}users') # Directory where all user directories will be saved to. if not path.exists(f'{root_dir}{sep}logs'): mkdir(f'{root_dir}{sep}logs') # Directory where all logs will be saved to. if not path.exists(f'{root_dir}{sep}userdata'): # Directory where user data (IE usernames and passwords) will be stored mkdir(f'{root_dir}{sep}userdata') # Dictionary containing all user data # Gets loaded with saved data from disk if any. self.userdata = dict() self.load() # Logger for the server. Stores things like what users sign in with. self.logging = logging.getLogger('FTP Server') # Logger will save to disk. fh = logging.FileHandler(f'{self.root}{path.sep}logs{path.sep}server.log') fh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')) self.logging.addHandler(fh) if public: # If this is a public server, create an anonymous account with no password info. public_dir = fr'{self.root}{sep}users{sep}public' self.userdata['anonymous'] = (None, None, public_dir) if not path.exists(public_dir): # Creates the directory for the anonymous user. mkdir(public_dir)
def __init__(self, ip, data: str = printable, width: int = 72): BaseTCPServer.__init__(self, ip, 19, TCPHandler) = data self.size = len(data) self.width = width
def __init__(self, ip, message: bytes = b''): BaseTCPServer.__init__(self, ip, 17, TCPHandler) # Message to send to clients self.message = message
def __init__(self, ip): BaseTCPServer.__init__(self, ip, 7, TCPHandler)
def __init__(self, ip, format='%d %b %y %H:%M:%S %Z'): BaseTCPServer.__init__(self, ip, 13, TCPHandler) # String format for server to respond with self.format = format