Exemple #1
 def get(self, data):
   id, dest, type, url = data
   fname = url.split("/")[-1:][0]
   useragent = self.scope['UserAgent']
   dest = self.scope['Directories'][dest]
   if os.path.exists(self.scope['Directories']['Cache'] + "/" + fname):
     Logger.warn("Using from cache: " + fname)
     self.decompress(fname, dest, type)
   Logger.warn("Downloading: "+url)
   req = urllib.request.Request(url, data=None, headers={"User-Agent": useragent})
   response = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
   o_ = open(self.scope['Directories']['Cache'] + "/" + fname, "wb")
   self.decompress(fname, dest, type)
Exemple #2
 def get(self, data):
   id, dest, type, fname = data
   Logger.info("Downloading informations... ("+str(id)+")")
   useragent = self.scope['UserAgent']
   dest = self.scope['Directories'][dest]
   if os.path.exists(self.scope['Directories']['Cache'] + "/" + fname):
     if not "ignore_cached" in sys.argv:
       Logger.warn("Using from cache: " + fname)
       self.decompress(fname, dest, type)
   url = "http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=" + id + "#actualtab1"
   req = urllib.request.Request(url, data=None, headers={"User-Agent": useragent})
   response = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
   html = b''
   chunk = True
   while chunk:
     chunk = response.read(1024)
     html += chunk
   html = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
   title = html.body.find('div', attrs={'class': "well profilepic well-small well-inline"}).find("h2").text.strip()
   author = html.body.find('div', attrs={'class': "well profilepic well-small well-inline"}).find("div", attrs={'class': "pull-left"}).text.strip().replace("\n", " ")
     author = author.split(" ", 2)[1]
   except Exception:
     author = "(unknown)"
   Logger.warn("Downloading: "+"\""+title+"\" ("+fname+") by " + author +" ("+url+")")
   files = html.body.find('div', attrs={'id': 'actualtab1'}).find('tbody').find_all('tr')
   furl = None
     for file in files:
       a = file.find("a")
       if a.text.strip() == fname:
         furl = a['href']
   except Exception:
     furl = None
   if not furl:
     if not "mts_ignore_errors" in sys.argv:
       Logger.fatal("No such file.")
     else: Logger.err("No such file.")
   Logger.info("Found URL: " + furl)
   req = urllib.request.Request(furl, data=None, headers={"User-Agent": useragent})
   response = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
   o_ = open(self.scope['Directories']['Cache'] + "/" + fname, "wb")
   self.decompress(fname, dest, type)
from Basilisk.Taszka.Background import *
from Basilisk.Taszka.Foreground import *
from Basilisk import Logger
""" This is binding to Basilisk.Taszka.Background and Basilisk.Taszka.Foreground. """
Logger.warn("Basilisk.ANSIColors imported! Import Basilisk.Taszka.Foreground or/and Basilisk.Taszka.Background instead.")
Logger.info("Because FOUR files (Logger, ANSIColors and colors from Taszka module) need to be parsed, you may experience performance loss or bigger consumption.")
def insmod(fname):
  __insmod__("Modules/"+fname+".py", fname)

class SimsModderConfigScope:
  Handlers = {}
  Fogs = []
  Temp = "out"
  Pause = 1
  Scope = {'Directories':{}}
  Hooks = {'Pre':[],'Post':[]}
SM = SimsModderConfigScope()

__insmod__("config.py", "config")
Logger.info("Sims Modder\t" + SIMSMODDER_VERSION_STR)
Logger.warn("Compatible with The Sims 2. Some listings may require additional expansion packs.")
Logger.info("Using user-agent: " + SM.Scope['UserAgent'])

Logger.info("Creating directories...")
for k,dir in SM.Scope['Directories'].items():
  if not os.path.exists(dir): os.mkdir(dir)

Logger.info("Initializing downloaders...")
for k,v in SM.Handlers.items():
  SM.Handlers[k] = v(SM)
Logger.success("Downloaders initialized.")

Logger.info("Initializing hooks...")
for mk,__unused__ in SM.Scope['Hooks'].items():