Exemple #1
    def _clear_output(self):
        """Reset stdout and stderr."""

        # Call the base class method.

        # Delete any restart and trajectory files in the working directory.

        file = "%s/sim_restart.s3" % self._work_dir
        if _os.path.isfile(file):

        file = "%s/SYSTEM.s3" % self._work_dir
        if _os.path.isfile(file):

        files = _IO.glob("%s/traj*.dcd" % self._work_dir)
        for file in files:
            if _os.path.isfile(file):

        # Additional files for free energy simulations.
        if type(self._protocol) is _Protocol.FreeEnergy:

            file = "%s/gradients.dat" % self._work_dir
            if _os.path.isfile(file):

            file = "%s/simfile.dat" % self._work_dir
            if _os.path.isfile(file):
Exemple #2
def _find_force_field(forcefield):
    """Internal function to search LEaP compatible force field files.


       forcefield : str
           The name of the force field.


       file : str
           The full path of the matching force field file.

    # Whether the force field is old.
    is_old = False

    # Search for a compatible force field file.
    ff = _IO.glob("%s/*.%s" % (_cmd_dir, forcefield))

    # Search the old force fields. First try a specific match.
    if len(ff) == 0:
        ff = _IO.glob("%s/oldff/leaprc.%s" % (_cmd_dir, forcefield))
        is_old = True

        # No matches, try globbing all files with matching extension.
        if len(ff) == 0:
            ff = _IO.glob("%s/oldff/*.%s" % (_cmd_dir, forcefield))

    # No force field found!
    if len(ff) == 0:
        raise ValueError("No force field file found for '%s'" % forcefield)

    # Multiple force fields found.
    elif len(ff) > 1:
        raise ValueError("Multiple force fields found for '%s': %s" %
                         (forcefield, ff))

    # Create the force field name.
    ff = _os.path.basename(ff[0])
    if is_old:
        ff = "oldff/" + ff

    # Return the force field.
    return ff