Exemple #1
#################                            ###################################################
#################    Parameters set up       ###################################################
#################                            ###################################################

filename = 'Tsinghua_symbol.nc'  # file name of the G code commands

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    filename = str(sys.argv[1])


# pin number for a1,a2,b1,b2.  a1 and a2 form coil A b1 and b2 form coil B
MX = Bipolar_Stepper_Motor(11, 12, 15, 13, 'X')

MY = Bipolar_Stepper_Motor(16, 18, 37, 36, 'Y')

Pen_switch = 32

dx = 0.075  # resolution in x direction. Unit: mm
dy = 0.075  # resolution in y direction. Unit: mm
IsPenDown = 2  # 0 - false, 1 - true 2 - unknown

#################                            ###################################################
#################    Other initialization    ###################################################
#################                            ###################################################
Exemple #2
import time
from numpy import pi, sin, cos, sqrt, arccos, arcsin

#################                            ###################################################
#################    Parameters set up       ###################################################
#################                            ###################################################

filename='Xiang.nc'; #file name of the G code commands


MX=Bipolar_Stepper_Motor(23,22,24,26);     #pin number for a1,a2,b1,b2.  a1 and a2 form coil A; b1 and b2 form coil B



dx=0.075; #resolution in x direction. Unit: mm
dy=0.075; #resolution in y direction. Unit: mm

Engraving_speed=0.1; #unit=mm/sec=0.04in/sec

#################                            ###################################################
#################    Other initialization    ###################################################
#################                            ###################################################
Exemple #3
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import Motor_control
from Bipolar_Stepper_Motor_Class import Bipolar_Stepper_Motor
import time
from numpy import pi, sin, cos, sqrt, arccos, arcsin

#################    Parameters set up       ###################################################

filename='ninjapower.nc'; #file name of the G code commands


MX=Bipolar_Stepper_Motor(7,22,18,16);     #pin number for a1,a2,b1,b2.  a1 and a2 form coil A; b1 and b2 form coil B



dx=0.075; #resolution in x direction. Unit: mm
dy=0.075; #resolution in y direction. Unit: mm

Engraving_speed=0.6; #unit=mm/sec=0.04in/sec

#################    Other initialization    ###################################################


Exemple #4
from numpy import pi, sin, cos, sqrt, arccos, arcsin

#################                            ###################################################
#################    Parameters set up       ###################################################
#################                            ###################################################

filename = 'trebel.nc'
#file name of the G code commands


MX = Bipolar_Stepper_Motor(17, 4)
#pin number for a1,a2,b1,b2.  a1 and a2 form coil A; b1 and b2 form coil B

MY = Bipolar_Stepper_Motor(23, 22)

Laser_switch = 24

dx = 0.15
#resolution in x direction. Unit: mm
dy = 0.15
#resolution in y direction. Unit: mm

Engraving_speed = 35
#=0.1; #unit=mm/sec=0.04in/sec

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import Motor_control
from Bipolar_Stepper_Motor_Class import Bipolar_Stepper_Motor
import time
from numpy import pi, sin, cos, sqrt, arccos, arcsin

#################                            ###################################################
#################    Parameters set up       ###################################################
#################                            ###################################################

MX = Bipolar_Stepper_Motor(10, 9, 11, 25)
#pin number for a1,a2,b1,b2.  a1 and a2 form coil A; b1 and b2 form coil B

MY = Bipolar_Stepper_Motor(17, 22, 18, 4)
stilo = 12
dx = 0.15
#resolution in x direction. Unit: mm
dy = 0.15
#resolution in y direction. Unit: mm
write_speed = 10
filename = '/home/pi/Desktop/cnc/gcode.ngc'

#################                            ###################################################
Exemple #6
#							  				       #
#     linear motion                                                                #
#       Xiang Zhai,   May 2, 2013                         				       #
#       zxzhaixiang at gmail.com							       #
#  For instruction on how to build the laser engraver and operate the codes, please visit      #
#   funofdiy.blogspot.com                                                                      #
#											       #

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from Bipolar_Stepper_Motor_Class import Bipolar_Stepper_Motor
import time
from numpy import pi, sin, cos, sqrt, arccos, arcsin

M = Bipolar_Stepper_Motor(11, 7, 5, 3)

speed = 200

    for i in range(30):
        print "Move to %s .." % ((i + 1) * 1000)
        M.move(-1, 1000, 1.0 / speed)

except KeyboardInterrupt:


Exemple #7
#	Ian D. Miller
#	Jan 7, 2014
#	http://www.pxlweavr.com
#	info [at] pxlweavr.com

print "Program Started"

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import Motor_control
from Bipolar_Stepper_Motor_Class import Bipolar_Stepper_Motor
import time
from numpy import pi, sin, cos, sqrt, arccos, arcsin

#Test program for stepper motor

GPIO.setup(3, GPIO.OUT)

motor = Bipolar_Stepper_Motor(8, 10, 12, 16)

    while True:
        direction = int(raw_input("Input Direction: "))
        steps = int(raw_input("Input Step Number: "))
        laservar = int(raw_input("Laser state: "))
        GPIO.output(3, laservar)
        motor.move(direction, steps, 0.01)

except KeyboardInterrupt:
#ark = open('2017_0001.ngc', 'r')
#ark = open('squares_0001.ngc', 'r')
#ark = open('swirl_0001.ngc', 'r')
#ark = open('ovo_0001.ngc', 'r')
#ark = open('1234_0001.ngc', 'r')
#ark = open('losango_0001.ngc', 'r')
#ark = open('bigSwirl_0001.ngc', 'r')
#ark = open('wand_0001.ngc', 'r')
#ark = open('6squares_0001.ngc', 'r')
#ark = open('sozenarede_0001.ngc', 'r')

code = ark.read().split('\n')
speed = 0
max_precision = 0.075
motorX = Bipolar_Stepper_Motor(35, 36, 37, 38)
motorY = Bipolar_Stepper_Motor(11, 12, 13, 15)
servo_motor = Servo()
# TODO:REMOVE THE sweep method call above

def getCoordinates(line):
    x_pos = float(line.split(' ')[1].upper().lstrip('X'))
    y_pos = float(line.split(' ')[2].upper().lstrip('Y').rstrip('\n'))
    return x_pos, y_pos

def getDirection(x_pos, y_pos):
    x = int(round(float(x_pos) / max_precision)) - motorX.position
    y = int(round(float(y_pos) / max_precision)) - motorY.position
Exemple #9
from numpy import pi, sin, cos, sqrt, arccos, arcsin

#################                            ###################################################
#################    Parameters set up       ###################################################
#################                            ###################################################

#filename='caltech_symbol.nc'; #file name of the G code commands
filename = 'name_en.nc'


MX = Bipolar_Stepper_Motor(23, 22, 24, 26)
#pin number for a1,a2,b1,b2.  a1 and a2 form coil A; b1 and b2 form coil B

MY = Bipolar_Stepper_Motor(11, 7, 5, 3)

Laser_switch = 15

dx = 0.075
#resolution in x direction. Unit: mm
dy = 0.076
#resolution in y direction. Unit: mm

Engraving_speed = 0.4
