Exemple #1
    def _redirect(self, new_url, old_query):
        """Update announce URL from HTTP redirect"""
        if self._redirects >= self.MAX_REDIRECTS:
            raise IOError(('http error', 500,
                           'Internal Server Error: Redirect Recursion'))
        scheme, netloc, path, query, frag = urllib.parse.urlsplit(new_url)

        # If we got our own query string back, remove it
        oq_dict = urllib.parse.parse_qs(old_query)
        new_query = urllib.parse.urlencode(
            (key, val) for key, val in urllib.parse.parse_qsl(query)
            if val != oq_dict.get(key, ''))
        tracker_url = urllib.parse.urlunsplit(
            (scheme, netloc, path, new_query, frag))

        with self.announcer_lock:
            # It's possible to have the same redirect happen
            if tracker_url in self.announcers and \
                    self.announcers[tracker_url] == self:
            self._redirects += 1
            self.announcers[tracker_url] = self

            self.stream = SharedStream(tracker_url)
            self.basequery = path + '?' + new_query + '&'[:bool(new_query)]
Exemple #2
    def _redirect(self, new_url, old_query):
        """Update announce URL from HTTP redirect"""
        if self._redirects >= self.MAX_REDIRECTS:
            raise IOError(('http error', 500,
                           'Internal Server Error: Redirect Recursion'))
        scheme, netloc, path, query, frag = urllib.parse.urlsplit(new_url)

        # If we got our own query string back, remove it
        oq_dict = urllib.parse.parse_qs(old_query)
        new_query = urllib.parse.urlencode(
            (key, val) for key, val in urllib.parse.parse_qsl(query)
            if val != oq_dict.get(key, ''))
        tracker_url = urllib.parse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path,
                                               new_query, frag))

        with self.announcer_lock:
            # It's possible to have the same redirect happen
            if tracker_url in self.announcers and \
                    self.announcers[tracker_url] == self:
            self._redirects += 1
            self.announcers[tracker_url] = self

            self.stream = SharedStream(tracker_url)
            self.basequery = path + '?' + new_query + '&'[:bool(new_query)]
Exemple #3
    def __new__(cls, tracker_url, port, *args, **kwargs):
        """Return the Announcer associated with the tracker URL, creating a
        new one, if needed.

        Client port is made available to Announcer objects, but is assumed
        not to vary within a program, so calling with the same URL and two
        different ports will return the same object."""

        # Use Announcer() to allow scheme to decide on subclass
        if cls is Announcer:
            scheme = urllib.parse.urlsplit(tracker_url)[0]
            return cls.subclasses[scheme](tracker_url, port, *args, **kwargs)

        with cls.announcer_lock:
            # Assume port will not change within single Python instance
            # If this changes, change key to (tracker_url, port)
            if tracker_url not in cls.announcers:
                announcer = super(Announcer, cls).__new__(cls)
                # Keys allow trackers to recognize clients with IP changes
                announcer.key = random.randint(0,
                                               0xffffffff).to_bytes(4, 'big')
                announcer.stream = SharedStream(tracker_url)
                cls.announcers[tracker_url] = announcer
        return cls.announcers[tracker_url]
Exemple #4
class HTTPAnnouncer(Announcer):
    """Announce peer status over HTTP(S)

    This object maintains tracker-specific client state and handles HTTP
    redirects. New attempts to use the original tracker URL will instead
    use the redirected URL. This permits transparent HTTP->HTTPS upgrades
    without revealing client information more than once, as well as
    reducing the effective latency of announces.

        BEP  3      Original request format for trackers
        BEP  7      IPv6 response entry ``peers6''
        BEP 23      Compact peer lists

    Non-BEP standards
        MSE         Announces supportcrypto, requirecrypto, cryptoport
        no_peer_id  Request tracker to exclude peer IDs from responses

    Additional otherwise undocumented BitTornado extensions implemented:
        seed_id     Dedicated seed IDs may be sent to trackers
    class_lock = threading.Lock()
    trackerid = None
    events = ['empty', 'started', 'completed', 'stopped']
    _redirects = 0

    def __init__(self, tracker_url, port, ip=0, seed_id=None,
                 supportcrypto=True, requirecrypto=False, cryptostealth=False,
                 no_peer_id=True, compact=True):
        """Retrieve the announcer object associated with tracker_url

        On the first call, initializes object according to parameters. On
        later calls, does nothing. Parameters may be set on existing
        objects with set_options().
        with self.class_lock:
            if self.initialized:

            super(HTTPAnnouncer, self).__init__()
            self.redirect_lock = threading.Lock()

            _, _, path, query, _ = urllib.parse.urlsplit(tracker_url)
            # a[:bool(b)] == (a if b else '')
            self.basequery = path + '?' + query + '&'[:bool(query)]
            self.set_options(port, ip, seed_id, supportcrypto, requirecrypto,
                             cryptostealth, no_peer_id, compact)
            self.initialized = True

    def set_options(self, port, ip=0, seed_id=None, supportcrypto=True,
                    requirecrypto=False, cryptostealth=False, no_peer_id=True,
        """Prepare query parameters according to state variables. Crypto
        parameters will be set to the *least secure* logically consistent

        Called during __init__(), so only use this if changing parameters
        DURING program execution."""
        # Enforce logical consistency
        requirecrypto &= supportcrypto
        cryptostealth &= requirecrypto

        # Port is required; IP if specified; seed_id if specified
        self.client = [('ip', str(IPv4(ip)))][:bool(ip)] + \
            [('port', port if not cryptostealth else 0)] + \
            [('seed_id', seed_id)][:bool(seed_id)]
        # Compact precludes peer_id, so don't bother with no_peer_id
        self.peer_options = [('compact', int(compact))] + \
            [('no_peer_id', 1)][:(no_peer_id and not compact)]

        self.crypto_options = [('supportcrypto', int(supportcrypto)),
                               ('requirecrypto', int(requirecrypto))] + \
            [('cryptoport', port)][:cryptostealth]

    def _redirect(self, new_url, old_query):
        """Update announce URL from HTTP redirect"""
        if self._redirects >= self.MAX_REDIRECTS:
            raise IOError(('http error', 500,
                           'Internal Server Error: Redirect Recursion'))
        scheme, netloc, path, query, frag = urllib.parse.urlsplit(new_url)

        # If we got our own query string back, remove it
        oq_dict = urllib.parse.parse_qs(old_query)
        new_query = urllib.parse.urlencode(
            (key, val) for key, val in urllib.parse.parse_qsl(query)
            if val != oq_dict.get(key, ''))
        tracker_url = urllib.parse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path,
                                               new_query, frag))

        with self.announcer_lock:
            # It's possible to have the same redirect happen
            if tracker_url in self.announcers and \
                    self.announcers[tracker_url] == self:
            self._redirects += 1
            self.announcers[tracker_url] = self

            self.stream = SharedStream(tracker_url)
            self.basequery = path + '?' + new_query + '&'[:bool(new_query)]

    def announce(self, infohash, peer_id, event=0, downloaded=0, uploaded=0,
                 left=0, num_want=-1, snoop=False):
        """Send an announce request

            infohash    bytes[20]   SHA1 hash of bencoded Info dictionary
            peer_id     bytes       unique peer ID
            event       int         Code indicating purpose of request
                                        0 (empty/update statistics)
                                        1 (download started)
                                        2 (download completed)
                                        3 (download stoped)
            downloaded  int         number of bytes downloaded
            uploaded    int         number of bytes uploaded
            left        int         number of bytes left to download
            num_want    int         number of peers to request (optional)
            snoop       bool        query tracker without affecting stats

            {'interval':        int,    number of seconds to wait to
             'complete':        int,    number of seeders
             'incomplete':      int,    number of leechers
             'peers': [{'ip':   str,    Peer IPv4 address
                        'port': int}]   Peer port number
             'peers6': [{'ip':  str,    Peer IPv6 address
                         'port':int}]   Peer port number
             'crypto_flags':    bytes,  crypto capabilities of each peer
                                            b'\\x00' Prefers plaintext
                                            b'\\x01' Requires encryption
             'min interval':    int,    strict reannounce interval
             'tracker id':      bytes,  unique tracker ID
             'warning message': str}    message from tracker


            {'failure reason':  str}    error message from tracker

        If called with infohash and peer_id, a 'stopped' event is sent, and
        most trackers will respond with an empty list of peers.
        if snoop:
            options = [('info_hash', infohash), ('peer_id', peer_id),
                       ('event', 'stopped'), ('port', 0), ('compact', True),
                       ('uploaded', 0), ('downloaded', 0), ('left', 1),
                       ('tracker', True), ('numwant', num_want)]
            # a[:bool(b)] == (a if b else '')
            basic = [('info_hash', infohash), ('peer_id', peer_id)] + \
                [('event', self.events[event])][:bool(event)]
            stats = [('uploaded', uploaded), ('downloaded', downloaded),
                     ('left', left)]
            trackercomm = [('key', base64.urlsafe_b64encode(self.key))] + \
                [('trackerid', self.trackerid)][:bool(self.trackerid)] + \
                [('numwant', num_want)][:(num_want >= 0)]
            options = basic + self.client + self.peer_options + stats + \
                self.crypto_options + trackercomm

        # In Python 3.5, we can switch to the urlencode line. In the meantime,
        # keep using RequestURL
        query = str(RequestURL(options))
        # query = urllib.parse.urlencode(options, quote_via=urllib.parse.quote)
        response, raw = self.send_query(query)

        if response.status == 200:
            ret = Response(bdecode(raw))
            if 'trackerid' in ret:
                self.trackerid = ret['trackerid']
            return ret

            return Response(bdecode(raw))
        except ValueError:
            raise IOError(('http error', response.status, response.reason))

    def send_query(self, query):
        """Send query, redirecting as needed"""
        with self.redirect_lock:
            response, raw = self.stream.request(self.basequery + query)
            while response.status in (301, 302):
                self._redirect(raw, query)
                response, raw = self.stream.request(self.basequery + query)

        return response, raw

    def forward_query(self, query, password=None):
        """Send a pre-formed query, optionally appending password

        Do not attempt to check errors or parse a response."""
        if password is not None:
            query += '&password=' + password

        except IOError:
Exemple #5
class HTTPAnnouncer(Announcer):
    """Announce peer status over HTTP(S)

    This object maintains tracker-specific client state and handles HTTP
    redirects. New attempts to use the original tracker URL will instead
    use the redirected URL. This permits transparent HTTP->HTTPS upgrades
    without revealing client information more than once, as well as
    reducing the effective latency of announces.

        BEP  3      Original request format for trackers
        BEP  7      IPv6 response entry ``peers6''
        BEP 23      Compact peer lists

    Non-BEP standards
        MSE         Announces supportcrypto, requirecrypto, cryptoport
        no_peer_id  Request tracker to exclude peer IDs from responses

    Additional otherwise undocumented BitTornado extensions implemented:
        seed_id     Dedicated seed IDs may be sent to trackers
    class_lock = threading.Lock()
    trackerid = None
    events = ['empty', 'started', 'completed', 'stopped']
    _redirects = 0

    def __init__(self,
        """Retrieve the announcer object associated with tracker_url

        On the first call, initializes object according to parameters. On
        later calls, does nothing. Parameters may be set on existing
        objects with set_options().
        with self.class_lock:
            if self.initialized:

            super(HTTPAnnouncer, self).__init__()
            self.redirect_lock = threading.Lock()

            _, _, path, query, _ = urllib.parse.urlsplit(tracker_url)
            # a[:bool(b)] == (a if b else '')
            self.basequery = path + '?' + query + '&'[:bool(query)]
            self.set_options(port, ip, seed_id, supportcrypto, requirecrypto,
                             cryptostealth, no_peer_id, compact)
            self.initialized = True

    def set_options(self,
        """Prepare query parameters according to state variables. Crypto
        parameters will be set to the *least secure* logically consistent

        Called during __init__(), so only use this if changing parameters
        DURING program execution."""
        # Enforce logical consistency
        requirecrypto &= supportcrypto
        cryptostealth &= requirecrypto

        # Port is required; IP if specified; seed_id if specified
        self.client = [('ip', str(IPv4(ip)))][:bool(ip)] + \
            [('port', port if not cryptostealth else 0)] + \
            [('seed_id', seed_id)][:bool(seed_id)]
        # Compact precludes peer_id, so don't bother with no_peer_id
        self.peer_options = [('compact', int(compact))] + \
            [('no_peer_id', 1)][:(no_peer_id and not compact)]

        self.crypto_options = [('supportcrypto', int(supportcrypto)),
                               ('requirecrypto', int(requirecrypto))] + \
            [('cryptoport', port)][:cryptostealth]

    def _redirect(self, new_url, old_query):
        """Update announce URL from HTTP redirect"""
        if self._redirects >= self.MAX_REDIRECTS:
            raise IOError(('http error', 500,
                           'Internal Server Error: Redirect Recursion'))
        scheme, netloc, path, query, frag = urllib.parse.urlsplit(new_url)

        # If we got our own query string back, remove it
        oq_dict = urllib.parse.parse_qs(old_query)
        new_query = urllib.parse.urlencode(
            (key, val) for key, val in urllib.parse.parse_qsl(query)
            if val != oq_dict.get(key, ''))
        tracker_url = urllib.parse.urlunsplit(
            (scheme, netloc, path, new_query, frag))

        with self.announcer_lock:
            # It's possible to have the same redirect happen
            if tracker_url in self.announcers and \
                    self.announcers[tracker_url] == self:
            self._redirects += 1
            self.announcers[tracker_url] = self

            self.stream = SharedStream(tracker_url)
            self.basequery = path + '?' + new_query + '&'[:bool(new_query)]

    def announce(self,
        """Send an announce request

            infohash    bytes[20]   SHA1 hash of bencoded Info dictionary
            peer_id     bytes       unique peer ID
            event       int         Code indicating purpose of request
                                        0 (empty/update statistics)
                                        1 (download started)
                                        2 (download completed)
                                        3 (download stoped)
            downloaded  int         number of bytes downloaded
            uploaded    int         number of bytes uploaded
            left        int         number of bytes left to download
            num_want    int         number of peers to request (optional)
            snoop       bool        query tracker without affecting stats

            {'interval':        int,    number of seconds to wait to
             'complete':        int,    number of seeders
             'incomplete':      int,    number of leechers
             'peers': [{'ip':   str,    Peer IPv4 address
                        'port': int}]   Peer port number
             'peers6': [{'ip':  str,    Peer IPv6 address
                         'port':int}]   Peer port number
             'crypto_flags':    bytes,  crypto capabilities of each peer
                                            b'\\x00' Prefers plaintext
                                            b'\\x01' Requires encryption
             'min interval':    int,    strict reannounce interval
             'tracker id':      bytes,  unique tracker ID
             'warning message': str}    message from tracker


            {'failure reason':  str}    error message from tracker

        If called with infohash and peer_id, a 'stopped' event is sent, and
        most trackers will respond with an empty list of peers.
        if snoop:
            options = [('info_hash', infohash), ('peer_id', peer_id),
                       ('event', 'stopped'), ('port', 0), ('compact', True),
                       ('uploaded', 0), ('downloaded', 0), ('left', 1),
                       ('tracker', True), ('numwant', num_want)]
            # a[:bool(b)] == (a if b else '')
            basic = [('info_hash', infohash), ('peer_id', peer_id)] + \
                [('event', self.events[event])][:bool(event)]
            stats = [('uploaded', uploaded), ('downloaded', downloaded),
                     ('left', left)]
            trackercomm = [('key', base64.urlsafe_b64encode(self.key))] + \
                [('trackerid', self.trackerid)][:bool(self.trackerid)] + \
                [('numwant', num_want)][:(num_want >= 0)]
            options = basic + self.client + self.peer_options + stats + \
                self.crypto_options + trackercomm

        # In Python 3.5, we can switch to the urlencode line. In the meantime,
        # keep using RequestURL
        query = str(RequestURL(options))
        #query = urllib.parse.urlencode(options, quote_via=urllib.parse.quote)
        response, raw = self.send_query(query)

        if response.status == 200:
            ret = Response(bdecode(raw))
            if 'trackerid' in ret:
                self.trackerid = ret['trackerid']
            return ret

            return Response(bdecode(raw))
        except ValueError:
            raise IOError(('http error', response.status, response.reason))

    def send_query(self, query):
        """Send query, redirecting as needed"""
        with self.redirect_lock:
            response, raw = self.stream.request(self.basequery + query)
            while response.status in (301, 302):
                self._redirect(raw, query)
                response, raw = self.stream.request(self.basequery + query)

        return response, raw

    def forward_query(self, query, password=None):
        """Send a pre-formed query, optionally appending password

        Do not attempt to check errors or parse a response."""
        if password is not None:
            query += '&password=' + password

        except IOError: