def is_palindrome_perm_bitvector(phrase: str) -> bool:
    ''' Uses a bitvector to trace the odd or eveness of
    the frequency count for each char '''

    phrase = phrase.replace(' ', '').lower()

    # E.g. using intVal (integer value) of 7 would give 00...111
    bv = BitVector(intVal=0, size=26)

    for char in phrase:
        # Calculate the place in alphabet for the char,
        # and flip/xor 1 the bit at that place
        ordinal = ord(char) - 96 - 1
        bv[ordinal] = bv[ordinal] ^ 1
    ''' Some binary number Fu... if there is only one bit set to 1, then
    the value of that vector when ANDed (&) with that vector minus 1 will be 0. 
    E.g. 01000 - 00001 = 00111;  01000 & 00111 = 00000'''

    # max(..) is needed as the entire vector may be all zeros
    bv_minus_one = BitVector(intVal=max(int(bv) - 1, 0), size=26)
    ''' Or you could just use the built-in count_bits() method, but where's 
    the fun that. Either random selection should always pass the tests here '''
    ''' For readability, define two booleans for random selection '''
    one_or_zero = bv.count_bits() in (0, 1)
    bv_and_minus_one = int(bv & bv_minus_one) == 0

    return random.choice([one_or_zero, bv_and_minus_one])
    def generateNLFSR(self, maxAnds, density):
        self.tau = int(density * self.size)
        tapped = BitVector(intVal=0, size=self.size)

            [term for term in self.fn[self.size - 1] if term[0] > self.tau],
            self.size - 1, self.tau)

        while tapped.count_bits() < self.tau:
            newTaps = self.addNonLinearTerm(maxAnds)
            for tap in newTaps:
                tapped[tap] = 1
Exemple #3
def btSelect():

	SIZE = random.randrange(1000,100000)

	# randomly generate bit-vector with SIZE
	bv = BitVector(intVal=64)
	bv = bv.gen_random_bits(SIZE)
	TARGET_RANK = random.randrange(0,bv.count_bits())

	# class of SelectSupport: make Rs, Rb, Rp tables
	select = SelectSupport(bv, SIZE)

	# print bitvector

	start = time.time()
	SELECT = select.select_rankOf(bv, TARGET_RANK)
	end = time.time()
	timeCost = end - start
	bitSize = sys.getsizeof(SELECT)

	return SIZE, SELECT, timeCost
Exemple #4
class A():
    def __init__(self, s=0, e=0, initial="all"):
        self.e = e
        self.s = s

        if initial.lower() == "all":
            self.vec = BitVector(size=self.s - 1)
        elif initial.lower() == "none":
            self.vec = BitVector(size=self.s - 1)
        elif initial.lower() == "rand":
            self.vec = BitVector(size=self.s - 1)
            # for i in range(0, self.s - 1):
            #     self.vec[i] = random.randint(0, 1)
            raise ValueError(
                f'{initial}.lower() can be one of ["all", "none", "rand"]')
        self.a = [x**self.e for x in range(1, self.s)]
        self.maxval = sum(self.a)
        self.val = self.sum()

    def set_zero(self):
        self.val = 0
        self.bits_set = 0

    def set_one(self):
        self.val = self.sum()
        self.bits_set = self.s - 1

    def set_random(self):
        for i in range(0, self.s - 1):
            self.vec[i] = random.randint(0, 1)
        self.val = self.sum()
        self.bits_set = self.vec.count_bits()

    def sum(self):
        sum_a = 0
        for ix, i in enumerate(self.vec, 1):
            sum_a += (ix * i)**self.e
        return sum_a

    def diff(self):
        return self.s**self.e - self.val

    def __str__(self):
        s = f"{self.s}^{self.e}=>" + "{"
        val_list = list()
        for ix, val in enumerate(self.vec, 1):
            if val:
        s += ",".join(val_list)
        s += "}"
        return s

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

    def __len__(self):
        return self.vec.__len__()

    def __iter__(self):
        return self.vec.__iter__()

    def flip_bit(self, pos):
        if pos < 0:
            raise OverflowError(
                f"trying to change bit {pos} < 0 ({(pos + 1) ** self.e} < {0})"
        elif pos >= self.s - 1:
            raise OverflowError(
                f"trying to change bit {pos} >= {self.s-1} ({(pos + 1) ** self.e} > {self.maxval})"
        if self.vec[pos]:
            self.val -= self.a[pos]
            self.vec[pos] = 0
            self.bits_set -= 1
            return -self.a[pos]
            self.val += self.a[pos]
            self.vec[pos] = 1
            self.bits_set += 1
            return self.a[pos]

        # self.val += -(self.a[pos]) if self.vec[pos] else (pos + 1)**self.e
        # self.vec[pos] = 0 if self.vec[pos] else 1
        # return -(self.a[pos]) if self.vec[pos] else (pos + 1)**self.e

    def flip_all(self):
        for pos in range(self.s - 1):

    def add_one(self):
        for i in range(self.s):
            change = self.flip_bit(i)
            if self.vec[i]:
        return change

    def sub_one(self):
        for i in range(self.s):
            change = self.flip_bit(i)
            if not self.vec[i]:
        return change

    def iter_values(self):
        while True:
            yield self.val

    def riter_values(self):
        while True:
            yield self.val

    def get_change(self, pos):
        change_sign = -1 if self.vec[pos] else 1
        change_value = self.a[pos]
        return change_sign * change_value

    def is_set(self, pos):
        if pos < 0:
            raise OverflowError(
                f"trying to read bit {pos} < 0 ({(pos + 1) ** self.e} < {0})")
        elif pos >= self.s - 1:
            raise OverflowError(
                f"trying to read bit {pos} >= {self.s-1} ({(pos + 1) ** self.e} > {self.maxval})"
        return False if self.vec[pos] else True

    def get_pos_value(self, pos):
        return pos**self.e

    def get_best_bit(self, diff):
        sign = utils.intsign(diff)

        # pos_set represents if a bit is set or unset
        # 0 is we want to find a bit that is 0
        # 1 is we want to find a bit that is 1
        # finding a bit that is 0 corresponds to increasing the signed difference
        # finding a bit that is 1 corresponds to decreasing the signed difference
        pos_set = 0 if sign == 1 else 1

        diff = sign * diff
        a_diffs = map(
            lambda x: (abs(x[1] - diff), x[0]),
            filter(lambda x: self.vec[x[0]] == pos_set, enumerate(self.a)))
        min_diff = min(a_diffs)
        pos = min_diff[1]
        return pos

    # only used with old _get_best_bit
    def _closest_pos_available(self, closest_pos, pos_set):
        if self.vec.count_bits() > self.s // 2 and pos_set:
            # if there are more set bits than unset bits, and we want to change a bit from 1 to 0
            # then we want to travsere to lower values
            # because we want to remain on this side of the diff
            change_direction = -1
        elif self.vec.count_bits() > self.s // 2 and pos_set:
            # if there are more set unset bits than set bits, and we want to change a bit from 0 to 1
            # then we want to travsere to lower values
            # because we want to remain on this side of the diff
            change_direction = -1
            # otherwise we want to traverse to higher bits
            # because we want to change the sign of diff
            change_direction = 1

        if closest_pos >= self.s - 1:
            pos = self.s - 2
        elif closest_pos < 0:
            pos = 0
            pos = closest_pos

        # print("diff", diff)
        # print("sign", sign)
        # print("pos_set", pos_set)
        # print("root", root)
        # print("closest_pos", closest_pos)
        # print("change_direction", change_direction)
        # print("pos", pos)
        # print("self.vec[pos]", self.vec[pos])
        while self.vec[pos] == pos_set:
            # print(f"changing pos from {pos} to {pos + change_direction}")
            pos += change_direction
            if pos >= self.s - 1:
                # print(f"changing pos from {pos} to {0}")
                pos = 0
            if pos < 0:
                # print(f"changing pos from {pos} to {self.s - 2}")
                pos = self.s - 2
        return pos

    # obsolete, but is the new version really better?
    def _get_best_bit(self, diff):
        sign = utils.intsign(diff)

        # pos_set represents if a bit should be set or unset
        # 0 is we want to change a bit to 0
        # 1 is we want to change a bit to 1
        # changing a bit to 0 corresponds to decreasing the signed difference
        # changing a bit to 1 corresponds to increasing the signed difference
        pos_set = 1 if sign == 1 else 0

        # -1 because the value of bit x is (x+1)**e
        root = abs(diff)**(1 / self.e) - 1
        closest_pos = int(root + sign * 0.5)
        return self._closest_pos_available(closest_pos, pos_set)

    def get_most_impactful_bit(self):
        diff = self.diff()
        return self.get_best_bit(diff)