def hits_xy_up(): #hits on up spectrometer detector in xy ypos = 14.2 # cm xybin = 0.1 # cm xysiz = 22 # cm can = ut.box_canvas() hXY = ut.prepare_TH2D("hXY", xybin, -xysiz/2., xysiz/2., xybin, ypos-(xysiz/2.), ypos+(xysiz/2.)) nevt = tree.GetEntries() #nevt = 10000 hits = BoxCalV2Hits("up", tree) for ievt in xrange(nevt): tree.GetEntry(ievt) for ihit in xrange(hits.GetN()): hXY.Fill(hits.GetX(ihit)/10, hits.GetY(ihit)/10) #print hits.GetX(ihit)/10, hits.GetY(ihit)/10 hXY.SetMinimum(0.98) hXY.SetContour(300) hXY.Draw() gPad.SetGrid() gPad.SetLogz() ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def hits_xy_phot(): #hits on photon detector in xy xybin = 0.1 xysiz = 22 can = ut.box_canvas() hXY = ut.prepare_TH2D("hXY", xybin, -xysiz/2., xysiz/2., xybin, -xysiz/2., xysiz/2.) nevt = tree.GetEntries() #nevt = 10000 hits = BoxCalV2Hits("phot", tree) for ievt in xrange(nevt): tree.GetEntry(ievt) for ihit in xrange(hits.GetN()): hXY.Fill(hits.GetX(ihit)/10, hits.GetY(ihit)/10) hXY.SetMinimum(0.98) hXY.SetContour(300) hXY.Draw() gPad.SetGrid() gPad.SetLogz() ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def hits_xy_s1(): #hits on s1 tagger in xy #bin in mm xybin = 3 #tagger location in x and z xpos = 528.56 # mm zpos = -24000 # mm rot_y = -0.018332 # rad, rotation in x-z plane by rotation along y #rot_y = 0 #front area, mm xysiz = 430 #minimal z to select the front face zmin = -5 # mm #minimal energy for the hit emin = 1 # GeV can = ut.box_canvas() hXY = ut.prepare_TH2D("hXY", xybin, -xysiz / 2., xysiz / 2., xybin, -xysiz / 2., xysiz / 2.) #nevt = tree.GetEntries() nevt = 1000000 hits = BoxCalV2Hits("lowQ2s1", tree) for ievt in xrange(nevt): tree.GetEntry(ievt) for ihit in xrange(hits.GetN()): hit = hits.GetHit(ihit) hit.GlobalToLocal(xpos, 0, zpos, rot_y) if hit.z < zmin: continue #if hit.en < emin: continue hXY.Fill(hit.x, hit.y) ut.put_yx_tit(hXY, "#it{x} (mm)", "#it{y} (mm)") ut.set_margin_lbtr(gPad, 0.11, 0.08, 0.01, 0.12) hXY.SetMinimum(0.98) hXY.SetContour(300) hXY.Draw() gPad.SetGrid() gPad.SetLogz() ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def hits_xy_s2(): #hits on s2 tagger in xy #Tagger 2 position xpos = 661.88 # mm zpos = -37000 # mm rot_y = -0.018332 # rad #front area, mm xysiz = 330 #minimal z to select the front face zmin = -5 # mm #bin in mm xybin = 3 can = ut.box_canvas() hXY = ut.prepare_TH2D("hXY", xybin, -xysiz / 2., xysiz / 2., xybin, -xysiz / 2., xysiz / 2.) #nevt = tree.GetEntries() nevt = 100000 hits = BoxCalV2Hits("lowQ2s2", tree) for ievt in xrange(nevt): tree.GetEntry(ievt) for ihit in xrange(hits.GetN()): hit = hits.GetHit(ihit) hit.GlobalToLocal(xpos, 0, zpos, rot_y) if hit.z < zmin: continue #if hit.en < emin: continue hXY.Fill(hit.x, hit.y) hXY.SetMinimum(0.98) hXY.SetContour(300) hXY.Draw() gPad.SetGrid() gPad.SetLogz() ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def hits_en_z_s1(): #energy along the z position of the hit in s1 #tagger location in x and z xpos = 528.56 # mm zpos = -24000 # mm rot_y = -0.018332 # rad, rotation in x-z plane by rotation along y zbin = 0.05 # cm zmax = 2 # cm #zmin = -36 # cm zmin = -2 # cm ebin = 0.1 emin = 0 emax = 20 can = ut.box_canvas() hEnZ = ut.prepare_TH2D("hEnZ", zbin, zmin, zmax, ebin, emin, emax) ut.put_yx_tit(hEnZ, "#it{E} (GeV)", "#it{z} (cm)") nevt = tree.GetEntries() #nevt = 100000 hits = BoxCalV2Hits("lowQ2s1", tree) for ievt in xrange(nevt): tree.GetEntry(ievt) for ihit in xrange(hits.GetN()): hit = hits.GetHit(ihit) hit.GlobalToLocal(xpos, 0, zpos, rot_y) hEnZ.Fill(hit.z / 10, hit.en) # cm hEnZ.SetMinimum(0.98) hEnZ.SetContour(300) hEnZ.Draw() gPad.SetGrid() gPad.SetLogz() ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def phot_hits_xy(): xbin = 1 xmin = -120 xmax = 120 can = ut.box_canvas() hX = ut.prepare_TH2D("hX", xbin, xmin, xmax, xbin, xmin, xmax) from BoxCalV2Hits import BoxCalV2Hits hits = BoxCalV2Hits("phot", tree) nevt = tree.GetEntries() #nevt = 12 for ievt in xrange(nevt): tree.GetEntry(ievt) #if hits.GetN() <= 1: continue #print hits.GetN() for ihit in xrange(hits.GetN()): #if hits.GetPdg(ihit) == 22: continue #if hits.GetPdg(ihit) != 22: continue #if hits.GetEn(ihit) > 0.1: continue if hits.GetEn(ihit) < 0.1: continue hX.Fill(hits.GetX(ihit), hits.GetY(ihit)) #print " ", hits.GetPdg(ihit), hits.GetX(ihit), hits.GetY(ihit), hits.GetZ(ihit), hits.GetEn(ihit) print "Entries:", hX.GetEntries() hX.SetMinimum(0.98) hX.SetContour(300) hX.Draw() gPad.SetLogz() ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def hits_en_z_down(): #energy along the z position of the hit in down spectrometer detector zpos = -36500 # mm zbin = 0.3 # cm zmax = 2 # cm zmin = -36 # cm ebin = 0.3 emin = 0 emax = 20 can = ut.box_canvas() hEnZ = ut.prepare_TH2D("hEnZ", zbin, zmin, zmax, ebin, emin, emax) nevt = tree.GetEntries() #nevt = 10000 hits = BoxCalV2Hits("down", tree) for ievt in xrange(nevt): tree.GetEntry(ievt) for ihit in xrange(hits.GetN()): hEnZ.Fill( (hits.GetZ(ihit)-zpos)/10, hits.GetEn(ihit)) hEnZ.SetMinimum(0.98) hEnZ.SetContour(300) hEnZ.Draw() gPad.SetGrid() gPad.SetLogz() ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def hits_en(): #energy of the hits ebin = 0.1 emin = 0 emax = 20 name = "lowQ2s1" #name = "lowQ2s2" can = ut.box_canvas() hE = ut.prepare_TH1D("hE", ebin, emin, emax) nevt = tree.GetEntries() #nevt = 10000 hits = BoxCalV2Hits(name, tree) for ievt in xrange(nevt): tree.GetEntry(ievt) nhit = hits.GetN() if nhit <= 0: continue en_evt = 0. for ihit in xrange(nhit): en_evt += hits.GetEn(ihit) hE.Fill(en_evt) hE.Draw() gPad.SetGrid() gPad.SetLogy() ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def recchar(): #reconstruction characteristics #tagger configuration #config = "recchar_s1.ini" config = "recchar_s2.ini" cf = read_con(config) #tagger parametrization xpos = cf("xpos") zpos = cf("zpos") rot_y = cf("rot_y") zmin = cf("zmin") can = ut.box_canvas(3 * 768) can.Divide(3, 1) hXY = ut.prepare_TH2D("hXY", cf("xybin"), -cf("xsiz") / 2., cf("xsiz") / 2., cf("xybin"), -cf("ysiz") / 2., cf("ysiz") / 2.) hET = ut.prepare_TH2D("hET", cf("tbin"), cf("tmin"), cf("tmax"), cf("ebin"), cf("emin"), cf("emax")) hQ2 = ut.prepare_TH1D("hQ2", cf("qbin"), cf("qmin"), cf("qmax")) #numerical minima and maxima xlo = 1e9 xhi = -1e9 ylo = 1e9 yhi = -1e9 elo = 1e9 ehi = -1e9 tlo = 1e9 thi = -1e9 qlo = 1e9 qhi = -1e9 nevt = tree.GetEntries() #nevt = 1200 hits = BoxCalV2Hits(cf.str("name"), tree) gROOT.ProcessLine("struct Entry {Double_t v;};") true_el_theta = rt.Entry() true_el_E = rt.Entry() true_Q2 = rt.Entry() tree.SetBranchAddress("true_el_theta", AddressOf(true_el_theta, "v")) tree.SetBranchAddress("true_el_E", AddressOf(true_el_E, "v")) tree.SetBranchAddress("true_Q2", AddressOf(true_Q2, "v")) for ievt in xrange(nevt): tree.GetEntry(ievt) nhsel = 0 for ihit in xrange(hits.GetN()): hit = hits.GetHit(ihit) hit.GlobalToLocal(xpos, 0, zpos, rot_y) if hit.z < zmin: continue nhsel += 1 #just one selected hit if nhsel != 1: continue #hit coordinats on front of the tagger hXY.Fill(hit.x, hit.y) if hit.x < xlo: xlo = hit.x if hit.y < ylo: ylo = hit.y if hit.x > xhi: xhi = hit.x if hit.y > yhi: yhi = hit.y #true electron energy and angle for the hit en = true_el_E.v lt = -TMath.Log10(TMath.Pi() - true_el_theta.v) hET.Fill(lt, en) if en < elo: elo = en if en > ehi: ehi = en if lt < tlo: tlo = lt if lt > thi: thi = lt #event true Q^2 lq = TMath.Log10(true_Q2.v) hQ2.Fill(lq) if lq < qlo: qlo = lq if lq > qhi: qhi = lq print "xlo:", xlo, "xhi:", xhi, "ylo:", ylo, "yhi:", yhi print "elo:", elo, "ehi:", ehi, "tlo:", tlo, "thi:", thi print "qlo:", qlo, "qhi:", qhi ut.put_yx_tit(hXY, "#it{y} (mm)", "#it{x} (mm)") hXY.SetMinimum(0.98) hXY.SetContour(300) ut.put_yx_tit(hET, "#it{E} (GeV)", "-log_{10}(#pi-#theta) (rad)") hET.SetMinimum(0.98) hET.SetContour(300) ut.put_yx_tit(hQ2, "Counts", "log_{10}(#it{Q}^{2}) (GeV^{2})") ut.line_h1(hQ2, rt.kBlue) ut.set_margin_lbtr(gPad, 0.11, 0.08, 0.01, 0.12) hXY.Draw() gPad.SetGrid() gPad.SetLogz() ut.set_margin_lbtr(gPad, 0.11, 0.09, 0.02, 0.12) hET.Draw() gPad.SetGrid() gPad.SetLogz() ut.set_margin_lbtr(gPad, 0.11, 0.09, 0.02, 0.12) hQ2.Draw() gPad.SetGrid() #ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) ut.invert_col_can(can) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def rate_xy_s1(): #event rate on the front of s1 tagger in xy #size of bin (pad) in xy, mm xybin = 1 #tagger location in x and z xpos = 528.56 # mm zpos = -24000 # mm #front area, mm xysiz = 430 #instantaneous luminosity lumi = 1.45e6 # mb^-1 s^-1 #energy acceptance for tagger 1 acc = ["5.9", "12"] # GeV #generator input with total cross section inp_gen = TFile.Open( "/home/jaroslav/sim/lgen/data/lgen_18x275_zeus_0p1GeV_beff2_1Mevt.root" ) tree_gen = inp_gen.Get("ltree") sigma = 276.346654276 # mb, zeus 0.1 GeV #fiducial cross section based on energy acceptance sigma_fid = sigma * float( tree_gen.Draw("", "el_en>" + acc[0] + " && el_en<" + acc[1])) / tree_gen.GetEntries() print "Generator cross section:", sigma, "mb" print "Fiducial cross section:", sigma_fid, "mb" #units to show the rate #rate_units = 1e-6 # MHz rate_units = 1e-3 # kHz #minimal z to select the front face zmin = -10 # mm #minimal energy for the hit emin = 1 # GeV can = ut.box_canvas() hXY = ut.prepare_TH2D("hXY", xybin, -xysiz / 2., xysiz / 2., xybin, -xysiz / 2., xysiz / 2.) hE = ut.prepare_TH1D("hE", 0.1, 0, 20) nevt = tree.GetEntries() #nevt = 10000 #generated electron energy gROOT.ProcessLine("struct Entry {Double_t val;};") el_gen = rt.Entry() tree.SetBranchAddress("el_gen", rt.AddressOf(el_gen, "val")) #events with hit nevt_hit = 0 #event loop hits = BoxCalV2Hits("lowQ2s1", tree) for ievt in xrange(nevt): tree.GetEntry(ievt) if hits.GetN() > 0: nevt_hit += 1 hit_sel = False for ihit in xrange(hits.GetN()): hit = hits.GetHit(ihit) hit.GlobalToLocal(xpos, 0, zpos) if hit.z < zmin: continue if hit.en < emin: continue hit_sel = True hXY.Fill(hit.x, hit.y) if hit_sel: hE.Fill(el_gen.val) #total hits nhit_all = hXY.GetEntries() print "Events with hit:", nevt_hit print "All selected hits:", nhit_all print "Selected hits per event:", nhit_all / nevt #total event rate print "Total event rate:", 1e-6 * sigma_fid * lumi * nhit_all / nevt, "MHz" #get the rate from counts in x and y hXY.Scale(rate_units * sigma_fid * lumi / nevt) ut.put_yx_tit(hXY, "#it{x} (mm)", "#it{y} (mm)") ut.set_margin_lbtr(gPad, 0.11, 0.1, 0.05, 0.2) #hXY.SetMinimum(0.98) hXY.SetContour(300) hXY.Draw() #hE.Draw() gPad.SetGrid() #gPad.SetLogz() #gPad.SetLogy() ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")