def event_insert_item(self, item):
        cursor = self.db.cursor()

        rank = item['rank']
        artist_event = item['artist_event']
        venue = item['venue']

            city_list = BoxString.normalize_city(item['city'])
            city = city_list[0]
            state = city_list[1]

            date_list = item['date']

            gross_sales_list = BoxString.normalize_prices(item['gross_sales'])
            sale = gross_sales_list[0]

            attend_cap = BoxString.normalize_attend_capacity(item['attend_cap'])
            attend = attend_cap[0]
            capacity = attend_cap[1]

            shows_sellout_list = BoxString.normalize_shows_sellout(item['shows_sellout'])
            show = shows_sellout_list[0]
            sellout = shows_sellout_list[1]

            update_date = item["create_date"]

            check_query = """SELECT COUNT(*) """\
                          """FROM boxoffice_app_event """ \
                          """WHERE id = (SELECT """ \
                          """FROM boxoffice_app_event """ \
                          """WHERE artist_event_id=(SELECT id FROM boxoffice_app_artistevent where name = "%s") """ \
                          """AND venue_id=(SELECT id FROM boxoffice_app_venue where name = "%s") """ \
                          """AND city_id=(SELECT id FROM boxoffice_app_city where name = "%s" AND state = "%s") """ \
                          """AND dates = "%s" ) """ \
                          % (artist_event, venue, city, state, date_list)

            for row in cursor:
                if row[0] > 0:
                    print "%s exist in Event" % '%s / %s / %s / %s' % (artist_event, city, venue, date_list)
                    query = """INSERT INTO boxoffice_app_event VALUES (""" \
                            """NULL, """ \
                            """(SELECT id FROM boxoffice_app_artistevent WHERE name = "%s"), """ \
                            """(SELECT id FROM boxoffice_app_city WHERE name = "%s" AND state = "%s"), """ \
                            """(SELECT id FROM boxoffice_app_venue WHERE name = "%s"), "%s", %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, "%s", "%s");""" \
                            % (artist_event, city, state, venue, sale, attend, capacity, show, sellout, rank, date_list, update_date)

        except ValueError as e:
            self.create_error_log('Event', item)
        except Exception as e:
            print 'Error ----------------------%s--------------------------------------------------' % 'Event'
            print e.args
            print item
            self.create_error_log('Event', item)
            raise Exception("Event Insert Error")